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My experience with anet support as they won't help and it's their issue

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This post is about how my main account does not work (not the one posting because I can't log in to my main).


I'm going to start this post (it will be long read it of you want) why I know it's not my computer, network or anything I have control overs fault. One, I can't log in to the arenanet website from any device phone, laptop, desktop nor can I connect on any network I try. Number 2 is I can play on all my alt accounts which I have both on NA and EU servers and they both work fine. My main I am trying to fix happens to be on EU. Number 3 all the friends I have say that when they hover over my name on their friends list it doesn't display the info as if my account has added them back, it is like the account got lost or something lol. Number 4 When I try sending mail from another account to the account it freezes the mail, try it out for yourself the name is "pdemo.8312".


So I'm having a huge issue with my account (my main not the one posting), essentially it just doesn't work and it's 100% the fault of the anet servers and they won't help me and I'll point out why throughout this message. So my account is unable to connect to servers shortly after the last update on Thursday so I give it some time due to the update and they said they had some server issues so on Friday it doesn't work and I decide to fill out a support ticket. So on Saturday I get a response with a message included down below with some thing to do for MY computer even though it has nothing to do with the problem I go with the process of following the instructions as I assume it's just their protocol. I will continue writing under the message anet provided.


"Thanks for contacting Guild Wars 2 Technical Support.


We’d like to gather some more information about the problems you’re experiencing by having you run a program called Game Advisory on your computer. This application provides us with helpful information about your system and Internet connection.


If you’re using a router, hub, or switch, please disconnect it and connect directly to your modem before running this utility. You may have to reboot your modem and/or computer to reestablish your Internet connection. If this isn't possible due to your network setup, please run Game Advisor with the router connected as the information will still be useful.


To run Game Advisor, please perform the following steps:


Download Game Advisor here: http://us.ncsoft.com/gameadvisor

When prompted, save the file to your Windows "Desktop" so you can access it easily. Please save the file before running it (running it from the website can cause file issues).

Double-click on the Game Advisor file and then click on the icon for the game you are having trouble with.

Click "Test Computer and Connection" and wait a few minutes while the test completes.

Once the test completes, a "Test Result" window will come up showing the location of the test result file.


Please attach this file to a reply to this e-mail; do not copy-paste the results! Once we receive the test, we'll have a better idea of how to resolve your issue."


So I complete the steps send in a file and I get a message back with some more steps and the final step is "launch the game and it should work" or something stupid. Then I respond to the message with my opinion down below.


"Okay, I did what the list says and it doesn't work because as I noted previously the problem has nothing to do with my network or computer. How would I be able to connect to my alt accounts and play on them perfectly if this were the case? Also I can't log in on my arenanet account on ANY device or network. Not my PC, Laptop, Or phone.

What I said it the last email:

I believe that the issue I am having has nothing to do with my computer or network due to the fact that all my other accounts work but that's just my opinion. A few weird things worth noting is that when people on my friends list hover over my name on their friends list it's not displaying all of the info like it does when both people have eath other added. Also when another account send mail to "pdemo.8312" the account name it freezes up. I can't log into the arena net website with the account it just keeps on circling and eventually says cannot connect.

There is something wrong with my account on your servers end and that is the problem so I need you to look into that."


After this I receive no response from anet. I follow all their instructions and I still can't play the game or am I any closer to resolving the issue. So fill out another ticket and I get the exact same message to follow the steps even though I explained in the ticket that this is not on my side and have not helped at all.


I don't know if their just sending me automated messages but then they should specify though after 4 days of my account not working due to their error I should be able to talk to a human being.


I know that they probably won't read this post nor will I get much help but I just wanted to let people know of my experience, also here is the build and error code I get when I log in it's just the basic don't call us it's your fault unplug all your stuff and plug it back in.


Build: 84934

Error Code 42:0:9001:4402





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That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.


When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.


It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.


> When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.


> It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.


Exactly that's why I did everything as instructed even though I knew it wouldn't resolve the issue but now I have had no response back in the past 24 hours. Most "big" companies have a phone line and that's where they pass you up the latter as they can't resolve the issue not send you some automated message every 24 hours.

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> @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.

> >

> > When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.

> >

> > It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.


> Exactly that's why I did everything as instructed even though I knew it wouldn't resolve the issue but now I have had no response back in the past 24 hours. Most "big" companies have a phone line and that's where they pass you up the latter as they can't resolve the issue not send you some automated message every 24 hours.


Well it's not that big a company either, but it does get a lot of mails. It's a company with 300 employees and one game. Most smaller MMOs don't have phone lines. Yes, you can go 24 hours without a response. I guarantee you they have levels of customer service here and they don't have a phone line you can call.

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> @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.

> >

> > When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.

> >

> > It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.


> Exactly that's why I did everything as instructed even though I knew it wouldn't resolve the issue but now I have had no response back in the past 24 hours. Most "big" companies have a phone line and that's where they pass you up the latter as they can't resolve the issue not send you some automated message every 24 hours.


Maybe you're the first person that's experienced this issue so they're trying to figure out what caused it and how to fix it.


ANet's not big enough for phone support. Big enough for tiered tech support, though.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.

> > >

> > > When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.

> > >

> > > It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.

> >

> > Exactly that's why I did everything as instructed even though I knew it wouldn't resolve the issue but now I have had no response back in the past 24 hours. Most "big" companies have a phone line and that's where they pass you up the latter as they can't resolve the issue not send you some automated message every 24 hours.


> Maybe you're the first person that's experienced this issue so they're trying to figure out what caused it and how to fix it.


> ANet's not big enough for phone support. Big enough for tiered tech support, though.


I understand that it can be a difficult problem to fix but I try to inform them with as much information as possible. Also I looked over the file I sent from that NCsoft program and it says there's no issues on my side so why would they send me I message after which literally told me to disable programs on windows startup lol.

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> @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.

> > > >

> > > > When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.

> > > >

> > > > It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.

> > >

> > > Exactly that's why I did everything as instructed even though I knew it wouldn't resolve the issue but now I have had no response back in the past 24 hours. Most "big" companies have a phone line and that's where they pass you up the latter as they can't resolve the issue not send you some automated message every 24 hours.

> >

> > Maybe you're the first person that's experienced this issue so they're trying to figure out what caused it and how to fix it.

> >

> > ANet's not big enough for phone support. Big enough for tiered tech support, though.


> I understand that it can be a difficult problem to fix but I try to inform them with as much information as possible. Also I looked over the file I sent from that NCsoft program and it says there's no issues on my side so why would they send me I message after which literally told me to disable programs on windows startup lol.


Because that's one of the steps they have you take. It's one of the basics of any gaming company when the problem may be software related. I got asked the same thing when I was having FPS issues with the game and I hadn't added anything to my computer, yet it was fine until one day it wasn't.

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> @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.

> > > >

> > > > When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.

> > > >

> > > > It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.

> > >

> > > Exactly that's why I did everything as instructed even though I knew it wouldn't resolve the issue but now I have had no response back in the past 24 hours. Most "big" companies have a phone line and that's where they pass you up the latter as they can't resolve the issue not send you some automated message every 24 hours.

> >

> > Maybe you're the first person that's experienced this issue so they're trying to figure out what caused it and how to fix it.

> >

> > ANet's not big enough for phone support. Big enough for tiered tech support, though.


> I understand that it can be a difficult problem to fix but I try to inform them with as much information as possible. Also I looked over the file I sent from that NCsoft program and it says there's no issues on my side so why would they send me I message after which literally told me to disable programs on windows startup lol.


You stated you submitted another ticket. That ticket was given the usual response for that kind of issue. Had you merely updated the original ticket, you may have received a different response. Close the duplicate, and update the original; you can ask to have your ticket escalated. Do be aware, the CS Team allows themselves 72 hours to respond to tickets, and may take even more time for difficult or unusual cases.


You could have also updated your original thread in the Support sub-forum, as well, where those Team Member that can assist you would be more likely to see your post.


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.

> > > > >

> > > > > When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.

> > > > >

> > > > > It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.

> > > >

> > > > Exactly that's why I did everything as instructed even though I knew it wouldn't resolve the issue but now I have had no response back in the past 24 hours. Most "big" companies have a phone line and that's where they pass you up the latter as they can't resolve the issue not send you some automated message every 24 hours.

> > >

> > > Maybe you're the first person that's experienced this issue so they're trying to figure out what caused it and how to fix it.

> > >

> > > ANet's not big enough for phone support. Big enough for tiered tech support, though.

> >

> > I understand that it can be a difficult problem to fix but I try to inform them with as much information as possible. Also I looked over the file I sent from that NCsoft program and it says there's no issues on my side so why would they send me I message after which literally told me to disable programs on windows startup lol.


> You stated you submitted another ticket. That ticket was given the usual response for that kind of issue. Had you merely updated the original ticket, you may have received a different response. Close the duplicate, and update the original; you can ask to have your ticket escalated. Do be aware, the CS Team allows themselves 72 hours to respond to tickets, and may take even more time for difficult or unusual cases.


> You could have also updated your original thread in the Support sub-forum, as well, where those Team Member that can assist you would be more likely to see your post.


> Good luck.


I responded to the original and submitted another ticket

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> @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > > @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > > That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.

> > > > >

> > > > > Exactly that's why I did everything as instructed even though I knew it wouldn't resolve the issue but now I have had no response back in the past 24 hours. Most "big" companies have a phone line and that's where they pass you up the latter as they can't resolve the issue not send you some automated message every 24 hours.

> > > >

> > > > Maybe you're the first person that's experienced this issue so they're trying to figure out what caused it and how to fix it.

> > > >

> > > > ANet's not big enough for phone support. Big enough for tiered tech support, though.

> > >

> > > I understand that it can be a difficult problem to fix but I try to inform them with as much information as possible. Also I looked over the file I sent from that NCsoft program and it says there's no issues on my side so why would they send me I message after which literally told me to disable programs on windows startup lol.

> >

> > You stated you submitted another ticket. That ticket was given the usual response for that kind of issue. Had you merely updated the original ticket, you may have received a different response. Close the duplicate, and update the original; you can ask to have your ticket escalated. Do be aware, the CS Team allows themselves 72 hours to respond to tickets, and may take even more time for difficult or unusual cases.

> >

> > You could have also updated your original thread in the Support sub-forum, as well, where those Team Member that can assist you would be more likely to see your post.

> >

> > Good luck.


> I responded to the original and submitted another ticket


That "another" ticket slowed down the response to your problem. Close the second ticket if ANet hasn't done it already.

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> @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > > @"EU Guy.1803" said:

> > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > > That's pretty frustrating. However, I'm not so sure you understand how customer service works in large companies. Generally,. the first person you'll get will be a lower level customer support rep, who has to forward things up the chain in order to get a response from someone "higher". Now, those people do have to go through all the hoops, because they're expected to weed out whatever they can so that they don't move up the chain. That's standard procedure.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > When that person gets exhausted your ticket is passed to the next level up. There are only so many support people that really "know" the game on an intimate level on the top of the food chain and if it's the kind of problem that isn't common, then it's going to have to get to those people. That you can't play a game for four days doesn't play into it, so much as they have X number of people and Y number of tickets that end up on that top level. The busier those people are, the more time it will take for you to get an answer.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It doesn't sound like Anet won't help you. It sounds like they're in the process of trying to help you and you expect the first guy you talk to to get it. That's just now how it usually goes with tech support. Sucks but there it is.

> > > > >

> > > > > Exactly that's why I did everything as instructed even though I knew it wouldn't resolve the issue but now I have had no response back in the past 24 hours. Most "big" companies have a phone line and that's where they pass you up the latter as they can't resolve the issue not send you some automated message every 24 hours.

> > > >

> > > > Maybe you're the first person that's experienced this issue so they're trying to figure out what caused it and how to fix it.

> > > >

> > > > ANet's not big enough for phone support. Big enough for tiered tech support, though.

> > >

> > > I understand that it can be a difficult problem to fix but I try to inform them with as much information as possible. Also I looked over the file I sent from that NCsoft program and it says there's no issues on my side so why would they send me I message after which literally told me to disable programs on windows startup lol.

> >

> > You stated you submitted another ticket. That ticket was given the usual response for that kind of issue. Had you merely updated the original ticket, you may have received a different response. Close the duplicate, and update the original; you can ask to have your ticket escalated. Do be aware, the CS Team allows themselves 72 hours to respond to tickets, and may take even more time for difficult or unusual cases.

> >

> > You could have also updated your original thread in the Support sub-forum, as well, where those Team Member that can assist you would be more likely to see your post.

> >

> > Good luck.


> I responded to the original and submitted another ticket


And that is why you got the same response as with the first ticket, and that is why new responses are slowed. As above, close the duplicate and _only_ update the original.


Good luck.

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If you submit multiple tickets, it slows them down. They have to read both, and figure out if there's new information in the new ticket, if the two tickets contradict each other (or not), and make sure that they end up assigned to the same team member.


I'm really sorry you're unable to play your account and worse, that the first person who answered seemed to miss some of the information you provided that would have sped up troubleshooting.


Most of the time, Support is pretty good at resolving tech issues. Every so often, they have trouble, especially when there's a new type of issue or when they have trouble communicating with the player. If you feel that happens, you can ask (by responding to the email you get) if it's possible to work with someone else.


Good luck and please keep letting us know your progress. There's a chance that the info you provide can help someone else later.

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For what it's worth:

* I can confirm that emails to `pdemo.8312`cannot be sent. The send button gets pressed, but the email doesn't queue and there's no confirmation.

* Further, if I try to add that account to my friends list, it doesn't appear. However, I cannot "re-add" it. The same thing happens if I try to block it.


Also for what it's worth:

This seems similar to the Guild bug that some are experiencing: folks can't trigger g-mish, in some cases they can't use g-chat, or g-resources. Their guild hall doesn't auto-expand to allow for more people.


This might be something leftover from when the servers were interrupted the other day.

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Strange. maybe the update had a change in it that helped ease the server traffic but messed with the ability to use EU and NA on a single client. Im thinking they might of Severed something to help with congestion. Have you tried downloading the gw2 on a different computer and only logging into your main account? Perhaps try going to a different IP and Logging on to a fresh client dont use any of your other accounts. NEW IP + NEW Client+ Different PC....


The other thing I can think of is that you had the unfortunate bad luck of getting an IP that was previously banned when your IP refreshed if u have a dynamic IP. All the devices you listed..... Was it all using the same IP?


Also, part of the firewall or banning process Anet uses might of flagged your IP because of a proxy service you might be using.


I am just guessing in the hopes you are able to find a solution while you wait.


Here is a topic discussion on NCSOFT policy of Proxys.



"Because of the security concerns these services pose we may not accept proxy IP’s as authorized IP’s when connecting to NCSOFT account management."

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Have you had your account name changed? I know that people that were able to actually get it changed experienced similar problems, ie unable to send/receive in game mail, people can't add/block them or whisper.


Not sure if that is the issue, but it's one of the reasons they don't like to change account names (bob.1234)

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> Strange. maybe the update had a change in it that helped ease the server traffic but messed with the ability to use EU and NA on a single client. Im thinking they might of Severed something to help with congestion. Have you tried downloading the gw2 on a different computer and only logging into your main account? Perhaps try going to a different IP and Logging on to a fresh client dont use any of your other accounts. NEW IP + NEW Client+ Different PC....


> The other thing I can think of is that you had the unfortunate bad luck of getting an IP that was previously banned when your IP refreshed if u have a dynamic IP. All the devices you listed..... Was it all using the same IP?


> Also, part of the firewall or banning process Anet uses might of flagged your IP because of a proxy service you might be using.


> I am just guessing in the hopes you are able to find a solution while you wait.


> Here is a topic discussion on NCSOFT policy of Proxys.




> "Because of the security concerns these services pose we may not accept proxy IP’s as authorized IP’s when connecting to NCSOFT account management."


my phone is on a cellular network and why I don't think it's a problem with the client is it doesn't allow me to sign in on the arena net website.

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> @"Nevaahe.6308" said:

> Have you had your account name changed? I know that people that were able to actually get it changed experienced similar problems, ie unable to send/receive in game mail, people can't add/block them or whisper.


> Not sure if that is the issue, but it's one of the reasons they don't like to change account names (bob.1234)


No I have not

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Ok, as stated by others before.

Two things are important when owning a ticket.

1: stick to one ticket for an issue. Creating mutliple tickets will end up with a mess at the other end and delaying responses

2: Stick with that ticket to the end. You (almost) always have options to continue. To clearify.

a: if a ticket takes to long to be resolved, you can complain and ask it to be reviewed to a supervisor. (a supervisor is not the person who can help you further. He can only check if the person helping you is doing a good job, but on a technical level they often score below the person handling the ticket themself)

b: if a ticket is closed without a solution, you can complain and ask it to be reviewed to a supervisor.

c: if you have passed the dummy-tests your ticket will be elevated to a more technical person. It might sound crazy, but you don't wanna know how often the dummy questions (like, did you reboot your game) actually are giving the solution. So you have to do what support asks from the start.


Looking further into your story and also on other sources. You seem to be having an issue with the connection to the login server. That is where the account data is stored. The error code is most commonly something that goes wrong with the connection. They recently relocate the servers. This means that there are a lot of reasons why it can be on your end. So passing the dummy-tests might still actually help. But it is also the only way to get a ticket being handled by someone with more technical skills.


I recommend closing all but the first ticket. Then ask on the first ticket for a follow up as the issue isn't resolved yet. I'm sure that is THE way to get it resolved

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