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Why is mirage suddenly op?


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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > Remember when 5-8 stacks on confusion was a lot in vanilla?

> > > >

> > > > Well, Mirage can apply anywhere from 15 to 29, in 1 second.

> > >

> > > Remember when they reworked confusion and conditions as a whole multiple times?

> > >

> > > Well they did. Shocker, I know, but the game is different than it was 5 years ago.

> >

> > I forgot to mention their condi application has zero telegraphs. If you are near the mesmer, expect high confusion and torment stacks.


> Yeah, aside from the shiny dodge, the big leap animation, the clones running towards you...


> Honestly this is just a classic case of bad people being bad and thinking mesmer is op when really it's just disproportionately strong against bad players. Nothing new, it's been this way since launch and is why mesmer has only remained in the meta if Anet screws up and can't figure out how to nerf it effectively (i.e. bunker meta).


I mean, you really think mesmer is balanced right now so why bother having a conversation? Totally not biased.


Enjoy it while it lasts friend.

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To be honest, confusion is up to par for once & people builds are very glassy. Especially with out any cleans. That will all change soon as players switch there builds to conform more condi cleans & sacrifice damage output for it. No mirage changes needed. You all need to build around it. Cuz anyway all classes dish out as much stacks of long duration condis to complain about. Even if you stop complaining about the mirage you'l still complain about scourge & other classes that dish out as much condi damage as mirage. Build Around it!

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> @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

> Mirage was always strong, but everyone complained about Spellbreaker and Scourge because they were the obvious cases. Mesmer has always been OP in PvP, whereas prior to POF both Warrior and Necromancer were not in a good place, so this probably also contributed to the core of complaints against Scourge and Spellbreaker. Scourge was toned down and Spellbreaker was (arguably) overnerfed, so now you have Mirage left unchecked.


Besides spellbreaker being overnerfed, I totally agree with this. Mesmer in general is OP, especially with, now, instant 13+ stacks of confusion put on you with no leeway whatsoever. If you cleanse it, they can just put it right back on you. You almost literally can't attack them or you kill yourself. If you don't attack them, you apply no pressure, so you get pummeled by their skills or condi bombs. Confusion needs uptime decreased for some kind of balance to come into play. But mesmer is so stupid strong right now it's insane.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > Mirage dominates in wvw also, as a thief player a Mesmer can hit for 24k and take virtually no damage. if I do happen to get a backstab off, they just heal to full, go invuln, and enjoy 30 seconds of 5k hits for shatter Mesmer, 24k for sword. even Mesmer players are saying it needs a nerf


> 24k sword. Seems legit. No exaggeration here, no siree. 100% accurate, factual, and unambiguous reality right here.


Apparently you have not seen thieves get smashed by mesmers. 1 hit every time. Do you even play wvw, or are you just protecting that over powered toon because its not build carry but your true skill? No matter what the reason, if you are not hiding in a zerg then you'd be aware of the burst that Mesmer can do 2 times and at any moment during an insanely long invis period, the full burst is enough to 1 hit a warrior I am sure, strait through the auto defy pain. And any condi Mesmer is just insane, toughness, resistance, cleanse, invuln, invis, and many many clones to eventually wear down even the tankiest of thief builds. I don't really know how the clone mes fairs against warrior, the weaver's insane burst made me park my warrior and play thief only, if I cant win I will run away and simply tap keeps. Chatting with Mesmer duelers on bg, they are saying it is too op. But really, all pof specs are half again as stong as the majority of pre pof specs. Hopefully the new will wear off enough so that Anet can return all specs to semi equal settings. For now, I will avoid all mesmers no matter the rank, I don't expect to win against them anyway. The things we realize in reality land.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > Mirage dominates in wvw also, as a thief player a Mesmer can hit for 24k and take virtually no damage. if I do happen to get a backstab off, they just heal to full, go invuln, and enjoy 30 seconds of 5k hits for shatter Mesmer, 24k for sword. even Mesmer players are saying it needs a nerf


> you cant just spamm interrupts against mirage, but unless you fail (no worries i do that myself from time to time) , you should allways kill the mirage in 1 on 1 as thief in WvW. power mirage can indeed oneshot you with a shatter, but depending on build you can oneshot them with backstab - gl to the mesmer to avoid that - avoiding the shatter is easier. if they are condi, they are basically free kill for you if you run shadow arts - this is build wars, at least as thief you can counter anything.


> like 4 years ago i roamed exclusively on double sword + GS or staff mesmer for a while and i didnt like the torch.. so with now more mobility and target break skills i fellt like i can again play a mesmer with double swords and its was fun but when i had to fight too many 1 vs 3+ i saw myself switching back to my thief.

> dont know about condi mirage but i dont think they can better handle multiple opponents and that is what actually matters in roaming in WvW - for group play id say there are equal or better options out there.


> so no mirage is not too op in WvW, but people in WvW cry about everything. scoruge is also not OP and deadeye also , but people cry about it. the only thing that i feel need tuning is enchantment collapse getting at least 1sec ICD. aside from that its all fine. but WvW players dont like changes - see DBL, so they want anet to 'fix' everything instead of adapting.



OMG, another Mesmer player defending his "skill."

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> Honestly this is just a classic case of bad people being bad and thinking mesmer is op when really it's just disproportionately strong against bad players. Nothing new, it's been this way since launch and is why mesmer has only remained in the meta if Anet screws up and can't figure out how to nerf it effectively (i.e. bunker meta).

Not to mention they dont even know what they are fighting.


Yesterday after a random kill in WvW I had them whisper me that meta mirage is so OP I have *all* the stealth and *all* the target breaks every 5s or less. I run scepter/sword/gs marauder/cavalier dueling/inspiration/mirage build with only the traited decoy (40s cd on 3s stealth) and ambush (target break every 20s).


But nope, I was a 1htko meta mesmer with infinite stealth and target breaks up the kitten.


His main complaint in the end of several whispers was that I was able to run away from a 1v3, thats too strong.


I think it was a druid that went down 2 times in a 1v2 (hard to stomp when the other was a dh) until the third joined and I had to withdraw. Mirage make traited mesmer reflect super op yo.

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> @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > Mirage dominates in wvw also, as a thief player a Mesmer can hit for 24k and take virtually no damage. if I do happen to get a backstab off, they just heal to full, go invuln, and enjoy 30 seconds of 5k hits for shatter Mesmer, 24k for sword. even Mesmer players are saying it needs a nerf

> >

> > 24k sword. Seems legit. No exaggeration here, no siree. 100% accurate, factual, and unambiguous reality right here.


> Apparently you have not seen thieves get smashed by mesmers. 1 hit every time. Do you even play wvw, or are you just protecting that over powered toon because its not build carry but your true skill? No matter what the reason, if you are not hiding in a zerg then you'd be aware of the burst that Mesmer can do 2 times and at any moment during an insanely long invis period, the full burst is enough to 1 hit a warrior I am sure, strait through the auto defy pain. And any condi Mesmer is just insane, toughness, resistance, cleanse, invuln, invis, and many many clones to eventually wear down even the tankiest of thief builds. I don't really know how the clone mes fairs against warrior, the weaver's insane burst made me park my warrior and play thief only, if I cant win I will run away and simply tap keeps. Chatting with Mesmer duelers on bg, they are saying it is too op. But really, all pof specs are half again as stong as the majority of pre pof specs. Hopefully the new will wear off enough so that Anet can return all specs to semi equal settings. For now, I will avoid all mesmers no matter the rank, I don't expect to win against them anyway. The things we realize in reality land.


I'm just quoting this for posterity. Don't mind me.

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> @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> Apparently you have not seen thieves get smashed by mesmers. 1 hit every time. Do you even play wvw, or are you just protecting that over powered toon because its not build carry but your true skill? No matter what the reason, if you are not hiding in a zerg then you'd be aware of the burst that Mesmer can do 2 times and at any moment during an insanely long invis period, the full burst is enough to 1 hit a warrior I am sure, strait through the auto defy pain. And any condi Mesmer is just insane, toughness, resistance, cleanse, invuln, invis, and many many clones to eventually wear down even the tankiest of thief builds. I don't really know how the clone mes fairs against warrior, the weaver's insane burst made me park my warrior and play thief only, if I cant win I will run away and simply tap keeps. Chatting with Mesmer duelers on bg, they are saying it is too op. But really, all pof specs are half again as stong as the majority of pre pof specs. Hopefully the new will wear off enough so that Anet can return all specs to semi equal settings. For now, I will avoid all mesmers no matter the rank, I don't expect to win against them anyway. The things we realize in reality land.


This is pure gold.


Thanks, you made my morning so much more enjoyable. I mean, I heavily doubt you actually play any sort of PvP (because your statements are so far in the hyperbole they defy a basic understanding of the game mode), but they're sure funny to read. Some sort of 0P or AVGN influence in there, I guess.

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> @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > Mirage dominates in wvw also, as a thief player a Mesmer can hit for 24k and take virtually no damage. if I do happen to get a backstab off, they just heal to full, go invuln, and enjoy 30 seconds of 5k hits for shatter Mesmer, 24k for sword. even Mesmer players are saying it needs a nerf

> >

> > you cant just spamm interrupts against mirage, but unless you fail (no worries i do that myself from time to time) , you should allways kill the mirage in 1 on 1 as thief in WvW. power mirage can indeed oneshot you with a shatter, but depending on build you can oneshot them with backstab - gl to the mesmer to avoid that - avoiding the shatter is easier. if they are condi, they are basically free kill for you if you run shadow arts - this is build wars, at least as thief you can counter anything.

> >

> > like 4 years ago i roamed exclusively on double sword + GS or staff mesmer for a while and i didnt like the torch.. so with now more mobility and target break skills i fellt like i can again play a mesmer with double swords and its was fun but when i had to fight too many 1 vs 3+ i saw myself switching back to my thief.

> > dont know about condi mirage but i dont think they can better handle multiple opponents and that is what actually matters in roaming in WvW - for group play id say there are equal or better options out there.

> >

> > so no mirage is not too op in WvW, but people in WvW cry about everything. scoruge is also not OP and deadeye also , but people cry about it. the only thing that i feel need tuning is enchantment collapse getting at least 1sec ICD. aside from that its all fine. but WvW players dont like changes - see DBL, so they want anet to 'fix' everything instead of adapting.

> >


> OMG, another Mesmer player defending his "skill."


actualy i play 95% thief last 2 years, but nice try. cause we thieves are alot stronger in WvW for solo roaming. oh and i expect that there is a way i can kill any mesmer.

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you pvpers, when yall complain and get something nerfed, something else takes the nerfed spot and becomes op. then yall complain about that, and so on and so on. to eventually all classes become unplayable and yall will complain about that. its a neverending cycle. when are yall going to see that. there will never ever be "balance". something is always better. it will always be that way. so please play the class you want to play and have fun with it. if you get beat so be it. if you dont, all the better. thats just the way it is . so please stop with the complaining and the nerf this and nerf that. yall are ruining the classes and the fun for everyone else.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > > Mirage dominates in wvw also, as a thief player a Mesmer can hit for 24k and take virtually no damage. if I do happen to get a backstab off, they just heal to full, go invuln, and enjoy 30 seconds of 5k hits for shatter Mesmer, 24k for sword. even Mesmer players are saying it needs a nerf

> > >

> > > you cant just spamm interrupts against mirage, but unless you fail (no worries i do that myself from time to time) , you should allways kill the mirage in 1 on 1 as thief in WvW. power mirage can indeed oneshot you with a shatter, but depending on build you can oneshot them with backstab - gl to the mesmer to avoid that - avoiding the shatter is easier. if they are condi, they are basically free kill for you if you run shadow arts - this is build wars, at least as thief you can counter anything.

> > >

> > > like 4 years ago i roamed exclusively on double sword + GS or staff mesmer for a while and i didnt like the torch.. so with now more mobility and target break skills i fellt like i can again play a mesmer with double swords and its was fun but when i had to fight too many 1 vs 3+ i saw myself switching back to my thief.

> > > dont know about condi mirage but i dont think they can better handle multiple opponents and that is what actually matters in roaming in WvW - for group play id say there are equal or better options out there.

> > >

> > > so no mirage is not too op in WvW, but people in WvW cry about everything. scoruge is also not OP and deadeye also , but people cry about it. the only thing that i feel need tuning is enchantment collapse getting at least 1sec ICD. aside from that its all fine. but WvW players dont like changes - see DBL, so they want anet to 'fix' everything instead of adapting.

> > >

> >

> > OMG, another Mesmer player defending his "skill."


> actualy i play 95% thief last 2 years, but nice try. cause we thieves are alot stronger in WvW for solo roaming. oh and i expect that there is a way i can kill any mesmer.

You should be able to kill 95% of them on a 95% thief.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > > > Mirage dominates in wvw also, as a thief player a Mesmer can hit for 24k and take virtually no damage. if I do happen to get a backstab off, they just heal to full, go invuln, and enjoy 30 seconds of 5k hits for shatter Mesmer, 24k for sword. even Mesmer players are saying it needs a nerf

> > > >

> > > > you cant just spamm interrupts against mirage, but unless you fail (no worries i do that myself from time to time) , you should allways kill the mirage in 1 on 1 as thief in WvW. power mirage can indeed oneshot you with a shatter, but depending on build you can oneshot them with backstab - gl to the mesmer to avoid that - avoiding the shatter is easier. if they are condi, they are basically free kill for you if you run shadow arts - this is build wars, at least as thief you can counter anything.

> > > >

> > > > like 4 years ago i roamed exclusively on double sword + GS or staff mesmer for a while and i didnt like the torch.. so with now more mobility and target break skills i fellt like i can again play a mesmer with double swords and its was fun but when i had to fight too many 1 vs 3+ i saw myself switching back to my thief.

> > > > dont know about condi mirage but i dont think they can better handle multiple opponents and that is what actually matters in roaming in WvW - for group play id say there are equal or better options out there.

> > > >

> > > > so no mirage is not too op in WvW, but people in WvW cry about everything. scoruge is also not OP and deadeye also , but people cry about it. the only thing that i feel need tuning is enchantment collapse getting at least 1sec ICD. aside from that its all fine. but WvW players dont like changes - see DBL, so they want anet to 'fix' everything instead of adapting.

> > > >

> > >

> > > OMG, another Mesmer player defending his "skill."

> >

> > actualy i play 95% thief last 2 years, but nice try. cause we thieves are alot stronger in WvW for solo roaming. oh and i expect that there is a way i can kill any mesmer.

> You should be able to kill 95% of them on a 95% thief.



no the 95% was an estimation on the time spent playing gw2, wich i spent on thief. i am sorry i only had english lessons in school a few years and my grades were below average.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > > > > Mirage dominates in wvw also, as a thief player a Mesmer can hit for 24k and take virtually no damage. if I do happen to get a backstab off, they just heal to full, go invuln, and enjoy 30 seconds of 5k hits for shatter Mesmer, 24k for sword. even Mesmer players are saying it needs a nerf

> > > > >

> > > > > you cant just spamm interrupts against mirage, but unless you fail (no worries i do that myself from time to time) , you should allways kill the mirage in 1 on 1 as thief in WvW. power mirage can indeed oneshot you with a shatter, but depending on build you can oneshot them with backstab - gl to the mesmer to avoid that - avoiding the shatter is easier. if they are condi, they are basically free kill for you if you run shadow arts - this is build wars, at least as thief you can counter anything.

> > > > >

> > > > > like 4 years ago i roamed exclusively on double sword + GS or staff mesmer for a while and i didnt like the torch.. so with now more mobility and target break skills i fellt like i can again play a mesmer with double swords and its was fun but when i had to fight too many 1 vs 3+ i saw myself switching back to my thief.

> > > > > dont know about condi mirage but i dont think they can better handle multiple opponents and that is what actually matters in roaming in WvW - for group play id say there are equal or better options out there.

> > > > >

> > > > > so no mirage is not too op in WvW, but people in WvW cry about everything. scoruge is also not OP and deadeye also , but people cry about it. the only thing that i feel need tuning is enchantment collapse getting at least 1sec ICD. aside from that its all fine. but WvW players dont like changes - see DBL, so they want anet to 'fix' everything instead of adapting.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > OMG, another Mesmer player defending his "skill."

> > >

> > > actualy i play 95% thief last 2 years, but nice try. cause we thieves are alot stronger in WvW for solo roaming. oh and i expect that there is a way i can kill any mesmer.

> > You should be able to kill 95% of them on a 95% thief.

> >


> no the 95% was an estimation on the time spent playing gw2, wich i spent on thief. i am sorry i only had english lessons in school a few years and my grades were below average.

95% of average is good enough, dont worry about it.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > > > > > > Mirage dominates in wvw also, as a thief player a Mesmer can hit for 24k and take virtually no damage. if I do happen to get a backstab off, they just heal to full, go invuln, and enjoy 30 seconds of 5k hits for shatter Mesmer, 24k for sword. even Mesmer players are saying it needs a nerf

> > > > > >

> > > > > > you cant just spamm interrupts against mirage, but unless you fail (no worries i do that myself from time to time) , you should allways kill the mirage in 1 on 1 as thief in WvW. power mirage can indeed oneshot you with a shatter, but depending on build you can oneshot them with backstab - gl to the mesmer to avoid that - avoiding the shatter is easier. if they are condi, they are basically free kill for you if you run shadow arts - this is build wars, at least as thief you can counter anything.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > like 4 years ago i roamed exclusively on double sword + GS or staff mesmer for a while and i didnt like the torch.. so with now more mobility and target break skills i fellt like i can again play a mesmer with double swords and its was fun but when i had to fight too many 1 vs 3+ i saw myself switching back to my thief.

> > > > > > dont know about condi mirage but i dont think they can better handle multiple opponents and that is what actually matters in roaming in WvW - for group play id say there are equal or better options out there.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > so no mirage is not too op in WvW, but people in WvW cry about everything. scoruge is also not OP and deadeye also , but people cry about it. the only thing that i feel need tuning is enchantment collapse getting at least 1sec ICD. aside from that its all fine. but WvW players dont like changes - see DBL, so they want anet to 'fix' everything instead of adapting.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > OMG, another Mesmer player defending his "skill."

> > > >

> > > > actualy i play 95% thief last 2 years, but nice try. cause we thieves are alot stronger in WvW for solo roaming. oh and i expect that there is a way i can kill any mesmer.

> > > You should be able to kill 95% of them on a 95% thief.

> > >

> >

> > no the 95% was an estimation on the time spent playing gw2, wich i spent on thief. i am sorry i only had english lessons in school a few years and my grades were below average.

> 95% of average is good enough, dont worry about it.


what is your issue with me trying to state the amount i play thief compared to other classes in a number ? would tell you the exact time in hours i spent on thieves compared to all the time i spent if you need it accurate, but i only have 5 thieves left and i have no clue how much i played on the deleted ones. and that is not really the point of my post. he is a thief complaining that most mesmer will kill him , i am also mainly on thief and have no issues with mesmers so i said they were 'ok' atm. and he then accused me of being a mesmer trying to defend the class to pretend i got skill. i was just trying to tell him that while i have tested some builds on mesmer, i still mainly play thief and dont have his issues.

but go on with your stupid offtopic postings.


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It's fine. I am just a random noob making an observation. POF specs are almost all way more op than their pre pof counterparts. Anet's promise to simply give more options seems misleading, the only option I see is to play pof specs or be at a disadvantage. As for the haters that love attacking my comments, credentials are meaningless, the proof is in the gameplay. For the mirage/weavers out there, when I'm hit with that insane burst I simply take a snap shot of the damage, with my toons attributes exposed, and send it to anet for their observation. They know that I know that they know that I know, you know?

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In other words, its one thing to be dueling in one spot, or in a carry group, unable to take it to the other servers side alone. But another all together to roam, corner, sample, and find what is generally considered to be most op for even the average newby. Maybe I should just be happy with the amount of button smashers out there, avoid mirage and certain weavers while leaving Anet to their promises. May the new players with the right spec, build, and armor feel great as they jump on experienced players that do not resonate with the oppest (newest) specs.

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First off to everyone flaming at the Mesmer players defending their

class, you do realize you’re posting in/on the Mesmer sub forum right?!


Now unlike most people I actually took the time to mess around with

the mirage spec on Mesmer to see what makes it tick. In all honesty

the only aspect of mirage that is very over powered is the grand

master trait the gives them a stun break and Condi cleanse on dodge/

mirage clock. Ironically enough, if you look on the Mesmer sub forum

you’ll notice that most Mesmer mains agree with this.


The claims of mirage reaching 30+ stacks of confusion on someone can

and will ONLY happen for ONE reason, they’re NOT using any CLEANSE in

their build. Refusing to change up your build and to adapt to the

changing meta is not a reason to cry that a class is over powered.


Mirage has one of the highest skills caps for an elite spec. This is

mostly because of the way mirage clock works. It’s an extremely high

risk high reward spec, though the ambushes could still use some tuning

to make them more worth it. Knowing when and how to manipulate this

into your build and play style is key to not dying. Because of this I

don’t expect most of the people that swapped to mirage because it’s

being called “OP” to continue playing the spec much longer.


For the most part it is pretty easy to notice a Mesmer's major damaging/

condi applying attacks. If you don’t notice an extremely bright pink

beam hitting you or 3 clones chasing you that’s on you. This is not

poor telegraphing.


Last, I can’t help but find the irony in some of these post funny.

People that play Warrior, Thief, Necro, Range complaining about Mesmer

being over powered?! Let’s take a step back here. Warrior and Ranger

have the ability to run builds that give them insane up time on

invariability, not to mention their high mobility. Thieff has the

opportunity to run a never ending evade build as well as the

ability to run several prema stealth specs. The way malice works is very over powered.

A deadeye simply marks their target and malice will start stacking, no other action is needed expect for being with in "range" (1,500m) of your target. That's crazy. let’s not

forget that they can one shot people too! Necro has high condi

application and a high amount of (different ) condi they can apply to someone, and lets not forget the the aoe condi



In all honesty Mirage is one of the more balanced elit specs. This is

not saying it’s not over powered, it’s just feels like it’s in a good

place when compared to others . If the mirage mirror gimmick was actually good then I could

easily see mirage being very overpowered. This "mirage is op" hate train just seems like A LOT of salt because it did not get nerfed. The idea of the past balance patch and the ones to come from what I can gather is to give players more time to cleanse conditions. So as stated before if you chose to not use a condi cleanse that is on you.


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Mirage is a Mesmer spec/build, so we are in the right place. As for the surety of being able to notice the attacks, I disagree. I am a sound and visual player, meaning I watch and listen for changes in my immediate vicinity, and dodge/attack accordingly. In WVW, my experience is, mirage has one of the fastest and most accurate auto tracking abilities out there, it matches the ranger ability to track and shoot invisible players, except the attack is faster. I genuinely love this sentence you wrote "In all honesty Mirage is one of the more balanced elit specs. This is not saying it’s not over powered, it’s just feels like it’s in a good place when compared to others." My take away is, you believe it is overpowered and do not want that changed. It is fine, I will avoid them and receive their whispers of discontent that I will not stay close enough for them to kill me. I am a nop, after all.

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> @"Jojo.6590" said:

> First off to everyone flaming at the Mesmer players defending their

> class, you do realize you’re posting in/on the Mesmer sub forum right?!


> Now unlike most people I actually took the time to mess around with

> the mirage spec on Mesmer to see what makes it tick. In all honesty

> the only aspect of mirage that is very over powered is the grand

> master trait the gives them a stun break and Condi cleanse on dodge/

> mirage clock. Ironically enough, if you look on the Mesmer sub forum

> you’ll notice that most Mesmer mains agree with this.


> The claims of mirage reaching 30+ stacks of confusion on someone can

> and will ONLY happen for ONE reason, they’re NOT using any CLEANSE in

> their build. Refusing to change up your build and to adapt to the

> changing meta is not a reason to cry that a class is over powered.


> Mirage has one of the highest skills caps for an elite spec. This is

> mostly because of the way mirage clock works. It’s an extremely high

> risk high reward spec, though the ambushes could still use some tuning

> to make them more worth it. Knowing when and how to manipulate this

> into your build and play style is key to not dying. Because of this I

> don’t expect most of the people that swapped to mirage because it’s

> being called “OP” to continue playing the spec much longer.


> For the most part it is pretty easy to notice a Mesmer's major damaging/

> condi applying attacks. If you don’t notice an extremely bright pink

> beam hitting you or 3 clones chasing you that’s on you. This is not

> poor telegraphing.


> Last, I can’t help but find the irony in some of these post funny.

> People that play Warrior, Thief, Necro, Range complaining about Mesmer

> being over powered?! Let’s take a step back here. Warrior and Ranger

> have the ability to run builds that give them insane up time on

> invariability, not to mention their high mobility. Thieff has the

> opportunity to run a never ending evade build as well as the

> ability to run several prema stealth specs. The way malice works is very over powered.

> A deadeye simply marks their target and malice will start stacking, no other action is needed expect for being with in "range" (1,500m) of your target. That's crazy. let’s not

> forget that they can one shot people too! Necro has high condi

> application and a high amount of (different ) condi they can apply to someone, and lets not forget the the aoe condi

> application.


> In all honesty Mirage is one of the more balanced elit specs. This is

> not saying it’s not over powered, it’s just feels like it’s in a good

> place when compared to others . If the mirage mirror gimmick was actually good then I could

> easily see mirage being very overpowered. This "mirage is op" hate train just seems like A LOT of salt because it did not get nerfed. The idea of the past balance patch and the ones to come from what I can gather is to give players more time to cleanse conditions. So as stated before if you chose to not use a condi cleanse that is on you.



Well said.

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Mirage is a Mesmer spec/build, so we are in the right place. As for the surety of being able to notice the attacks, I disagree. I am a sound and visual player, meaning I watch and listen for changes in my immediate vicinity, and dodge/attack accordingly. In WVW, my experience is, mirage has one of the fastest and most accurate auto tracking abilities out there, it matches the ranger ability to track and shoot invisible players, except the attack is faster. I genuinely love this sentence you wrote "In all honesty Mirage is one of the more balanced elit specs. This is not saying it’s not over powered, it’s just feels like it’s in a good place when compared to others." My take away is, you believe it is overpowered and do not want that changed. It is fine, I will avoid them and receive their whispers of discontent that I will not stay close enough for them to kill me. I am a nop, after all.

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