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My wishlist for necro changes early 2018 =)

Kydar Schattendolch.6879

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It would be really appreciated, when Scepter would get a second LF-generation o Top of Scepter 3. Best candidate for this would be the really slow AA.

* **LF-Generation on AA: 1.5% - 1.5% - 2%**


**Core Necro**

Life-Blast from core Necro is really slow, but the dps is in my opinion not bad. And as ANet said a while ago, the dps is, what they want the skill it to be. But, because of its slowness, there’s not that much synergy with some traits. So, what to do?

* **Life Blast: Reduce cast and aftercast by 0.25s. Compensate with 15% dmg-reduction.**


At least, there are some small changed to make the Necro in general a bit more group friendly with some small buffs:

* **Well of Power: Stun break is group wide (up to 5 ppl), the Stability is pulsating for all ppl within the well. 1s Stability per puls.**

* **Vampiric Presence: The base siphon dmg and heal will be increased from 35 to 70. The power and healing power coefficients will be doubled (from 0.0025 to 0.005)**

* **Vampiric Rituals: The Protection will be applied to the Player as well as up to 4 more players (so 5 overall), that standing in the creation area of the well.

The Life siphon heal will also be shared with other players within the well.**


What does this mean for Vampiric Rituals? It means, that, if the Player (Necro) stays within the well together with 1 enemy, he will do the Life Siphon dmg and get the heal. Actually this wil stack up to 5 times, if there are 5 enemys within the well, so, ~200 dmg per tick per enemy as well as ~1000 heal per second for the necro with 5 enemys within the well. The dmg will stand as it is, but if there’s a second player within the well area, he will also gain the siphon heal. This should’nt be OP. Why?

So, for Raids (haha, Necro and Raids XD) there will be mostly 1 boss so….there will only be 200ish heal per player  nearly meaningless.

In PvP, mostly there won’t be 5 Teammates as well as 5 enemys within one well….so….not so much heal for anyone^^. Ppl will dodge aoe’s like this.

Maybe in WvW it could often be the situation, that there’s a well in an enemy zerg but…how many teammates would also be inside this well then? I think, this shoud’nt be a problem there too.

And for PvE: Come on, its PvE. Most enemys are dead before the well ends and I also think, there are not soooooo many situations, where at least 5 players and 5 enemys standing within a well :P. And when, will the enemys do much more dmg then the heal would be. So, IMO this change wouldn’t be overall OP and would bring some more options for the Necro in group play in every game mode.



At least, there were a few nice changes to push Reaper spec more into a power direction and I personally like this role of the Reaper. Besides, the scourge seems to be more the condition/support spec of the Necro. So, in my opinion there are only a few things left to talk about ad that I would like to see changed.

* **Soul Spiral: Remove the poison application from this skill. Add a +10% dmg increase, if a chilled target is hit.. Reduce CD to 25s**

* **Deathly Chill: Remove the bleeding application from this skills. This skill gets a new functionality:

Everytime a target is chilled, this target will receive an additional, delayed hit. 200 (0,4 Power coef.); delay 1s; ICD 1s

The ICD is per target, not per application. The delayed hits can crit and proc stuff like sigills or other by hit/ crit traits.**

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From my point of view (on core change), the only thing worth it here is the _life blast_ change. Everything else is either OP or unrealistic.


As for Reaper's change, please, pretty please, stop trying to gutt the reaper more than he is right now. The reaper have no role beside damage right now, and it pretty sad already, all you do is further narrow the reaper's option in forcing him to do power damage. All e-spec have the ability to fill more than one role and the reaper is already pretty bad in this regard, being able to only be used as a dps.


Right now, condi reaper still barely achieve as much damage than condi scourge on the benchmark, don't remove this sliver of hope from us with even more stupid power change. Knowing anet's dev they would be able to kill even more the spec with those unreasonnable demands. There is already more than enough power damage on the spec!


Don't remove what keep this spec barely viable in PvE, Reaper's only viability in PvE come from _epidemic_, forcing reaper into power make _epidemic_ useless and you'd need 40% damage increase to be able to compete with the top dps which would be totally unreasonable.


Reaper need neither more power damage in PvP (it need survivability) nor less condi damage in PvE (it need to be able to do more than dps).

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>Vampiric Rituals: The Protection will be applied to the Player as well as up to 4 more players (so 5 overall), that standing in the creation area of the well.


>What does this mean for Vampiric Rituals? It means, that, if the Player (Necro) stays within the well together with 1 enemy, he will do the Life Siphon dmg and get the heal. Actually this wil stack up to 5 times, if there are 5 enemys within the well, so, ~200 dmg per tick per enemy as well as ~1000 heal per second for the necro with 5 enemys within the well.


Isn't this how it already works anyways. Without the stipulation that the necro also has to be in the well.

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@"Sigmoid.7082" _vampiric ritual_ only heal yourself and you don't have to be in the well. He want to make it so any ally in the well will be able to gain the siphoned life.


OP, about the reaper, if you really like it (who wouldn't like the super cool looking bad guy) try to suggest thing that will benefit it please. The reaper won't benefit in any way from losing it's few condition damage. A simple change that would benefit the reaper would be to touch the shout trait so that it grant barrier per foe struck instead of siphoning life or, even better, remove the siphoned life and replace it by a 1/2 second reaper shroud cool down reduction per foe stuck by your shout. The barrier change would benefit small scale fight while the CD reduction would revive the reaper in large scale fights.

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>Dadnir.5038" said: A simple change that would benefit the reaper would be to touch the shout trait so that it grant barrier per foe struck instead of siphoning life or, even better, remove the siphoned life and replace it by a 1/2 second reaper shroud cool down reduction per foe stuck by your shout. The barrier change would benefit small scale fight while the CD reduction would revive the reaper in large scale fights.


Yeah, there could always be more potential for some traits, you are right. I personally like the idea of a real power spec for Necro. And I dont thnink, that every spec should fulfill more than one role. This would be good, but, then you don't need any specs anymore if every spec can do everything^^.

But I like the Barrier idea for shouts. The Life siphon is really a little bit...meh XD...something like 400-600 Barrier per target hit would be nice....



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> @"Kydar Schattendolch.6879" said:

> >Dadnir.5038" said: A simple change that would benefit the reaper would be to touch the shout trait so that it grant barrier per foe struck instead of siphoning life or, even better, remove the siphoned life and replace it by a 1/2 second reaper shroud cool down reduction per foe stuck by your shout. The barrier change would benefit small scale fight while the CD reduction would revive the reaper in large scale fights.


> Yeah, there could always be more potential for some traits, you are right. I personally like the idea of a real power spec for Necro. And I dont thnink, that every spec should fulfill more than one role. This would be good, but, then you don't need any specs anymore if every spec can do everything^^.

> But I like the Barrier idea for shouts. The Life siphon is really a little bit...meh XD...something like 400-600 Barrier per target hit would be nice....




Would you remove all conditions on scourge so that it become a single minded support spec or would you remove all support from it so that it become a single minded condition damage spec? Anet want it to be support afterall, do you really think it would end up "viable" in any gamemode? That's why e-spec need to fullfill more than one "role".

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said: Would you remove all conditions on scourge so that it become a single minded support spec or would you remove all support from it so that it become a single minded condition damage spec? Anet want it to be support afterall, do you really think it would end up "viable" in any gamemode? That's why e-spec need to fullfill more than one "role".


Let's say, its kind of major/minor distribution. I don't play every class, so maybe I'm wrong.

Reaper was supposed to be Power and got a few traits, so that it's able to do acceptable condi dmg as well.

Mirage....seems mostly condition (?).

Renegade was supposed to get a condition spec due to long range condi weapon but is also able to do power...so its more or less a hybrid spec due to Kallas Fervor and some traits.

What is Deadeye? its not really anything XD....maybe mostly "ranged power" with some sort of might share support.

Scourge was mostly designed to give a support aspect to the Necro and ANet decided also to give it some condi options, because Reaper was more power oriented.


So most specs have a defined "main role" as well as a "minor role". It's the players, that weaken or strengthen the roles of the specs and sometimes, its not what ANet wanted them to be XD. It is obvious that Reaper was designed as a Power spec usually and the playerbase made it condi due to one trait^^.


But, nevertheless, there wont be only one role in every spec, I agree with you here....but its not impossible to do so with power or condi. IMO support only need an addition in power or condi to be effective. Power or condi can stand alone. But hey, thats only my opinion on this XD.



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Well... no. E-spec are not designed like this in mind. E-spec are designed around a thematic more than around a kind of damage. Each e-spec have an "image" backing it. For exemple:

- Reaper is the result of the image of "death". In the folklore, "death" is often represented as a squeleton in a dark robe that carry a scythe. Death is slow but you can't avoid it, you can't shake it off of you and when come the time it reap your soul. That was the design behind reaper. Chill was used as a way to prevent it's foes from fleeing, it was the most important aspect of reaper. Now, "death" can come after a long period of sickness (condition damage) or suddenly (Power damage).

- We could say that scourge represent "famine". Those that are affected by starvation are tormented, crippled, the strength that they built fade away. But "famine" is also one that carry a weighting scale for balance and thus what it take from other it can also give it to whom it want. When you think of a scourge there is also the meaning of something that affect a large area.

- Mirage is a flickering image in the desert, something that you believe real but can't grasp when you reach it. It's designed to be a slippery e-spec that mess up with the mind of it's foes. It's goal is to "confuse" it's foes, creating doubt about whether it's there or not.

- Chronomancer is one that wield time. The image behind is that of one that can slow down or accelerate things at will.

- Renegade is the image of "resistance", one that refuse to yield to a stronger entity. It take from it's legend who was a charr leader that refused to yield to the flame legion. It's a squirmisher that lead a troop and aim at dealing short scale damage to a large scale entity. It's aim is to hit hard quickly (ferocity), destroy everything that could benefit it's foes and then flee to fight another day.

- Herald is like glint, a strong presence, almost intemporal which bath it's allies into it's natural support. It's not an image of something that burst down it's foe, it's more like a dragon, patient and tough with an incredible aura.

- Deadeye is the covering sniper, the guy that help you from behind, out of sight. It's supposed to be an ace that can change the outcome of a fight with a single shot, taking down suddenly a foe and relieving the moral of it's allies.

- Daredevil is like the mirage a slippery fighter, but it's image work around idea of an agile fighter which turn around it's foe, avoiding everything that's aimed at him. The daredevil don't mess with the mind of it's foe, it dominate it through sheer physical prowess.

- Tempest is supposed to be a living climatic disaster, affecting everything in it's wake throught the fury of elements.

- Weaver is one that thread a dangerous path, combining elements to produce unheard off effects.

- Scrapper is a nerd that focus on drones created from scrap and powered by electricity.

- Holosmith wield "natural light", which is a "radiation". Wielding such a thing grant great destructive power but it's bound to harm the body of a careless user.

- Dragonhunter is one that hunt "dragons". For this purpose they have tools to restrain/pin down foes.

- Firebrand are a kind of cleric which punish those that they see as enemies and help it's allies relying on it's sacred scriptures.

- Berserker is a warrior that can enter in a kind of frenzied state while in combat, a kind of "rage" that can even make it's presence harm foes around him. While in a berserk state, it will be difficult to kill him.

- Spellbreaker is a magekiller, an entity especially trained to harm those that rely on magic. For this, in front of a spellbreaker, curses are of no use and boons are easily broken. A Spellbreaker can silence mage leading them to their demise.

- Druid is one that became one with nature, being able to reach a superior state of existence to harness nature's vitality and distribute it toward it's allies.

- Soulbeast is the image of a "beastman", a man that became close enough with it's familiar that he end up being able to fuse with it.


None of those theme exclude anything. Some will slightly hint toward condition and other toward power but none of them exclude any of those possibility. The goal of the e-specs is to modify the way you play a profession, to shift your focus in combat. All core professions are supposed to be able to be proficient in any role. E-specs are supposed to compliment the core traitlines and be proficient in any gameplay, it just change/add to the way you do it. It's not supposed to pigeonhole you into a single build with a single focus on a single type of damage. The aim is diversity and you can't find diversity in something narrow to the point that it only one kind of damage work with it.

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What you descibe is the theme of every profession or elite spec in general. And I agree that you can describe every of them like you did.


And yes, no one of this themes exclude anything. You can see, that every theme or e-spec have some kind of every portion like condi, power or support, some more some less of these roles.

But in general there are at least only 3 playstyles. Power, Condition or Support. These kinds are mostly different. Take the amount of different condis and what profession got which of them. Or the supportive role. Boons, barriers, aoe stealth, heal, different unique buffs and so on. So, every e-spec differs in the kind of support or dmg they provide. All of it depends on the combination, the taken skills, and traits as well as trait lines.


Take a Reaper with curses you can get a condi Reaper, take it with spite and you get a more power oriented one, take it with bloodmagic and you have a supportive part within. There are so many combinations possible and that's, what makes diversity. Sure you can play Reaper for condi, but in the Reaper trait line alone, theres only one trait that makes it a good condi reaper (iirc now). If you watch GS, theres not even one skill that does a damaging condition. Only in combination with Deathly Chill. What does Reapers Shroud have? #4 for some poison and #5 in combination with #4 and Deathly Chill again for some bleeds. Its the amount of bleed you can get by this trait alone, that makes it a spec, that can go condi. So, it's the combination that make this spec condi possible. But the majority of skills and traits are not there, to give this spec a condi theme in case of dmg. Sure, chill, fear, what ever, fit the theme well.


The theme may be connected with the kind of dmg or the role of the e-spec but every e-spec still has a major role and traits/skills for minor roles within condi, power or support role.


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> Take a Reaper with curses you can get a condi Reaper, take it with spite and you get a more power oriented one, take it with bloodmagic and you have a supportive part within. There are so many combinations possible and that's, what makes diversity. Sure you can play Reaper for condi, but in the Reaper trait line alone, theres only one trait that makes it a good condi reaper (iirc now). If you watch GS, theres not even one skill that does a damaging condition. Only in combination with Deathly Chill. What does Reapers Shroud have? #4 for some poison and #5 in combination with #4 and Deathly Chill again for some bleeds. Its the amount of bleed you can get by this trait alone, that makes it a spec, that can go condi. So, it's the combination that make this spec condi possible. But the majority of skills and traits are not there, to give this spec a condi theme in case of dmg. Sure, chill, fear, what ever, fit the theme well.


Not one trait when an entire line of the traits is dedicated to Chill. Also, assuming you want Power Reaper elevated to a "meta" standpoint, if one trait is standing between the specc and meta then there is more wrong here than said trait.


As for Greatsword, the auto attack applies chill, Gravedigger grants additional whirl finishers, Death Spiral is an all round useful skill for applying vulnerability and granting life force, Nightfall is another all round skill that works defensively and also offensively for condi builds making use of the blind to chill trait in curses, and finally Grasping Darkness is another all round good skill that gives Life Force and applies chill. The usage of GS as a weapon is dependant on the mindset of the player using it, and given it's ability to be used in both Power and Condi builds is indicative of good design.


As for Reaper Shroud, it once again comes down to the build and mindset of the player. Power players utilize shroud for the increased damage for auto attacks at the moment, as well as the stability from Infusing Terror, the poison from Soul Spiral for counteracting healing, and the stun from Executioner's Scythe for extra CC. Many of those uses are universal in that Condi Players can use them the same way, but there's more emphasis on using Shroud 5 and 4 for damage, as well as the auto-attacks for proccing Dhuumfire. As such, simply removing condition application is a lazy way to implement what you think is the "proper" way for Reaper to be, when most skills have more than one way for them to be used.


The chill is not there to give the specc a condi theme, just as the Greatsword is not there to give it a Power theme. The "theme" of the specc is (in my eyes) condensing the abilities of Necromancer into a Monstrous melee form, and both Reaper's Shroud and Greatsword reflect that. I'd sooner change some of the more boring aspects of Reaper to be more accommodating of a variable play-style than just gut a play-style I don't like. Change gravedigger so you aren't reduced to spamming 2 once a boss is below 50% hp, continue the trend and add more unique cost/gain damage modifiers like Dread or Awaken the Pain, make focus worth a damn. These are already better suggestions then lazily turning a GM trait from one damage type to another.


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Dadnir, I do not think "theme" is quite right. Rather, it seems like "function" is where the dev's start. Then, they develop a theme for the e-spec.


Necro had no good power cleave build so Reaper was developed and looks a lot like Warrior and its greatsword-shout builds.


Scourge was developed to provide better group utility and more condi-burst; two things Necro was definitely lacking.


Mesmer had plenty of utility even before Chrono so what do you think Mes lacked that Mirage is really good at?


The themes are all very interesting but the primary driver for e-spec development has been function.


It would not surprise me if the next Necro elite was for boon-sharing or mobility. For example, a "ghost" theme that could provide an AoE distortion-like effect, share protection or swiftness, or drop smoke fields. There are still things Necromancer cannot do. List these things for insight into a potential next elite.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> @"Sigmoid.7082" _vampiric ritual_ only heal yourself and you don't have to be in the well. He want to make it so any ally in the well will be able to gain the siphoned life.


> OP, about the reaper, if you really like it (who wouldn't like the super cool looking bad guy) try to suggest thing that will benefit it please. The reaper won't benefit in any way from losing it's few condition damage. A simple change that would benefit the reaper would be to touch the shout trait so that it grant barrier per foe struck instead of siphoning life or, even better, remove the siphoned life and replace it by a 1/2 second reaper shroud cool down reduction per foe stuck by your shout. The barrier change would benefit small scale fight while the CD reduction would revive the reaper in large scale fights.


This would be an amazing change to the Augury of Death trait! I would also love to see shouts becoming more useful, overall power damage increase on Reaper to raid desirable levels (sorry Dadnir, I am very much in favour of killing condi Reaper in favour for Power Reaper), increasing Scourge's cps just a bit more and changes to core traits that allows base necro to be all around decent.


Necromancer (mostly shroud changes):

Life Blast: Keep casting speed but fire 2 successive blasts (maybe each one being slightly weaker than the one we have though I am not objecting to firing two at the same level of power as the current XD)

Dark Path: Remove the bloody projectile and make it an instant shadow step. Release a burst of damage and chill your opponent upon successful activation (at new location ofc)

Doom: Either make it like Reaper's Terrify in that is applies to 5 targets but in a cone OR increase the base duration.

Life Transfer: This one is solid, maybe a slight damage increase as well as more lifeforce increase since it is your only in-Shroud LF generation skill that has a CD.

Tainted Shackles: I would add a pull at the end of this skill so when they are paralyzed they are pulled to you.


Dread, while an interesting concept, is highly conditional and not optimum. It will lose to Awaken the Pain any day. I would make it a debuff on an enemy so that they receive more damage (10%-15%?) if the necro is in 600 range. This debuff will be available to all your teammates to make use of and look at that, necro has a PROPER damage support role, replacing Grace of the Land.





Death's Charge: Add 1s of evade. I understand this might be OP combined with the projectile destruction...but still something to look at.

Cold Shoulder should allow for +15% damage not just 10%.

Deathly Chill: Call me crazy but I would make this another debuff on enemy that ticks power damage per second in a similar fashion to how this trait worked when it was first introduced (in that chill had it's own damage floater and all).

Reaper's Onslaught: Good enough as is, but I do miss the old recharge mechanic from killing enemies. I understand that the way it is works better on hardier foes so I made my peace with that change. However, I would make the speed buff apply in general and not just in Shroud, maybe even have it as a unique necromancer buff that can be applied to the team. I understand this clashes with Quickness...or maybe this buff can be stacked with Quickness :Q ok now I'm just being silly. If not then increase the speed of GS by a bit.



The best thing they could do for me personally is split Demonic Lore from PvP/WvW and remove its ICD for PvE, meaning that every torment application leads to burn....might see the return of Terrormancer for PvE in a revitalized way. This should raise the benchmark for Scourge by a bit...not to previous levels but enough maybe for it not to be considered a pity acceptance in a raid group.

Barriers are in a good spot, maybe slightly increase the base on F3. I don't care what anyone says, barriers are great support when combined with a healer. As such, condi scourge relieves pressure on team/healer and brings decent damage.



Staff needs a faster AA. Or maybe redesign the AA to an attack that allows for faster skill execution.

Focus 4 needs more reliable pathing (I actually like this skill and has decent damage when it works properly).

Focus 5 should inflict a longer duration chill.

Dagger 3 should be an immobilize-shadow step skill.

Dagger 5 needs to execute faster, takes forever to land.

Scepter faster AA, just a bit faster.

Greatsword needs to be a tad faster unless my recommended changes to Reaper's Onslaught are taken.

Torch....I freaking love torch and I never thought I would even like it on Necro...but add at least one stack of Burning on 5, it IS a torch skill.



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1. Power reaper needs a life force buff in wvw, shroud decays way too fast and is useless in zerg fights, need an alternative for those of us who don't like the brain dead play of scourge in wvw.

2. Fix the line of sight/obstructed issue with scourge.

3. GS small decrease in cast times would be nice

4. Scepter small decrease in cast times

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My wishlist:


- _Life blast_ replaced by _plague blast_.

- _Doom_ CD reduced to 15 seconds.

- _Life transfert_ CD reduced to 30 seconds.

- _Summon flesh golem_ now available underwater.

- _Lich form_ removed from the game, replaced by _grim specter_ CD 90 seconds.

- _Putrid defense_ changed icone. A sh*t on a shield with some fly flying around is a bit childish.

- _Unholy sanctuary_ grant barrier instead of putting you into shroud. No life force treshold needed anymore.

- _Vampiric_ swap minion's and necromancer's siphon values.

- _Last gasp_ updated to apply the current _spectral armor_ on it's current CD.



- _Augury of death_ now reduce shroud cool down by 1/2 second per foe struck by your shout instead of siphoning life.


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Lahmia's Wishlist:


* Gravedigger - Increased damage by 10%.


* Reapers Touch - Removed projectile, now instant hit like Spinal Shivers. Removed bounces. Increased Vuln to 12 stacks. Increased life force gain to 9%. Triped damage. Removed Regen. Now applies 5 stacks of might when cast.


* Lich Form - Renamed "Unholy Power of the Lich"

Elite Spectral Skill

Consume all your Life Force and gain a mobile field that pulses damage. Damage increases per amount of life force consumed.

Ignores Blind

25% or more - +25% damage

50% or more - +50% damage

75% or more - +75% damage

60 second cooldown

5 pulses

5 targets

240 radius


* Spiteful Talisman - Increased bonus damage to +10%.


* Blood Bond - Added a +5% damage vs bleeding foes.


* Quickening Thirst - Change to a 20% dagger recharge time reduction, your critical hits with dagger attacks siphon health and whilst wielding a dagger move 25% faster.


* Vampiric - Increase Life Siphon damage to 38 + 0.0213 * power. Reduce Minion Life Siphon to 50 + 0.003 * power to compensate.


* Vampiric Presence - Increase the Life Siphon damage to 96 + Power * .0025

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i would celebrate if core necro gets a viable ulti again. plague is static and condi (pve skill), flesh golem has not enough brain cells ( and gets killed by aoe in a few seconds), Lich Form to high CD and the skill reworks where questionable (i liked the old one more). i freaking loved the old plague form.. it was a really nice skills for wvw.


i am running freaking race ulti skills right now cuz the necro utli skills doesnt suit wvw.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> Lahmia's Wishlist:


> * Gravedigger - Increased damage by 10%.


> * Reapers Touch - Removed projectile, now instant hit like Spinal Shivers. Removed bounces. Increased Vuln to 12 stacks. Increased life force gain to 9%. Triped damage. Removed Regen. Now applies 5 stacks of might when cast.


> * Lich Form - Renamed "Unholy Power of the Lich"

> Elite Spectral Skill

> Consume all your Life Force and gain a mobile field that pulses damage. Damage increases per amount of life force consumed.

> Ignores Blind

> 25% or more - +25% damage

> 50% or more - +50% damage

> 75% or more - +75% damage

> 60 second cooldown

> 5 pulses

> 5 targets

> 240 radius


> * Spiteful Talisman - Increased bonus damage to +10%.


> * Blood Bond - Added a +5% damage vs bleeding foes.


> * Quickening Thirst - Change to a 20% dagger recharge time reduction, your critical hits with dagger attacks siphon health and whilst wielding a dagger move 25% faster.


> * Vampiric - Increase Life Siphon damage to 38 + 0.0213 * power. Reduce Minion Life Siphon to 50 + 0.003 * power to compensate.


> * Vampiric Presence - Increase the Life Siphon damage to 96 + Power * .0025


Too overloaded, just like other professions, I like it.

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