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About Elonian Wine


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I hope this thread fits well in the Lore section but i'm really curious about the making of this wine and for why is it so good as they say ingame? Where do they make the wine itself? Pretty much searched all over the explorable areas in Elonia for some places with vineyard but so far i found nothing.


I know the topic itself may sounds funny but actually i'm really curious about this for some reason :).

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I am a little disappointed we didn't get to see more vineyards in Elona despite the mention of Elonian wine. I do remember there's one spot in Vabbi that allows you to harvest grapes once a day, but no dialogue about making the wine itself. I'm trying to remember if there was mention of Elonian wine back in GW1, kind of like how most of the ascended crafting materials are carryovers like that, but I just don't recall.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> As elona was inaccessible before, I believe it was just a way of implying that it was a wine from a distant and exotic place. What is a little "out of place" is that elona seems to be quite inspired by Middle Eastern themes, which were never famous wine producers, but rather coffee.




Its climate is an equivalent of Earth's best wine regions though... Spain, Italy, California, Australia, and so on. Arid with a water source.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > As elona was inaccessible before, I believe it was just a way of implying that it was a wine from a distant and exotic place. What is a little "out of place" is that elona seems to be quite inspired by Middle Eastern themes, which were never famous wine producers, but rather coffee.

> >

> >


> Its climate is an equivalent of Earth's best wine regions though... Spain, Italy, California, Australia, and so on. Arid with a water source.


You're a little off, at least as far as California's wine regions...none of them are arid with a water source, as a matter of fact most of California's wine regions are areas near the coast that get coastal fog and neither get to cold nor to hot...except for the changing climate.

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Maybe arid was the wrong word. Like I said I know very little about farming, but I believe mild droughts help make better years of wine. And consistently warm weather is the other major factor. Again, I know next to nothing about this topic. =)


Edit: I'm also not convinced wine quality is even a real thing, but whatever.

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I thought Elonia's environment would not be good for winemaking as well, but then I recalled ancient Egyptians provided some of the oldest evidence for winemaking on Earth. I suppose that river valleys would give some hilly terrain with good soil as well as a ready water supply.


Wikipedia actually has a section on Egyptian wine and how they deal with the high temperature and lack of moisture 'using pergolas to shade the plants and palm trees to shield them from winds as well as transporting the harvest in refrigerated trucks' Elementalist water magic could replace modern refrigeration of course.


So it seems plausible that Elonia could produce some of the best wine in Tyria. Personally though, I would go for a stein of Norn mead :)

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