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Wintersday JP Feedback [merged]

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The one thing that annoys me about the Wintersday JP is that there are so many people using large characters and/or characters with billowy clothing. I can't count the number of times I was about to make a jump on the part with the grid of gifts only to have someone zoom in and jump in my path blocking my view of where I was jumping.


I understand they made it a shared map to save server resources but I just wish players were invisible to each other or at least there was an option for it. With so many people farming for karma there it's difficult to hit that one part without several people hitting it at the same time and there is usually a large male norn or charr.

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Welcome to Jumping puzzles?

I for one, as my first ("main") character is a max sized male Norn, would complain that in 80% of Jumping puzzles the camera is messed up. It zooms in on weird places for no reason. The old Troll's End puzzle was toxic for big characters, yet i've finished all the Jumping puzzles in the core game on my giant character with camera issues and other players blocking.

As for Winter Wonderland. It's easy, just wait at the fire before the presents, let the big wave of players go forward, and go pretty much alone on the next spawn of presents.

Me, i can pretty much do them "blind" right now. It's more about a rhythm than visual feedback. Don't get me wrong, i've over jumped and fell through, or jumped onto "no present present" a couple of times, but for the most part you'll eventually get used to it.

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Can I add two more annoyances in addition to this one (which ANet already acknowledged and fixed with the Clocktower. Not sure why they didn't use standard models here).


1) At the start of the match your combat skills are active. Because of this, I've been feared into the Divinity's Reach portal and out of a match. I've also been rooted in place so I was unable to start the match on time.


2) Other players can target you to place a target identifier over your head. It can be funny, but it's also distracting and can be used to grief when a player won't stop targeting your repeatedly.

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It is annoying. I know the puzzle well and I'm pretty fast out of the gate so it usually doesn't bother me. But it has to be really hard for new players still learning the jumps.


I notice some players using charr try to be considerate, but there are many who are actively trolling others trying to get them to miss.

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> @"Lambros Augustus.6594" said:

> Try overhead view to keep your toon always at center of screen so if anyone blocks your vision you know where you are, also let them go ahead at rest stop if they too many.


I do this but they still need to do something. I really don't think there is any reason for players to see each other in the JP so they could either make other players wisps or what I'd prefer invisible to each other.

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I would like to see them sorted into their own instance. All Norns and Charrs get into an instance, the rest into other instances. Problem solved.


What I find even worse by now is people predicting when the first platform appears and jump before it happens. The first contact with that platform triggers its decay timer. This behaviour leads to other players falling because they jump when the platform appears. But by then, it's already too late. Even if you know the JP well enough to predict when the platform shows up, but don't jump because you don't want to harrass the others, you will have a hard time if another player does it. I don't have an idea how to fix that problem though.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> They should've done what they did with the Halloween Clocktower JP.


No thanks. Being forced to wait minutes per attempt for no reason made that whole JP quite frustrating. OP needs to just aim his camera from above and there are no issues. The JP is perfect the way it is, no waiting around watching a stop watch for minutes. The new easy path doesn't take the much longer and it's never crowded, you can clear it in like 3 minutes comfortably.

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> @"Despond.2174" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > They should've done what they did with the Halloween Clocktower JP.


> No thanks. Being forced to wait minutes per attempt for no reason made that whole JP quite frustrating.


Yeah that's OBVIOUSLY not what I was talking about.


I mean, really? Really?



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ALL of the jumping puzzles in this game are a disease. the halloween one is the WORST offender.!@#$ that one. this JP? I can hit the space bar the same a mount of times with the same timing and make it or I can not make it. Lets also talk about the gaps between the !@#$ing candy canes after the presents. There should be a checkpoint when you get to the fire. Can't even begin to count how many times I mysteriously fell though a gap in the presents when I know the jump timing. I've given up on this event. Holiday events should be fun and stress free. This event AND that !@#$ing halloween event are anything but.

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The Jumping puzzles in this game have beaten me for the last time. I give up. When you know the timing of the jumps and have done them before but there is no consistency when you press the jump button exactly the same and still manage to miss a jump? Nope. Ain't nobody got time for that !@#$. So I give up. On the jumping puzzles and this game. Its been a good run I suppose. I wish the best to everyone. Peace.

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You can't do jumping puzzles so therefore cannot play the game? Huh?


I don't like JP's either, and avoid them, but that doesn't detract from me enjoying the game. In fact, GW2 offers a great many things that I'm not interested in - PvP, raids, etc - but none of that keeps me from enjoying what I do like.


Thankfully, there are many helpful mesmers out there.

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> @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

> I'll be honest I don't do a lot of jumping and platforming outside of fractals, but what I don't understand was Anet's decision to tie your jumping distance to your character's running speed.


What I don't understand is why the bloody hell does me being in combat make me SLOWER!

"Oh look... this thing wants to stab me in a very sensitive area! Better move much slower than I usually do!"

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You broke the number one rule in JPs, not having fun, step away. I would give yourself a break, do something else (out of game or in) and then come back at this after being less frustrated. I am terribad at jumping puzzles to the point that my BFF likes to watch me and laugh as I fall, fall, fall, fall fall, splat, fall over and over again. But once you feel that irritation rising step away. You can't win them all, doesn't mean you shouldn't try but remember also, its just a game. Good gaming to you and hope to see you back in game.

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