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I actually wasted a couple 24-slots to the soulbound thing but ended doing full 32-slot bags on my main (engi) anyway, working on doing the same on my druid. It was overall a good short term goal for me and having 320slots of inventory space plus 21 shared slots guarantees you don't run out of space often. I recommend it if you have the extra gold over anything else besides maybe stat infusions.

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> Just more crap to manage. No need to go past 20 imo.


See, I completely disagree with this, and I'd love to get 32 slot bags on my main...every single one of them as I have the max bags and still run out of room quite quickly doing bounty runs...but then my storage is also full so I have no place to put all the Un-ID's bags that I'm currently holding as well as items that you turn in to complete Hearts(which unlike some people I do redo so I can unlock the vendor). But until the cost comes down I won't, personally don't mind that the 24 and 28 are soulbound as I wouldn't stop with those bags but would continue right on to the 32 slot.

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I've got one.


In another thread, I was convinced that it's cheaper to buy new bag slots with gold than 32-slotters. But, once I'm full up on slots (after the next sale), then I'll make 32s. The fact that 24 and 28 are soulbound will only matter a bit to me, but I do sympathize with those who got hooked by them. There really needs to be a way to migrate those between characters, at least for the purposes of upgrading them. I only have nine characters who have maxed out the armor-making crafting disciplines. So, I'll have to make them on one character until I'm to a 32, then offload it and do another.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> Eh, I'm happy with the 18-slot mithril boxes I buy on occasion and the various 20-slot bags I earn through holidays and other achievements. Anything more feels like overkill to me.


Just want to chime in as I did a quick check during Halloween and even this ~~year~~ wintersday. It would've been much cheaper if you have kept the items you used to get the holiday 20 slot bags and just gotten the cheap 20 slot bags you can get either through crafting yourself or from the auction directly.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > Eh, I'm happy with the 18-slot mithril boxes I buy on occasion and the various 20-slot bags I earn through holidays and other achievements. Anything more feels like overkill to me.


> Just want to chime in as I did a quick check during Halloween and even this ~~year~~ wintersday. It would've been much cheaper if you have kept the items you used to get the holiday 20 slot bags and just gotten the cheap 20 slot bags you can get either through crafting yourself or from the auction directly.


I'm sure that's the case but I'm not all that concerned about what's cheaper. If I want/need something, I grab it. :P Thank you for the heads up though.

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Copper salvage + ability to deposit stuff is all you really need. I can manage my inventory on the run without stopping, having more bag slots would mean i would have to look for more sigils and runes to delete, as i would delete like 3 times the number of items i normally would at once.

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I don't have anything bigger than 20's, with most characters having 18's. I've only maxed 2 character's bag slots, and still have one expansion in the bank.


I haven't paid any attention. How much do the 32's cost? Cuz just last night I bought a permanent merchant for something like 745 gold. Seems much more useful than bigger inventory bags.

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I'd love the bigger bags but having them soulbound reduces their value enough I haven't really looked into making them yet. Even though inventory space is one of my joys to increase in any game I only have one fully maxed all slots all 20-slot bags character as it is (the extra two bag slots got added recently and I no longer have the resources to blithely buy up bag slots on all my many alts, but I had two bag expansions saved from a sale). So I still have room to increase my storage without committing bags to specific characters.


Generally when I expand one character's bags, I swap the smaller versions out to alts that have less storage. Not being able to do that would be a headache (I'd have to use up some of my new slots just storing the old bags). If ANet wants me to get serious about sinking my gold into these, first I need to have a Permanent Hair Stylist drop from a BLC (currently slowly saving to one) and second I need to be able to move the bags to alts.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> I don't have anything bigger than 20's, with most characters having 18's. I've only maxed 2 character's bag slots, and still have one expansion in the bank.


> I haven't paid any attention. How much do the 32's cost? Cuz just last night I bought a permanent merchant for something like 745 gold. Seems much more useful than bigger inventory bags.


Roughly 250g. It varies a lot, and also depends on how much you want to farm the ingredients.

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