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How can arena net keep it's players?


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thing you all do not nor will you never get this game is a 5 year out of date game. that does not have the latest newest multi core cpu support much less vegas 56 or 1080TI video card support !! the so called tech forums back that up !! far more better and newer games are coming out soon . myself i am just waiting for farcry5 to hit and when it does i will be enjoying it. and play this game once in a blue moon again .


not only do you all miss them points but you also miss the fact no one wants a chat app running while they are trying to enjoy their game with their mindless talking farting burping and so forth . kids crying is the worst on discord and other chat apps .


not only that but no one does not care what the pvp or spvp players think at all hell not even us pve players give a dam what you think or we think even .


2012-2017 RIP

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There is never one monolithic reason why people do what they do. Keep this in mind.

I recommend they take the training wheels of Spvp and let teams back in let the meta reorganize for the next year increase the value of tournaments, have monthly tournaments give prescursors, have quarterly ones with PvP exclusive legendaries.


Slowly but surely pvp will pick up, it will lose of the casual pvp folk who can't stand to lose but those folks do not make the a health pvp community anyhow, as they only are there to pip farm, and are less likely to join tournaments or make teams or even do ranked games seriously, or stream or watch pro pvp streams. People often miss what pvp communities actually are they are Streamers,pvpers,teams,content makers, theory crafters. Casuals don't watch streams of pvp, and streams gets your game out its one of the reasons why WoW got so huge there was so much user generated content it got free millions is free advertisement. Who could forget leeroy jenkins?


Moral of the story atleast on the Spvp front it died when anet decided that this MMO is gonna the MMO the cater to the lowest common denominator, with multiple design directions, removal of underwater combat in pvp, no real post game stats, destruction of teams, hard removal of stat sets that some classes were built apon celestial d/d Eles. The constant unwarranted nerfs of classes that need that need it (thieves before HoT launch).


Those are my views on the sPvP front, i feel that PvE is lively i just think we need a better LFG system.

WvW just needs updates man, thats all and people will come.

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It's surprising that people are arguing it's fine when ANet still wants this game to be E-sport relevant, yet serious PvP streamers are leaving because of glaring issues. It's not in a place to remain an "important" title the way it is, unless they just throw tons of money at it to keep competitive squads around. Not a good design.

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A new game mode.

Retire the conquest game mode and stronghold for good.

The game mode would need to be designed in a way as to allow all professions with a diversity of builds to shine and enjoy it. Currently you got the mad aoes or bunkers for node control, or fast moving professions for node contesting, but those can usually be contested by any aoe or bunker.


The new game mode could contain objectives such as:

1. Escort

2. Capture Flag

3. Node Control

4. Skirmish


If the game mode forces you into an area with only 1 objective, gimmicky/boring builds that lack diversity will dominate, and balance with every expansion. and update becomes harder and harder.


Stop focusing on balance, and diversify the games objectives, add more/different goals, and then with more objectives and build necessities, balance will take care of itself.


Why? Because no build alone can do it all the best.

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out of date 5 year old game and they still never ever get the point about this game mode at all much less the game its self as a whole .

far as streamers go they are boring as hell and do not offer or add anything at all to this out of date 5 year old game .


and the even more sad part of the streamers of this game is the' junk they are trying to sell you or beg for cash from thos that watch the game streamers case in point patron .


truth be told it just like the other games the streamers here be fare more better off to hang it up .and get a real job .

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I'm kind of curious as to why 'top name' players are more important than the majority of casual players instead? Regardless, return to the casual based focused on PvE and consistent updates. It was the draw to the game in the first place. Less raiding updates, less balancing because of PvP, and less focusing on some competition via live-streaming.


This game was never about that and never will be.

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If only after the first 5 months after launch they moved on from circle dancing quest and went to some real pvp like TDM ( not some half butt made small map). Then maybe it wouldn't have come to this. Sadly pvp in gw2 has always been sub par. Balance was never a major issue (minus condition wars 2 after HoT and PoF) the issue has always been if you want easy wins with no skill needed you just have to roll a teef with sb / _ and teleport around. Circle dance quest is nothing more then a speed match with no skill required. That's why since Stronghold came out i have rarely touched circle dance quest (feels like im playing ddr).


Sadly only fix to pvp is to kill circle dancing quest and convert maps to TDM or make a bunch of new ones quickly.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> If only after the first 5 months after launch they moved on from circle dancing quest and went to some real pvp like TDM ( not some half butt made small map). Then maybe it wouldn't have come to this. Sadly pvp in gw2 has always been sub par. Balance was never a major issue (minus condition wars 2 after HoT and PoF) the issue has always been if you want easy wins with no skill needed you just have to roll a teef with sb / _ and teleport around. Circle dance quest is nothing more then a speed match with no skill required. That's why since Stronghold came out i have rarely touched circle dance quest (feels like im playing ddr).


> Sadly only fix to pvp is to kill circle dancing quest and convert maps to TDM or make a bunch of new ones quickly.


Erm, deathmatch is the lowest skill PvP mode out there, the skills required in deathmatch are required in every other PvP type game, but then on top of those other modes require other things like more map awareness, decisions on rotations, on objectives, etc.


Deathmatch only works in certain games (fighting games and shooters for example), both of which unlike MMORPGs have a high skill cap when it comes to the combat, mechanical ability, etc, in MMORPGs it is a total joke (except shooters), because you don't even need map awareness, etc like you have in CS:GO for example, because MMORPG combat means no one would die if you used proper maps, so you have some type of shitty arena, it is about as low skill as you can get for a PvP mode, especially when combined with the relatively low skill of MMO combat.


I realize this is going to come as a shock, but a tab targeted game, with too many passives, short cooldowns, is slow paced, etc has a relatively low skill cap on the combat, which I assume is one of the reasons they went with something like conquest because having to do more than simply the combat, ups the skill cap.



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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > If only after the first 5 months after launch they moved on from circle dancing quest and went to some real pvp like TDM ( not some half butt made small map). Then maybe it wouldn't have come to this. Sadly pvp in gw2 has always been sub par. Balance was never a major issue (minus condition wars 2 after HoT and PoF) the issue has always been if you want easy wins with no skill needed you just have to roll a teef with sb / _ and teleport around. Circle dance quest is nothing more then a speed match with no skill required. That's why since Stronghold came out i have rarely touched circle dance quest (feels like im playing ddr).

> >

> > Sadly only fix to pvp is to kill circle dancing quest and convert maps to TDM or make a bunch of new ones quickly.


> Erm, deathmatch is the lowest skill PvP mode out there, the skills required in deathmatch are required in every other PvP type game, but then on top of those other modes require other things like more map awareness, decisions on rotations, on objectives, etc.


> Deathmatch only works in certain games (fighting games and shooters for example), both of which unlike MMORPGs have a high skill cap when it comes to the combat, mechanical ability, etc, in MMORPGs it is a total joke (except shooters), because you don't even need map awareness, etc like you have in CS:GO for example, because MMORPG combat means no one would die if you used proper maps, so you have some type of kitten arena, it is about as low skill as you can get for a PvP mode, especially when combined with the relatively low skill of MMO combat.


> I realize this is going to come as a shock, but a tab targeted game, with too many passives, short cooldowns, is slow paced, etc has a relatively low skill cap on the combat, which I assume is one of the reasons they went with something like conquest because having to do more than simply the combat, ups the skill cap.




See circle dancing would.. be skill based if it weren't for short bow thiefs. When you have 1 class that can out run and rotate to the points 200% faster then any other class. It just makes pvp a joke. Roll against 2 good thiefs vs a team with no thief and see who wins lol. Hell even one of the "top" (lol) players snde whatever plays a core theif with short bow. Just shows how low the skill level is in circle dancing speed pvp.


I'd have to completely disagree with you about TDM. Sorry to say guild wars 1 the better and still probable best pvp out there runs mostly TDM maps. I know there would be major q.qing if circle dancing were to end but in reality it would improve skill levels in games. TDM is simple and requires better strategy. Compared to conq where its everyone middle and 1 out rotating lol. The main failure in pvp has been that we are stuck in circle dancing conq.

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