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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > What's important is to have a strong, loyal core player base that remains more or less stable. That's how games get to five, ten years old.


> I have a suspicion that a lot of players bought PoF expecting it to have the replayability of HoT. If it doesn't, what do they do now? Raids? I'll just point out that my guildmates also said they were satisfied with their purchase and feel they got their money's worth. But I don't see them online very much anymore.


Actually, I find the replayability of HoT zero, nope, null. I hate the HoT maps, except the first one. I do like going back to PoF though. Raids? I've done one once, just to unlock the last mastery track. Hated it, even though we played with a nice fun group.


Why I do keep playing? I find playing the game fun. Sometimes, I just like going on a random blind rampage, killing just for the killing. Other times I'll chop down every single tree, mine every single node and pull every single plant from the roots. And sometimes I just do nothing, but chat with my guild mates. Or enjoy the view. Or do some story parts. Or finish of a map or two. And if I don't find it fun, I'll close it down and do something else. That's the beauty of this game, that you can simply close and come back tomorrow.


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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> The harder core guys were always going to like HoT better. Not sure that you can convince me (or most people) that they're some sort of majority though.


> @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

>That's the beauty of this game, that you can simply close and come back tomorrow.


This is what I was trying to identify. Do you believe that the "hardcore" HoT version of GW2 has been replaced by a PoF filled with casual players (if that's not a contradiction in terms)? I don't know - maybe I'm foolish to suggest that there might be a correlation between how much time the clients play and how "loyal" the core playerbase is.


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You know, about 3 years or so, there was a cry out (on the forums, and elsewhere, I suppose) about there not being enough 'challenging' content. Oh, you would have thought nearly the entire playerbase wanted much more difficult things to do. Well, ArenaNet listened to those cries, and produced Heart of Thorns and subsequent content. Goodness me! The push-back on _that_ content was intense. So, ArenaNet listened, and changed the content produced, yet again.


Thus, one might think twice about concluding what kind of content the playerbase most desires based on forum (and elsewhere) statements. It seems the 'majority' is always those displeased with the status quo.


Good luck.

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The mechanics of the game.

Combo Fields!

Blocking and dodging and real time!

interesting status effects to make pvp interesting!

Interrupting skills are actually at the right time is rewarded extremely to the point of putting the entire skill on cd.

Did i mention combo fields?



And the pve is nice too.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > The harder core guys were always going to like HoT better. Not sure that you can convince me (or most people) that they're some sort of majority though.


> > @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> >That's the beauty of this game, that you can simply close and come back tomorrow.


> This is what I was trying to identify. Do you believe that the "hardcore" HoT version of GW2 has been replaced by a PoF filled with casual players (if that's not a contradiction in terms)? I don't know - maybe I'm foolish to suggest that there might be a correlation between how much time the clients play and how "loyal" the core playerbase is.



Don't confuse casual with disloyal. I actually have a casual play style. I have a guild filled with casuals are who loyal. By the same token, the most famous raiding guild in the game didn't have enough raiding content and so most of them have moved on to other games, according to a post they made on reddit. They were hard core by not loyal.


A hard core player, by nature, is harder to please. A casual player is less likely, often, to jump from game to game because they don't have very specific requirements other than stuff to keep them busy. Stuff to work towards. Casually. P.lenty of that here whether it's achievements or crafting or gathering to craft something.


Edit: A lot of casuals are hard core in time spent playing the game. My reddit signature is hard core casual. I play the game for many hours every day. I've played for over 17,000 hours since launch. There are casuals in my guild who have played every day for years who have never done a T4 fractal much less a raid. Some casuals play that much and have never even done a dungeon.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > The harder core guys were always going to like HoT better. Not sure that you can convince me (or most people) that they're some sort of majority though.

> >

> > > @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> > >That's the beauty of this game, that you can simply close and come back tomorrow.

> >

> > This is what I was trying to identify. Do you believe that the "hardcore" HoT version of GW2 has been replaced by a PoF filled with casual players (if that's not a contradiction in terms)? I don't know - maybe I'm foolish to suggest that there might be a correlation between how much time the clients play and how "loyal" the core playerbase is.

> >


> Don't confuse casual with disloyal. I actually have a casual play style. I have a guild filled with casuals are who loyal. By the same token, the most famous raiding guild in the game didn't have enough raiding content and so most of them have moved on to other games, according to a post they made on reddit. They were hard core by not loyal.


> A hard core player, by nature, is harder to please. A casual player is less likely, often, to jump from game to game because they don't have very specific requirements other than stuff to keep them busy. Stuff to work towards. Casually. P.lenty of that here whether it's achievements or crafting or gathering to craft something.


If a mod could delete this post that would be great. I replied to my last post instead of editing it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You know, about 3 years or so, there was a cry out (on the forums, and elsewhere, I suppose) about there not being enough 'challenging' content. Oh, you would have thought nearly the entire playerbase wanted much more difficult things to do. Well, ArenaNet listened to those cries, and produced Heart of Thorns and subsequent content. Goodness me! The push-back on _that_ content was intense. So, ArenaNet listened, and changed the content produced, yet again.


> Thus, one might think twice about concluding what kind of content the playerbase most desires based on forum (and elsewhere) statements. It seems the 'majority' is always those displeased with the status quo.


> Good luck.


Well the problem is they made most of HoT not just hard but you have to group up to get most of it done hard.. And when you group up most of it usually becomes too easy when the group is too big, no scaling or very little it seems. Then they listen to the people complaining who probably gave up on HoT day 1 and who didn't even take time to learn the mechanics or where they need to group up with other players. The hero points are a good example, it should be something you do solo to improve your skill, I think they should be very hard to do alone, but in HoT they made it a group thing, which makes it easy and a chore at same time..

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I return to this game to play the story missions with other people, and to continue it whenever new updates and areas arise. I also enjoy how moving and fighting in this game feels, and running around with people in wvw, jumping puzzles, guild missions and fractals. Longer term goals have been slowly working towards legendaries and some collections/achievements, but those have always been kinda secondary to me.

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I play the game for... dark reasons. Right now I am effectively an invalid. I'm in terrible pain, every day, and I have been for a year now. My entire life came to a halt. Now, for the first part of this I would just sit immobile and watch whatever youtube video I could, but the inactivity was eating away at my soul. So I started playing GW2 again, because so long as I am earning gold I feel like I am accomplishing something. At least, in a small part.


The game's pretty good overall. Though the liberal-ness that runs through every fiber of its being angers me at times, it did solve some problems that run amok in the genre. I sear, I could rant for hours on the "Need, Greed, Pass" system.


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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> Above all, when I get tired or bored, I log out. It feels like people only find such games fun if there is some long-term goal they can strive for. I find that the typical approach to playing an MMO, advancing a goal, is overrated. It tends to promote lengthy, driven play sessions until the goal is reached. I play GW2 not just to get stuff, but to enjoy myself. If that means I don't play for hours every time I log in -- and I don't -- well, so be it.


I want to be your friend! I keep telling this to gamers I know, and they look at me like I have a terminal disease... Games are for fun, they're not supposed to be like a second job! =)

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You know, about 3 years or so, there was a cry out (on the forums, and elsewhere, I suppose) about there not being enough 'challenging' content. Oh, you would have thought nearly the entire playerbase wanted much more difficult things to do. Well, ArenaNet listened to those cries, and produced Heart of Thorns and subsequent content. Goodness me! The push-back on _that_ content was intense. So, ArenaNet listened, and changed the content produced, yet again.


> Thus, one might think twice about concluding what kind of content the playerbase most desires based on forum (and elsewhere) statements. It seems the 'majority' is always those displeased with the status quo.


> Good luck.


Well HoT was a rushed project and the backlash is because they doubled down on the Meta Events because Dry top and SW had been so successful. But while DT and SW still allow for parallel activities in the lull of the metas (and even during, look at people doing CF in SW during meta) HoT was all meta all the time. All that paired with stronger enemies and Champion Hero Challenges (which is kind of a solo thing and took them 2 years to incentivize people to help out with those making them repeatable), maps that were more vertical than ever (which confuses a lot of people, god knows why), and hard to read mini-maps (looking at you TD), made the whole HoT map experience less enjoyable than SW or DT.


But the whole backlash with HoT wasn't that the content was challenging, it's that ALL content was challenging, and a lot of times in a way that it's barely feasible for a solo player to overcome. And GW2 open world is supposed to be made to be soloable (hence Colin J's famous like "If you like MMOs you should check out GW2, if you don't like MMOs you should definetly check out GW2"). It's the same, but polar opposite of the complaints about PoF. in PoF there isn't enough repeatable, challenging content. It's all a snoozefest for the most part. Arena Net have been developing GW2 for 5 years but they still haven't found a method of balancing their content to have a broad appeal. It's always dialled to 0 or 11.


And while i do love the game overall, i dislike Arena Net's style of development A LOT. It's filled with questionable, illogical decisions that detract from the enjoyment of the game.

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Alas, I must not have explained very well. The gist of the post quoted was that using the forum flavor-of-the-month to bolster one's view on a subject doesn't pan out well over time. Whatever the current concern is, and ArenaNet addresses seems to bring the opposite concern to the forum with the change. Heart of Thorns was only an example (obviously, not the best as it detracted from the point). Sigh.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > You know, about 3 years or so, there was a cry out (on the forums, and elsewhere, I suppose) about there not being enough 'challenging' content. Oh, you would have thought nearly the entire playerbase wanted much more difficult things to do. Well, ArenaNet listened to those cries, and produced Heart of Thorns and subsequent content. Goodness me! The push-back on _that_ content was intense. So, ArenaNet listened, and changed the content produced, yet again.

> >

> > Thus, one might think twice about concluding what kind of content the playerbase most desires based on forum (and elsewhere) statements. It seems the 'majority' is always those displeased with the status quo.

> >

> > Good luck.


> Well HoT was a rushed project and the backlash is because they doubled down on the Meta Events because Dry top and SW had been so successful. But while DT and SW still allow for parallel activities in the lull of the metas (and even during, look at people doing CF in SW during meta) HoT was all meta all the time. All that paired with stronger enemies and Champion Hero Challenges (which is kind of a solo thing and took them 2 years to incentivize people to help out with those making them repeatable), maps that were more vertical than ever (which confuses a lot of people, god knows why), and hard to read mini-maps (looking at you TD), made the whole HoT map experience less enjoyable than SW or DT.


> But the whole backlash with HoT wasn't that the content was challenging, it's that ALL content was challenging, and a lot of times in a way that it's barely feasible for a solo player to overcome. And GW2 open world is supposed to be made to be soloable (hence Colin J's famous like "If you like MMOs you should check out GW2, if you don't like MMOs you should definetly check out GW2"). It's the same, but polar opposite of the complaints about PoF. in PoF there isn't enough repeatable, challenging content. It's all a snoozefest for the most part. Arena Net have been developing GW2 for 5 years but they still haven't found a method of balancing their content to have a broad appeal. It's always dialled to 0 or 11.


> And while i do love the game overall, i dislike Arena Net's style of development A LOT. It's filled with questionable, illogical decisions that detract from the enjoyment of the game.


Yeah I wonder if they kept it soloable (but hard) if people would have complained as much. If you go to HoT for first time and explore and try to do a hero point you get the impression it's extremely difficult when in reality it's just group content.. But then yeah they shouldn't listen to complainers too much and stick to their own vision, obviously PoF is a result of it all.

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> @"Silencio.2604" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > You know, about 3 years or so, there was a cry out (on the forums, and elsewhere, I suppose) about there not being enough 'challenging' content. Oh, you would have thought nearly the entire playerbase wanted much more difficult things to do. Well, ArenaNet listened to those cries, and produced Heart of Thorns and subsequent content. Goodness me! The push-back on _that_ content was intense. So, ArenaNet listened, and changed the content produced, yet again.

> > >

> > > Thus, one might think twice about concluding what kind of content the playerbase most desires based on forum (and elsewhere) statements. It seems the 'majority' is always those displeased with the status quo.

> > >

> > > Good luck.

> >

> > Well HoT was a rushed project and the backlash is because they doubled down on the Meta Events because Dry top and SW had been so successful. But while DT and SW still allow for parallel activities in the lull of the metas (and even during, look at people doing CF in SW during meta) HoT was all meta all the time. All that paired with stronger enemies and Champion Hero Challenges (which is kind of a solo thing and took them 2 years to incentivize people to help out with those making them repeatable), maps that were more vertical than ever (which confuses a lot of people, god knows why), and hard to read mini-maps (looking at you TD), made the whole HoT map experience less enjoyable than SW or DT.

> >

> > But the whole backlash with HoT wasn't that the content was challenging, it's that ALL content was challenging, and a lot of times in a way that it's barely feasible for a solo player to overcome. And GW2 open world is supposed to be made to be soloable (hence Colin J's famous like "If you like MMOs you should check out GW2, if you don't like MMOs you should definetly check out GW2"). It's the same, but polar opposite of the complaints about PoF. in PoF there isn't enough repeatable, challenging content. It's all a snoozefest for the most part. Arena Net have been developing GW2 for 5 years but they still haven't found a method of balancing their content to have a broad appeal. It's always dialled to 0 or 11.

> >

> > And while i do love the game overall, i dislike Arena Net's style of development A LOT. It's filled with questionable, illogical decisions that detract from the enjoyment of the game.


> Yeah I wonder if they kept it soloable (but hard) if people would have complained as much. If you go to HoT for first time and explore and try to do a hero point you get the impression it's extremely difficult when in reality it's just group content.. But then yeah they shouldn't listen to complainers too much and stick to their own vision, obviously PoF is a result of it all.


PoF is more the result of a "all or nothing" mindset. They could have easily added a meta-event like we have on Istan to Vabbi or the Riverlands, or any other map, and that single map would allow for the "repeatable content" requirements to be fullfilled.

Heck, if they had improved rewards on bounties and the Vabbi meta, as in, making them worth repeating, there would be no issue because there would be pretty good repeatable content.

But Arena Net seem to busy themselves too much with the gemstore, and too little with actually making the game worth playing.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Silencio.2604" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > You know, about 3 years or so, there was a cry out (on the forums, and elsewhere, I suppose) about there not being enough 'challenging' content. Oh, you would have thought nearly the entire playerbase wanted much more difficult things to do. Well, ArenaNet listened to those cries, and produced Heart of Thorns and subsequent content. Goodness me! The push-back on _that_ content was intense. So, ArenaNet listened, and changed the content produced, yet again.

> > > >

> > > > Thus, one might think twice about concluding what kind of content the playerbase most desires based on forum (and elsewhere) statements. It seems the 'majority' is always those displeased with the status quo.

> > > >

> > > > Good luck.

> > >

> > > Well HoT was a rushed project and the backlash is because they doubled down on the Meta Events because Dry top and SW had been so successful. But while DT and SW still allow for parallel activities in the lull of the metas (and even during, look at people doing CF in SW during meta) HoT was all meta all the time. All that paired with stronger enemies and Champion Hero Challenges (which is kind of a solo thing and took them 2 years to incentivize people to help out with those making them repeatable), maps that were more vertical than ever (which confuses a lot of people, god knows why), and hard to read mini-maps (looking at you TD), made the whole HoT map experience less enjoyable than SW or DT.

> > >

> > > But the whole backlash with HoT wasn't that the content was challenging, it's that ALL content was challenging, and a lot of times in a way that it's barely feasible for a solo player to overcome. And GW2 open world is supposed to be made to be soloable (hence Colin J's famous like "If you like MMOs you should check out GW2, if you don't like MMOs you should definetly check out GW2"). It's the same, but polar opposite of the complaints about PoF. in PoF there isn't enough repeatable, challenging content. It's all a snoozefest for the most part. Arena Net have been developing GW2 for 5 years but they still haven't found a method of balancing their content to have a broad appeal. It's always dialled to 0 or 11.

> > >

> > > And while i do love the game overall, i dislike Arena Net's style of development A LOT. It's filled with questionable, illogical decisions that detract from the enjoyment of the game.

> >

> > Yeah I wonder if they kept it soloable (but hard) if people would have complained as much. If you go to HoT for first time and explore and try to do a hero point you get the impression it's extremely difficult when in reality it's just group content.. But then yeah they shouldn't listen to complainers too much and stick to their own vision, obviously PoF is a result of it all.


> PoF is more the result of a "all or nothing" mindset. They could have easily added a meta-event like we have on Istan to Vabbi or the Riverlands, or any other map, and that single map would allow for the "repeatable content" requirements to be fullfilled.

> Heck, if they had improved rewards on bounties and the Vabbi meta, as in, making them worth repeating, there would be no issue because there would be pretty good repeatable content.

> But Arena Net seem to busy themselves too much with the gemstore, and too little with actually making the game worth playing.


Really needs some good meta events yeah, hope there is still more to come. I don't really like the bounty system, but I guess it's their way of keeping group content challenging.

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> @"Silencio.2604" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"Silencio.2604" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > > You know, about 3 years or so, there was a cry out (on the forums, and elsewhere, I suppose) about there not being enough 'challenging' content. Oh, you would have thought nearly the entire playerbase wanted much more difficult things to do. Well, ArenaNet listened to those cries, and produced Heart of Thorns and subsequent content. Goodness me! The push-back on _that_ content was intense. So, ArenaNet listened, and changed the content produced, yet again.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thus, one might think twice about concluding what kind of content the playerbase most desires based on forum (and elsewhere) statements. It seems the 'majority' is always those displeased with the status quo.

> > > > >

> > > > > Good luck.

> > > >

> > > > Well HoT was a rushed project and the backlash is because they doubled down on the Meta Events because Dry top and SW had been so successful. But while DT and SW still allow for parallel activities in the lull of the metas (and even during, look at people doing CF in SW during meta) HoT was all meta all the time. All that paired with stronger enemies and Champion Hero Challenges (which is kind of a solo thing and took them 2 years to incentivize people to help out with those making them repeatable), maps that were more vertical than ever (which confuses a lot of people, god knows why), and hard to read mini-maps (looking at you TD), made the whole HoT map experience less enjoyable than SW or DT.

> > > >

> > > > But the whole backlash with HoT wasn't that the content was challenging, it's that ALL content was challenging, and a lot of times in a way that it's barely feasible for a solo player to overcome. And GW2 open world is supposed to be made to be soloable (hence Colin J's famous like "If you like MMOs you should check out GW2, if you don't like MMOs you should definetly check out GW2"). It's the same, but polar opposite of the complaints about PoF. in PoF there isn't enough repeatable, challenging content. It's all a snoozefest for the most part. Arena Net have been developing GW2 for 5 years but they still haven't found a method of balancing their content to have a broad appeal. It's always dialled to 0 or 11.

> > > >

> > > > And while i do love the game overall, i dislike Arena Net's style of development A LOT. It's filled with questionable, illogical decisions that detract from the enjoyment of the game.

> > >

> > > Yeah I wonder if they kept it soloable (but hard) if people would have complained as much. If you go to HoT for first time and explore and try to do a hero point you get the impression it's extremely difficult when in reality it's just group content.. But then yeah they shouldn't listen to complainers too much and stick to their own vision, obviously PoF is a result of it all.

> >

> > PoF is more the result of a "all or nothing" mindset. They could have easily added a meta-event like we have on Istan to Vabbi or the Riverlands, or any other map, and that single map would allow for the "repeatable content" requirements to be fullfilled.

> > Heck, if they had improved rewards on bounties and the Vabbi meta, as in, making them worth repeating, there would be no issue because there would be pretty good repeatable content.

> > But Arena Net seem to busy themselves too much with the gemstore, and too little with actually making the game worth playing.


> Really needs some good meta events yeah, hope there is still more to come. I don't really like the bounty system, but I guess it's their way of keeping group content challenging.


The Bounties are great, but the effort/reward ratio is disproportional, i mean you have to "work" for the kill, especially because of the random added mechanics, that can sometimes make encounters seemingly impossible. And you get a pitiful reward, especially when it's just champions.

Now compare the effort of that with VB, TD, Istan, etc. Meta events... You can faceroll most of those, with small mechanical exceptions (like not killing the octovine too early), you get MUCH greater rewards with way less effort. Heck with the correct timing, you can just get there after its over and just farm all the chests.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You said JPs are fun and events are fun. What more than _fun_ is the purpose of playing games?


This pretty much.

I play for fun.

I enjoy Jumping Puzzles, doing Story missions, random events and explorations, Fractals, Dungeons, some times pvp, and sometimes guild events and helping people. I love combat and yes these are all the things I do for fun. The purpose of playing the game is to simply enjoy the content. If you don't enjoy the content then don't play it. Take breaks and play other games. That's what I do. Nobody is forcing you to play any content you dont want and I think that is the beauty of this game.

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I used to spent about 80% of my playtime doing pvp and the other 20% mostly world bosses. Then I took a break for about a year and came back just before summer of this year. Having found my thirst for pvp to be quenched elsewhere, I decided to play casually and finally do some things I never did when I was still "hardcore pvp." So I set myself the goal of finally getting a full set of ascended for my main. I began doing daily winterberry runs and plunged into fractals, which I had done literally once in my entire time playing this game prior to my break (and I've played since closed beta weeked 1, iirc). Now I got my full ascended viper set on my recv and it feels pretty good. My new goal is getting a full ascended set in berserker stats for when I feel like playing power herald. Point is, I like setting goals to achieve, and when I get there, I set new ones.

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