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Nerf Spellbreaker winds.


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> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> Just remember, the best solution to a zerg trying to get you to push across a tight space (like a bridge) isn't to try and push- it's to build a ballista or two behind you and force them to either push or retreat into a more open space.


lel that reminds, i tend to build balista face to hills cata spot on the hill font of the keep, usually i solo zergs there and they get quite mad, drop 2 or 3 supply traps there, then got to balistas on the hill and spam it while zerg is trying to build the siege to farm the keep.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Pretty overpowered spell that's taking over fights.


> 1. It lasts 10s. Static field lasts 4s, Null field 5s, Feedback 6s. So pretty much double duration.

> 2. It boon strips all boons on cast and 1 boon per sec for 10s after. One or the other, why both? Scourge already handle the mass boon removals.

> 3. It's radius is 360, Static field 180, Null field 240, Feedback is 240, Well of corruption 240. A skill this powerful with the biggest radius.

> 4. Recast time of 90s, meanwhile there's much less effective elites out there with 240s cooldowns.

> 5. Number of targets 10. Null field 5, Well of corruption 5, Static field 10. Static field is ok with bigger targets because it has the smallest radius.


> I don't care if it's an elite in comparison, it has more properties to the spell to make up for that, like shield of absorption, old grim specter, well of corruption, rolled into one with extra numbers for everything, just the fact it has three spells rolled into one should have been enough. It's obvious this spell was meant for wvw more than anywhere else, but they gave no thought on how much it would affect the battlefield, once again GG balance team.


> Well at least they didn't make it reflect projectiles....


> P.S I go around all these bubbles, including allied bubbles cause I still can't tell what's an enemy or allied bubble with the mass spam unless I look real close to the edges to see if I can see some red there, but who the hell has time to look at a tiny line in a mass fight, at least regular enemy aoes are more recognizable still.


Pretty much this. It's the most powerful elite in the game, and is better than the next 5 elites behind it combined.

Without a change to what all this skill can do, it would have to be put on a 240 sec cooldown timer (to even attempt to balance it), and even then, it would still be the best elite in the game.

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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

>To expect to walk into a 60 man pug zerg with 15 and destroy them like the old days is just about over. People can blame WoD, Scourges, Mirages, heck blame the turrent engineer. These folks need to look in the mirror and realize that the advantages they once had, like having voice chat, is not longer an advantage as most pug groups are in TS nowadays. Pugs are a heck of alot more coordinated now for the most part.


Uh, no

The general population didn't suddenly get gud when PoF launched.

Something else happened, or pair of somethings. Something much less miraculous

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Nerfing it because some organized group is cleverly using its spell breakers for its advantage is flawed

> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"Blood.5607" said:

> > Nah fam, keep the winds and git gud with your zergs positioning.


> Ok face 12+ spellbreakers and 60+. I would love to see how good you are.


Sure ill get 12 spell breakers and 60+ man as well , lets see who wins



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> @"Toxi XerPender.6507" said:

> **Firstly**, Spellbreaker winds fails to promote a meta focused around fighting eachother, as most of the time zerg/group fights ends decisively in about 1-3 seconds during a push. Before and after those decisive seconds, there is close to no fighting at all. That is because fighting nowdays all comes down to who manages to drop a bubble on the enemy first, leading to noone wanting to charge into the enemy, as they will drop their bubbles.


This is **not** a result of the Spellbreaker WoD, or anything related to a spec at all.


This is an **overall** issue with the **combat system** and the way damage increased and TTL decreased since release. Yes, back then we had backstab thieves and 100b Warriors "1-shotting" players, but given CD and all, the overall fight still lasted quite long. Especially because in the absence of reliable boonspamming, CC kept the frontlines apart quite well.


**Fix the issue**. Not the symptoms. This problem affects the entire game:


* Damage is overall just too high.

* Boons are too spammable. In return they have to be weak or easily removed, which is again pretty bad in itself.

* Conditions are too spammable.

* Few skills don't have 2-5 extra effects stapled onto them, and that's ignoring runes/sigils. Virtually no purity of design or purpose any more.

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agreed, so much salt for a defensive skill, is nonsense. its strong as people build for it.

all I read on these is condi spammers "I should be god!"

I've also boon balled against wod, dodged rolled through and spammed my frontline no issue.

the trick is to keep moving

its not that exciting- but it can end stalemates. hooray for wod!

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> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> blance patch comes 1~2 weeks :)



Funny, since we've had at least 2 balance patches since PoF launch and WoD hasn't been touched, except to change it to a color that gets lost in big fights (thanks?), even though people have been complaining about it and calling for it to change since the beginning.


I'll be surprised if Anet's baby gets a nerf.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> > blance patch comes 1~2 weeks :)

> >


> Funny, since we've had at least 2 balance patches since PoF launch and WoD hasn't been touched, except to change it to a color that gets lost in big fights (thanks?), even though people have been complaining about it and calling for it to change since the beginning.


> I'll be surprised if Anet's baby gets a nerf.


just keep yellllllllll B)

Need Nerf Winds of Disenchantment Radius "


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> @"radiantbliss.6875" said:

> I don't see how it's unbalanced. You are asking to nerf something that is actually only dangerous in addition of another class. That is not an imbalance.


Yeah, it actually is imbalance. This is a multiplayer game, and MMO. To suggest that you cannot view things in group play sense is illogical, and counter to the design of the game.



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Finally. I am glad to see some people that agree with me then instead defense it about while it's broken. For the boon meta yes i agree that wings is a good thing. But 15+ bubbles when you push or don't. That's a bubble train that you have no choice and hope you would win in a small chance. A good commander driver will still be no piont if they have 15+ bubbles. Then you lost already 10+ people once the fight got started.

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Bubbles are not necessarily the problem. I think there is room for some balance in the internal boon removal cooldown and maybe in the bubble duration, but I think they are very good for forcing good movement techniques on the battlefield. A guild that can strafe, move around bubbles, false push to blow cooldowns on bubbles before bombing, these are the guilds that will do well. Any unskilled commander that just pushes in with a bunch of pugs that follow, only to get wrecked, they deserve what they are getting for not playing tactfully.


If anything, the Enchantment Collapse trait needs a nerf, because this is really where the Spellbreaker is overpowered. Bubble can be tweaked, but EC needs to be hit as well, if not more importantly than the bubble.

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> @"xivor.8754" said:

> If anything, the Enchantment Collapse trait needs a nerf, because this is really where the Spellbreaker is overpowered. Bubble can be tweaked, but EC needs to be hit as well, if not more importantly than the bubble.


Not even a nerf, just a small ICD to prevent the chain reaction that was almost certainly never intended.

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As a Scourge main that regularly dies in these things, I have to stick up for warriors here and say they're not that bad (note: I never play my warrior so it would actually help me if they nerfed it) .


These bubbles have a hugely obvious tell, they have a huge cool down and most times I can double dodge out of them as soon as they appear.


So far all I see warriors do in WvW is:


A) Bubble

\B) Use their extensive set of invulnerabilities in a zerg to make the enemy waste their cooldowns.


So for me, warriors are pretty much a "one trick pony" in zerging so taking their one trick away from them would make them irrelevant again.


I actually think these bubbles actually make zerg busting MORE achievable because you can get good value for a successful bubble-pull-bomb.


The only guild we've fought that has busted our JQ blob was making extensive use bubbles to achieve that - our blob had plenty of warrior bubbles to fight them with but that guild's superior positioning and discipline won out in the end.


So I think if you want to do zerg busting then you need to look at your guild getting better rather than trying to modify the playing field.


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