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Nerf Spellbreaker winds.


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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > > It's funny cause, its like you're fine with miles upon miles of instant death circles on the ground... but one bubble is too much? Honestly sick of these topics. What server are you guys on? Is there even a commander on disc when this happens?

> > > >

> > > > If you are be able to wipe with 15+ vs 60+ with 12+ spellbreakers and the rest of the group firebrands and scourge and power revs then you'll get from me a 100 gold.

> > > > I would be happy to learn from you then.

> > >

> > > The thing is those 60 are runnig the same comp as well :D, sooooooooooo that is obvious impossible...

> >

> > excatly my piont, My guild group have won fights vs 60+ with 15+. But lately we facing now a lot of spellbreakers. Guilds that are zergs are tired of facing this problem. That's why anet need to give a change. Otherwise more skilled guilds will leave and quit. BoRP quit few weeks ago. They were zerg guild and they said it self. The game right now f1cking suck.


> You're talking about 15 v 60? And you're wondering why you're getting farmed? Come on. 15 v 60 is doable if they're REALLY bad with no co-ordination. If both groups have good players and decent co-ordination? Then numbers win. They outnumbered you by four times as much. The best you can hope to do is keep doing fake pushes to bubble bait, or if they're playing too aggressive, bait them to a choke and don't go open field. If you do need to go open field, then you need to cloud them.


Ok I'll repeat myself again. We won 15+ vs60+ many times lately. Even against guild groups. But now they are using 12+ spellbreakers if they see they can't win. Getting farmed? We want to fight outnumbert so we know the risks. But we can't anymore cause people find now it fun with spellbreakers to wipe organise groups to remove boons in each half second. And bait them into choke piont? If they bubble you on front, then you'll see the next 2 other bubbles at your back and side where you want to retreat. As I said many times, No piont to fight when they run 12+ spellbreakers. As I am asking you while you haven't answerd my question. Will you be able the do it? Yes or no?

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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > > @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > > > It's funny cause, its like you're fine with miles upon miles of instant death circles on the ground... but one bubble is too much? Honestly sick of these topics. What server are you guys on? Is there even a commander on disc when this happens?

> > > > >

> > > > > If you are be able to wipe with 15+ vs 60+ with 12+ spellbreakers and the rest of the group firebrands and scourge and power revs then you'll get from me a 100 gold.

> > > > > I would be happy to learn from you then.

> > > >

> > > > The thing is those 60 are runnig the same comp as well :D, sooooooooooo that is obvious impossible...

> > >

> > > excatly my piont, My guild group have won fights vs 60+ with 15+. But lately we facing now a lot of spellbreakers. Guilds that are zergs are tired of facing this problem. That's why anet need to give a change. Otherwise more skilled guilds will leave and quit. BoRP quit few weeks ago. They were zerg guild and they said it self. The game right now f1cking suck.

> >

> > You're talking about 15 v 60? And you're wondering why you're getting farmed? Come on. 15 v 60 is doable if they're REALLY bad with no co-ordination. If both groups have good players and decent co-ordination? Then numbers win. They outnumbered you by four times as much. The best you can hope to do is keep doing fake pushes to bubble bait, or if they're playing too aggressive, bait them to a choke and don't go open field. If you do need to go open field, then you need to cloud them.


> Ok I'll repeat myself again. We won 15+ vs60+ many times lately. Even against guild groups. But now they are using 12+ spellbreakers if they see they can't win. Getting farmed? We want to fight outnumbert so we know the risks. But we can't anymore cause people find now it fun with spellbreakers to wipe organise groups to remove boons in each half second. And bait them into choke piont? If they bubble you on front, then you'll see the next 2 other bubbles at your back and side where you want to retreat. As I said many times, No piont to fight when they run 12+ spellbreakers. As I am asking you while you haven't answerd my question. Will you be able the do it? Yes or no?


If you're baiting them into a choke a spellbreaker shouldn't be able to slip behind you. If he does, maybe he can even get a bubble off before he dies, but with a choke filled with conditions infront of you they're unlikely to push on it. Most spellbreakers are really yolo and push far too deep, way deeper than the 600range maximum they should be placing it at. Does your guild have good spellbreakers? Honestly it sounds like you're outnumbered AND they're equally skilled. So in that case it's really unlikely you'll win that fight. You keep saying you win a lot of 15v60 lately. And I'm telling you that those players you killed in those blobs were terrible and had no coordination. 15v60 on equal footing is just suicide. Why is it so hard for you to believe you've met your match and need more numbers to beat them?

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@BassHunteR.7246, i am on the same boat.


@ProverbsofHell.2307, indeed, both groups on ts and being at same lvl, the 60 man would just non stop push and would be a extremelly easy wipe....

All the the 15 man commander could do would be avoid the frontline and push the bacline but that would not help much besides kill a few pllayers, would end most probably on bein rushed with the ton of newblet aoe/cleave spam game offer.


Ive been in similiar stiuation, my server outmaned as usual, and with a few 15-20 we coul hold a full stacked blob on open field, but theres to much variables, how unstacked the other group is, no coms on other side, while we know if they stack and aoe rush n spam, would obliterate our smaller group, while we could still wipe a decent portion of the lower skilled blob.

IF, the 60 were on coms with mediocre players, or at leaste 20-30 are on coms and others know how to behave even not in coms, the 60 easilly wipe the 15 skilled group w/o a chance, just need to push... this game is made to carry players trough damage, so 60 vs 15 is a isntant wipe.


Dont forget that gw2 players even on pvp or wvw arent that good many are being carried by gimmicks or numbers, they dont fully realise that.

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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > > @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > > > It's funny cause, its like you're fine with miles upon miles of instant death circles on the ground... but one bubble is too much? Honestly sick of these topics. What server are you guys on? Is there even a commander on disc when this happens?

> > > > >

> > > > > If you are be able to wipe with 15+ vs 60+ with 12+ spellbreakers and the rest of the group firebrands and scourge and power revs then you'll get from me a 100 gold.

> > > > > I would be happy to learn from you then.

> > > >

> > > > The thing is those 60 are runnig the same comp as well :D, sooooooooooo that is obvious impossible...

> > >

> > > excatly my piont, My guild group have won fights vs 60+ with 15+. But lately we facing now a lot of spellbreakers. Guilds that are zergs are tired of facing this problem. That's why anet need to give a change. Otherwise more skilled guilds will leave and quit. BoRP quit few weeks ago. They were zerg guild and they said it self. The game right now f1cking suck.

> >

> > You're talking about 15 v 60? And you're wondering why you're getting farmed? Come on. 15 v 60 is doable if they're REALLY bad with no co-ordination. If both groups have good players and decent co-ordination? Then numbers win. They outnumbered you by four times as much. The best you can hope to do is keep doing fake pushes to bubble bait, or if they're playing too aggressive, bait them to a choke and don't go open field. If you do need to go open field, then you need to cloud them.


> Ok I'll repeat myself again. We won 15+ vs60+ many times lately. Even against guild groups. But now they are using 12+ spellbreakers if they see they can't win. Getting farmed? We want to fight outnumbert so we know the risks. But we can't anymore cause people find now it fun with spellbreakers to wipe organise groups to remove boons in each half second. And bait them into choke piont? If they bubble you on front, then you'll see the next 2 other bubbles at your back and side where you want to retreat. As I said many times, No piont to fight when they run 12+ spellbreakers. As I am asking you while you haven't answerd my question. Will you be able the do it? Yes or no?


I don't think you're going to get a lot of sympathy when you're effectively whining that your entire group isn't able to 1v4 anymore. I mean, you can you imagine the mockery that would follow a roamer calling for a nerf to a skill because it was preventing them from regularly winning 1v4s like they'd gotten used to?


Do you think maybe, just maybe, that the comp you were running is one of the things that Anet _wanted_ Winds to counter?

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@Choppy.4183, people want to be carried on both sides IMO, the groups that use lots of WoD, but as well the groups that just want to stack boon and condi spam that dont want to be countered.

And for sure that plaese nerf my counter happens way more than actually people want to nerf broken gimmicks... since those broken gimmicks makes players win w/o effort, but when something apears to counter them... still the counter will be bad designed as obvious since needs to carry the other side as well..


**As some irl friends tell me, plz we are talking about decent players and skillfull gameplay dont bring gw2 to the equation.**


It is sad cause this is due how the game has been bad designed (class and skill) this are the real culprit for this lame combat in both sides, Anet made players forcefully want to stack in hope their effort becomes close to zero, that is the main rule that Anet brainwashed the gw2 players.

Reason they dont want to design decent skills... and we end with broken skills so players can stack in hope to win, then we have players complaining when some counter brainless gimmick apears to counter another brainless gimmick.



EDit: and i keep saying for how dumb this game is WoD is fine, just fix the trait, or make it to something else...

FC is as well designed to help newb, feels like a auto macro for a gw1 mesmer rather than a skillfull skill.

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@AJaZe.2943, issue is not the skill.... it is the traitline that makes the skill super strong, and does not only affects players inside buble but outside as well for what was explained to me.


Still theres, so much boon stacking.. :\ i dont mind the efects of it seriously...

Wish there was a a guardian buble that removed condis and would avoid people inside buble to gain conditions... :P


> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Just delete Spellbreaker and give Warrior a proper PvE specialization then.


> It is clear that this community is never going to let Warrior have any fun in PvP/WvW.


if u notice, spellbreakers, scourges and firebrands, are stackign classes to reach pvp broken gameplay wich is what gw2 was intended for on larger scale, the rest of the other classes are high damage bursters, both fill the group and "soloist" gameplay but both are broken each on in each own gimmick.

This is required to a low skillfloor wich is what gw2 was invented for.. low skilled players that need easy gimmicks.


Have fun for u guys is "i want to be carried"wich is what killed this game...

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Not a big fan of Winds myself, playing both with and against is not much fun...if you got hit by the enemies winds, you are dead...you get cc to death, theres not much you can actually do, it completely negates all the defences that your build have...if you hit the enemy with Winds, you win fight...sure, condi and boon spam are cancer, but you dont try to fix it with even more cancer like Winds.

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and @Toxi XerPender.6507


I completelly agree with both of u but, by the other hand we have the boon and condi stackiing.. aoe range spam, not a properly decent gameplay... it is a game with poor skill combat mechanics overall.

This is a game where players need to be carried on offense, where winds helps the group achieve that against the imba and way to easy boon stacking, since every utility will rahter be condi stacking or in some cases utilities that pretend to be something else but will result in just the same... boon stacking rather than have direct effects or something that will not stack.

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If anything, I was hoping WoD would somehow stop zergs from literally stacking on top of each other but rather make people spread out a bit more in the open field. But I guess not, zergs charge together (on top of each other) and die together (on top of each other). :#

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I think the style of fights will cause different thoughts. There is nothing special if both sides are running with tanky comp. Cuz the damge from both sides is very low, so there is not a big pressure of standing or moving inside WoD.


Only pvers will play glass dps build in WvW.

Wake up and put on your Minstrel gear.

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> @"dbill.7483" said:

> A well organized guild group that chains winds, CC's & condi spam is an amazing killing machine.... it's almost a thing of beauty.

> Some have it, others aspire to it, Pugs whine about. that's how the meta evolves.


meta about overstackin spammable skills.... on a very spammable gamplay where u all need is to bomb places w/o requiring to know what targets need to go down..." perfect skillfull" for gw2 players.


/gw2skils.. yeah right.

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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"Blood.5607" said:

> > Nah fam, keep the winds and git gud with your zergs positioning.


> Ok face 12+ spellbreakers and 60+. I would love to see how good you are.


Nah fam, doesnt happen in T3... But in terms of mechanically, here is a meme video of my gameplay (watch up to the tower steal ^^ )

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All they need to do is give a renegade a spirit ability that grants a unique buff that gives stability. Since it's not a boon it won't be removed, and it will encourage less revenant hammer 2 spam since the renagagde will likely use different stat sets. Renagde is hardly used in WvW, and Revenant hammer 2 spam is just as bad. Forcing more diversity gets rid of skill spam.


There's a lot of stuff they could do to counter OP abilities that would require diversity in a zerg, but sadly right now you only really need 4 classes running 4 builds.

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Nah, right now access for Revenant is completly denied. Uhh wow you have group stunbreak, just not bringing it with Vabbi's Scourge/Spellbreaker spam. Resistance? Nice joke Anet, really. I laugh every time a Revenant dies as Resistance is kind of the only way for a Revenant to handle Conditions. But hey with all those funny bubbles and Scourges and Resistance and Stability the first Boons ripped from all...GG :D Bye bye Revenant, was funny with you, but even a lowlevel Ranger has far better sustain then you c: Go back to PvE. And btw why mention Vabbi? Well, even more funny how they can completly plaster the place between Bay and Garri with bubbles and Sand shades, but still they loose on purpose for easy farming, but talking big of looking for fights. xD Just a bunch of PvE'rs looking for easy farms lol

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