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What's the Status on JQ conspiracy


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My condolences to JQ on the failure of their tank and open strategy. While I'm not sure where they'll go from here, I offer them a humble suggestion: Double down. Tank so hard that JQ gets linked- to a host server. You've already done the unimaginable once, you got CD out of T4, I see no reason why you couldn't do it again. Go, JQ, tank! Tank like nobody has ever tanked before!

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Has the JQ community considered emigrating to a low population server, lets say a link and then simply take it over. Not only will they have the most "room" to stack the server, but even if they do achieve full status they can temporarily stack its linked server.

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> @"jul.7602" said:

> Has the JQ community considered emigrating to a low population server, lets say a link and then simply take it over. Not only will they have the most "room" to stack the server, but even if they do achieve full status they can temporarily stack its linked server.


If they wanted to do that, they would already done... They don't want to be on another server. They want THEIR server to be open.

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> @"jul.7602" said:

> Has the JQ community considered emigrating to a low population server, lets say a link and then simply take it over. Not only will they have the most "room" to stack the server, but even if they do achieve full status they can temporarily stack its linked server.


Because pugs exists, and JQ has one of the largest and well coverage pug population. Many on JQ also still has some remenants of server loyalty

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A lot of the JQ community are people who have been on the server since beta and would never, ever leave. But honestly, I think jul has a point... JQ has a large pve community still that goes in a couple times a week and does their missions, has a bunch of pugs that just dont give a crap what JQ is trying to do, and frankly some guilds that do the same. This is enough to keep the doors closed to JQ opening. Its a problem its had for as long as I can remember. The community should vote and just leave tbh if they want a more diverse server and better fights.

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JQ had been hurting on population (at least for NA and OCX) for a very long time due to being closed for approximately forever. Commanders were running on fumes constantly having to jump maps to rescue objectives, and getting consistently outnumbered in every tier. The only way the server was surviving for a few months around T3/T2 was essentially via SEA PPT and slightly better KDR during most times. Having the server closed for such a long time without a link hurts morale significantly when people have been waiting for months to transfer, especially when during this time servers such as Maguuma get both a link and open multiple times. And now today when other servers have map queues and JQ has none in T4 on reset, something might be just a little bit off.


As most people know, servers tanking and opening or getting a link is hardly new and has been done by multiple servers before. The point is that JQ has been running low population for months now, tanking or not. While I predicted that JQ wouldn't open nor get a link, it's still very disappointing and I think most everyone suspects exact reason why this is so, trolling aside. This kind of treatment ruins entire servers, communities on it, disillusions people from playing, and destroys the game in the long term.

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well anet knows jq will play once it opens because they announced it. so anet may be keeping tabs manually by deciding not to link or open jq.


its a loss for both sides since customers not playing and since those customers may have found another game.


in the end. anet has to follow the system and open jq. else, if the expectations of the players are not met, we'll have another mas exodus like post desert bl.


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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> well anet knows jq will play once it opens because they announced it. so anet may be keeping tabs manually by deciding not to link or open jq.


> its a loss for both sides since customers not playing and since those customers may have found another game.


> in the end. anet has to follow the system and open jq. else, if the expectations of the players are not met, we'll have another mas exodus like post desert bl.



they really look that far ahead?


I think it’s more likely that this thread will be deleted, OP gets a warning, and pretend like there is nothing wrong in the first place.


What anet has done is literally destroying one of the last united server community, and consolidated BG domination and t1-2 tank wars


Please prove me wrong


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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > well anet knows jq will play once it opens because they announced it. so anet may be keeping tabs manually by deciding not to link or open jq.

> >

> > its a loss for both sides since customers not playing and since those customers may have found another game.

> >

> > in the end. anet has to follow the system and open jq. else, if the expectations of the players are not met, we'll have another mas exodus like post desert bl.

> >


> they really look that far ahead?


> I think it’s more likely that this thread will be deleted, OP gets a warning, and pretend like there is nothing wrong in the first place.


> What anet has done is literally destroying one of the last united server community, and consolidated BG domination and t1-2 tank wars


> Please prove me wrong



you have to prove yourself right though. =) only then can it be proved wrong.


on that note though, unless a server plays ppt and has coverage. bg will remain top dog until players get bored.


thats just how it is.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > well anet knows jq will play once it opens because they announced it. so anet may be keeping tabs manually by deciding not to link or open jq.

> >

> > its a loss for both sides since customers not playing and since those customers may have found another game.

> >

> > in the end. anet has to follow the system and open jq. else, if the expectations of the players are not met, we'll have another mas exodus like post desert bl.

> >


> they really look that far ahead?


> I think it’s more likely that this thread will be deleted, OP gets a warning, and pretend like there is nothing wrong in the first place.


> What anet has done is literally destroying one of the last united server community, and consolidated BG domination and t1-2 tank wars


> Please prove me wrong



Your assessment is most likely true; further neglect of the server crisis will ensure the destruction of WvW. There are three universal problems with WvW. Population balance, skill balance, and Blackgate.

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Anet got this one right for once as JQ is way too big for linking or opening and their current sad state is self inflicted and not a true indication of server population.. Who ever posted the JQ discord screenshot with the tank plan has done everyone a favor by alerting anet to the ruse. I left JQ before hand and having server hopped a bunch recently I can honestly say JQ just doesn't realize how stacked it is. GG Anet GG.





[AMG]its carpal


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> @"keelhaul.8039" said:



> Anet got this one right for once as JQ is way too big for linking or opening and their current sad state is self inflicted and not a true indication of server population.. Who ever posted the JQ discord screenshot with the tank plan has done everyone a favor by alerting anet to the ruse. I left JQ before hand and having server hopped a bunch recently I can honestly say JQ just doesn't realize how stacked it is. GG Anet GG.





> [AMG]its carpal



You from BG? So you prefer sole dominance of BG that is destroying t1 and t2, and even BG themselves? Or is it anets sekrit plan to destroy and reduce wvw communities to balance the population?

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I was told two years ago that Anet was firm on their "Never JQ" stance. As in JQ will never be allow to be in 1st again. The fact that we're manually locked for what 7-8 months now with no links and yet still closed, should make everyone see and smell smoke. We all see this is a bit off now, right? And yes, they'll be a few who'll defend this out of JQ hate but, seriously, we all see this right?


So the question is not about JQ, it's how does Anet expect us to play this anymore as a competitive game mode, when they're manipulating the outcomes? That's what I don't understand. They pretty much shot themselves in the foot here.

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