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An idea to make Roamers matter in WvW: Bounty system


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> @"Artaz.3819" said:

> I'm not sure this encourages roaming playstyle per se though. It would be fun for a while but would get old quickly getting ganked over and over by that x vs. 1 hunt (because voice comms). Stealth/escape classes would further rule too the new roamer pool. And to be the "bait" for persistent attempts.


> A more appropriate roamer bonus is simply to give +% on wxp and magic find % loot for less than 4 (scale it) taking or "tagging" of objectives/enemy player kills. It doesn't actually have to be much maybe start at +100% incremental to wxp/magic find, +75%, +50%, +25% for solo tagging, 2, 3, 4, respectively. It'd be still be way less than zerging unless your zerg keeps getting flattened.


I dont think that just increasing rewards is a way to roaming or havok >_> with the current broken builds game is built in, that's the same as lets fix power creep and spam with rewards, wich make every want to get rewards by playing easy gimmick builds (wich actually feels something Anet might think off).

Imo that the lamest way to pretend to give roamers and havok groups something, altough that extra ppk to havok group that accpets a mission/task and pk's a player on those objectives looks a very good start.


I would rather see changes on overall rewards systems, structure rewards system as in no more rewards besides Wxp when farming a strucutre and rewards should be built over time has ppt from strucutre is obtained.


TDLR; decent mechanics should be added to help players that prefer to roam or havok in small groups ( limit of 5 players), increasing rewards w/o mechanics for those players to play will not be a good thing, this game lacks mechanics and Anet already showed how they try to fix the game on the wrong way by increasing powercreep and rewards only wich will be another mistake.




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