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Mesmer sword 2 - how can you get pulled/knocked down during this animation?


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Hey guys, quick question here about a problem I ran into while doing pvp today.


Ran to our home node and saw a guard come in, started the fight with torch 5 and 4 then cloaked/dodged and sword 1 followed by sword 2 and f1. Thing is, while I was doing sword 2 he immediately knocked me down and bursted me. I've never seen this before so I was wondering if anyone could explain this. Died nearly instantly, said some things about it in map chat but everyone is just "stop complaining blah blah". So ok fine I let it go, went back to home node and guardian is still there.


So I test it out again - opened the exact same way, same thing happened - landed everything and got knocked down and bursted during sword 2. Now I'm like wtf is going on here.


Died, respawned, went back, same thing third time in a row. Now I'm asking map chat to explain why I'm being killed by this guardian during sword 2 and nobody has any answers. Tried again, same result - every time always during sword 2. I can jaunt and try to escape but the burn stacks don't get cleansed by jaunt and it's basically gg, the burn does too much damage to survive for second jaunt. There were other things that seemed weird about this fight, I was for example using mirage cloak from dodge to try to escape the guardian circle (forget what its called), but mirage cloak was not apparently allowing me to get out of it (I do this on thief all the time, maybe it doesn't work for mirage cloak idk).


There must be something he is doing that goes through dodge/blur, else this is clearly some kind of exploit or hack or something, because it happened 4x in a row on top of a bunch of other weird stuff

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The guard likely landed gs5, binding blades, on you before you started doing blurred frenzy. If you are mid-dodge, and bf counts as a dodge for mechanical purposes, binding blades 2nd activation will knock you down instead of pulling you, but it will always cc unless you're invuln or have stability. This also works for spear of justice, the dragonhunter f1. If it lands on you, it can pull regardless of whether you're dodging.


Additionally, you cannot evade through any line ccs. This counts for line of warding, ring of warding, unsteady ground, spectral wall, and probably something else I'm forgetting. Daredevil dodge is a bit weird in that it throws you around pretty far and will sorta glitch you past the line sometimes, but normal dodges will never do this.


Lastly, burn stacks **do** get cleansed by jaunt, as well as by elusive mind. Also, mirage allows you to dodge while you're cced. Getting knocked down is no excuse for just facetanking a full burn guardian burst. They're an absolute one trick pony with a fast burst unload. Just dodge it.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> Yes I know burn can be cleansed, I just meant that it sometimes cleanses something else and you're screwed


I think what Pyro was saying was, if you take a full burn rotation from a 1 trick pony burn guardian even though you have one of the most powerful tools to get out of it (Jaunt) which works even while stunned or knocked down, you kind of deserve to die.


The cleanse of Jaunt on burn, while nice and useful though random, is not the deciding factor in this match up.

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