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An idea to improve Jumping Puzzles, for those of us that like Jumping Puzzles.


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So I have spent a lot of time thinking about things like Mounts, Gliding, Mesmer Portals and all around other skills that can overall make a jumping puzzle easier for people, but for use who like the challenge of jumping puzzles, can make it feel cheapened.


I was thinking there was no right answer to this problem, but then I came up with a possible idea that could possibly solve this.

Have a second set of achievements/events.


So basically, add an NPC at the start of all Jumping Puzzles (possibly specifically the Tyria ones, not any of the HoT or PoF ones) that ask if you wish for the full challenge of that puzzle and saying yes disables all mounts, gliding and skills, as well as access to using other people's mesmer portals within the area of that puzzle while you are in it. Falling and dying in the puzzle would also restart you immediately at the NPC, similar to falling in the Wintersday Jumping Puzzle.


People who solve the jumping puzzle under these conditions would get a much better prize from completing it and the chest would have a much greater reward. They would also get an achievement (once) per jumping puzzle stating that it was done fully without the use of additional tools or skills. Getting all of the jumping puzzle achievements under these conditions would also grant a title.


Thus under normal circumstances the jumping puzzles could remove the current gliding and mount disabled that are currently on some jumping puzzles.

So that's my idea, what do you guys think?

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> @"pholtos.9751" said:

> So I have spent a lot of time thinking about things like Mounts, Gliding, Mesmer Portals and all around other skills that can overall make a jumping puzzle easier for people, but for use who like the challenge of jumping puzzles, can make it feel cheapened.


> I was thinking there was no right answer to this problem, but then I came up with a possible idea that could possibly solve this.


Better idea. Put in more Instance based Jumping Puzzles, like Sanctum, Wintersday, Mad King... blah blah blah


would solve all the issues with ways to bypass them.. and then buff the rewards accordingly.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"pholtos.9751" said:

> > So I have spent a lot of time thinking about things like Mounts, Gliding, Mesmer Portals and all around other skills that can overall make a jumping puzzle easier for people, but for use who like the challenge of jumping puzzles, can make it feel cheapened.

> >

> > I was thinking there was no right answer to this problem, but then I came up with a possible idea that could possibly solve this.


> Better idea. Put in more Instance based Jumping Puzzles, like Sanctum, Wintersday, Mad King... blah blah blah


> would solve all the issues with ways to bypass them.. and then buff the rewards accordingly.

That does sound like a good idea, yeah.


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> And does one get credit (as far as Achievements go) for previously having completed the JP with no aids? Or must one complete the JP, yet again?


It might be impossible to tell how someone has completed the JPs before, so probably every JP would have to be completed yet again.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> And does one get credit (as far as Achievements go) for previously having completed the JP with no aids? Or must one complete the JP, yet again?


Obviously you would have to do the puzzle again. The game currently doesn't know if you've completed the puzzle with help from Mesmers, Mounts, Gliders, etc.


I like OP's idea and suggested something similar in the past. My first idea was to replace the no flight zone with the suggested buff and lock the chest behind it. I admit that this wouldn't sit well with those who loathe JPs, so OP's idea is better.


There is just one problem I see with disabling all skills. There are some JPs that require fighting. For example the Ätherblade JP. Instead of disabling I would suggest giving the player a set of pre-defined skills that don't include any movement or teleport skills. It would be similar to some transformations you can do for heart quests or picking up an environmental weapon.

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Make the JPs "difficulty adjuster" NPC just disable those things the JP is not designed for: portals, mounts and gliders in central tyria, portals and mounts in HoT, only portals in PoF. Adjust the disabled set according to each JP.

I don't see any problem in doing all the JPs again, as long as we finally get some reward for it.

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I just did the wintersday JP and was ask why I'm using the cheap route. Cheap route? Uh? Yeah, apperantly the former hardest route is now the cheapest and with that I'm done with the JP. Why make everything casual for everyone?

Disabeling gliders/mounts would be the minimum for everyone, it was fine back how it was and you need challenge in a game but GW2 becomes more and more challenge-less - for what do you want to be proud of anymore? That you logged in? Yay!

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I completed all of the JPs in the Jumping Puzzle category of the Achievement panel plus the few others added in other content (Aetherblade, Drytop, Silverwastes) before gliders or mounts were a thing. I don’t care for this suggestion, I don’t think my effort was cheapened either.


I also like the fact I can ‘safety jump’ with my Mesmer.


If you want the challenge, the content is versatile enough for you to personally not use gliders, mounts or portals. I don’t think more rewards should be added for doing so. This game is rewarding enough, that *the rewards are now cheapened.*

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> @"Jana.6831" said:

> I just did the wintersday JP and was ask why I'm using the cheap route. Cheap route? Uh? Yeah, apperantly the former hardest route is now the cheapest and with that I'm done with the JP. Why make everything casual for everyone?

> Disabeling gliders/mounts would be the minimum for everyone, it was fine back how it was and you need challenge in a game but GW2 becomes more and more challenge-less - for what do you want to be proud of anymore? That you logged in? Yay!


So because someone doesn't play it the way you play it you're getting upset about it?

I would say more but

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> @"Jana.6831" said:

> I just did the wintersday JP and was ask why I'm using the cheap route. Cheap route? Uh? Yeah, apperantly the former hardest route is now the cheapest and with that I'm done with the JP. Why make everything casual for everyone?

> Disabeling gliders/mounts would be the minimum for everyone, it was fine back how it was and you need challenge in a game but GW2 becomes more and more challenge-less - for what do you want to be proud of anymore? That you logged in? Yay!



I love how you start this comment being annoyed with someone who ridiculed you for how you played, then finish it by ridiculing other players who play how they like, taking shortcuts or making use of other mechanics in game.


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I don't like the farming in this game, instead I help people with JPs by porting them and get a few tips here and there. Raids are sold to people but does that mean we should put a stop to it? Porting is one of the few things you do in game that involves human interactions other than helping to fight the computer enemy.


A lot of what your asking won't change the challenge aspect for yourself, but force everyone else to do it the way you want them to do it. However there are so many shortcuts in the game but why go after JPs?



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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> I don't like the farming in this game, instead I help people with JPs by porting them and get a few tips here and there. Raids are sold to people but does that mean we should put a stop to it? Porting is one of the few things you do in game that involves human interactions other than helping to fight the computer enemy.


> A lot of what your asking won't change the challenge aspect for yourself, but force everyone else to do it the way you want them to do it. However there are so may shortcuts in the game but why go after JPs?



I think you're misinterpreting what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting that all the current disables around jumping puzzles be removed, but add an instance or npc at the start for the people who wish to go for the full challenge of the puzzle, and potentially get another achievement per puzzle (and possibly a title after completing them all), along with giving a greater reward for those who choose to go into the instance/npc version.


This would not impact the dailies or the current rewards, but add an additional possible reward for those who wish to do it as was intended, without the use of skills, mounts or gliders.


So basically, for us who want the full challenge, we can go about doing it that way, and for those who are less able to do them, they would then have an easier time reaching the end for a daily or to complete all the jumping puzzle achievements currently in place.


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> @"pholtos.9751" said:

> > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > I don't like the farming in this game, instead I help people with JPs by porting them and get a few tips here and there. Raids are sold to people but does that mean we should put a stop to it? Porting is one of the few things you do in game that involves human interactions other than helping to fight the computer enemy.

> >

> > A lot of what your asking won't change the challenge aspect for yourself, but force everyone else to do it the way you want them to do it. However there are so may shortcuts in the game but why go after JPs?

> >

> >

> I think you're misinterpreting what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting that all the current disables around jumping puzzles be removed, but add an instance or npc at the start for the people who wish to go for the full challenge of the puzzle, and potentially get another achievement per puzzle (and possibly a title after completing them all), along with giving a greater reward for those who choose to go into the instance/npc version.


> This would not impact the dailies or the current rewards, but add an additional possible reward for those who wish to do it as was intended, without the use of skills, mounts or gliders.


> So basically, for us who want the full challenge, we can go about doing it that way, and for those who are less able to do them, they would then have an easier time reaching the end for a daily or to complete all the jumping puzzle achievements currently in place.



Well if you let someone do the Jp without any restrictions then that would cheapen it even further, I am not sure what reward could be offered without talking to an npc. So i would say keep mount and gliding restrictions on by default as it is already. I think if you are going to offer a different mode it should only be very specific to the jumping puzzle category.


This "JP mode" of a JP should not offer anything from collections that the regular mode cant. It should be purely for better loot and the achievement/title.


I still think gliders and mounts should be disabled when necessary, but never mesmer ports except with this very specific "JP mode"


So everything should stay the same ...... just adding a special mode for jumpers.


Actually instead of an NPC, how about a ring that you wear that disables taking ports or any other abilities.


There is the huge problem of shortcuts too. Things like the NSS blink. How would shortcuts be approached? Why leave in exploit shortcuts in a super Jp mode?


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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > @"pholtos.9751" said:

> > > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > > I don't like the farming in this game, instead I help people with JPs by porting them and get a few tips here and there. Raids are sold to people but does that mean we should put a stop to it? Porting is one of the few things you do in game that involves human interactions other than helping to fight the computer enemy.

> > >

> > > A lot of what your asking won't change the challenge aspect for yourself, but force everyone else to do it the way you want them to do it. However there are so may shortcuts in the game but why go after JPs?

> > >

> > >

> > I think you're misinterpreting what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting that all the current disables around jumping puzzles be removed, but add an instance or npc at the start for the people who wish to go for the full challenge of the puzzle, and potentially get another achievement per puzzle (and possibly a title after completing them all), along with giving a greater reward for those who choose to go into the instance/npc version.

> >

> > This would not impact the dailies or the current rewards, but add an additional possible reward for those who wish to do it as was intended, without the use of skills, mounts or gliders.

> >

> > So basically, for us who want the full challenge, we can go about doing it that way, and for those who are less able to do them, they would then have an easier time reaching the end for a daily or to complete all the jumping puzzle achievements currently in place.

> >


> Well if you let someone do the Jp without any restrictions then that would cheapen it even further, I am not sure what reward could be offered without talking to an npc. So i would say keep mount and gliding restrictions on by default as it is already. I think if you are going to offer a different mode it should only be very specific to the jumping puzzle category.


> This "JP mode" of a JP should not offer anything from collections that the regular mode cant. It should be purely for better loot and the achievement/title.


> I still think gliders and mounts should be disabled when necessary, but never mesmer ports except with this very specific "JP mode"


> So everything should stay the same ...... just adding a special mode for jumpers.


> Actually instead of an NPC, how about a ring that you wear that disables taking ports or any other abilities.


> There is the huge problem of shortcuts too. Things like the NSS blink. How would shortcuts be approached? Why leave in exploit shortcuts in a super Jp mode?




"So I have spent a lot of time thinking about things like Mounts, Gliding, Mesmer Portals and

So basically, add an NPC at the start of all Jumping Puzzles (possibly specifically the Tyria ones, not any of the HoT or PoF ones) that ask if you wish for the full challenge of that puzzle and saying yes disables all mounts, gliding and ***skills***, as well as access to using other people's mesmer portals within the area of that puzzle while you are in it. Falling and dying in the puzzle would also restart you immediately at the NPC, similar to falling in the Wintersday Jumping Puzzle."


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IMO personal skills should'n be included in the restrictions, because they are integral part of the profession. If a mesmer uses his/her portal to make safety jumps, IMO, it is ok: it is part of being a mesmer, you still need to know how and when to use the skill to get the best from it. Same for all profession skills, from jumps to teleports.


Gliding and Mounts are also ok by me: the problem with them is most JPs weren't designed with them in mind, not that they are somehow cheap or wrong.


What IMO NEED to be distinguished is when you DON'T use your profession resources. Like using a portal another player put for you, or using a teleport to friend to make things easier, etc. I don't say this isn't a good way to play, It IS good and should always exist, but there need to be some reward for people who actually complete the JP without external help.

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> @"pholtos.9751" said:

> So I have spent a lot of time thinking about things like Mounts, Gliding, Mesmer Portals and all around other skills that can overall make a jumping puzzle easier for people, but for use who like the challenge of jumping puzzles, can make it feel cheapened.


> I was thinking there was no right answer to this problem, but then I came up with a possible idea that could possibly solve this.

> Have a second set of achievements/events.


> So basically, add an NPC at the start of all Jumping Puzzles (possibly specifically the Tyria ones, not any of the HoT or PoF ones) that ask if you wish for the full challenge of that puzzle and saying yes disables all mounts, gliding and skills, as well as access to using other people's mesmer portals within the area of that puzzle while you are in it. Falling and dying in the puzzle would also restart you immediately at the NPC, similar to falling in the Wintersday Jumping Puzzle.


> People who solve the jumping puzzle under these conditions would get a much better prize from completing it and the chest would have a much greater reward. They would also get an achievement (once) per jumping puzzle stating that it was done fully without the use of additional tools or skills. Getting all of the jumping puzzle achievements under these conditions would also grant a title.


> Thus under normal circumstances the jumping puzzles could remove the current gliding and mount disabled that are currently on some jumping puzzles.

> So that's my idea, what do you guys think?


I would say this, as a new player: it seems as if GW2 is specifically centered around "play the way you want". To that end, while I'm not entirely unsympathetic to your point of view, if what someone else does and how they do it "cheapens" the experience YOU had, that seems as if you aren't really invested in the experience yourself.


Point being, you do you and enjoy it while it lasts because tomorrow is a new day and Kitten only knows what will happen.

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There's so many much more rewarding things to do ingame, if some people don't like jump puzzles why does there need to be a "non-puzzle" jump as an alternative? The entire game aside from jump puzzles is the alternative. When it comes to achievement points..... the wintersday event already gives repeatable ones, and it's very unlikely these people have completed all achievements, so it doesn't seem to be about completion.


"I was thinking there was no right answer to this problem"


There is no entirely polite way for me to express how incredulous I am at this thread's premise. You can make that argument about anything and everything, "I'm not that into doing personal story to unlock mount, give me the mount because I want it, give those other people some other rewards or something"; "I'm not that into doing map completion for transmutation charges, I could go to pvp for them and I like it, but still, I think there's no good answer to this problem at the moment, this is worth a redo".


At best pholtos, I'm going to assume this thread is purely about wishing jump puzzle rewards were better.

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I think it's a nice idea, to start adding increased difficulty tracks to existing JPs for better rewards, for people that enjoy more challenging jumping. I'm not one of them, I love jumping puzzles, just easy/moderate ones I can do. But, I like to be supportive of ideas people have to improve areas of the game that don't necessarily appeal to me. :)


Just so long as they figure out a way to not let Mesmer's port for the better rewards.

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I would be totally behind that. As someone who HATES JPs though, I'd also like a 'nerfed' option where I can use my mounts etc. for the ones where they are disabled. Something about the way the game portrays spacial relationships makes it impossible for me to correctly judge distances for jumps. I ALWAYS fall, especially on toons like Charr who are so big/unwieldy that I can't see anything at all when in the puzzle.

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