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Norn or Asura?


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Hmmmm. I decided to throw in my input because i'm one of the many who is Super concerned with aesthetics when playing any RPG... plus i love threads that aren't all about min/max neckbeard strategy, heh.


Personally, I would say Norn. IMO, Asura aesthetics need to be very Techy, which is largely dependent on your wardrobe unlocks... However, I personally don't feel like the Mesmer abilities fit the Asura... For example, the only Asura character I care to play is an Engineer, especially Holo, because it just Fits.... the abilities, the lore, etc... the flip side of the coin, is like a Sylvari Engineer, which doesn't make sense to me... i don't think id want to be around bombs and flames if i was a plant-person IRL... id be worried about my Wood drying out, heh...


my Mesmer is Sylvari. Especially because of all the purple butterflies... to me it just makes sense that a plant-person would have Groot like growths that sprout purple butterflies that are magical and pheromone-y; given the magic/lore of GW2. So, ultimately i pick Sylvari, but out of your choices, Norn... not because i think Norn really fits (personally), but i think they are more plausible than Asura.


just my 2c.

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Both are okay, but Asura have way prettier animations, both attack and movement (Mirage's Mirror Strikes and Lingering Thoughts are really pretty on Asura).

Also, Norn running animations, especially male, look bad imo and make Norn very uncomfortable to play for me. :grimace:

So, to sum up: I'd recomment Asura. :smile:

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> @"bart.3687" said:

> Both are okay, but Asura have way prettier animations, both attack and movement (Mirage's Mirror Strikes and Lingering Thoughts are really pretty on Asura).

> Also, Norn running animations, especially male, look bad imo and make Norn very uncomfortable to play for me. :grimace:

> So, to sum up: I'd recomment Asura. :smile:


Asura has all the best animations, everything from all the axe skills (axe on asura is so beautiful/elegant and acrobatic) to the greatsword skills, nevermind running and jumping. :)

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You talking about effects or just plain looks w/ light armor. Also, male or female? I have a Norn female mesmer and she's pretty damn fine standing next to these human females, who look more like barbie dolls. If you're talking about moving animations i'd say Sylvari are the best.

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