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Multiple characters level 80


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Just out of curiosity: if you have multiple characters of level 80, what is the reason you made them?


I have a level 80 of each prof. and i can understand if you might want several different races, but once that is done, why make more? Is there a specific reason or is it just the fun of leveling?


I started wondering this when i created a new mesmer (i love playing mesmer) but soon the new one was just gathering dust on my character panel, because playing the level 80 was more satisfying than doing it all again with the baby mesmer.


So i'm curious what is your reason to make more than 1 of the same :)

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I currently have I think 38 of my 40 characters level 80 if I'm not mistaken. My main reason is just fashion wars, I enjoy crafting new looks and designs for my characters so I keep creating new characters to fit this. It helps in other ways to though, like with constant bday gifts, parking some at jp chests, using my army of mesmers to port others through jp's by parking them at places (have 6 at the Chalice of Tears for instance), having a character for any build or situation I want, etc. Expensive hobby but it's what I enjoy in this game.

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I have 11 characters, all at 80: 1 for every profession, (just to have one available whenever I want to play that prof, or it is needed for something specific); 1 mesmer that is an identical twin to my gf one; and 1 mule.

I'm playing only 1 of each race through their Personal Story, the rest I will not bother. Half of them I leveled only with xp tomes. Leveling is too boring for me.

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First off disclosure, don't level them anymore, have enough booster scrolls and ToKs that there is no reason to level. Still feel that GW2 begins at level 80 since you can always go back and replay content and be de-bolstered to the appropriate level.


That said, have repeats for each of the core/HoT/PoF classes and then additional ones for differing builds. Don't really target them for individual races but know people that have. I think if racial abilities played more into builds then probably would go that extra step but since most of the racial abilities don't stack up to others there's no reason.


Now why so many, its fun, variety, keeps things fresh and allows you to understand them better when fighting them in WvW/PvP.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Some people make characters for the builds, and not just the classes. They'll have a healing ele, a condi ele, a power ele, a WvW ele, etc. and so on.

This. It's often more convenient in the long run to just switch between characters, than to carry several gear sets and keep switching those (and traits) around.


(and the fashion wars, of course)



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I don't delete old characters because of birthday presents, and because of that I have two necros and two mesmers. Leveled them to 80 with scrolls because I have plenty, lol. :'D I'll probably also make a second guard, but only because I get tired of switching my gear up.

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Fashion Wars is one reason. The lack of build templates is the other. It's a lot easier to just switch characters (like someone said before) than keeping several sets in your inventory and switching traits every time you need a different build. I have duplicates of all classes except Thief and Engineer, so 16 in total, all level 80. My secondary characters have now been equipped with PoF elites, so I use them more now then I did before PoF came out.

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I have 15 80s some multiple of the same class because they have different uses. Ill give an example: one is for wvw roaming, one for wvw zerging, one for open world pve, one is my main that does it all, one is a bank mule, 10 is just sitting ready for raids, different builds with different geat cuz im too lazy to share gear between characters and dont want to download the build template.

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This is one of the things that stopped me making more than 9 (soon to be 11) characters. I have tons of ideas for characters, but I'm worried I won't actually play them unless I have a purpose for them. The 9 are one of each profession, and the other two are to have a 2nd elementalist and engineer so I can use both elite specs without having to switch everything over.


But in GW1 I had 4 rangers which I used for different purposes, so I wouldn't completely rule out making more in future.

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I wanted to have one of each "armor weight" for 3 full sets of Celestial Ascended gear and fashion. :D

I'm a mainoholic so I spend 90% of my time with my Cele Engi (core/kits). <3

I chose Ele as my Light profession because she has many skills like my Engi and she's perfect for Cele stats. :) She's fun!

I chose Guard as my Heavy profession, the burns and heals are great with Cele stats but she doesn't have many skills (which is my main problem with Heavy armor professions). ;) I kinda like her anyway.

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different ways to play different things in the game. thief for pvp. and getting ascended armor for raids. I use my engi if I only have 1 person to do a dungeon, so we can two man with turrets. Or if doing sometime of content where we need a person i add engi. For my weaver I just freakin love the ele class as much as thief so sooner or later im going to get ascnded armor for it too. I have a warrior incase we need a class for might so i switch to that one. And my ranger is my first class. So i use that as condi and roam. And have regular exotics for druid for that class whenever we need a healer.

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A number of reasons.


- I don't mind leveling. I enjoy starting from scratch as a break from all the 80 areas. Gathering exp without having to hunt down mastery points. That joy of maxing another.

- Ideas for characters, both aesthetically and story. I make more so I have more to write stories about and take pictures of.

- I want at least one of every elite.

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I have multiple 80s, or will have, aside for each profession:


-Multiple characters more easily take differnet builds than assigning multiple builds to one character. For exmaple I have a WvW supprt firebrand, im gonna have a DH zerker for PvE/open world. Two druids for PvE support and damage, etc.

-I'm an rper and writer and i create a million characters just for rp, haha. Like....i'm gonna have 1 ele with an actual build, but at least 3 characters who're elementalists, two of which won't be used unless i rp with them. I don't like having to limit lower level characters to low level areas even for rp though and it only takes a few days for level 80 without boosts so i don't mind doing it, especially as a serial map completer (100% map comp on every char).

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71 characters, only 20 characters is still under leveling part but the rest of them are welcomed to the Fashion Wars 2! :blush:

Also, I am planning to make every Elite Specs on different characters as they're ''_unique_'' to the others.

Such as... my main is a mesmer and she's a Chronomancer, my 2nd mesmer is now a Mirage and as I have 6 other mesmers for the upcoming expansion sets, who are also using different builds, weapons and skill abilities aswell :)


But the main reason why I have got SOOO many characters, (_71 slots is the very limit for character slots in GW2_) is because armors. I love how different armors can look like in GW2, specially NPCs- I just love how whoever creates NPC armors and combo+dyes is doing an awesome work so it's why I am literally trying to copy+paste the NPCs looks. For an example, I finished the whole White Mantle Collection of their NPC armor look which I am so happy about because I just love their story, lore, how they look like and what they stand for. :relaxed:


I've been leveling lots of characters from the scratch... running around in outposts, doing events, making their storylines till Zhaitan which is überboring for me now, I also have done AC dungeon god how many times because of the fastest leveling of dungeon too. Thankfully we finally got these insta-lvl 80 tickets and they're worth it in my opinion, :tongue:

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I have a lot of 80's and for many reasons.


My goal was to have one of each class of each race.

I enjoy playing several classes and builds so I don't have to change for each build I want to play.

I enjoy character creation. Not just fashion wars but designing the toon itself.

I also wanted to level every race with the different personal choices, order classes, etc.

I also WvW on occasion and have toons dedicated to WvW builds and play.

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I have 27 characters (3 of each profession) plus 4 mules. I created 30 of them to be able to experience each of the main storyline missions, including all of the branches.


Of those, 14 are level 80. I play all 27 fairly regularly, but I tend to spend more time on the level 80s, simply because they can receive the ascended crafting materials (stars, dust, etc.) My goal is to get them all to level 80. Then, I'll probably make another set of 9. My long-term (pie in the sky) goal is one playing (non-mule) character of each race/profession pair.

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I have nine characters, one of each class: different genders, different races; and five are level 80. I rotate between them on the basis of whatever goals I've set for a particular character at that time. Two level 80 characters are in the HoT zones, one doing the story arc and the other just collecting the various non-story related mastery points. One level 80 character is in the PoF zones, doing the story and getting the various mastery points. One level 80 character (my main) is just working on map completion for Central Tyria and collecting crafting resources for the non-level 80 characters; that character is the only one who has completed the whole Central Tyria story. One level 80 was also working on the story, but because of class and selection of a story arc ran into a wall that couldn't be passed (boss mob impossible to beat), so that character will soon be sent to PoF also. The four lower level characters are just leveling up slowly and doing crafting on the side; one of them just at level 46 just hit 400 in crafting jewelry; easy to do if you've got the mats. The four lower level characters are also grabbing the lower level crafting mats needed by the higher level characters where they couldn't get the mats they needed to level crafting as quickly as the were leveling.

One of the problems with the revamp of GW2: characters level much too quickly. Probably intended by ANet to drive players to buy gems and junk at the trading post. Didn't have that problem with my original five characters at release (which I deleted upon returning to the game); we didn't level that fast back then. Now characters out-level their stories and out-level crafting...

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