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Please let us hide ALL names


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The combination of "fast-paced combat with many deadly enemy attacks" and "metric tons of visual clutter" has been a pain since the start, and the proliferation of flashy legendaries and massive backpieces didn't exactly help. Aside from FPS issues and the literal pain of headaches (not kidding there, sadly), it's also simply a matter of, "How the bleep am I suppose to dodge that if I can't see the enemy, the AoE indicator, my own character or even my mouse cursor?" One of the biggest and easiest steps the devs can take to help with this issue would be to finally allow us to hide party and squad member names as well as pet and minion names. Could you please look into that?

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Hi there


If you haven't found the options yet, this has been in the game for a long time with a few options: (in option > general tab > user interface)


Show all enemy names

Show all npc names > this will hide npc names, pets and minions

Show all player names > hide all other friendly player names

Show all usable object names

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It's not so much the names that are the issue (although it doesn't help). Every mmo (just about) for the last 15 years has had the option to "turn off other players effects". You can't see any bosses in this game, let alone half of the attack telegraphs, because the fights are just one giant f/x blob. It is just one giant seizure-inducing light show. It would be nice if they would add this basic feature.

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The only way I know of to tone down all the aoe (partly due to the fact that some of it does affect your character) is to put some graphic setting at low. I do not believe it is worth it, but this would make most affects minimal or disappear altogether. I understand what you are commenting on. The op's question is confusing because the game allows you to change setting for removing names, which seems to be what he wishes to do. Btw as a side note when you set character models too low everyone but you looks like a monk in pink clothes, kind of funny.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> It's not so much the names that are the issue (although it doesn't help). Every mmo (just about) for the last 15 years has had the option to "turn off other players effects". You can't see any bosses in this game, let alone half of the attack telegraphs, because the fights are just one giant f/x blob. It is just one giant seizure-inducing light show. It would be nice if they would add this basic feature.


Oh that would be so nice if we could turn off the effects of other players skills around! Yesterday, I did a big event in Istan, and I was literally "lost in yellow" and completely blind therefore. I was trying to use "T" key but the commander was not calling target, so it was not helping... It was really crazy.

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> @Chadramar.8156 said:

> allow us to hide pet and minion names.


^ This a thousand times, this.

I have asked for this option several times over the years but nothing has changed, I like to play as immersive as possible and yet I'm stuck looking at my ranger's pet name running around, I've always found that very jarring and the fact that there is no way to turn it off just boggles my mind. This should have been an option from the start.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @titje.2745 said:

> > yes remove all names option for better screenshots. :)


> There's a hide everything option right in the settings you know.


No...there isn't. Pet names still cannot be hidden unless you get rid of your entire HUD. This is also the case for party/squad names. THEY CANNOT BE TURNED OFF. This is not, nor has it ever been an option in this game. I have played this game since launch.





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  • 8 months later...

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