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Seems like Ele got screwed on BOTH elite specilizations


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> @"Wentworth.6901" said:

> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > @"Smakkage.6197" said:

> > > Why does anet hate Elementalist exactly? Seems like both elite specs are really underwhelming and core ele is just as powerful. I do see the appeal of weaver in most game modes. but Ele doesn't have a single build that really excels in Conquest or Wvw.... I'm just returning but I mained ele for a long time and I'm super close to quitting again due to how lackluster I feel compared to other classes. Any suggestions? Should I just reroll mesmer? :#

> >

> > I've said it a few times, and I hope to open a thread about it soon.

> >

> > Elementalist is broken, at the core. It's not designed well. Attunements were a mistake, and we're paying the consequences now. Balancing and developing elementalist is harder than any other profession because of the kitten attunements changing skills too much, and we don't even have weapon swap, which sucks. I doubt we'll ever get a two-handed weapon because of them, and if we do, the skills will probably be the same across attunements, which would be the right way to go, to be fair.

> >

> > Attunements need to be unified so they have the same skill in the same slot (from a design perspective), with shared cooldowns. Then we can remove conjures, and get weapon swap with new weapon types for the core profession, and start balancing knowing staff 5 does the same in every attunement, with just some minor changes (fire rain, healing rain, etc, but all rain with same base design).

> >

> > And I main elementalist, before you ask. I just can't play it seriously outside fire staff camping, because you have to do more than other professions to achieve the same, and it's not fun anymore. Elementalist should be about swapping attunements and doing cool stuff with the elements, but our profession is just terrible. What made it great at release, is slowly killing it off while the rest of the professions get cooler and better elite specializations.

> >

> > > @"Sindariel.2354" said:

> > > The only thing that's wrong with ele are conjures.... and our pitiful base HP.

> >

> > Yeah, whenever they decided the [base health for professions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Health#Base_health_by_profession), they really screwed it up. Elementalist and guardian should be at the middle tier, with mesmer, thief, and revenant at the bottom, and necromancer, engineer, and warrior at the top.


> I don't think you're on the mark with saying attunements are broken at their core. Ele is my main because of how they work. I find it the most fun, but that is because I enjoy complexity. Yes, it takes more work to pull off strong builds with the Ele, but that's also why I play it. And when you do pull it off, man is it fun and satisfying. Overall I think it was a great idea and designed rather well, its just some recent decisions for ele and other professions being very strong makes it look worse than it actually is. One area I do think ele could use some help is survivability. Its damage is pretty good, and if a few other classes were toned down it would be one of the best, but you seem to have to choose between damage and any survivability.


Don't get me wrong, I love changing attunements, it's the reason I mained elementalist to begin with, but what began in 2012 as more variety, has turned into a burden, because every balance patch has taken a bigger and bigger toll. Where others have 15 skills, we have 25, plus conjures. You think they're gonna balance it so we can do the same things? No, they will downgrade those 25+ skills so they do the same as those 15 skills, killing the fun in the variety we had in the first place. And I can't blame them, ele must be a pain from a developer perspective.


A possible solution would be a normalization of skills, so every weapon does the same thing with the same stats in every attunement, with a few minor changes for each element. So, staff 5 would be a rain of stuff, be it healing water, meteorites, lightning, or sand, but the core skill is shared, and they don't need to balance four skills anymore, just one. Right now, when you swap you get completely new skills, and that's where the bloat starts, and where the profession kills its own future. It's what makes the profession fun? Hell yes. But it's slowing its evolution, too. While the others get cool elite specializations, we get simpler things, because ele requires more work, before and after.


Not to say lack of weapon swap locks you in a ranged or melee role, which is really annoying and breaks the flow, something that doesn't happen to the other professions, which have many more weapons to choose from too, while we're pretty much stuck with the same skills forever.


Engineer kits are suffering the same fate, too, where they're never useful enough, but you still need them.


Anyway, [thread about it here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/22955/how-would-you-redesign-the-elementalist), don't want to derail this one.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> I actually prefer build diversity, it gives you more options to play your class which makes playing it even more fun. When you see warr, for example, it has like one good roaming build (although it's a bit too good). Ele has more options, which aren't really broken, but are good if played properly. There should be certain counters to certain builds (like range is counter to scourge), but right now we need OP builds to get nerfed so they dont counter every single build and they cant outsustain everything else with barely any effort or gear/trait sacrifice.


So do i, the problem this game has a HUGE lack in build diversity. Ele is an exception mostly as it has no build that can really dominate. Like the Raid build is only good in raids and maybe Zergs and blob fights but will die when looked at. Roaming builds they ALL have weaknesses, they have different strengths and weaknesses which is GOOD. Now, compare that to Warrior. It has a HUGE lack of build diversity. Why? Because it has a single build that is just THAT strong. It comes with insane regen, defenses, mobility, health, armour, sustained damage, burst damage. It has everything needed and sacrifices NOTHING to get any of that. Until this build is RIGHTLY nerfed and nerfed HARD Warrior will have no build diversity. When i see a warrior i can predict what weapons they will have before they even get any out. They all run Defense because it gives free insane passive regen and toughness, it is by FAR the best defensive trait line in the game.


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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> Weaver is a VERY good spec.


> Mark my words:


> When the nerfs start falling for the OP builds Weaver will catapult to the forefront and return ele to their normal state in PvP


Not going to happen. It would take MAJOR nerfs to make for example make Warrior Vs Weaver a balanced fight. Warrior is better in every way. More health. More armor. More damage. More mobility. More CC. More passive defense. It would take some MAJOR changes to put Weaver at the front. I wouldnt want it at the front anyway, just give us help especially against Warriors and Condi Mesmer.

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Did you see Laz's vid of him whipping the SB?


Will it take a higher skilled player to succeed? Maybe.


But like I said from the beginning wait and see b/c it takes time to figure this all out. Remember Ele on release in Gw2? I remember the tears from back then on how Ele is horrible and useless. Why play it ever!!


Then someone found the d/d build and ele was actually the most OP class in the game.


I dunno for some reason it takes Ele players a LONG time to figure out their best builds.

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> Did you see Laz's vid of him whipping the SB?


> Will it take a higher skilled player to succeed? Maybe.


> But like I said from the beginning wait and see b/c it takes time to figure this all out. Remember Ele on release in Gw2? I remember the tears from back then on how Ele is horrible and useless. Why play it ever!!


> Then someone found the d/d build and ele was actually the most OP class in the game.


> I dunno for some reason it takes Ele players a LONG time to figure out their best builds.


I shall point out, you should NOT have to hugely out play someone to beat the worst player simply because of their build. Spellbreaker and Warrior in general IS broken. There is no denying that. It is a fight that is hugely in favor of the Warrior without them picking gear, skills or weapons for the simple fact of them getting given SO much so easily without sacrifice. Beating a bad player shouldnt require you seriously outplaying them in order to win simply because of how easy and carry based their class is.


There is no "best" build for Ele, especially so for Weaver. Just builds that are substandard, that might win against some players but is HUGELY unbalanced easily countered by a WHOLE class. Warrior against Ele, is HUGELY in favor of the Warrior even before the fight has begun and even before builds come into it.

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > Did you see Laz's vid of him whipping the SB?

> >

> > Will it take a higher skilled player to succeed? Maybe.

> >

> > But like I said from the beginning wait and see b/c it takes time to figure this all out. Remember Ele on release in Gw2? I remember the tears from back then on how Ele is horrible and useless. Why play it ever!!

> >

> > Then someone found the d/d build and ele was actually the most OP class in the game.

> >

> > I dunno for some reason it takes Ele players a LONG time to figure out their best builds.


> I shall point out, you should NOT have to hugely out play someone to beat the worst player simply because of their build. Spellbreaker and Warrior in general IS broken. There is no denying that. It is a fight that is hugely in favor of the Warrior without them picking gear, skills or weapons for the simple fact of them getting given SO much so easily without sacrifice. Beating a bad player shouldnt require you seriously outplaying them in order to win simply because of how easy and carry based their class is.


> There is no "best" build for Ele, especially so for Weaver. Just builds that are substandard, that might win against some players but is HUGELY unbalanced easily countered by a WHOLE class. Warrior against Ele, is HUGELY in favor of the Warrior even before the fight has begun and even before builds come into it.


That player he beat was not "worst player"


Watching the video he didn't "hugely" out play him.


I'm getting the impression you are just wanting to moan about how bad your class is. Maybe you should play multiple classes and understand you don't have it that bad?

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> That player he beat was not "worst player"


> Watching the video he didn't "hugely" out play him.


> I'm getting the impression you are just wanting to moan about how bad your class is. Maybe you should play multiple classes and understand you don't have it that bad?


That is your opinion that they aren't bad. Even average players can look good on unbalanced classes and builds and because Anet has taken the quantity over quality when it comes to its players. They KNOW as we all should by now. This game can NEVER truly be skill based. Partly as Anet wont EVER be good enough to balance a game correctly to make it skill based and secondly, the player base has gotten SO bad over the years because of the changes that Anet has made. Condition builds being HUGELY buffed. Things like Berserker needing a few tweaks and getting HUGE buffs to make them pretty much EVERYWHERE in WvW. This wont ever change. it cant change. Due to how relaint Anet have become on the Gemstore.


Play multiple classes? I have them all except Warrior. I refuse to play a class that gets given SO much and sacrifices so little. The ONLY people that will defend the poor balance of Warriors are Warriors. Just like The only people who defend Condition builds, are Condition players. I have every other class fully unlocked and have played them all. I have no "main" just what ever i feel like playing at the time.


Ele have BIG weaknesses when it comes to such classes as Warrior - Limited Unblockable attacks and lack of Poison access in their class really hurt with Warriors insane passive healing. I would have loved Weaver to have been given access to a few new conditions. Could have easily been done with the Dual attacks.


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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > That player he beat was not "worst player"

> >

> > Watching the video he didn't "hugely" out play him.

> >

> > I'm getting the impression you are just wanting to moan about how bad your class is. Maybe you should play multiple classes and understand you don't have it that bad?


> I have them all except Warrior. I refuse to play a class that gets given SO much and sacrifices so little.


All I needed to ready right there.


Have a great day

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> All I needed to ready right there.


> Have a great day


Too be fair. I knew you were a warrior early on. As i said. The only ones that say Warrior is balanced are warriors. Mostly because most of them are SO bad they dont want to admit its the sheer poor design and balance that allows them to win fights. My example again about Berserker Warrior. When it needed a few buffs the FEW people that were playing it, you knew they were good because they still played it. Then after the hugely unbalanced (typical Anet...) buffs they got, you couldnt turn around a corner without seeing Berserker Warriors. Why? They are the go to class for easy mode. If you're bad at MMOs you go Warrior. This isnt anything new. Most games have Warriors be the entry class. You learn the game, you get used to the combat and mechanics and then move onto other classes that might offer more of a challenge. It doesn't work here for the simple reason - Why play anything else if your life is SO easy with Warrior?


The player base for a LARGE chunk value loot and kills it could be 10 Vs 1 and they will be SO happy they "won" over having a tough, difficult but rewarding time where some times they will win and some times they will lose. Why risk that wehn you can just be a Warrior. The defense to run through blobs and zergs and live and have the mobility and defense to stand a VERY good chance at getting away combined with Zerk levels of damage. If you want easy mode. You go Warrior. I am sure you will disagree, most Warriors will. Its the truth though.



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weaver is good in pve raids for mindless dps, but has 0 utility 0 cc.

tempest was good too and brought utility and cc but they nerfed it to the ground.

in pvp, apart from 1 shot builds, they're both dead.

Fix ele's underwhelming utility skills, scattered traits and undo tempest nerfs. But it's anet, their next balance patch will be something like.

- increased lava font cd to 10s

- reduced base healing on elemental bastion by 10%

- buff scepter water 2 by 33%

- reduce dagger offhand skill X cd by 5 seconds

- reduced cast time of scepter earth 3 by 0.25 seconds

- added a tooltip to skill X to include relevant targets affected

- changed visual effects of skill Y

come back in 6 months for another patch.

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> @"Henrik.7560" said:

> weaver is good in pve raids for mindless dps, but has 0 utility 0 cc.


Sword/Dagger comes with 1 X Fire Field, 1 X Water field, 2 Leap Finishers, 3 Blast finisher, 3 X Evade frame skills. 2 X CC abilities. That is just from the weapon skills. They are far from "dead" They really have 2 weaknesses Warrior (like most classes....) and Condi Mesmer/Chrono/Mirage (again like most...) Warrior just has too much sustain, CC and such for Ele to really be a threat. You do have the Scepter FA build but if the burst fails to kill the Warrior. The ele is dead themselves.


Really, all Weaver needs is number tweaks on on abilities and for the broken builds to be fixed. They can beat most other builds 1 Vs 1, Condi Mesmer/Chrono/Mirage is really the only condi build that will kill them often because theres nothing you can do to counter the poor design of Mirage and the constant application of broken Conditions (Torment + Confusion) that all 3 specs offer.



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Ele needs built in condi cleanse without traiting for it and more base health. If you take the water line for condi cleanse you lose pretty much all burst and are then relying solely on outliving your opponent through cooldowns and condition ticks from bleeds and burns.


I don’t understand why more of the water abilities don’t come with a natural condition cleanse. Or fire for that matter.


Sword weaver is really fun to play but is at a natural disadvantage and requires far more effort than any other class. Some spell reflect would be nice too for those stupid rangers that sit back and pelt you from their broken 2000 yard auto attack range.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> Ele needs built in condi cleanse without traiting for it and more base health. If you take the water line for condi cleanse you lose pretty much all burst and are then relying solely on outliving your opponent through cooldowns and condition ticks from bleeds and burns.


> I don’t understand why more of the water abilities don’t come with a natural condition cleanse. Or fire for that matter.


> Sword weaver is really fun to play but is at a natural disadvantage and requires far more effort than any other class. Some spell reflect would be nice too for those stupid rangers that sit back and pelt you from their broken 2000 yard auto attack range.


That isnt likely to happen. Because it would mean changing WAY too many traits with Diamond Skin, Stop drop roll, Cleansing Wave, Cleansing Water, Woven Stride would all need to be changed. The reason it kinda works at the moment is because we have access to condi removal every few seconds. I'd take that and needing Water over having it on skills and them skills having big cool downs. Lets not forget skills like Ether Renewal arent taken even though they remove conditions because it SUCKS! and other skills like Cleansing Fire isnt taken because its a TERRIBLE condi removal skill and used more fort he burning than anything else.


I would disagree with that you lose all burst, that would depend on your build, gear and stats. You can still run Zerk gear and such and still have damage. Air and Fire AREN'T needed to deal damage. Yes they add more damage but they arent needed to have damage. Your stats, gear, weapons and skills are more important than traits when it comes to damage. You could take Fire and Air but have the WORST stats and you would be worse off.


As for Ranger, Sword/Dagger kinda has a good time against rangers. Well i do. is it tough? Yes. Thats why i play it! If i wanted easy mode, there are many other classes and builds for that. I like the challenge. The only thing i dont like is fighting Condi Mesmer because well, everyone knows why... and Warrior because they have our levels of sustain without needing to put any effort or stats into it while having Zerk levels of damage and bunker levels of defense. Other than that, i am doing rather well in WvW roaming. Enjoying it so much, i am in the process of making another WvW roaming video, cant remember when i enjoyed it last to actually make one lol

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > Ele needs built in condi cleanse without traiting for it and more base health. If you take the water line for condi cleanse you lose pretty much all burst and are then relying solely on outliving your opponent through cooldowns and condition ticks from bleeds and burns.

> >

> > I don’t understand why more of the water abilities don’t come with a natural condition cleanse. Or fire for that matter.

> >

> > Sword weaver is really fun to play but is at a natural disadvantage and requires far more effort than any other class. Some spell reflect would be nice too for those stupid rangers that sit back and pelt you from their broken 2000 yard auto attack range.


> That isnt likely to happen. Because it would mean changing WAY too many traits with Diamond Skin, Stop drop roll, Cleansing Wave, Cleansing Water, Woven Stride would all need to be changed. The reason it kinda works at the moment is because we have access to condi removal every few seconds. I'd take that and needing Water over having it on skills and them skills having big cool downs. Lets not forget skills like Ether Renewal arent taken even though they remove conditions because it SUCKS! and other skills like Cleansing Fire isnt taken because its a TERRIBLE condi removal skill and used more fort he burning than anything else.


> I would disagree with that you lose all burst, that would depend on your build, gear and stats. You can still run Zerk gear and such and still have damage. Air and Fire AREN'T needed to deal damage. Yes they add more damage but they arent needed to have damage. Your stats, gear, weapons and skills are more important than traits when it comes to damage. You could take Fire and Air but have the WORST stats and you would be worse off.


> As for Ranger, Sword/Dagger kinda has a good time against rangers. Well i do. is it tough? Yes. Thats why i play it! If i wanted easy mode, there are many other classes and builds for that. I like the challenge. The only thing i dont like is fighting Condi Mesmer because well, everyone knows why... and Warrior because they have our levels of sustain without needing to put any effort or stats into it while having Zerk levels of damage and bunker levels of defense. Other than that, i am doing rather well in WvW roaming. Enjoying it so much, i am in the process of making another WvW roaming video, cant remember when i enjoyed it last to actually make one lol


I’ve been trying to run a full zerker with water line build but I just don’t put out that much damage. It’s good for survivability and condi cleanse but how do you burst with it? I feel like I’m spending most of my time trying to maintain barrier and heals and less actually staying in a damaging attunement. Even churning earth doesn’t seem to hit for that much if water is taken and that’s if you manage to land it. Sword air skills need the full auto attack chain and full air dual attack to really make that much of a difference and the floating elite takes too long to set up. I’m sure some amazingly skilled people can pull off great things with it and figure out a rotation for burst but no matter how much I practice I haven’t found a good combination yet. Not to mention a lot of my cc’s are ruined by stab.


It still needs buffs either way. Sword at least. Damage and survivsbility perhaps in pvp and wvw only. It takes significantly more work to get the same results as a scourge spamming 5 buttons or a holo popping into photon and pressing 5 and 3. Or a ranger pressing longbow 2. At least give a significant buff to base health.


Also, does anyone run aquatic stance or does everyone just use signet.


Everything about the sword play style requires you to be in melee but it just doesn’t synergize well with the fundamental flaws of the profession, like the poor vitality and slow sword attacks. Fire sword 2 feels like I’m winding up for the worlds slowest pitch and sword air feels like I’m hitting with a foam sword.

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in pvp eles must take vitality because of low HP, must take toughness because of low armor, and must take water for condy clear or maybe earth if not weaver. Why Anet cant see this is beyond me, unless they are listening a little too much to the test dummy player/raider who only really have knowledge of dps skill rotation spamming.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> I’ve been trying to run a full zerker with water line build but I just don’t put out that much damage. It’s good for survivability and condi cleanse but how do you burst with it? I feel like I’m spending most of my time trying to maintain barrier and heals and less actually staying in a damaging attunement. Even churning earth doesn’t seem to hit for that much if water is taken and that’s if you manage to land it. Sword air skills need the full auto attack chain and full air dual attack to really make that much of a difference and the floating elite takes too long to set up. I’m sure some amazingly skilled people can pull off great things with it and figure out a rotation for burst but no matter how much I practice I haven’t found a good combination yet. Not to mention a lot of my cc’s are ruined by stab.


> It still needs buffs either way. Sword at least. Damage and survivsbility perhaps in pvp and wvw only. It takes significantly more work to get the same results as a scourge spamming 5 buttons or a holo popping into photon and pressing 5 and 3. Or a ranger pressing longbow 2. At least give a significant buff to base health.


> Also, does anyone run aquatic stance or does everyone just use signet.


> Everything about the sword play style requires you to be in melee but it just doesn’t synergize well with the fundamental flaws of the profession, like the poor vitality and slow sword attacks. Fire sword 2 feels like I’m winding up for the worlds slowest pitch and sword air feels like I’m hitting with a foam sword.


I assume running Sword? In my opinion sword is the WORST weapon to use in a full zerk build. It just has terrible power scaling. Its more of a hybrid weapon. So it would suit a mix of Grieving, Marauder and Viper stats if you wanted a more zerk build. You would get really good damage, combined with the Condition damage that Sword offers as well. Though, i would likely add in a few Trailblazer or something at least, just so you have that little bit of defense. With a quick mock up i got: 1.8k Power, 1.3k toughness, 14.5k Health, 29% crit chance, 169% crit damage, 1.3k Condi damage and 250 healing power - This is without boons. In Air/Air,. no food either. Running berserker Runes for the added Power, Condition damage and 5% increase Power and condition damage.


The problem could also be the people you are fighting. Bunker builds tend to be everywhere, especially condi bunker builds. I ahev had Churning Earth hit for like 6-7k some times and then tickle against other people. You're wasting the Elite if you are using the Tailored Victory. The upto 30seconds of buffed stats are MUCH better than than a single CC with rubbish damage.


Sword defo needs a damage buff. It doesnt need a survivability buff though. As mentioned Sword/Dagger comes with 1 X Fire Field, 1 X Water field, 2 Leap Finishers, 3 Blast finisher, 3 X Evade frame skills. 2 X CC abilities. If you know what you're doing you can get some good combo heals, you have evades and leaps. Several Stuns as well. Its more down to how weak the power scaling of the Sword is that weakens it.


Signet. Signet. Signet. The heal stance SUCKS. Its kinda like a burst heal version of Signet of Resto. It just isnt good enough. The 1second ICD alone makes it not worth taking. Ever. I could i guess see a good time to take it would be in group content as a support player but even then, its terrible.


Oddly, the fight that i LOVE the most is Scourge. It can take anywhere from 40-50seconds to several long minutes to win but i win most of them now. Its about knowing when to jump in, when to jump out, what combos to use and everything. I have a few Scourge fights in my new roaming video that i am making.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> in pvp eles must take vitality because of low HP, must take toughness because of low armor, and must take water for condy clear or maybe earth if not weaver. Why Anet cant see this is beyond me, unless they are listening a little too much to the test dummy player/raider who only really have knowledge of dps skill rotation spamming.


I honestly think Ele is in a solid spot, Weaver issue is down to the Sword, the other weapons just offer way more damage. Once Sword gets the buffs it needs, Weaver i think will be in a really solid spot. Except against Condi Mesmer/Chrono/Mirage but you will still have the option to run away. Like most will do because of how unbalanced and unfun they are to fight against. Then theres Warrior with their insane bunker defense while having insane passive regens, blocks and such and insane Zerk damage, mobility and CC :/

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> Weaver is a VERY good spec.


> Mark my words:


> When the nerfs start falling for the OP builds Weaver will catapult to the forefront and return ele to their normal state in PvP


The problem of waver is that it offers nothing unique to get spot in perfect team...things like moa, portal, boon corruption, ress potencial...


PVP Potencial still is out there:


Sword builds have potential to become new power rev with extremely good condi clense...but there is damage problem

-really hard to reach something with their sword skills small radius

-Internal cooldown stops you from dpsing after most cc chains

Waver needs reworks of how attument swaping works either by improving ultilites or doing something with internal cooldown

Fresh waver is different part of story: it lacks mobility and good disengage to be optimal in same way as d/p thief/Mirage. With practice it has extremely ranged burst....stupid buffs can create here something extremely broken. I have no idea what could be done here to not create something horrible...although I would like to.


Tempest needs to be overloaded with buffs or Big a** nerf to everything pvp related to matter . I don't miss tempest. It was badly designed and it had purpose only to make reaper/rev playable in big tournaments.


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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> The problem of waver is that it offers nothing unique to get spot in perfect team...things like moa, portal, boon corruption, ress potencial...


> PVP Potencial still is out there:


> Sword builds have potential to become new power rev with extremely good condi clense...but there is damage problem

> -really hard to reach something with their sword skills small radius

> -Internal cooldown stops you from dpsing after most cc chains

> Waver needs reworks of how attument swaping works either by improving ultilites or doing something with internal cooldown

> Fresh waver is different part of story: it lacks mobility and good disengage to be optimal in same way as d/p thief/Mirage. With practice it has extremely ranged burst....stupid buffs can create here something extremely broken. I have no idea what could be done here to not create something horrible...although I would like to.


> Tempest needs to be overloaded with buffs or Big a** nerf to everything pvp related to matter . I don't miss tempest. It was badly designed and it had purpose only to make reaper/rev playable in big tournaments.



I would agree, it doesnt offer anything really that others cant do themselves. Everything it can do - others can also do but with more support and benefits to the team.


I think some of the issues with Weaver is that we have several "Evade" skills that cant actually be used to evade burst damage after a CC, because they cant be used. This imo needs to be fixed. Riptide and Earthen Vortex need to be changed so that they arent affected by CC so that they can be used to avoid damage that is about to come but when you're stunned these skills become USELESS.


I think SOME utilities need changing. Twist of Fate is VERY good. Hated it at the start but now. Love it. The problem is the others. Stone Resonance will NEVER be used because it has a LAUGHABLE recharge rate for such a pitiful Barrier. When you compare that to Scourge Barrier which has lower cool downs and higher barrier :/ Unravel should just be removed. Its a lazy utility and they likely made it because they couldnt think of anything else to give us. Primordial stance wouldnt be so bad IF it offered different conditions. A Condi Ele only really has 2 damaging conditions, which they already have good access to. What they needed was Torment, Confusion or something. Something new. The Heal. The less said about that the better. Its basically a crap version of Sig of Resto. Due to its 1second ICD heals for about the same over the duration but thats it. Useless the rest of the time. No one in their right mind would take that when Solo over Signet of Resto.


I would disagree about Fresh Air Weaver having no mobility. They have the OPTION for it. They choose not to take it. Dagger offers that mobility. Upto them if they want the sustain/defense from Focus or the Mobility, CC, Healing and such from Dagger. Also. Fresh Air doesnt require that you use Scepter/Focus. Could use Dagger/Dagger. Could use Sword/Dagger. The build isnt defined by what weapons it uses.


They could just buff Weaver Sword. Everything else with Weaver is fine, most Fresh Air players wont use the Weaver Utilities, Heal or anything either so they could be tweaked and improved.

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > Weaver is a VERY good spec.

> >

> > Mark my words:

> >

> > When the nerfs start falling for the OP builds Weaver will catapult to the forefront and return ele to their normal state in PvP


> The problem of waver is that it offers nothing unique to get spot in perfect team...things like moa, portal, boon corruption, ress potencial...


> PVP Potencial still is out there:


> Sword builds have potential to become new power rev with extremely good condi clense...but there is damage problem

> -really hard to reach something with their sword skills small radius

> -Internal cooldown stops you from dpsing after most cc chains

> Waver needs reworks of how attument swaping works either by improving ultilites or doing something with internal cooldown

> Fresh waver is different part of story: it lacks mobility and good disengage to be optimal in same way as d/p thief/Mirage. With practice it has extremely ranged burst....stupid buffs can create here something extremely broken. I have no idea what could be done here to not create something horrible...although I would like to.


> Tempest needs to be overloaded with buffs or Big a** nerf to everything pvp related to matter . I don't miss tempest. It was badly designed and it had purpose only to make reaper/rev playable in big tournaments.



Just wait and see

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There are skills on the elementalist that you could buff by 200-300% and nobody would even notice because they are just so bad. This tells a lot about the state of the class. Anyway, forgot about this game for a few months... Seems nothing changed. Kinda lost interest in PoF, farming for PvE stuff ain't my thing much.

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