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will mirage be nerf in 2018 ??Someone think mirage is op


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It is hard to say. In my opinion it will be nerfed or touched. Mirage is strong but all the OP comes for a single trait, elusive mind . If you change that Mirage is much easier to kill. Mirage trait line is really strong becouse you have a great defensive line with a bit of damage and mobility from ambush skills ( and axe obviously ) . The problem is that if you remove condi cleanse or break stun from elusive mind you nerf mirage to the ground, in that case chronomancer will be better again probably . Chronomancer is still really strong in 1 vs 1, mirage is better, ok but you can win a lot of 1vs 1 with chronomancer also and so i have not idea of how to modify Elusive mind without destroying mirage spec ... it is not a simple task . As Chronomancer i have problems against mirage and some dh perhaps but otherwise i don't feel underpowered so if they change Elusive mind people will run back to Chronomancer and mesmer will remain really strong . I am not that worried becouse , in the worst case, we have a great alternative ( chronomancer ) . I think Chrono is one of the few Hot specs which can compete with many specs of pof ...so don't be worry and have fun with mirage for now

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Really, that idea is good, instead of nerf something to the ground buff others, so that they dont feel underpowered... and i agree: changing elusive mind would break the whole concept of the mirage beeing an "illusion itself".... and i agree to the point: mirage is a really cool elite....


Also i find they need to rework some weapon cooldowns on some classes, since there are more (and stronger) enemies to fight in the open world (more elite monsters, bigger group of monsters, etc) i think one weapon need a lower CD...not just the Mesmer... but for the mesmer: the shield CD...i mean F5 itself has an really high CD and since it is an elite the shield CD is totally too high for me, also in the beginning where the chrono was new they nerfed alacrity, so an reduce of the shield CD would be good...(or at least add a shield CD reduce to one of the traits in the chrono traitline, every other weapon has in the traits an CD reduce, juts the shield not)...


And i find the gameplay should be a little faster, so i think reducing the cast time from some auto attacks would be cool (and necessary)... for every class...

but for the mesmer: the staff, the cast time for an auto should not be 3/4 or higher, it is an auto und should feel fast...reducing the after cast delay and speed up the projectile so that i not feel like i could cast the staff auto and then run with the same speed as my projectile to the enemie, the enemie has evaded my auto three times before the first hit from far away arrived the enemie... so staff in its current state is a close range weapon even if it has an range from 1200... all other skills are ok

(i love skill 3)....the CD from skill 5 is maybe to high but since it is no auto attack it is ok for me, i dont want the staff skills be spammed...

(i really hope someone from anet read this...) <3

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Pointless conversation. PvP covers bronze players who run around in circles (or bots) to legendary players and tournaments. PvE covers noobs who auto attack through the base game and then cry about HoT to people trying to be the first group to clear a raid wing or low man a raid boss.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> so or so if you check the pvp forums (or play any pvp/wvw yourself) or qtfy benchmarks for mirage it's clear that mirage is overperforming by a longshot in both pvp and pve and it will be toned down


yes but i don't feel this as a great problem. If mirage will become unplayable we will go back on chrono ....

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if mirage will become unplayable, i as pve player get the feeling that anet is just hearing the ppl from pvp....and chrono would be some sort of ok for me...but: since alacrity got a big nerf in the beginning i had the feeling that shield has an too high CD (and no trait for CD reduce, the traits itself are ok)... and for chrono: i simply forget that i have the F5 because it has an really high CD...wich is ok, since it would really be op if it would have an lower CD...but the shield? for pvp maybe ok.....i dont know, i dont play pvp...but for pve shield has an too high CD...i was really happy as i saw that axe has an CD reduce trait... and sad as i saw that the heal from mirage has an Cd from 30 sec (in the beginning) wich they reduced to a CD with...25 sec....i still use mirror as heal, for me it is still the best heal (but the mirage heal looks sooo pretty...sad that i never use it).


Well anyway i am waiting for the longbow or rifle as next mesmer weapons....pistol would be cool...but not likely because we already got the axe mainhand, and next pistol mainhand? i just say: not really likely, we got an offhand, we got an mainhand....next will maybe be 2 hand weapon or an main / offhand (like the warrior with double dagger)... i really hope they will surprise us...(but i liked the fact that there was a leak about mirage...)

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> Pointless conversation. PvP covers bronze players who run around in circles (or bots) to legendary players and tournaments. PvE covers noobs who auto attack through the base game and then cry about HoT to people trying to be the first group to clear a raid wing or low man a raid boss.


Bronze PvP > Raids

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> @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> In what world does PvP require more skill?



pressing "1,2,3,4,5,6 -1,2,3,4,5,6-1,2,3,4,5,6 period" is not skill.


Pve has NOTHING to do with Skill. It's learning mechanics and repeat rotations.


You are NEVER forced to react to something unknown except in the first run.

I always laugh when people say "Class X has a really hard rotation in PvE"


Excuse me ? Pressing X buttons in a setted sequence needs skill?


I just pressed more then 100 keys in a setted sequence, i gotta be PvE GOD.

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> @"FaboBabo.3581" said:

> > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > In what world does PvP require more skill?



> pressing "1,2,3,4,5,6 -1,2,3,4,5,6-1,2,3,4,5,6 period" is not skill.


> Pve has NOTHING to do with Skill. It's learning mechanics and repeat rotations.


> You are NEVER forced to react to something unknown except in the first run.

> I always laugh when people say "Class X has a really hard rotation in PvE"


> Excuse me ? Pressing X buttons in a setted sequence needs skill?


> I just pressed more then 100 keys in a setted sequence, i gotta be PvE GOD.


Pve is about consistency, doing the rotation while also dealing with mechanics, but doing so consistently. And then there are pve solos, which do take a tremendous amount of skill, patience and knowledge of the class and game mechanics.


And for the sake of the argument, pressing buttons in a sequence is literally what piano players do, are you saying playing the piano takes no skill?

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> > @"FaboBabo.3581" said:

> > > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > In what world does PvP require more skill?

> >

> >

> > pressing "1,2,3,4,5,6 -1,2,3,4,5,6-1,2,3,4,5,6 period" is not skill.

> >

> > Pve has NOTHING to do with Skill. It's learning mechanics and repeat rotations.

> >

> > You are NEVER forced to react to something unknown except in the first run.

> > I always laugh when people say "Class X has a really hard rotation in PvE"

> >

> > Excuse me ? Pressing X buttons in a setted sequence needs skill?

> >

> > I just pressed more then 100 keys in a setted sequence, i gotta be PvE GOD.


> Pve is about consistency, doing the rotation while also dealing with mechanics, but doing so consistently. And then there are pve solos, which do take a tremendous amount of skill, patience and knowledge of the class and game mechanics.


> And for the sake of the argument, pressing buttons in a sequence is literally what piano players do, are you saying playing the piano takes no skill?


Looks like u never played Piano, but just for the record.


Can you swap the positions of Piano Keys, just like you can with Keysettings in Gw2?

Compare what your feet are doing when playing Piano/GW2.

Explain how the "Skill-queue" - System works with a Piano.


Tell me every skill you need to HOLD pressing to cast it.


Comparing GW2 PvE with Piano would be following ; All my little ducklings.


EVERYONE can play "all my little ducklings" after 10 minutes of learning the rotation.


I'm sad i can't find the video anymore, but here's reality.


One guy played Chrono for raids. Swapped keybindings. Walked to the Raid boss. Pressed 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Perfect rotation. He repeated. Works done.





This mode is sooooo easy, that you get 6.000.000 damage from one hit, because thats literally the only way A-Net CAN make content "hard".

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I do have one question as someone who is about to take the plunge into pvp with my Mesmer main: ok so Mirage is king of the 1 v 1, but isn't pvp about taking and holding points, meaning that those classes that excel at bunkering (?) and supporting are as effective as your mirage solo killer? Killing other players is, so I understand, not the real aim and can even distract the team if you focus on it too much. Don't flame me, I'm new to pvp please.

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> that's a pretty generalized and rude thing to say


> Especially since PvP requires more skill than PvE.


PvP players spend all their time complaining how every single class, mechanic and skill is OP and want everything dumbed down. They are the single biggest reason why the combat in this game never actually got anywhere.


In theory PvP should require more skill then fighting npcs, in practice Guardian zerg lootstick famers in PvE are more skilled then PvP players because at least they know how to move around and probably use condi cleanse from time to time.

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > that's a pretty generalized and rude thing to say

> >

> > Especially since PvP requires more skill than PvE.


> PvP players spend all their time complaining how every single class, mechanic and skill is OP and want everything dumbed down. They are the single biggest reason why the combat in this game never actually got anywhere.


> In theory PvP should require more skill then fighting npcs, in practice Guardian zerg lootstick famers in PvE are more skilled then PvP players because at least they know how to move around and probably use condi cleanse from time to time.


Normally your statements would just be viewed as trolling but you actually believe them.


PvP players want balance and are entitled to it. Balance should never take PvE into consideration when it'll effect PvP. This is because you can change PvE content according to balance changes.


The skill involved in PvE is minimal. I would say Bronze tier requires more skill than PvE as people have trained Chimps to be successful at MMO raids

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