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Conditions Need A Rework, Not Small Tweaks


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Condition overbuff resulted as an internal response to the propagation of absurd amounts of boon uptime. With that being said, there was no reason for them to take that particular route rather than just having boon removal being easier to access.


GW1 had its faults, but the condition system was not one of those faults. Conditions were pretty well telegraphed just by looking at a person or healthbar, and the abilities that applied them were usually pretty well telegraphed as well. PvP will continue to dwindle as balance gets ignored or addressed incorrectly.


With that being said, it almost seems counterintuitive for them to focus resources on addressing the deep seeded issues in PvP; that's not their core market, and it's more than likely that with the game being more than 5 years old that it's never going to see the traffic it once did, even with a system overhaul. Anet is probably well aware of this, though they are unlikely to make a statement to the effect.


I have tried just succumbing to the meta and running scourge et al, but in spite of it being effective it is so incredibly mind numbing that I simply cannot continue playing for extended periods of time anymore.

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> @"Gandarel.5091" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > I heard from ppl that the way condis worked in gw1 was fine so i dont get why they needed to change them.


> PvE. Even in GW1 conditions were simply worse than direct damage builds in a PvE setting, but it wasn't really a big thing. GW2 is a PvE game so they felt it was fine to absolutely nuke PvP gameplay from orbit in favor of getting PvE a couple more viable builds.


> I think condition damage as a stat is the problem in GW2, and having pure condition damage as a viable thing. In GW1 basically every condition build was more of a hybrid of both direct damage and condition damage, it was 50-50 at best. Now in GW2 we can have builds where 90% of the damage comes from conditions and the build must do the same damage as power builds, or even more according to Anet because "conditions have a ramp up time " - yeah of 0.5 seconds in the current meta.


> At launch condi was high sustain, low but consistent damage. Now both condi and power are the same thing except condi has things that make power builds useless like weakness.


Kinda biased. This hurt condi builds in everything that can be cleared fast with burst.


And in theory less stacks for longer should make pvp less aids as well.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > 3) There's too much boon spam. Too many weapons and professions just spit out boons willy nilly. People thought spellbreaker would be powerful cause he negates them. Scourge is powerful as hell because he can turn them against their owner more often than core necro could.

> Almost as if Anet saw this problem and designed something to counter it... (pretend I posted that thinking emoji here)


True, but it's a problem they created, and often people can't really prevent that boon generation as its tied to minor traits, or weapon skills.> @"EthanLightheart.9168" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > Or we could just nerf scourge and mirage, and stop trying to reinvent the wheel.


> Yes,true atory. But they won't - they've watched it long enough thus should have reacted already.


Well, nerfing scourge won't help anything except break another class into non-playability. Scourge needs a revision to shades, the rest can be countered.

And as for mirage, they buffed its condi creation when they were nerfing everything else, so idk wth is up with that.

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They just buffed condition amount too much already in HoT. Some classes also spit out pretty crazy power dmg but it's easier to deal with by spamming protective boons and conditions and invulnerability/blocks. Condition have what, resistance and condi cleanse which is too limited to counter all that spam scourge and mirage can put out.


Maybe when PoF sales enough they nerf overbuffed classes :bleep_bloop: It's not that core nec is that strong in current meta even if it can spit out insane amount of condis too.


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> @"jalmari.3906" said:

> They just buffed condition amount too much already in HoT. Some classes also spit out pretty crazy power dmg but it's easier to deal with by spamming protective boons and conditions and invulnerability/blocks. Condition have what, resistance and condi cleanse which is too limited to counter all that spam scourge and mirage can put out.


> Maybe when PoF sales enough they nerf overbuffed classes :bleep_bloop: It's not that core nec is that strong in current meta even if it can spit out insane amount of condis too.



It's not that weak either, nor is Reaper. Thing is Scourge is "easier", and has all the reputation, so gets played more.

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