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Do You Raid?


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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Raiding is easy. As is everything else in the game once you know what to do. You have to grind to get gud, tho. Great way to make gold fast and get weapons/armor.


Saying raiding is easy is not correct. Raiding is easy for you. It's not easy for people who have less time, or constant interruptions in their time. It's not easy for people who live the Oceanic region who now have higher ping than they've ever had. It's not easy for people who have slower reaction times. Raiding, for me, is doable. I can raid. But I also live in Tasmania, and with the lag spikes, it's not even close to being easy, and because of that it's often not fun. And you know, I'm not the only guy who plays this game that lives in Australia or New Zealand, or Singapore, or Thailand, or any one of dozens of other countries that have this problem.

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Huge time sink, i can't do it on my own terms (when i feel like it, i have to be available at a specific time and that's just not possible to most people), and i don't like the elitism surrounding raiding. Like most people said, i don't need that kind of toxicity in my life, and that kind of a mindset is mostly what prevents me to even try. Who knows i might even like it but the players have ruined it for me and i don't want to.

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Once. The guild was doing a raid with its normal group. We have group of people who is enough into raiding to organize weekly training runs. However the group was not full at all and they were struggling with the escort mission. When I joined, I realized they basically did the job of two groups with one, the mesmer doing the towers alone an porting up a few members of the group when he was in need of help. Looked pretty amazing for a raid mission. After three or four wipes, we made it with 6-7 people. We took a look on the next boss which slaughtered us within seconds, basically to have a preview of its combat-mechanics. We even had a closer look on Cairn later, but the raid was basically over, once we finished the escort.


I will stuck on my 14 shards and 1 LI for a long time. The guild has very weird raiding times (imho), which prevents me from joining them even if I was interested. In the few cases I am on time and there is space, I usually pass.


Due to the special mechanics inside the raids (death, timers, ...) I still beleive this is not Guildwars2. The entire system is designed to watch the guides and follow them one by one. Those who are stupid enough to try and explore on their own, are doomed to die a million times. It feels a bit like the sPvP. A very cool game with an awesome GW2 paint job. Ignoring core-aspects of the real game in order to satisfy the wow-players is a questionable strategy. From ANet's pov, it pays off. But from my pov, it is not worth the extra trouble. Too many limitations. Feels a bit like playing soccer in Proxemics Lab maze. I do not have enough imagination to make the walls dissappear ^^.


PS: We do all our raids (guild) without any restrictions. People can come as they want, play what they want, with builds they like to use. If someone wants to play a meta-build, he sure can. If the others do not want to, it is fine as well. Our success-rate is far below average. But those who participate frequently have a nice collection of shards and LI by now. Nothing to pose in a elite-raid-group, but enough to have some nice loot.

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Tried. Joined six training groups but it was always the same: they'd try once or twice, then a handful would always give up saying it was too hard, then you'd try looking for more to fill the space... rinse and repeat, with the net result being no one would ever get anywhere. Some of the leaders seemed great at training, in my experience the followers/trainees let them down. But will try again again one day I'm sure, would love to experience more of that part of Tyria.

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pug training is sadly a bit like that.


Guilds that do raid training generally mix in regulars into the runs, and the rules to stay the whole run get enforced as guild rules. just find a guild that does raid and don't have any rep requirements, and you should get much more consistent training runs.


> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > Raiding is easy. As is everything else in the game once you know what to do. You have to grind to get gud, tho. Great way to make gold fast and get weapons/armor.


> Saying raiding is easy is not correct. Raiding is easy for you. It's not easy for people who have less time, or constant interruptions in their time. It's not easy for people who live the Oceanic region who now have higher ping than they've ever had. It's not easy for people who have slower reaction times. Raiding, for me, is doable. I can raid. But I also live in Tasmania, and with the lag spikes, it's not even close to being easy, and because of that it's often not fun. And you know, I'm not the only guy who plays this game that lives in Australia or New Zealand, or Singapore, or Thailand, or any one of dozens of other countries that have this problem.


Raid is like 2 hours dedicated PvP match. There is no "brb" in pvp. There is no "give me 15m to make/eat/buy dinner". If you try to do 5 healers, or all celestial, then expect trouble. Have 3 second delay on all skills and expect getting killed by teams without such lag.


Raid is all that but instead of 5 people you have to have 10 people. Anyone who did gvg back in gw1 days or done 10 man organized pvp knows the trouble that depending on 10 people brings. It not easy, but it can be very fun.


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> @"Belorn.2659" said:

> pug training is sadly a bit like that.


> Guilds that do raid training generally mix in regulars into the runs, and the rules to stay the whole run get enforced as guild rules. just find a guild that does raid and don't have any rep requirements, and you should get much more consistent training runs.


> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > Raiding is easy. As is everything else in the game once you know what to do. You have to grind to get gud, tho. Great way to make gold fast and get weapons/armor.

> >

> > Saying raiding is easy is not correct. Raiding is easy for you. It's not easy for people who have less time, or constant interruptions in their time. It's not easy for people who live the Oceanic region who now have higher ping than they've ever had. It's not easy for people who have slower reaction times. Raiding, for me, is doable. I can raid. But I also live in Tasmania, and with the lag spikes, it's not even close to being easy, and because of that it's often not fun. And you know, I'm not the only guy who plays this game that lives in Australia or New Zealand, or Singapore, or Thailand, or any one of dozens of other countries that have this problem.


> Raid is like 2 hours dedicated PvP match. There is no "brb" in pvp. There is no "give me 15m to make/eat/buy dinner". If you try to do 5 healers, or all celestial, then expect trouble. Have 3 second delay on all skills and expect getting killed by teams without such lag.


> Raid is all that but instead of 5 people you have to have 10 people. Anyone who did gvg back in gw1 days or done 10 man organized pvp knows the trouble that depending on 10 people brings. It not easy, but it can be very fun.



You do understand that most people just don't have the time to be present at an exact set time for 2 or more hours without interruptions of their real life right?


And no, raids don't take 2 hours. They take 2 hours for people who raided for 2 years now. Everyone else said (at least to me when i asked about raiding) is that you need to "train" for months to get to that level where you can clear them in 2 hours and then it's 2 hours at best, but more likely takes around 4, maybe 6. And people who raid told me that, so to get back to the original point. Raiding is easy **for you**. It takes 2 hours to raid **for you**.


So people would need at least 4 hours of uninterrupted playtime at a set date and time where 9 other people have 4 hours of their free time and god forbid there's an interruption like "brb" because all hell will break loose right, you'd get booted out of your raiding guild for being a casual or what? You just outlined everything that's wrong with the raiding itself and why people don't want to raid or have anything to do with people who do lol. "brb" is bad? Now i'll never raid. Thanks!


And yes, it can be fun probably if you can manage all those conditions but don't pretend raiding is a welcoming environment where everything is easy and everyone can do it because not everyone can even if they want to.


> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> Lost faith in the average player (I strictly avoid saying "gamers" or "playerbase" because the gems - the nice people - are in this community, just hidden to me) and also I am playing the "wrong" profession the "wrong" way.


> Excelsior.


Yes, that's another thing that unfortunately oozed out of raiding, playing the profession the "wrong way", because everything that isn't meta isn't good at all for some reason, and for some reason that oozed into general PvE content sometimes.

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Being forced to do training on the real bosses and only fail while doing this prevents me from further pursuing raid activity. I would very much like to do this kind of instanced organized content, but it's not fun preparing until you have fun. Rising through the fractal ranks and exploring fractal tier after fractal tier up to the challenge modes was fun and entertaining and provided content for a long time. Raid training is not.


I don't understand the concept anyway: PvP for example has a sophisticated matchmaking system to create matches between equally skilled players to get balanced matches, while in a raid, the novice PvE players are put to the endgame super hyper bosses and are expected to learn how to beat them. If matchmaking in PvP works this way and novice PvP players are matched against the world champions, we'd have probably no PvP players any more after the first months of release except the world champions.

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I was in raids. I wasted more then 30 minutes on 1 boss. Was it fun? No, because after 3rd attempt people start being annoying. And when one guy left group, then i had to wait for another guy. Then i tried to find raiding guild. Guilds had special time for raids, i have to have special class or two for raid. I had to know useful rotation for class that i was on. So join to the raid guild felt like a job. Job at daytime, job in game at evening...

Game didn't tell me recommended classes for raid, only group of ten. All info about raids i had to find outside the game.

Please tell me some reasons why i have to start raiding. At the moment i can't tell why someone should start raiding.(legendary armor and ????)

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > Hope ArenaNet is seeing these numbers.


> Yes, I too hope they make decisions based on an online poll with less than 100 participants /s

Just imagine the incredible number of participants at the time of that post!


Anyway, I find it amusing that raid participation votes ("regularly" and "sometimes") constantly hover at 25-30% combined. That's not too far away from the numbers you can reasonably deduce from gw2efficiency and, more importantly, it seems like a very healthy number for niche content.

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I raid 2-4 days a week, but only since I got a somewhat static group to go with, which I am very thankful and I know i might just got lucky, finding likeminded ppl(mostly) to raid. I haven't pug'd much, haven't even tried it a lot. The randoms we picked up in our group so far have ranged from toxic elitists to "play whatever you like casuals", from really nice, freindly and helpful ppl to complete jerks. I just like to not pug. Also the time you spend waiting for a group(unless you're a chrono or can do any other fancy tricks your average DPSZOMG!!!!-Raider can't do) or until a group fills up is tedious, where a static group with set times is rather convenient.


I like the design of the encounters, the stories, earning decorations for my guild and I was there for the legendary armor. I wish there was a way to experience the encounters and stories solo and I would take it, that that mode wouldn't offer ANY RAID SPECIFIC rewards, a champion chest like from a dungeon or storychapter maybe, but no Raid-Skins, no Shards, no credit for achievements(unless they're new ones for this specific mode), no insights, no progress on the legendary armor, no decorations or different ones. But most of the give us easy-mode now crowd won't admit that they actually want the insights, the armor, the skins, the shards ad so on, they just don't want to raid for it. A solo or training mode would also let more people learn and see the mechanics before going for the hard and challenging real raid content(real as in "intended by Anet").


I'm glad I've didi it and I will continue to raid with my group but I still don't think that this game would've needed raids or that they were beneficial for the community as I experience it. Sure, I've found some awesome players and learned a lot about the game in the last year. But I also lost awesome players because they left the game, feeling left out of the changing process GW2 has gone through. I spend more time in teamspek due to the raids and having that connection to ppl is great, but I also see that the raids and cm's have devided the PvE community quite a bit, to a point where you have toxic players on both ends of the stick fighting for ANets attention.


So yeah, I would have totally played a GW2 without Raids but since they're here now I have to decide if I want to go for it or not. I decided that, should I get a group, I'd go for the armor. Found a group then went for it, took me 9 months. You have to decide for yourself if you want to do it or if the rewards are worth the time you will have to invest into the venture.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Hope ArenaNet is seeing these numbers.


They have acess of the real numbers, they know how many raid and dont...if I remenber, a dev allready said that the raid community is really small(i expect to be like <10%). My guild which have 200+ people struggles to get 10 people to raid(Raiders on the guild probably are part of Guild only raids too).

I probably will never do any raids in this game...dont have the time to do it, and most importantly, dont have patiance to deal with players anymore...i dont have big experience on other games of this genre, but people on this game...i dont know, guess most really dont want to make their own builds and strategies, they basically dont know how to actually play the game, they just copy whatever is the builds and rotations that the speedrunners say its the meta...this was a thing back in the dungeons, I allways used to play with zerker gear, more then once i read "Dead DPS is zero DPS", and then out of nowhere zerker become meta, and people were kicking other players if they didnt showed their zerker gear...i saw AC path 1 group demanding full zerker 10K AP only war and ele...this was dungeons...you could run the whole thing with white gear...more then once I carried low levels on exp path...if the majority of the dungeon community back in the day was toxic, i cant even imagine how is your regular Raid group...i actually can, the same people who used to carry low levels and players without experince on dungeons, now kick people of raids cause their dps is to low, why does DPS meters are even allowed on the game in the first place?

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> @"Nilson.9865" said:

> I was in raids. I wasted more then 30 minutes on 1 boss. Was it fun? No, because after 3rd attempt people start being annoying. And when one guy left group, then i had to wait for another guy. Then i tried to find raiding guild. Guilds had special time for raids, i have to have special class or two for raid. I had to know useful rotation for class that i was on. So join to the raid guild felt like a job. Job at daytime, job in game at evening...

> Game didn't tell me recommended classes for raid, only group of ten. All info about raids i had to find outside the game.

> Please tell me some reasons why i have to start raiding. At the moment i can't tell why someone should start raiding.(legendary armor and ????)


You do not have to. But some people actually have fun with the process and the challenge. Its is a matter of taste. You find failing on sth for 30 minutes boring. Others find succeeding after 2-3 hours or training their classes really rewarding. Different strokes for different people. And raiding with the right people and nice guilds or communities can be really fun.


Case in point:


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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Nilson.9865" said:

> > I was in raids. I wasted more then 30 minutes on 1 boss. Was it fun? No, because after 3rd attempt people start being annoying. And when one guy left group, then i had to wait for another guy. Then i tried to find raiding guild. Guilds had special time for raids, i have to have special class or two for raid. I had to know useful rotation for class that i was on. So join to the raid guild felt like a job. Job at daytime, job in game at evening...

> > Game didn't tell me recommended classes for raid, only group of ten. All info about raids i had to find outside the game.

> > Please tell me some reasons why i have to start raiding. At the moment i can't tell why someone should start raiding.(legendary armor and ????)


> You do not have to. But some people actually have fun with the process and the challenge. Its is a matter of taste. You find failing on sth for 30 minutes boring. Others find succeeding after 2-3 hours or training their classes really rewarding. Different strokes for different people. And raiding with the right people and nice guilds or communities can be really fun.


> Case in point:




I love their vids. It's just the honest joy I feel in their community. They're just having a good time, nevermind how good the numbers where or who had the best boon-uptime and whatnot. :)

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Nilson.9865" said:

> > I was in raids. I wasted more then 30 minutes on 1 boss. Was it fun? No, because after 3rd attempt people start being annoying. And when one guy left group, then i had to wait for another guy. Then i tried to find raiding guild. Guilds had special time for raids, i have to have special class or two for raid. I had to know useful rotation for class that i was on. So join to the raid guild felt like a job. Job at daytime, job in game at evening...

> > Game didn't tell me recommended classes for raid, only group of ten. All info about raids i had to find outside the game.

> > Please tell me some reasons why i have to start raiding. At the moment i can't tell why someone should start raiding.(legendary armor and ????)


> You do not have to. But some people actually have fun with the process and the challenge. Its is a matter of taste. You find failing on sth for 30 minutes boring. Others find succeeding after 2-3 hours or training their classes really rewarding. Different strokes for different people. And raiding with the right people and nice guilds or communities can be really fun.


> Case in point:





First time I see their videos around here, always a blast to watch them again!


@"Ardenwolfe.8590" are **you** seeing the "numbers"?

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Depends on what you call "raiding" (already seen that raid training apparently doesn't count). I do usually kill a few bosses in a week with friends. Honestly, i'm not interested in the "challenge" aspect of raids at all - it's not really entertaining. I'm partly there because i wanted legendary armor, and i still hate the game for making me make such a choice where i had to start raiding to get it. I got burned out on raids in previous games, and the "srs bzns" approach that they create is something that even now causes me to lose all the fun in the content practically immediately the moment i see it.

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even tho i can i just not interested at all in any type or shape of raiding at all!! when anet let 3rd party DPS meters come into the game as a whole . that made it even more better for me NOT to raid at all!! no matter the rewards or the collections or armor or minis or ranks they put to them . just not happen here at all !!! altogether just really reminds me of more world of war craft than it does guild wars or guild wars2 even when the game first came out back in 2012 :/ :/ :#

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