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Killing Elder Dragons is BAD! But What about Braham!


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> @"Beorn Raukar.4328" said:

> It was said on episode six that Braham realized that Jormag went back to sleep. So I dont think he is going to use his bow any time soon, which makes Balthazar the pressing matter. This and Palawa Joko will probably be the center of LS4, I think.


Braham's reaction via Taimi was less of 'no need to kill' and more 'can no longer kill'. Seems Braham is now being pressured into landing the killing blow but he isn't sure if he should or if he could.

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I find the whole Braham thing to be unfortunate. It's unfortunate that he behaves as he does, and unfortunate that the writers saw fit to saddle my character with dialogue that makes her sound whiny and stupid. So, if the question is, "What about Braham?" then my answer is, "Getting rid of Braham is good." However, please don't kill him, just let him get lost somewhere. If he is killed, there'll probably be a funeral and the writers will force me to say stuff about him that will make me lose my lunch.

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> @Yuyuske.7182 said:

> I think the Braham hate is overstated. He was a great character up until his mother died..._and then his mother died. **And he's a teenager.** Do you really_ not expect him to go into full-blown angst? Of course he's acting like an angsty teenager, _he **is** an angsty teenager!_


An angsty *Norn* teen-ager. While I don't hate him for it, it's not a good way to showcase the Norn culture and attitude towards death and legend. He doesn't have to be happy and accepting of Eir's death, but he should acknowledge that what he's feeling is not what he's been taught or expected. He was a bit edgy and angry when he first entered the story, but he didn't fall into the trap of lashing out when his father, girlfriend, a lot of his village was taken from him.


I watched the season 1 movie that's been floating around recently and I forgot how much I liked Braham and Taimi's banter and friendship.

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> @Malthurius.6870 said:

> In episode 6, shortly after finishing the task for Dwayna, Taimi calls the player character and has this conversation:


> >! **Taimi:** You won't believe what just happened, Commander. Guess. No, never mind, can't wait. Braham sent me a letter.

> >! **Taimi:** Would you like me to read it? Of course you would. He says, "Taimi. What did the commander do to Jormag?"

> >! **Taimi:** "Destiny's Edge—my guild—had it surrounded, and then... Suddenly, an anguished roar, and it returned to the ice."

> >! : Stop. Do we have to do this now? I can't deal with both him and Balthazar.

> >! **Taimi:** He says the norn want him to kill Jormag. Why oh why did he put his arrow in that tooth?

> >! : I don't have time for his tantrums. He just didn't think.

> >! **Taimi:** And... he didn't ask your permission either.

> >! : (sigh) I could have protected him from this. He'll either change course, or we'll have to stop him.

> >! **Taimi:** But since Jormag's all snoozy, he doesn't have a chance of killing it now, does he?

> >! : He better not. Talk to him. Maybe you can get him to see reason. It's never too late for him to do the right thing.

> >! **Taimi:** I don't know if he has a choice anymore. He's under a lot of pressure to live up to Eir's legend. And, he's so young.

> >! : Older than you.

> >! **Taimi:** Only physically... Taimi out.

> >! **Taimi:** Oh, Rox sends her love. Really out.


> So, no confirmation that he's given up, but he can't get to Jormag with him dormant like he is.


> Apparently Braham was very busy off screen.


Wow how did i miss over all this ? this looks important as i donno what and they just drop a line of text in game? like what the heck? Seriously... all this off screen crap and we cant even see what happens... Wow...

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At the end of HoT Braham supposedly came to terms with his mother death, suddenly he is a jerk to me. I really dont want him on my guild, the damage is done and he actively was like (through taimi's dialogue anyways) "look at my awesome new guild, DE, we are gonna kill the dragon" and in my honest personal opinion out of all the characters introduced in LW S1 Braham's was the weakest:


* Rox-gladium who wanted to join Rytlock warband.

* Taimi-orphan who was warded by Zojja and idolizes Scarlet

* Kasmeer -former noble who is working as a detective with...

* Marjory -human detective paid by Logan to investigate a crime

* Evon Gnashblade-bltc owner who runs for a spot on the Captain's Council against....

* Ellen Kiel-actual winner of the Captain's Council election and former lionguard investigator

* name-o-tron-former Consortium golem who goes to through many places, jobs, and names

* Canach-sarcastic outlaw who worked for Consortium to enslave refugees

* Scarlet Briar-crazy genius Sylvari who completely destroys LA and awakes an elder dragon

* Frostbite-baby albino devourer who joins Rox after she saves him from an attack in his hatchery

* *Braham** ............Eir' estranged headstrong son (why not make him regular son and make a joke about how he was never mentioned before?)


I dont want him dead actually, I just dont want him in my guild if Anet suddenly decides to bring him to our side. If anything at least let me wake up slap him before that at least.

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Oh yes please, kill Braham. He's as bad as Taimi. How were no lessons learned from Destiny's Edge? Why do we need these angst ridden babies? I really wish we'd get ways to deal with them, as in not have my character back down everytime they decide to go off for a cry. If I had my way, Taimi and Braham along with the entirety of Destiny's Edge, including Rytlock, would be pushing up the God damned daisies. The only people left would be Canuck, Caithe and Rox. I'd say Marjory would also be around, but we never see her anyway.

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I dislike Taimi because she is a cliche within a cliche wrapped in a cliche, whom you are forced to care about. Like Braham, the player has no choice but to put up with her. When she makes a rash decision, you have to go with it. When she acts like a whiney brat, you have to go with it. When the game slaps you in the face with her disability for the umpteenth time, you have to go with it.

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> He's so whiney, it's unbearable.


> > @Malthurius.6870 said:

> > Because he had complete disregard for anyone except his own goals, leaving Rox frozen and showing little regret for putting her in danger. He also saw the commander creating a new guild and letting Destiny's Edge be immortalized in time as an insult to his mother, even though it was the opposite. He's also willing to put innocent lives at risk because he personally wants to kill Jormag, even though Taimi had a solution that would theoretically leave no lives at risk.

> >

> > Basically, Braham is making bad, irrational, and emotional decisions and is being completely self centered, believing that the dragons are his sole responsibility when it's been proven countless times before that people coming together kills the dragons.

> >

> > If he continues to hunt Jormag in the face of the in-stabilization of Tyria, then he'll fall from graces even further.


> And yeah. This too.


Maybe we'll get to fight Braham in a future Living World episodes.


**Season 4, Episode 3:**

Taimi hears from Braham. He's mad and he still wants to kill Jormag. Taimi 'spergers out and spazzes to the Commander over the phone. The commander and friends head to Hoelbrak to talk to Braham. Braham is Braham and he whines about the commander stealing his right to slay Jormag. Then he blames the Commander for everything; Eir's death, putting Jormag to sleep, stealing his right to slay a dragon and forging a legend within the Norn, etc. Braham says something to the Commander about wishing they would just disappear and stop ruining his life. "You ruin everything." "I hate you." "You're not my mom/dad." Teenage Angst overflow. He heads North. Rox asks that we just give him time to calm down.


**Season 4, Episode 4:**

Driven by his own rage and want for vengeance he is determined to find and destroy a sleeping Jormag. The Commander and friends need to stop him for the same reasons they need to stop Balthazar. They try to reason with Braham but he says, "Braham is Braham" and some other emotionally charged nonsense. They fight. During the fight, when Braham reaches 10% HP he gets desperate. He knows he'll die if he doesn't do something and he, needing more power, turns to Jormag. He then transforms into an ultra-powerful Son of Svanir! Commanding hordes of Svanir they push the Commander out of the Northern Shiverpeaks.


**Season 4, Episode 5:**

Hoelbrak is attacked by Braham and the Svanir through a surprise attack! Knut Whitebear and the Commander have a defensive battle at Hoelbrak. Knut has his children, Skarti and Sigfast, counter-attack the Dragon's Veins at the northern edge of Hoelbrak.

The Svanir are pouring out of that area. When the Commander and everyone are in there a terrible rumble is outside -- a power Champion of Jormag is descending on Lake Mourn and the Commander has to kill it. During the battle, Skarti dies. Sigfast convinces his father that the Norn need to push North, kill Braham, and finish Jormag. Knut, conflicted over the idea of killing Eir's son, decided to lead the charge to the North with the Wolfborn and leaves Sigfast in charge of Hoelbrak. Rox protests.


**Season 4, Episode 6:**

Knut, the Commander, and the Wolfborn reach the Far Northern Shiverpeaks. Taimi is talking about Jormag stirring in his sleep. They theorize that Jormag is responding to Braham, or that Braham is pulling more power from Jormag. They fight through hordes of Svanir and Champions to finally reach Braham. Braham reveals his plan is to kill Jormag but that Jormag needs to first awaken for them to have a fight. To do that, Braham is going to draw power from Jormag until he hungers for magic. The Commander, Rox and Taimi try to tell Braham that's a bad idea because Braham would be consumed by the Dragon's power. Braham insists he knows what he's doing. Knut attacks Braham and Braham realize that Hoelbrak and the Norn are unified against him. Braham feels isolated and resolves to get revenge on Jormag, the Norn and the Commander. He fights the Commander and through some magic and stuff, he turns Knut into a Svanir. The Commander and the Wolfborn fight Knut whom falls soon after. The Commander fights Braham again and nearly kills him. Braham narrowly escapes, says he needs more of Jormag's power and disappears into a heavy snowstorm. Rox disappears into the snowstorm, too.


**Season 4, Episode 7:**

The Commander brings Knut's body back to Hoelbrak and they have a ceremony. Sigfast is now the leader of Hoelbrak. Sigfast is getting reports of Norn camps getting destroyed in various areas of the Shiverpeaks, north of Hoelbrak. The Commander goes to three settlements to find clues of how they're being destroyed and, at each, the Commander has to fight some powerful Svanir. They return to Hoelbrak. Braham -- completely crystalline with wings and giant claws -- swoops in on Hoelbrak and challenges the Norn to a fight. The Commander et al please with Braham one last time but to no avail. A massive battle happens and Braham is ultimately destroyed. Just them, Taimi prattles on about all the magic that Braham absorbed and that it'll be released back into the system. Like everything else in the game -- big magic release causes some big change. The ground swells and shakes... and far to the north, an explosion is heard. Sigfast says that the Norn need to rebuild and form an army -- that Jormag has awakened and the Norn need to prepare for battle.


**Expansion 3: Path of Ice Features**

* Taimi figures out a way to solve the problem of Jormag being alive but not being able to kill Jormag.

* We go to the Blood Legion Homelands and find Rox who is doing something.

* Big maps and stuff.

* Fewer waypoints.

* Keychains

* More material storage (just kidding)

* A new polar bear mount that charges and does damage to monsters in a line, with more damage to the targeted monster.

* Tengu because why not?

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I simply do not, nor will I ever understand the hate upon Trahearne, I mean, lets get real, I as glad he was the leader of the Pact, because dammit all if I wanted to locked into dealing with administrative duties, and listen a bunch of badly written counsel meetings, I'd go back to fucking work. I am more then happy to be the military end of that agreement with Trahearne, I log in to kill things. dangnabit.


Also my main issue with Taimi is that she is very self centered, putting her research and obsession with Scarlet above the rest of the group, so much so, on more then one occasion she flat out refused to continue to help the team, and instead chose to stay with her 'find', thus making me feel more like a tool she is using to further her exploits then someone she looks up to, maybe that is an Asura thing, but what happened to being loyal to your Krew?


On top of that, another issues with Taimi is that everything was solved by Magitech, making her an indispensable part of the group, whereas she did not feel that the rest of the group was equally important to her, (I would have loved to see Rox solve probems with her engineering, like she did in Molten Alliance, she goes from a knowledgeable engineer to noting more then a strong arm, thanks to Taimi) if anything, that made dealing with her more annoying then dealing with Trahearne, as at least Trahearne made me feel like I was the catalyst that was making everything happen and putting things into motion, whereas Taimi makes me feel like I am a disposable minion, or pet.

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I hate trahearne so much, seeing him always during personal stories was horrible, at least make a specific pact commander depending on your chosen race... Sylvaris isn't at all my favorite race, I was happy to see him dying, for some peoples it was hard but for me, I was literally free from him when killed him, finally I am the pact commander..! The only satisfying thing I done during HoT! Don't care of mordermoth! Don't understand this hate about dragons! Why hating trahearne? -Sylvari -Must always do like HE thinks, under his orders -Force me to see the Pale tree vision that I don't care about! The story always centered about undead and Zhaïtan, it bore me a lot.. The next story instance so predictable... Always investigate around, report to trahearne, investigate, report... The worst thing was claw Island, why I can't give orders to others soldiers and must wait for MISTER trahearne to give orders? MEH

I prefer a lot more Taimi and Rox they are great. Also the main flaw of taimi is that she is so humanized, she could say sometimes asuran insult toward Phlunt, no? She almost pronounce any scientific terms or asuran technology related words and she is a kind of Engineer/Scientist, what a joke!

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> @Yuyuske.7182 said:

> I think the Braham hate is overstated. He was a great character up until his mother died..._and then his mother died. **And he's a teenager.** Do you really_ not expect him to go into full-blown angst? Of course he's acting like an angsty teenager, _he **is** an angsty teenager!_


That's my whole point.


His mother shouldn't have died just to turn him into the aforementioned teenager stereotype.


Two wrongs make and uber-wrong that is the current Braham characterization.


And what is worst is that the entire Norn race, story-wise, is now represented by him. Anet hates us.

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