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Looking to come back. Is the game populated and fun again since fire Xpac?

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Cant decide to come back and play this game again. I really loved it awhile back but then the population dropped. Even with its mega server. After that it seemed kinda...1 playerish. Anyway I would like to sink my teeth into a new class and get into the pvp, pve mechs all over again. Is the pvp more balanced? So is it hoppin and really fun to play again? Tell it like it is plz. No sugar-coating!

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I never see a lack of players in game. It's a huge world so it's not like you're going to see one every 5 feet in open world but hub city's are populated, there's usually event groups running through pof maps, new living story map has some meta events that keep it active, sw farm is still big, and whatever the daily event map is usually has a good amount of people involved. It's a great game in my opinion and worth a shot.

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I'd say take a look before you buy an xPac and decide for yourself if you like what you see.

The community is active and ANet has given us a LFG tool to find likeminded players. Being in a guild, or a few guilds, helps a lot too. Buying at least one of the xPacs will be necessary if you want to go for the Meta in Raids, Fractals or PvP. Otherwise even f2p accounts can have a great time in most aspects of the game I think.

Open World PvE is healthy but not crowded I'd say. The population being more spread out since 2 xPacs and living stories that added more maps and things to do sounds about right to me. But you still find players in any zone doing map completion or events, maybe just not as many as back in the days. HoT is still getting full maps for their big meta events and PoF maps still manage to do most of the group oriented things by using the lfg and taxi'ing.

Fractals are doing good, many lfgs open all the time. They added lots of long term goals to work towards to for this mode, but abandoned Dungeons on the way. Ppl are still doing dungeons, at least the easier paths see some traffic, others not so much.

Raids are a thing too, but the comunity is still diveded. If you find a group or guild that raids on a somewhat regular basis, it can be lots of fun. I never really Pug'd in Raids so I can't speak for the overall raid-community.

PvP is ok and fun imho, but will never be a competitive eSport or anything. If you're in it for the fun of it, you might like it, if you want to go rpo, this game is not the place to be.

I don't know about WvW, can't help there.

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