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How to play Revanant GG:p


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So, let's see here...


You just run onto a busy point right away with hammer equipped. You blow utility cooldowns and don't swap legends, even when your Glint heal is aso on cd and you are about to die if you don't get another heal in. You backpaddle, which is slower than strafing. You barely turn the camera, which is probably because **you click your skills instead of using keybinds.**


And that was just what I noticed in first two minutes.


Sorry, but I wouldn't say this is how to play Revenant. To be honest, I wouldn't say this is how to play GW2 in general.

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> @"Kreed.2768" said:

> So, let's see here...


> You just run onto a busy point right away with hammer equipped. You blow utility cooldowns and don't swap legends, even when your Glint heal is aso on cd and you are about to die if you don't get another heal in. You backpaddle, which is slower than strafing. You barely turn the camera, which is probably because **you click your skills instead of using keybinds.**


> And that was just what I noticed in first two minutes.


> Sorry, but I wouldn't say this is how to play Revenant. To be honest, I wouldn't say this is how to play GW2 in general.


But apart from that it was gg!

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> @"Kreed.2768" said:

> > @"finkle.9513" said:

> > But apart from that it was gg!


> Oh, it was gg alright. :p

WOOT can i be in you gang now?


> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> The game play is certainly low level, but at least he is probably having fun which is better than a lot of us can say.


Lots of fun muhahah

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Lyndina.7984" said:

> > You didnt deserve the win. In Fact your team carried you...


> Saw a Temporal Rift from the other team, so both were even at 4 vs 4 having to carry each one's Rev. At the end the red team managed to escape from the jaws of victory.


Come on man, i resemble that remark!!

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> @"Notjes.7182" said:

> Great video.


> Pro tips:

> If you decrese the sensitivity of your touchpad, you can click the skill and weapon buttons more accurately.

> And every now and then you should take a peek at those tooltips that are popping up.


Thanks for the advise man, i prefer not to have to read.. seems a waste of time, i think we all know this is a game of fastest first and just slam them skills off cool down makes you pwn for a gg. A bit like hitting that mole at the arcades with the hammer!!

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> Wow first idea of useing Hammerbuild for rev ...... straight into midfight and die .... 2 times ... i stopped after 2 mins .... your not rly experimented into rev


The first 2 mins always start this way, its to get the measure of my opponents, Its a complex strategy to understand my opponents strengths and weaknesses i didn't die again after that... You should watch the full video, you might pick up some tips.. caring is sharing after all!

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