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Game alt-tabbing or flashing desktop [merged]

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I did a windows update this morning and then logged back in and ever since almost every loading screen does a sort of alt tab and then alt tabs me back into the game. Idk what is up with the game would a -repair to the launcher fix this or is this all on the windows update. I wouldn't know how to fix that.

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There's a new feature called, "Focus Assist" which can be adjusted to bother you less.

Settings → System → Focus Assist


On the internet, people have been suggesting that you turn it off... and that seems to help most people. I've instead turned it on and specified: "only bug me for priority updates" and then removed every program from the priority list. So far, I don't even get bothered by update notifications.

Recommendation: try disabling it first (since that's easiest); if it doesn't, try my suggestion.


Technically, it's not really a new "feature" — we just never had any control over it in previous versions of Windows. So it's better now, because you can make very detailed choices about what sort of notifications will steal "focus" from your current window. However, the default settings are too liberal for a lot of people's tastes.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> There's a new feature called, "Focus Assist" which can be adjusted to bother you less.

> Settings → System → Focus Assist


> On the internet, people have been suggesting that you turn it off... and that seems to help most people. I've instead turned it on and specified: "only bug me for priority updates" and then removed every program from the priority list. So far, I don't even get bothered by update notifications.

> Recommendation: try disabling it first (since that's easiest); if it doesn't, try my suggestion.


> Technically, it's not really a new "feature" — we just never had any control over it in previous versions of Windows. So it's better now, because you can make very detailed choices about what sort of notifications will steal "focus" from your current window. However, the default settings are too liberal for a lot of people's tastes.


This does not fix the issue.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> This does not fix the issue.


You've tried both shutting off Focus Assist and (if that didn't do the trick) turning it on for priority updates only (and then specifying zero apps for priority)?


Another article suggested turning off the automatic rule for gaming (whether or not Focus Assist was on for anything else).


Here's more on the topic:



Another article suggested tweaking notifications. Settings → System → Notifications & actions.


Other articles have suggested rolling back video card drives.



For what it's worth, here's an article with a list of common issues and their solutions:


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> @"circuitnerd.5863" said:

> Within just the past several days my game has randomly been alt-tabbing to the desktop once in a while. Typically it only happens once per login. Has anyone else been experiencing this lately as well? I've completely formatted my computer and everything but no change. It's kind of annoying but luckily it doesn't happen much.


Happens any time I switch maps.


It's not resolved at all.

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> @"Heather.4823" said:

> > @"abomally.2694" said:

> >

> > The desktop flashing issue has been happening for me for a long time. I don't worry about it because the game seems to work properly.


> Yeah the 3 second flickering only when I click play has happened for like a year but that's no issue to me which I why I didn't mention it as it's not the same issue I am talking about here. That issue is just the screen flickering for about 3 seconds on load of the game only. Nothing to do with this.


> The issue I am talking about here is since the April update that I see the desktop on all loading screens..



Destroys game modes like WvW.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Not saying this doesn't need a resolution, but how does showing the desktop only on loading screens affect gameplay? If it happened randomly during gameplay, I'd understand, but on loading screens...I'm not sure I follow.




You must not play WvW or anything like a boss train where moving fast between maps is an imperative.


Example: When one is being called to an Emergency Waypoint in WvW, that blinking screen, which is more than three seconds in some cases, can cause

instant death and a loss of the property.


It's also extremely disorienting to those with brain damage and vertigo/inner ear issues.


Nausea and dizziness are instant when this happens, this is impacting not only the game, but people's health.



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Adding my voice to the others for the loading screen issue. Updated to latest windows on my gaming lappy and it now jumps back to desktop on loading screens for a few seconds and back into the game. It has no impact to how I play the game as I'm just doing PVE and it's only on loading between zones or whatever, and always comes back before loaded into the new area - it's a little annoying, but not a huge problem to me so not sure I want to go through the hassle of raising a ticket that will go ignored for the better part of two weeks to try solving a problem that doesn't really bother me that much!

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It's not just related to that focus assist thing or windows update 1803 - i'm on windows 10 update 1709 and my game tabs out to desktop anytime i get a loading screen/change maps, and i have to alt-tab back in. I haven't played in a couple years and only reinstalled the game over the weekend - have been having this issue since i installed.

edit: it's also not limited to Steam or Nvidia as some people suggested, as I don't use Steam and I have an AMD card. This is the only game where I'm having this issue.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Not saying this doesn't need a resolution, but how does showing the desktop only on loading screens affect gameplay? If it happened randomly during gameplay, I'd understand, but on loading screens...I'm not sure I follow.


For me, when I minimise/maximise the game too much, my frame rate eventually drops from it's usual performance suddenly to 3FPS. Closing/re-opening the game fixes this, it's how the game interacts with my system, I think it crashes a gfx driver. It's why I now follow guides on my smartphone rather than my desktop.

So I'd prefer to **not** have my game flash my desktop, purely for this reason.

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> @"mofokraken.5734" said:

> It's not just related to that focus assist thing or windows update 1803 - i'm on windows 10 update 1709 and my game tabs out to desktop anytime i get a loading screen/change maps, and i have to alt-tab back in. I haven't played in a couple years and only reinstalled the game over the weekend - have been having this issue since i installed.

> edit: it's also not limited to Steam or Nvidia as some people suggested, as I don't use Steam and I have an AMD card. This is the only game where I'm having this issue.


This. It may seem like it's the Windows update but it's not. It's something that got changed in the game client recently. Perhaps whatever they did to reduce the new zone's loading times. The game is dropping out of DirectX's full screen exclusive mode during asset loads.

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