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Game alt-tabbing or flashing desktop [merged]

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It happens to me all the time. Though I played yesterday and specifically opened it as administrator and I don't recall it doing it even once. I believe it has something to do with Windows update or some obscure setting for windows and that may be why running it as administrator prevented the issue. Will test it again here in a bit and hope it continues to work.


It always happens at the most in-opportune time too, like in the middle of a fight with someone and due to running gw2 hook for more graphics customizations each time I alt tab back it has to spend a good 30 seconds or so loading all of the presets and filters. Gets really frustrating!


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It would be nice for Anet to fix fullscreen somewhen. I've never seen another current or non current game spazzing around with mode switching that much that you'd have to put an epilepsy warning onto the loading screen.

Again as said, it does not happen in windowed modes, but that will only work for you if you do not lose FPS from that. (In fact windowed mode had another issue in the last W10 build randomly halving your FPS for brief moments).

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This used to happen to me alot a while back, like op says about once every session. The only other programs I had running was discord and chrome, but since it always went to desktop I figured it a windows issue. So I right clicked gw2.exe, selected properties, checked the box to always start as an administrator (didn't change the win version, still win10) and ever since I haven't been booted out of the game. My guess is some unintentional process of windows after being idle (like removing of language-packs) start and unintentionally put the desktop in focus, because it seemed to happen relatively early on in the gaming sessions.

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*After the last -WINDOWS UPDATE- GW2 now goes to Windows 10 and then back to the game.*



It's not only annoying, it's a guaranteed way to die in some cases, especially in WvW.


**_Three_** people I know are getting the same error.


This one may not be on GW2, but the issue is real and it is harmful to the game.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Update: So far, after using the suggestion in the link above, I haven't automatically alt-tabbed from any more games. :)


Had a look at that link and it doesn't work for me since I don't have the folder in the task scheduler where it was suggested to make the change. I also looked at the history of the task scheduler and it hasn't performed any task/action for the last 30 days.

Different windows version. different AV, different vid cards and drivers etc. The only common thing is the game itself (and it only happens with GW2 for me), so I am starting a believe it is a game issue.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> > See this thread for the cause of this issue:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38294/right-click-cause-leaving-fullscreen

> >


> Not using 2 monitors.


Its possible though that this is still the cause, even with 1 monitor. With 2 monitors a person has GW2 minimize and their cursor over on the second screen, whereas someone with one monitor would only see GW2 being minimized - like an ALT-TAB..


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I had this problem as well, check for Akami Netsession in your program listing. Some games use it and it runs all the time even when the game isn't in use (DDO for example). I was being forced alt-tabbed out of GW2 everyday do to this issue and I closed Akami and it stopped for me.


Could be anything though

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A couple questions. Do you use full windowed mode? Do you have multiple monitors? Do you control and turn your character using right click?


It turns out that when you hold right click to turn your camera, the pointer is only invisible and not gone. When you release the mouse button the pointer just returns to the original spot. Its possible that if you turn enough the invisible pointer can click on UI elements and the border of your window. If you click or mouse wheel at the right time it can interact and even click you to a different window or to the desktop.

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I run windows 10 and haven't had that. It might also be how you're running the game. I run windowed because for me it's easier to back and forth to my web browser/discord/team speak. Does it do it to you in full screen? Another thought could you possibly be hitting alt+tab? Also when did you update Windows(patch Tuesday is tomorrow), hopefully you haven't been having to put up with it for a month? It could possibly be a video card driver crashing, I know that can cause similar issues.

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yeah after the 'April Feature Update' version 1803 on my windows 10, have had the same issue. For me it only happens when i load into maps, whether from log in or switching maps. haven't had it while running around in any maps in pve or spvp. (haven't played in wvw since this update)

I do play in full screen mode myself. My drivers are all up to date. Nothing saying isn't working or has crashed that I'm seeing while running gw2 / my computer in general.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I've not heard of it at all, nor are we seeing it on social media.


the win 10 update is still rolling out so I imagine you will hear more in the coming weeks. seems(for me) to only happen when logging in or switching maps/areas. basically just makes the process even longer.

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