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Build question: Carrion, Viper or Trailblazer for Condi Mesmer


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I basically main a Guardian but tried out a condi mirage in pvp few weeks back and absolutely loved it. Now I was hoping it run it on WvW. My question is which stat should I go for? Will full viper sets compromise my survivability? Is the extra vitality in carrion worth it?

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Are you roaming or running with a group, and if it's on a group, which role are you trying to fit?

After you figure that out, you can think about which stats you should go for, and after you know, try to achieve the same or similar stats at least on the main one (for example condi damage, if you are aiming for a group oriented burn guardian) with as many celestial armor as you can (without hindering your stats).


That's basically how some guild make really sustainable and nice comps, you can always start changing stats depending on your play style later, but it's always a mix of different types of armor. (It is really dependent on your role, pofession, elite spec and position)

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I dont believe the mesmer use much precision when it comes to applying condi, so I traiblazer/dire cheesing all the way?


IMO the condi mesmer is meh in WvW. It's the literal one trick pony, only useful in 1v1 duels against people without condi cleanse. Even worse off than a thief. When it comes to shifting between roaming, small scaling and zerging tasks, forget about it. Condi mesmer in zerging is about as effective as tossing rubber ducks at the enemy and its not much better if you are fighting outmanned against organised people. In theory a viper mesmer should be pretty strong but in practice you got about 5 seconds to kill the enemy and after that you're dead. If you are good you *can* kill the enemy fast of course and the mesmer got good evades, but if the enemy are good... well lets just say sustain will probably come out as the winner.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> I dont believe the mesmer use much precision when it comes to applying condi, so I traiblazer/dire cheesing all the way?


> IMO the condi mesmer is meh in WvW. It's the literal one trick pony, only useful in 1v1 duels against people without condi cleanse. Even worse off than a thief. When it comes to shifting between roaming, small scaling and zerging tasks, forget about it. Condi mesmer in zerging is about as effective as tossing rubber ducks at the enemy and its not much better if you are fighting outmanned against organised people. In theory a viper mesmer should be pretty strong but in practice you got about 5 seconds to kill the enemy and after that you're dead. If you are good you *can* kill the enemy fast of course and the mesmer got good evades, but if the enemy are good... well lets just say sustain will probably come out as the winner.


It depends all on the weapon set you use. IF you use staff / scepter/axe trabalizer or dire can work well becouse they have good condi damage so the lack of power is not a problem. If instead you use sword you willl pay the lack of power in your damage becouse sword has not condi damage so carrion or sinister are better . For condi chrono you have the speed from the chrono trait but from condi mirage you have to take the mobility from runes or from sword ambush. For the reason of mobility and for the fact that i find staff really strong in spvp ( where fight is centered on a point ) but much less effective in open fields like wvw , at the end i ended going power. I don't like scepter , i don't feel confortable with it and with scepter/torch sword/focus for example i felt weak so at the end i found gs /sword torch in power really a great setup. Better than condi for wvw becouse it is easier to fight professions like holosmith with a great mobility ( and also thieves ) . You have only to learn to use carrefully your dodges and your teleports and you will see that power mesmer can be really rewarding for roaming .

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> @"PierPiero.9142" said:

> I don't like scepter , i don't feel confortable with it and with scepter/torch sword/focus for example i felt weak so at the end i found gs /sword torch in power really a great setup.

The scepter is fine even for power and rival the sword with it's block on a shorter cd (4.7s if you really want to go for the lols) and #3 hit about as much as sword #2 but at range and moving. Just like the sword it has it's niggles, sure. The channel is a real problem up close. But in contrast, I find the sword a hazard to use as I have a tendancy to always accidentally do an ambush leap straight into trouble, lol. I also dont like being stationary with blurred frenzy - even a second or two standing still can mean the difference between a zerg running over you and you avoiding them.


But nevertheless yes I agree.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"PierPiero.9142" said:

> > I don't like scepter , i don't feel confortable with it and with scepter/torch sword/focus for example i felt weak so at the end i found gs /sword torch in power really a great setup.

> The scepter is fine even for power and rival the sword with it's block on a shorter cd (4.7s if you really want to go for the lols) and #3 hit about as much as sword #2 but at range and moving. Just like the sword it has it's niggles, sure. The channel is a real problem up close. But in contrast, I find the sword a hazard to use as I have a tendancy to always accidentally do an ambush leap straight into trouble, lol. I also dont like being stationary with blurred frenzy - even a second or two standing still can mean the difference between a zerg running over you and you avoiding them.


> But nevertheless yes I agree.

Probably i am not good at using it but for using block 2 i have to know the burst is arriving, it is not as easy as sword 2 . Problem of condi for me is clone generation : i am used to spvp in which i usually do staff 3 , sword 3 , torch , and then shatter after burning, for example . With scepter i have to hit 3 times to have a clone and i find it really situational . On the other side if you get used to start sword 2 and stove it you have another evade frame that can be really usefull ( i don't think they changed it ) .

Problem of not having sword is that now , with pof and hot , all the classes has a lot of mobility in one of the 2 elite so it is hard not to have it. I tried for example to play axe/focus staff with signet for speed . It is really a strong setup if well used becouse focus now is much better of what people think ( i find the pull and the immobilize really strong ) but in any case felt the lack of mobility. My problem with condi setup is in general that i have less mobility than with power and mobility+evasion on power mesmer makes it really strong. I use it also in spvp ( i was bored from meta ) and i win a lot of 1vs 1 too ... also thieves are often doable if you tune your dodge/ jaunt and scourge/reaper are much more easy to kill in 1 vs 1 with power mesmer . Other problem is that staff in wvw is much less effective than in spvp becouse fight is not around a point . In spvp staff is really great in wvw without superspeed of illusion given by chrono it is not that great imho . it is completely different in spvp where the fight is centered on a little circle and so shattering from melee is easy with staff

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> @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > I recommend you reroll warrior and triple chop your way into glory. Condi Mesmer is about to get a massive nerf that is likely to render it unplayable, in a month or so. Save the coin and pick a good all around class.


> Hope you're right, that build is broken.


In my opinion not now, mirage is op , i agree , but the problem is not condi mirage. Condi mirage is not good now as power mirage for wvw roaming . Condi Chronomancer was really strong for the ability to resummon phantasm, condi mirage has not the same and it is different. Condi Chrono was much better than Power Chrono, now Condi Mirage and Power Mirage for wvw roaming are on the same spot and , for me , Power mirage is a little bit better . Try to fight a good scourge or reaper with condi mirage or with power mirage.... the second is a lot easier for example . I don't say it is not op, i am saying that Power Mirage is more rewarding now than condi and the gameplay is quite similar .

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> @"PierPiero.9142" said:

> > @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > I recommend you reroll warrior and triple chop your way into glory. Condi Mesmer is about to get a massive nerf that is likely to render it unplayable, in a month or so. Save the coin and pick a good all around class.

> >

> > Hope you're right, that build is broken.


> In my opinion not now, mirage is op , i agree , but the problem is not condi mirage. Condi mirage is not good now as power mirage for wvw roaming . Condi Chronomancer was really strong for the ability to resummon phantasm, condi mirage has not the same and it is different. Condi Chrono was much better than Power Chrono, now Condi Mirage and Power Mirage for wvw roaming are on the same spot and , for me , Power mirage is a little bit better . Try to fight a good scourge or reaper with condi mirage or with power mirage.... the second is a lot easier for example . I don't say it is not op, i am saying that Power Mirage is more rewarding now than condi and the gameplay is quite similar .


I agree I run a old school condi mesmer and it does ok 1v1 (sometimes) but nothing like mirage is doing. my DH however (which is my favorite class) is doing much worse against the newer builds.


On my mesmer for condi I run mainly trailblazers with some dire.

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> @"Jojo.6590" said:

> Hope this helps you, this post helped me. You're going to want to look at the seconded comment.

> [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/2072/stats-for-condi-mesmer-mirage](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/2072/stats-for-condi-mesmer-mirage "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/2072/stats-for-condi-mesmer-mirage")


I think the stats depends on the weapon you use . If you go axe/... staff or scepter/.. staff you can go with dire/trabalizer, you don't need power, but if you use sword imho you need power ...without power you have low damage with sword

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Run vipers in your armor and weapon slots and dire or trailblazer in your trinket/rings/backpiece. You'll find a nice mix of survival and heavy single target condi damage. Over time, you can even start to replace some of the rings, etc with vipers - as you get accustomed to the other ways a Mirage can stay alive (evasions, blinks, stealth, etc).


And welcome to the Mirage fan club. It is my single favorite elite spec (in all parts of the game).

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> @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > I recommend you reroll warrior and triple chop your way into glory. Condi Mesmer is about to get a massive nerf that is likely to render it unplayable, in a month or so. Save the coin and pick a good all around class.


> Hope you're right, that build is broken.



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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > I recommend you reroll warrior and triple chop your way into glory. Condi Mesmer is about to get a massive nerf that is likely to render it unplayable, in a month or so. Save the coin and pick a good all around class.

> >

> > Hope you're right, that build is broken.




Nerf both please

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