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What PVE is missing, in my opinion.

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When I played In World of Warcraft, I was quite the collector. I collected mounts, toys and transmogifications. When playing Guild wars 2, I don't feel the same collecting as I did in WoW. There currently exist gear/skin, titles, minis that you can collect and spawn/switch to from everywhere, anytime(in combat for exampel). Tunics have now made it to outfits. This is great! But what about tonics? It exists loads of em in Tyria, each unique. But the bad part about them is that they disappear when chaning map and entering combat. Combat I understand, but why can they not switch automaticly back when leaving it? Maybe I want to be the tiniest Asura while fighting!


And why do we always have to reequip the tunic every time we teleport to another map!


Another problem is that they take too much space if your a collector. They should have a own tab like outfits, where you can change when you feel like it!



I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but why can't the crafting stations remember where you left of? I craft daily my ascended ectoplasm refinement and everytime I have to check of, atleast in armorsmith, loads of categories. This becomes an annoyance when doing this daily.




Why can't you sort your materials by size, value and name? Sometimes I like to clear my material storage and looked for EACH and EACH material squinting my eyes to see my full stack, and repeat and repeat..


So this is my problems with PVE.




When flying my newly acquired spolier mount, why can't we unmount it mid air? We can mount it midair, but what if in HoT where you sometimes use updrafts, can we not switch to gliding? If you miss that updraft surely you will slowly fall into your pending doom :P.. Lets us unmount every mount mid air so we can glide instead!


And lastly, the mount in midair function only works when you have selected the spoiler mount. What if there's no time to select it!? Make the keybind to mount up mid-air when spoiler mount is select universal, so you can even if you have a raptor, use mid-air mount :).


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Overall, collection is pretty solid in this game. I do think, though, tonics should be a collectible instead of just random inventory clutter.


I think what it's actually missing is a really interesting form of progression that helps put players on something of a linear path. A lot of players defend the free-form format of the end game, but the simple truth is having sort of a linear path with visible goals in front of you is what motivates the majority of people who play MMOs, and not having it out of stubbornness just undermines GW2's popularity. It doesn't have to be a gear grind, but it needs to be something more fleshed out than what we have now. Masteries could work, but they need more expansion and refinement.


IMO, Legendaries should offer more than just a certain look. I think keeping them with the same stats as Ascended makes sense, but they need something that represents a form of progression that makes them _actually_ unique and therefore enticing to collect. I'd vote for each piece having a unique built-in rune or sigil in addition to the normal rune/sigil slot. I don't care if this represents a small amount of power creep over ascended - I think the game would benefit from it because it would make them way more interesting to chase after, creating a lot of motivation for a lot of apathetic players. It would also further incentivize Anet to continue creating them.


Also, we really, really should have more 5-man content than we do.

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While these quality of life suggestions won't hurt the game, I don't see them as a huge deal. There were things I WoW I found lacking to and I could list them out if I chose to, but when it comes to quality of life stuff, this game generally has it better than every other MMO out there...for most things anyway.


However the dismounting mid flight would break too many things in game, which is why they don't do it. Anet themselves said this at one of the AMAs and I agree with their decisions.


Also I'm not sure that bumping your own threads are within forum rules.


BTW, I collect endless tonics too. I keep one at all times in a shared inventory slot and click on it periodically. I'd like to see more combat tonics and I'd like to see the transformations stay longer. My biggest problem is being unable to mount and having to open my inventory to turn off the tonic (in the case of the combat tonics), before I start doing anything. 3

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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> I'd vote for each piece having a unique built-in rune or sigil in addition to the normal rune/sigil slot. I don't care if this represents a small amount of power creep over ascended - I think the game would benefit from it because it would make them way more interesting to chase after ...


I agree with some of your overall sentiment in your larger post, but not this sneaky rider. I _do_ care about power creep, and would not want to see this.


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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> I'd vote for each piece having a unique built-in rune or sigil in addition to the normal rune/sigil slot. I don't care if this represents a small amount of power creep over ascended - I think the game would benefit from it


No, it wouldn't. In fact, it would make many people angry and quit. Not everyone wants to waste thousands of Gold and tons of time on ONE item and then do the same grind for more... Legendaries are fine now because they are optional.

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The key here is "WoW" and it doesn't feel like "WoW" as it shouldn't. The original people who started ANET cam from Blizzard. Though I don't think they were actually involved with WoW but could you see the potential of a lawsuit if everything were just like WoW? Personally I am glad it is not. I do want fishing though hint hint.....

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:


> Also I'm not sure that bumping your own threads are within forum rules.


Sorry about that! I didn't know what bump really meant, I thought it was a way to reserve a comment spot for future use, like thanking for the discussion etc. Got contacted by a forum moderator about this, so now I understand that it's not really used for that.


Sorry, won't do it again :)!

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > I'd vote for each piece having a unique built-in rune or sigil in addition to the normal rune/sigil slot. I don't care if this represents a small amount of power creep over ascended - I think the game would benefit from it because it would make them way more interesting to chase after ...


> I agree with some of your overall sentiment in your larger post, but not this sneaky rider. I _do_ care about power creep, and would not want to see this.


Agreed. Legendaries should in no way introduce power creep. The only thing I'd like to see is sigil swapping for legendary weapons, just like rune swapping for legendary armor. At the moment, the stat swap stuff is close to useless in case of weapons, as you need another weapon anyway for the sigils.


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