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Best and Worst Decisions Anet has made?

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Bad decisions:

-Don't care of dungeons anymore instead of making new ones, and upgrade the old ones.

-HoT apart Tarir's meta. Not a fan of LS maps, just Amber Bay for me is awesome. What about blood legion natal lands? It seem great like janthir bay?

-Don't make any more living maps like the old Metrica province with an crazy asuran lab at every corner and her small continual war between Inquest and scientists...

-Always changing the wardrobe system, passing from transmutation crystal to charge (by removing you some charge during the change) and now tonics of city armors... He was better before when the players can swap between armor outfit and city one.

-Always changing classes to make them worst, why removing "surcharging" skill from engineer turrets? So many looses....


Good ones:

-Gliders and mounts

-Guild hall, please more realistic decos from sylvaris, charrs, asuras!! Like racial siege weapons, buildings... And more customization for home instance!

-Gizmos: SAB boom box, Instruments, Suits... please update instruments: play midi files or just add sharped notes, it's not difficult sharp notes! It limit music choices...

-Original games maps from the beginning, and the whole living story about scarlet, the beginning was awesome and now LS are passing and it became worst!

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> While I would not be against killing Braham (kill him in a ritual to bring Eir back to life and lets forget Braham ever existed please), I must vehemently disagree with you there - killing Trahearne was way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more satisfying than killing Mordy. That leafy Mary Sue had it long coming for reducing my Norn to a side-character in his own Legend...!


Hahaha :D Like I said, I am aware that I am one of the few people that liked him. I didn't mind sharing the fame with him. No one understands me xD But at least others understand my love for Canach. As long as Canach is alive, everything is fine :D


And YES, please bring Eir back! I totally agree! *sob* :<

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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> New player experience and the content guide is their biggest failure imo.


> Its where freedom got streamlined for the sake of players who are unable to explore. Achievements tied to events and big flashy messahes across the screen instead of elegance and detail.


> I sometimes feel they ditched their strong unique MMO points because they were impractal to develop or needed such a new way of thinking that the developers themselves couldnt handle it. (Which in a way means that it might have been for the better)


I think the new player experience is actually really great. But I do feel they should emphasize just exploring. Just head in the direct that seems the most interesting!


That, and I really think you should get a story mission right away that sends you into the world. Give you that little push. After that, let them explore for a few missions.

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Biggest one for me is the fact that living story is locked behind a paywall. It just kills the experience for the new player joining the game and returning players too completely when they realize they have to put more money down on the game after the initial purchase if they don't login at the time of the event is going on so basically making it not really worth following the story and lore going on in the game. This is why I'm thinking of not purchasing path of fire because I can't really follow the story itself which is what interests me most and I'm not going to buy the content when I've payed so much for the game itself already.


It's a bad decision on the developers part for locking out the story content behind a paywall.


Another thing that bothers me is the amount of character slots that are given. They only give 5 character slots which is not even enough to try out all the classes in the game to find the right one. Why should I have to delete a character to try out another class which really bothers me a lot. To many simple basic things that should be free are locked behind paywalls in this game and that's what turns me off the most from wanting to support anet any further with the game.

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Best: Gliding

Best: Right click to salvage and consume many things

Best: Home Instance Nodes

Best: Salvage Machines

Best: Permanent Harvesting Tools

Best: Beautiful Maps

Best: New Zones with each living story release

Best: Removing thumbs down from the new forums

Best: Wardrobe

Worst: Ignoring or completely changing lore from GW1

Worst: Engineer for Ritualist. Still hate this.

Worst: Not having a Paragon or Dervish Elite Specialization going into Elona

Worst: Abandoning Dungeons

Worst: Abandoning Labyrinthine Cliffs

Worst: Treahearne's dialog/pontificating/rambling/voice acting.

Worst: Adding mounts after repeatedly saying they would not. (Although they are growing on me.)

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> @Spectre.5287 said:


> Why should I have to delete a character to try out another class which really bothers me a lot. To many simple basic things that should be free are locked behind paywalls in this game and that's what turns me off the most from wanting to support anet any further with the game.


You don't.

You can try a full character by hitting lvl 2 through spvp, then decide what to create.


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> @jheryn.8390 said:

> Worst: Adding mounts ...(Although they are growing on me.)


There's a salve you can rub on your body to prevent that from happening. (Generally, you want your mount to grow up in the wild instead — the Skimmer is a lot more fun to ride than the Pond Scum; the Springer is superior to the Tupperware Spongey Thing.)



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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Rhanoa.3960 said:

> > Worst: Not Regulating the use of DPS Meters!

> > Best: Still being able to play the way I want to.


> Is it me or it seems contradictory?

> You are glad that you can play the way you want, but you don't want that others play the way they want by using dpsM.


Not that I care. But his point is, is others try to force people to play according to the dps meter. Not according to the way they want. And quite often content will be locked to you unless you play a very specific way.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Rhanoa.3960 said:

> > Worst: Not Regulating the use of DPS Meters!

> > Best: Still being able to play the way I want to.


> Is it me or it seems contradictory?

> You are glad that you can play the way you want, but you don't want that others play the way they want by using dpsM.


Far from it!


DPS Meters is not and never was part of the original game **3rd Party**

Playing Professions the way I want to was always **As originally intended**

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @jheryn.8390 said:

> > Worst: Adding mounts ...(Although they are growing on me.)


> There's a salve you can rub on your body to prevent that from happening. (Generally, you want your mount to grow up in the wild instead — the Skimmer is a lot more fun to ride than the Pond Scum; the Springer is superior to the Tupperware Spongey Thing.)




It's the salve that caused the problem. Don't judge me for making a little extra money through weekend science studies.


Besides, they are future gem store skins for the mounts. So hey, free stuff!!! ;)

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-Wardrobe system

-Living world reformat after season 1

-Mastery system - especially gliders and mounts (it could use a bit more fleshing out, but the framework is a fantastic replacement for just adding new levels)

-Condi updates (yeah, it's arguably OP now, but much better than the system at launch)



-The temporary format of LW season 1 (incredibly shortsighted)

-Abandoning development on classic dungeon content (FotM is simply not enough on its own)

-Balance patches every 3 months (severe diminishing returns from over-analysis and frequent stale metas)

-Not reformatting LW1 for the new story structure (should have been done right out of the gate with the new story structure, no matter how much work it was)

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There are so many things I like about the game that the things I don't like are the ones that really stand out.


- Ascended gear and the associated grind for Not-a-Whole-Lot-Better statistics than Exotics.

- The implementation of LS3. I love the living world and I think it's a great way of keeping the game fresh between major updates. LS2 contained 8 releases over six months consisting of mostly quests. LS3 contained 6 releases over the course of a year containing a full map each. And while I see the difference in effort of creating a whole map and the required events to fill it out, for me in my playstyle each LS3 release and map completion took me 4-6 hours per map. 4-6 hours of "new" content every two months is woefully lacking.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I don't see the problem.

> For every single elitist which needs a player in party which is with perfect build and rotation, there will be plenty who don't care about it.

> They could be toxic, i do understand, but if so why do you would join em?


Because they want to just press 1 and get carried through content, and with DPS meters it shows that's exactly what they're doing, and they're upset about getting called out.

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> @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > I don't see the problem.

> > For every single elitist which needs a player in party which is with perfect build and rotation, there will be plenty who don't care about it.

> > They could be toxic, i do understand, but if so why do you would join em?


> Because they want to just press 1 and get carried through content, and with DPS meters it shows that's exactly what they're doing, and they're upset about getting called out.


Found the toxic person that was being talked about in the quoted post.

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I'll name only my list of Worst Decisions, cause they are more worth to name, than best decisions


- Abandoning Dungeons, instead of reworkign this Content, mergign its old Team into Fractals and lettign that team work on both and adding more new Dungeons to the Game. Especially GW1 offered so much Dungeons, which gave the player miuch more the impression to be actually Dungeons, that what GW2 did.

Instead of runnign away from their self made problems, they shpoudl face them and fix then and use, what is there, to improve it with new content.

Pretty sure people would love Anet for bringing back Dungeons and added new Dungeons to the Game as well as part of Expansions.

They learned their lessons with the first Set, doesn't mean, that they should never make again any new Dungeons.


- Making Trahearne a Pact Marshall ..that role as a pact Marshall should have never existed from gebin on, just us, the Pact Commander and good is

- They should have never implemented Pistols and Rifles, instead Polearms, Crossbows and Chakrams would have been the better choices.

- Abandoning of the whole Underwater Gameplay

- To make Season 1 this big mess that it is and not fixing it properly until today

- The terrible Names of certain Elite Specializations (Dragonhunter seriously? Tempest, Mirage.. Elite Specializations need proper Job Names, that sould like professions, not like trend words or some kind of pseudo high fantasy stuff, that nobody understands or has some kind of story/lore connections, that no other Elite Specialization has)

- The implementation of time gated nonsense in regard of Crafting..as a temporal thing - fine, but it shouldn't be somethign that stays forever so)

- How bad designed crafting is per se and how borign it es..we event dont see ever our characters visualyl craft anything, its nothign but just a completely uninspired ugly UI element... even games much older than GW2 did already much better on things like that...

- That still Jeweler and Chef are not euqal to all other Craftign Jobs having Rank 500

- That ANet abandonded until today thing,s that shoudl have been ingame since day one originally, like Polymock and many other planned Town Minigames to give players actualyl a good reason to go visit constantly all the towns, instead of staying always only in oen and the same town doing nothign in them, like it is now for already 5 years the case so ...

- How less Emotes this game has for a MMORPG and in general that anet practicalyl ignores RP Gameplasy and doesn't care themself the slightest for that, as if they are too blind for the massive potential that lies in this to make also even money with this ...

- Abandonin WvW practicalyl for way too long time, until it received a new map and its stil la game mode, which is far away from making all of is usage of potenial it has practicalyl

- Abandoning of Stronghold directly after HoT.. it became part of GW2.. and practically nobody talks about it anymore as a Feature. ANet does nothign to keep it up and make it more interesting as an alternative to Conquest by addign also new content to that new PvP part, like more Stronghold maps, like lots of new Mist Heros (and not only skins for existing ones that are useless and nobody needs), again a missed opportunity

- The desicion to turn Fractals into an uninspired 100 level same fractals repeat fest, instead of making out of Fractals somethign which has alot more DEPTH similar to the Bonus Mission Pack from GW1. that kind of 100 level gameplay could they still have brought for kind of Dungeon Crawler Fractals, like a Sky Temple Tower, with like 100 floors to climb to its peak that is everytime you try it different with challengign bosses like on every 10 floors.


That are so my top points i can off of my head right now, which i would like to see fixed in the future. Some things can't be changed anymore, but most of them could, if Anet just wants

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**Best**: Vanilla GW2 up to about April 2014.

**Meh**: Map-related currencies for unlocks dominating HoT and LS3, changing the Skill Point icon (or just plain turning them into Hero Points).

**Worst**: "New Player Experience" (ugh, that sounds like marketing lingo), Specializations, the new unlock system, and generally ignoring their entire manifesto for game development.


Then again, ANet has done a lot to generally ignore their manifesto (and even GW1) over the years, so I can't even have that as a "worst." Maybe it'd be better to say:


**Situation Normal**: still ignoring the manifesto because that's what other games are doing so we're going to do it to, and streamlining everything like it's Dungeons & Dragons (hah ...! two things you'll no longer have!) Edition 4.

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> @Spectre.5287 said:

> Biggest one for me is the fact that living story is locked behind a paywall. It just kills the experience for the new player joining the game and returning players too completely when they realize they have to put more money down on the game after the initial purchase if they don't login at the time of the event is going on so basically making it not really worth following the story and lore going on in the game. This is why I'm thinking of not purchasing path of fire because I can't really follow the story itself which is what interests me most and I'm not going to buy the content when I've payed so much for the game itself already.


> It's a bad decision on the developers part for locking out the story content behind a paywall.


> Another thing that bothers me is the amount of character slots that are given. They only give 5 character slots which is not even enough to try out all the classes in the game to find the right one. Why should I have to delete a character to try out another class which really bothers me a lot. To many simple basic things that should be free are locked behind paywalls in this game and that's what turns me off the most from wanting to support anet any further with the game.


You're missing one of the main things that is NOT locked behind a paywall: playing the game you paid for. :) You do not have to rent it every month.

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> @Fractured.3928 said:

> > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > I don't see the problem.

> > > For every single elitist which needs a player in party which is with perfect build and rotation, there will be plenty who don't care about it.

> > > They could be toxic, i do understand, but if so why do you would join em?

> >

> > Because they want to just press 1 and get carried through content, and with DPS meters it shows that's exactly what they're doing, and they're upset about getting called out.


> Found the toxic person that was being talked about in the quoted post.



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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @Fractured.3928 said:

> > > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

> > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > I don't see the problem.

> > > > For every single elitist which needs a player in party which is with perfect build and rotation, there will be plenty who don't care about it.

> > > > They could be toxic, i do understand, but if so why do you would join em?

> > >

> > > Because they want to just press 1 and get carried through content, and with DPS meters it shows that's exactly what they're doing, and they're upset about getting called out.

> >

> > Found the toxic person that was being talked about in the quoted post.


> Yup.


Well he's not wrong. If you have a group of friends that enjoy your company and are willing to group with you through content, then that's great. If you're PUGing, everyone should be expected to carry their own weight and not holding the majority of the group back. Yes players from both sides need to get better at reading LFG messages, good players joining casual runs should not complain about DPS and should provide tips when appropriate, while casual players should not be joining groups looking for "exp" or "speed run" and complaining that they got kicked for doing bad DPS and being called out for it.


As for the topic on hand, here are a few issues (not best or worst, but good and bad):

Good - Raids and creating a combat system that rewards good play and not just good gear. 100cm is also equally amazing.

Bad - Allowing Legendaries to be able to be bought by credit cards (at least they fixed this somewhat by making you have to do some stuff, though still too much money associated with them).

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- Taimi

- Death of Trahearn

- Passing Caladbolg to me

- End of the Pact



- Introduction of Trahearn

- Forming the Pact (it delegitimize the orders)

- Making Trahearn the Pact Marshall

- Kormir (old wounds never heals)



- Killing Eir

- Attempting to replace Eir with childish Braham

- Letting Braham into Destiny's Edge

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