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The balance patch timing is bad


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I probably write this for nothing bur meh I’ll do it anyway.

Here’s a thing,

What goes down now is that the patch lands on the season start. This has a few major issues:


- No patch is perfect. In no game a patch lands and it doesn’t have exceedingly high power builds on it and/or it unexpectedly destroyed or impacted builds intended to remain intact.

- The season just started, and having these imbalances from a patch that just shipped lose people their placements can rise frustration.

- People look at the leaderboards as “oh he’s just playing the new broken shit” and rightfully so. This removes the legitimacy of the competition.


So here’s a solution with a nice few pros. Make the patch at the end of the season, as soon as possible, same day. Then make a small one when the season starts. So why is this good?


- offseason is no longer irrelevant and boring, it actually serves as a ground to test the new meta before next season, and and know what you’re getting into, make a build etc.

- serves the off-season as a free PTR with no effort to anet. People can give feedback on broken things before they affect the ladder and have them fixed by season start. This way maybe things like today’s meta wouldn’t happen.


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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:


> - People look at the leaderboards as “oh he’s just playing the new broken kitten” and rightfully so. This removes the legitimacy of the competition.


It really doesn't. There are tons of broken things in the game now, or even broken mechanics (looking at you thief sword 2, ignoring LOS). But, in most cases, the better player wins the matchups. There is no reason players "need" to be given tons of time to tweak their builds so they know when the season starts they can win most of their matches. Making the patch happen at season start, makes players less reliant on trick builds, and the better players will likely still win.

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If you subscribe to conspiracy theories, some say Anet ties the patch cycle to long PvP seasons to have an excuse for not balancing more often, and then drops the patch on the day the season starts because then they can't be expected to do anything for 3 months because "muh season", even if it's actually ruining said season.

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