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Stronghold again please


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I always preferred Stronghold to Conquest. Had Conquest unchecked for season 1-4. The way it was back then, people who didn't like it could uncheck it and never play it just like the ones who didn't like Conquest could uncheck that.

So I really see any benefit to removing it. If a player unchecked it they would never need to even knowledge the map so it wasn't doing any harm but removig it does create a loss for those who liked it.

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Ok sind, we got it: You hate SH. Now how about you move on to another topic, you're being obnoxious at this point...



I too would like to see a SH reworked, it is a game mode that has a lot of potential but it was poorly executed.

It always bothered me that conquest were the only competitive game mode available, I would love to see a game mode with a bit more of strategy involved than the cap/decap thing in conquest. I posted on forums once about it and I think conquest gives way too much of an advantage to certain specs/classes, if anet could rework SH to be a game mode in which gives room all classes/specs to be applied in different strategies, not the class A doing the same job as B but a lot better like we have in conquest, that would be awesome.

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The fact people find conquest (or a glorified king of the hill) competitive amuses me.


Most PvP in other MMOs you are either dueling or you are fighting large groups like WvW. Surprisingly, WvW is more accurate to actual PvP in other games compared to Conquest. GW2 the only game that is delusional to think King of the Hill is competitive.


What is this? Halo 2 or 3? Even in games like overwatch at least you are pushing payloads while still having to fight your opponent and moving around, not just sitting on a single points, flexing your imaginary pixel muscles.


I have no like for Strongehold because it is equally as bad, but I giggle at the cucks who try to say their King Of the Hill is actually competitive. People from actual PvP games would laugh at you.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

> > > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > > I'm hoping to get a response sense anet has been pretty active here lately.

> > >

> > > Is there any way we can get stronghold ranked back? If anything that might help season 10 a bit because seasons 1-4 with SH was a lot of fun. Sadly i have no idea why it was taken from ranked to begin with when its a higher quality map then the conq maps. Sadly in pvp not all of us want to dance in and around little circles all game so SH introduced some actual competitive game play with having so many things needed to be done to win. Not just sand here spam there while 1 person runs around with a short bow thief.

> > >

> > > As a gw1 Vet i can tell you that after years of pvp i quit playing ranked after season 8 because the lack of excitement in the game mode of conq on top of other issues.

> > >

> > > Please bring stronghold back as ranked or at least let us the players decide if we don't or do want it to return.

> >

> > every post from u is: mememem stronghold so fun, so competitive ....... thats why prolly 0,0000001% of the playerbase actually want to play this awesome map right? Can a dev maybe ban this guy from forums ? Ppl, who look at the pvp forums and see this kind of posts must be thinking the pvp players are kitten ........


> mmm loving the salt from a noob. Gotta pack it up and save the deliciousness for later.


Salt from a noob. have u ever played against me? Im actually just tired of idiots like u running around in this game, crying 24/7 that conquest sucks cuz u are just some random silver pleb not being able to understand that it is way better than stronghold and as others said ... its actually a pvp mode made for pve players who want to 111111 lord like in wvw, but have fun in it and farm your skritt NPC's. They surely offer challenge

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Please more salt kiddo i don't know or even care what a bronze player or amber whatever such as yourself has to say. Playing since gw1 started , Went 84-18 solo que back in season 3 when it was 5 man premades. Then T2 T3 plat seasons 5-8 (when i got bored and played conq). Scrub please just stick to your dancing in and around little circles as you either teef sb #5 all game or run a "unkillable" bunker build sitting on a circle with no skill. I'll defend against the npc rats you speak of all awhile being 2v1ed or 3v1ed. Come to my domain. You lose then come back with friends on a team just to lose again. Yummy salt

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Please more salt kiddo i don't know or even care what a bronze player or amber whatever such as yourself has to say. Playing since gw1 started , Went 84-18 solo que back in season 3 when it was 5 man premades. Then T2 T3 plat seasons 5-8 (when i got bored and played conq). Scrub please just stick to your dancing in and around little circles as you either teef sb #5 all game or run a "unkillable" bunker build sitting on a circle with no skill. I'll defend against the npc rats you speak of all awhile being 2v1ed or 3v1ed. Come to my domain. You lose then come back with friends on a team just to lose again. Yummy salt


t2 t3 plat ok u are pro, i just suck i never reached this high in pvp im just a rat

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> hahaha Bluri that's funny from a conquest teef lol let me guess your the run hoe who has no other job then to sb #5 all game? Please kiddo get some skill. Even with 4 bad random pugs i can carry against a 5 man premade. Your no skill salt is delicious.


you realize he's a top 5 player in EU right?

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > hahaha Bluri that's funny from a conquest teef lol let me guess your the run hoe who has no other job then to sb #5 all game? Please kiddo get some skill. Even with 4 bad random pugs i can carry against a 5 man premade. Your no skill salt is delicious.


> you realize he's a top 5 player in EU right?


And i care how exactly? Don't since there isn't really a working leader board with the cheat squad going. Plus the massively low population due in part to the stale game play of circle dancing and balance issues. Ranked has been a joke since season 5. If a nub pug comes with hostility for no reason then they deserve it back, its not my fault the kid was never taught to be nice and behave.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > > hahaha Bluri that's funny from a conquest teef lol let me guess your the run hoe who has no other job then to sb #5 all game? Please kiddo get some skill. Even with 4 bad random pugs i can carry against a 5 man premade. Your no skill salt is delicious.

> >

> > you realize he's a top 5 player in EU right?


> And i care how exactly? Don't since there isn't really a working leader board with the cheat squad going. Plus the massively low population due in part to the stale game play of circle dancing and balance issues. Ranked has been a joke since season 5. If a nub pug comes with hostility for no reason then they deserve it back, its not my fault the kid was never taught to be nice and behave.


He's been one of the best thieves in the entire gw2 history lol. Pug? I think it is you who needs a reality check. You came up with an idea, almost nobody liked it, deal with it.



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Lol bingo he is a bow #5 how most likely in a game where speed in pvp matters more then actual skill with circle dancing maps. So sorry I'm very unimpressed. I ate teefs with core necro reaper and now scourge. Thanks for the laugh tho.


Playing the one and only class with more speed then anyone in circle dancing doesn't make you good.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Lol bingo he is a bow #5 how most likely in a game where speed in pvp matters more then actual skill with circle dancing maps. So sorry I'm very unimpressed. I ate teefs with core necro reaper and now scourge. Thanks for the laugh tho.


> Playing the one and only class with more speed then anyone in circle dancing doesn't make you good.


scourge opinions btw haHAA

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> @"Razor.6392" said:


> Nobody likes stronghold and it's never coming back to ranked. Goodbye.


Ooo, thats not true at all. Quaggan thinks you shouldn't use your own opinion to talk about **everyone**, for example little fishy Quaggan played only Stronghold when it was ranked and f(h)ooooonestly, there was barely any PvE rushing at top ranks. Obviously, Stronghold requires some tweeks as PvE part is too important, but mode overall is much less broken than Conquest (bunker issues, AoE on point issues, mobility issues etc).


> @"Saiyan.1704" said:

> Stronghold needs to be removed and replaced with a 2v2 or 3v3 arena.


Fooo, it requires changes not removal, but even Quaggan as ex Stronghold fan agrees that 2v2 and 3v3 should be higher priority.

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I find SH to be much more interesting than conquest,but maybe thats just cause i played conquest for sooo long :).Ppl complaining about npcs in sh probally dont realize that they dont just spawn from nowhere,players have to get champs or rats up.But unlike conquest you got so much freedom in stronghold,its way more PvP oriented than conquest in my eyes.I had best fights in stronghold,and build diversity is way bigger there.Champ spawn or gate offense/defense always have great fights involved,while there is no circle you need to stand on or care for,just kill others :).

Overall SH is very refreshing experience after 3-4k conquest games.... .

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:


> > Nobody likes stronghold and it's never coming back to ranked. Goodbye.


> Ooo, thats not true at all. Quaggan thinks you shouldn't use your own opinion to talk about **everyone**, for example little fishy Quaggan played only Stronghold when it was ranked and f(h)ooooonestly, there was barely any PvE rushing at top ranks. Obviously, Stronghold requires some tweeks as PvE part is too important, but mode overall is much less broken than Conquest (bunker issues, AoE on point issues, mobility issues etc).


> > @"Saiyan.1704" said:

> > Stronghold needs to be removed and replaced with a 2v2 or 3v3 arena.


> Fooo, it requires changes not removal, but even Quaggan as ex Stronghold fan agrees that 2v2 and 3v3 should be higher priority.


Open up a poll quaggan, let's see if you can get even a 1 to 10 favorable votes rate.

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Since we don't have any competitive maps with the conq maps and we don't have a real working set of TDM maps that would make the game actually competitive like gw1. We are forced to have stronghold as the most competitive version of pvp currently. Courtyard was ruined by neglect and if the map was actually taken care of and made fun with a que, then we wouldn't have the downward pvp spiral we are in.


2v2 pvp was introduced and made at the start to die off since there was no where to play it but in HotJoin. So far everything has been done the wrong way and now we have pugs with next to no skill claiming to be gods of gw2 pvp for hiding and running to fight the only thing they can beat which is a npc circle on the ground that can't attack back. I don't get why the band aid is not just ripped off of pvp and conq is put on the back thought. Why not make the conq maps have a tdm available version with a added bonus mechanic. Sadly when you restrict the game play to just dancing in and around 3 little circles it ruins the competitive play.

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