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in wvw a players threated to hack me

he said he dad work for anet in wvw world map chat

he also said he got my ip to hack me

where can i report him ?

can i report him in here ?

yes i have screen shots , he said he will also hack my bank , he will hack though anet to deleted my gw2 acct and deleted my window

he posted an ip address on map chat in wvw , idk my ip so idk if that is the real of fake ip he posted its like xxx.xxx.x.x look like in ip numbers i just dont know if it was really my ip address

since idk what my ip address is

what scare me was , i try to google my ip ,

and came back , and he said on wvw map , he just came back google his ip


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That's such a ridiculous claim I'm not sure he was even trying to be hostile. Probably just screwing around (unless his other messages were not silly fun, but rather mean.) It's kind of the equivalent of you blocking my basketball shot and me saying I'm going to blow up your house with a bazooka.

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Thank You i got screen shot , and i try the other way , there is only so much topic , there is no hacking or harassment on the topic , only botting , Inapproprlate character name , spamming , verbal abuse , Scamming , selling gold , LFG system abuse , that is the only topic i got ?

is my gw2 acct wrong missing something ?

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> @"Keviin Snow.5760" said:

> Thank You i got screen shot , and i try the other way , there is only so much topic , there is no hacking or harassment on the topic , only botting , Inapproprlate character name , spamming , verbal abuse , Scamming , selling gold , LFG system abuse , that is the only topic i got ?

> is my gw2 acct wrong missing something ?


You'd want to use "verbal abuse" in this instance, most likely. If some time has passed, you will probably be better off doing as @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" suggests and submitting a ticket, since I'm not sure how far back in the chat the report feature causes them to check.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> That's such a ridiculous claim I'm not sure he was even trying to be hostile. Probably just screwing around (unless his other messages were not silly fun, but rather mean.) It's kind of the equivalent of you blocking my basketball shot and me saying I'm going to blow up your house with a bazooka.


While it's accepted that people will exaggerate when upset, there's a big difference between yelling, "you sock!" and "I'm going to blow up your house with a bazooka." I wouldn't worry about the first, but the second is probably worth reporting. The other player might have no intention or ability to hack the OP's account, but that doesn't mean it's okay from them to make the threat.


It's up to the OP to decide if they are upset enough to take the time to file the report. Then it's up to ANet to decide whether the issue passes the threshold from "trash talk" to "unacceptable behavior" and, if so, on a proportionate response.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> My point is it probably wasn't a threat, just someone being silly. I'm all for reporting, but we don't need to be babies about people saying silly things on the internet. Especially in WvW, people have fun with things. As long as no one is being malicious, just laugh at it.


A silly threat is "I'm coming to your house to paint your dog blue!" or "I have a trained cobra who's crawling through your modem cable right now."


I think claiming you have insider support and the power to delete someone's account, and threatening to do it, is something that should be reported.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > My point is it probably wasn't a threat, just someone being silly. I'm all for reporting, but we don't need to be babies about people saying silly things on the internet. Especially in WvW, people have fun with things. As long as no one is being malicious, just laugh at it.


> A silly threat is "I'm coming to your house to paint your dog blue!" or "I have a trained cobra who's crawling through your modem cable right now."


> I think claiming you have insider support and the power to delete someone's account, and threatening to do it, is something that should be reported.


It's also a decades long running internet meme joke, and not something to take seriously (and I'd question a person's ability to function in the world if they took "my dad works at anet and is going to ban and hack you" seriously.)

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> My point is it probably wasn't a threat, just someone being silly. I'm all for reporting, but we don't need to be babies about people saying silly things on the internet. Especially in WvW, people have fun with things. As long as no one is being malicious, just laugh at it.


There is nothing fun about making threats over the internet. The fact is every once in awhile some idiot actually makes good on a threat. Although they almost always tell everyone exactly what they intend to do before they do it, because we're supposed to just laugh and ignore every stupid thing people say on the internet, nobody takes it seriously. I mean just look at that poor guy who got shot by the police because some idiot gamer decided it would be funny to call in a hostage scenario at the guy's address. Do you think he logged off of his game that night expecting a SWAT team to come knocking at his door ready to open fire?


Yeah, I get it. When a guy refers to his "dad" in a threat, we probably shouldn't worry. But let's put this in perspective: Who cares about some trash-talking kid losing access to a video game for making threats? A lot worse can come of ignoring this kind of behavior.

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All of you feel free to report all willy nilly, but I think you're going to lead an unnecessarily stressful life when every time someone references a meme you need to contact the authorities. :D


Edit: I would also add reporting someone for (potentially) joking around makes the game a more hostile place. If you don't like someone, you can block them or not read what they write, but automatically assuming everyone is a internet terrorist or whatever just brings the whole game down and makes people not want to talk at all.


Now it could be the guy the OP was referring to was being a real jerk and ruining map chat, and that would warrant a report. Referencing a meme and being reported, the person doing the reporting is cutting off their nose to spite their face.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > > My point is it probably wasn't a threat, just someone being silly. I'm all for reporting, but we don't need to be babies about people saying silly things on the internet. Especially in WvW, people have fun with things. As long as no one is being malicious, just laugh at it.

> >

> > A silly threat is "I'm coming to your house to paint your dog blue!" or "I have a trained cobra who's crawling through your modem cable right now."

> >

> > I think claiming you have insider support and the power to delete someone's account, and threatening to do it, is something that should be reported.


> It's also a decades long running internet meme joke, and not something to take seriously (and I'd question a person's ability to function in the world if they took "my dad works at anet and is going to ban and hack you" seriously.)


We don't have the exact quote or the context, so it's hard to assess which part of the spectrum this was. My feeling is that people should err on the side of reporting suspected threats rather than allow things to escalate in some future interaction.


Put another way, it's easy from our comfortable position away from the actual trash talk to armchair coach and say "cool story, bruh". It's easy for people with healthy egos to dismiss the claims of players we beat down. But since we don't have the details, I think our best bet is to offer details about how to document & report and let ANet sort it out.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > > > My point is it probably wasn't a threat, just someone being silly. I'm all for reporting, but we don't need to be babies about people saying silly things on the internet. Especially in WvW, people have fun with things. As long as no one is being malicious, just laugh at it.

> > >

> > > A silly threat is "I'm coming to your house to paint your dog blue!" or "I have a trained cobra who's crawling through your modem cable right now."

> > >

> > > I think claiming you have insider support and the power to delete someone's account, and threatening to do it, is something that should be reported.

> >

> > It's also a decades long running internet meme joke, and not something to take seriously (and I'd question a person's ability to function in the world if they took "my dad works at anet and is going to ban and hack you" seriously.)


> We don't have the exact quote or the context, so it's hard to assess which part of the spectrum this was. My feeling is that people should err on the side of reporting suspected threats rather than allow things to escalate in some future interaction.


> Put another way, it's easy from our comfortable position away from the actual trash talk to armchair coach and say "cool story, bruh". It's easy for people with healthy egos to dismiss the claims of players we beat down. But since we don't have the details, I think our best bet is to offer details about how to document & report and let ANet sort it out.


The thread would have been healthier for the game if the report option was mentioned and then a suggestion that it was a harmless joke, instead of a dozen posts about how evil everyone is and how threats against the health of your carrot garden were to be reported to homeland security. If I was reported every time I got drunk and made a stupid joke in WvW, I would have quit the game years ago.


It's _really_ detrimental to the game when everyone is out to get everyone else.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> It's _really_ detrimental to the game when everyone is out to get everyone else.


Honestly, if you're man enough to get hammered, hop on the mic, and make a casual threat to commit a crime then you're man enough not to cry about it when you try to log in the next day and can't play your stupid video game anymore.



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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > It's _really_ detrimental to the game when everyone is out to get everyone else.


> Honestly, if you're man enough to get hammered, hop on the mic, and make a casual threat to commit a crime then you're man enough not to cry about it when you try to log in the next day and can't play your stupid video game anymore.




These are the types of posts that look proper on the forum: "Always report EVERYTHING let anet sort it out." But in reality it just makes the game a horrible place to talk.


1) Don't be malicious.

2) Don't _assume_ others are being malicious.


See point number 1, Aliam.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > > It's _really_ detrimental to the game when everyone is out to get everyone else.

> >

> > Honestly, if you're man enough to get hammered, hop on the mic, and make a casual threat to commit a crime then you're man enough not to cry about it when you try to log in the next day and can't play your stupid video game anymore.

> >

> >


> These are the types of posts that look proper on the forum: "Always report EVERYTHING let anet sort it out." But in reality it just makes the game a horrible place to talk.


> 1) Don't be malicious.

> 2) Don't _assume_ others are being malicious.


> See point number 1, Aliam.


Sorry, bud. It isn't "being malicious" to report someone who threatens to commit a crime. Trash talk is one thing, but there are lines you don't cross.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> This is a meme/copypasta/other internet tomfoolery, right?


> I mean... right?


If so, someone needs to learn to exert a little common sense and remember that **not everybody in the world is familiar with the same jokes/memes/quotations**. What 'everybody knows' in your particular little subculture does not translate to people unfamiliar with it. And this can be fun or no big deal in most cases. Go ahead and yell 'Mopsgeschwindigkeit!' when you get in a taxi, or 'You shall not pass!' when you're guarding a door. But when you say something that seems offensive or threatening to people that aren't in on what you consider a joke, then it is not a joke to them.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > This is a meme/copypasta/other internet tomfoolery, right?

> >

> > I mean... right?


> If so, someone needs to learn to exert a little common sense and remember that **not everybody in the world is familiar with the same jokes/memes/quotations**. What 'everybody knows' in your particular little subculture does not translate to people unfamiliar with it. And this can be fun or no big deal in most cases. Go ahead and yell 'Mopsgeschwindigkeit!' when you get in a taxi, or 'You shall not pass!' when you're guarding a door. But when you say something that seems offensive or threatening to people that aren't in on what you consider a joke, then it is not a joke to them.


WvW chat is like visiting a local pub. Most people active in chat will have been playing together for _years_. If you're new to WvW, the best thing to do is just get used to the culture and make some friends. Everyone is generally very friendly. The last thing WvW needs is new players coming in reporting everyone left and right because one guild "thinks" they're better than another guild that just wiped.


Honestly people, treat map chat more like real life and less like you're a snitch in prison trying to get special treatment. Just be civil and go about your business.

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > This is a meme/copypasta/other internet tomfoolery, right?

> > >

> > > I mean... right?

> >

> > If so, someone needs to learn to exert a little common sense and remember that **not everybody in the world is familiar with the same jokes/memes/quotations**. What 'everybody knows' in your particular little subculture does not translate to people unfamiliar with it. And this can be fun or no big deal in most cases. Go ahead and yell 'Mopsgeschwindigkeit!' when you get in a taxi, or 'You shall not pass!' when you're guarding a door. But when you say something that seems offensive or threatening to people that aren't in on what you consider a joke, then it is not a joke to them.


> WvW chat is like visiting a local pub. Most people active in chat will have been playing together for _years_. If you're new to WvW, the best thing to do is just get used to the culture and make some friends. Everyone is generally very friendly. The last thing WvW needs is new players coming in reporting everyone left and right because one guild "thinks" they're better than another guild that just wiped.


> Honestly people, treat map chat more like real life and less like you're a snitch in prison trying to get special treatment. Just be civil and go about your business.


"My dad works at Nintendo" is the oldest meme in existence.


So yeah I have to wonder if this thread is a joke.

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Yes, its hard to judge the underlining intention of the player making these threats based on the summary provided by the poster but regardless of the intentions of the player, bullying or threatening behaviour does not belong in a video game. PERIOD. Report them or send in a ticket. How is this even a topic for debate? There is no justification for that type of behaviour. Its not acceptable in real life, its not acceptable in a video game. And frankly, if you are the type of person who would try to justify that kind of behaviour in a video game played by children of all ages, then you should take a little time to reexamine your own value system.

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