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Which Elder Dragon do you want to hunt down?


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Kralkatorrik, because super giant crystal dragon that literally just turns everything to crystals due to its presence? Yes please.


Also, was the first dragon that really made this feel like a war, due to the Branded, and all that fun stuff.


We better fight him....or I'll be pissed....


Is there some reason I'm not aware of why he isn't on the list?

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> @Fractured.3928 said:

> Kralkatorrik, because super giant crystal dragon that literally just turns everything to crystals due to its presence? Yes please.


> Also, was the first dragon that really made this feel like a war, due to the Branded, and all that fun stuff.


> We better fight him....or I'll be pissed....


> Is there some reason I'm not aware of why he isn't on the list?



He's in path of fire. If he survives I could remake the poll, but he may not survive

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> I don't want to hunt down anymore as it would cause the destruction of Tyria and I like playing this game.


Not, if we have something, that can work as Catalysator for all the Magic to remain in Balance


We mostly know about two Dragons, which could potentially jump in anytime to become such Catalysators to become balances for all the Dragon Magic.


Aurene and Gleam... yeah, we all don#t know, what currently is with Gleam.. but we also didn't know for 250 years, what is with Livia and now sheres there again, just BOOM, and there suddenly, so we all can just expect fro mthe storytellers, that they would just abandon the existance of Gleam, which is most likely a male dragon - while Aurene is female, which kind of makes sense for a future, so that they both could potentially reproduce , so that a new era of dragon eggs will be there again for the future of GW2, when basically all the trouble with the Elder Dragons and God(s) currently is over again ...


So this means, that we could potentially easily kill off with them both 2 more Dragons at least - for Aurene it would turn out most likely into just the magic power she would need to grow into a real fine big version of a Dragon, that will actually be in the near future of us PC's a real great help and will turn out perhaps even as out lore bared PvE only "Flying Mount" - who knows, just brainstorming the possibilities - cause I don#t think if anyone woudl have somethign against flying mounts in story instances, or???

Would explain to me also, why ANet tested out Legendary Wyverns for their mount worthiness, cause I don't believe, that this was made just only for fun. I'm pretty sure the data they made while testign this out, will most likely becoem somewhen useful for them, when the right moment has come, to turn that data into game content for Living Story, lettign Aurene grow up - cause lets face it, it wpoudl be boring and unrealistic, if Anet keeps aurene now for all the tiem in her Baby Stage... something like aurene should grow up fast and it should be also normal that we PC shoudl be able to follow on her growth progression and see, how she continously becomes bigger n bigger, until she shpould be easily able to let us mount her, so that we can ride into battle together as allies.


How many Elder Dragosn are left exactly in the tyrian Continent?


- Primordus

- Kralkatorrik

- Jormag

- Deep Sea Dragon


We have exactly 4 Dragons left, so practically the Energies of 2 Dragons to absorb each for Aurene and Gleam, so that they stay as the only left pair of Dragons for a while, until their eggs hatch and a new era of "Elder Dragons" will arise, which then can be teached to COEXIST with us and keep the magic in the world of Tyria safe and balance.


However, to make this plan basically work, it would be required to defeat 2x two Dragons basically at the same time, while also making sure, that Aurene and Gleam get all of the powers equally, while none of the remaining Elder Dragons until their defeat may be allowed to interfere, nor any mad God on a walking rampage tour of fire or anybody/thing else


Dragon Magic can be only controled and kept in balance, when an other Dragon works as its catalysator, if anyone or anythign els gets its hands on this powrer, like Balthazar or of the magic gets out of control, then this will be the doom for Tyria as we know it. The result surely won't be the destructino of the game World, but if ANet woudl seriously let that kind of epic scenarion happen, then that woudl be practically living World for the complete game World reworking all maps to a completely different appearance (want will never happen, cause that would be way too much work, but one can dream...)


So its just only realistic and makes sense, that ANet one day unevitably will make usage of Aurene (and most likely Gleam as well) as one of the most important plot characters, that will have an incredible amount of influence on the whole games story plot and how it will turn out for all of us.

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I think we will continue to kill the Dragons, Anet just makes for now only some kind of Story Break, so that we get for the second expansion for once now again somethign new , fresh and different to defeat - so,mething, a villain, that nobody would have ever expect could become one day our enemy?


or would anyone of you ever have thought about it, that ANet could let Balthazar turn against us??? No,. he was the least possible thing most likely anybody ever has thought abou,t that he could become our enemy - therefore peopel always talked way too much over Palawa Joko, as a maion focus villain, not that someone else could steal his light alresdy before.


People were just currently not pleased with the thought, that Anet just rows one elder dragon after elder dragon for defeat and that would have been in truth also very uncreative story telling to present us practicalyl one dragon after another.

People need complexcity, they need diversity also especially in story telling, so it was just the perfect moment to go for PoF for a change.

But the fact is, people want to face the dragons, the folk of Tyria has its various reasons, why they want to see them dead or at least so defeatet, that they will never return and rest forever underground again for many hundreds to thousands of years again in sleep, if that would be kind of püossible - what it is as we kind of saw with Primordus/Jormag.

However, that was only possible due to the dragons beign exactly of opposite elemental magic energy signature, so that we had the chance to let them weaken each other.

This neither won't work again with Kralkatorrik, nor the Deep Sea Dragon.


Kralkatorrik surely won't stay totally unactive in PoF... we go into his realm, very close, and i'm pretty sure, he won't welcome us... the expansion surely won't lead to a battle with Kralkatorikk, but eventually Season 4 will prepare this event up for us.

PoF is completely focused for sure now first on Balthazar and nobody else.

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In response to @Orpheal


We have 3 major threads in PoF and I hope we will pay the attention to them all in a good, long way.


I mean:

**Palawa Joko** and Elona

**Balthazar** and his campaign

**Kralkatorrik** and the Branded.


+lesser threads (also important but not as 3 above)

**imigration of Elonian** to the city of Amnoon

**Glint** and possibly **Gleam**



+our Guild members' problems:

**Rytlock** and his secret

**Canach** and his secret, why is he going to the Desert if he wanted to do "his own Sylvari for a while"

**Kasmeer** and her search for the gods, finding out what happened to Balthazar.

**Taimi** and other research of Asura team in Novus

**Aurene** and her purpose in the Desert

**Caithe** and possible return to this place with Aurene

**Marjory** and her revange. Maybe she will die?? The crying face of Kas on the trailer looks really terrifying.


So many threads to be told! Aurene's thread interests me the most.

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Bubbles because he's last. I would like to be at the end of it all. Need new challenges not in Tyria, not Elona, not Cantha, based on the Tyria the planet, we have not seen 60% of it.

When will you get original Anet, when? Since 2005 here's what we've done killed Shiro twice, killed a dragon twice, we are about to go kill our second God, did I mention we are about to go kill Palawa Joko a second time, need I say more?

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> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> Bubbles because he's last. I would like to be at the end of it all. Need new challenges not in Tyria, not Elona, not Cantha, based on the Tyria the planet, we have not seen 60% of it.

> When will you get original Anet, when? Since 2005 here's what we've done killed Shiro twice, killed a dragon twice, we are about to go kill our second God, did I mention we are about to go **kill Palawa Joko a second time**, need I say more?


Are you referring to the bonus mission pack instance with Turai Ossa?

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> @Makai.3429 said:

> > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > Bubbles because he's last. I would like to be at the end of it all. Need new challenges not in Tyria, not Elona, not Cantha, based on the Tyria the planet, we have not seen 60% of it.

> > When will you get original Anet, when? Since 2005 here's what we've done killed Shiro twice, killed a dragon twice, we are about to go kill our second God, did I mention we are about to go **kill Palawa Joko a second time**, need I say more?


> Are you referring to the bonus mission pack instance with Turai Ossa?

There were quests in the region and also as you stated the re-enactment mission.

Even if our main goal is to defeat Bathazar our second God battle, we will also go for Joko if not during the expansion then trough living story. The point of my post was to demonstrate a lack of imagination by going after the same type of enemies again and again.

While 60% of the world is not mapped and stories are not being told.




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I chose the ocean dragon, not because I actually want to hunt the dragon (I'd be happy with all three being the next theme, honestly), but just so that we could get some concrete answers on the thing! It's been 5 years and we only know two things about it: it lives in the ocean, and its name starts with an S.

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