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Unhindered Combatant idea


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ohh, havent seen that this has been added to the game... and I keep askign myself all the time.. why the f.. is my thief suddenly so much lamer in regard of endurance and not anymore able to dodge as often as it was before ... (one should read all skill descriptions completely after every single patch .. /doh)


Completely agree here, this crap has to be removed agin, otherwise this Trait feels like you cripple yourself and not like somethign that is useful.. especialyl in time like a game full with scourge garbage that spam you even much more full with condis, than anythign ever before, where you need as much as Condi removal as possible you can get ..and then gettign punished for it, only because you removed a Condition.. lame, really lame ANet!!

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I'm still not a fan of this nerf. That said, why does Roll for Initiative and Withdrawal, that I know of for sure, also hit you with exhaustion? I can see using the dash hitting you with it but the others? I seriously hope that this is an oversight.

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> @"Bern.9613" said:

> I'm still not a fan of this nerf. That said, why does Roll for Initiative and Withdrawal, that I know of for sure, also hit you with exhaustion? I can see using the dash hitting you with it but the others? I seriously hope that this is an oversight.


I have not used these in conjunction with UC post-nerf. If this is true that would be a terrible oversight and leads me to wonder if I'm getting exhaustion when I clear crip/immob/chill with SoA or Infiltrator's Return while UC is traited as well...I haven't really been paying attention when clearing with those. I'm going to test that after work!

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I am surprised it was fixed. Have to be honest, I wrote that without checking to see if it was still happening. I stopped using it and went with channeled vigor thinking if I was going to be punished, I might as well get as much endurance as I can. YAY!! Back to 2 extra dodges.

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