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In game toxicity.. lake Doric fail farce.

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When will ANET stop placing achievements behind event failures.. I thought after all the issues with Cursed Shore and the like they finally went away from rewarding failure and avoiding map chat wars and player toxicity.


But I guess it's more fun for them to see chatwars than guildwars.


When I and others have limited time to play and want to complete a few events as we run through maps to then be suddenly pounced on in map chat from utter vial name calling to abusive comments and then be villanised for wanting to complete an event that no one else was even bothered with until we had got 2/3 of the way through it.


ANET turned Megaservers on, we don't get an option to pick a map especially when 2/3 of the way though an event.. just because a band of maptrolls want to suddenly stop us from enjoying what we are doing, pull every mob on top of us and push out the insults and abuse until they get their way.


I look back and think .. yep that's why the anti-fail groups began appearing in Cursed Shore to fight against the kittens doing it there once upon a time or Frostgorge.. maybe it's time to start event wars2 cos honestly ANET you never cease to amaze me with the obsession to create map toxicity in your game.

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This is from the Dulfy comments page. Sadly, the old Official Forum Page is gone:


Roman Glebsky • 8 months ago

"Renamed the Execute the Executioner achievement to Perfect Execution. This achievement now requires players to complete either the “Defeat the White Mantle and save the villager from burning event” or the “Escort the quaggan refugees to their destinations” event in order to obtain it."



Cytos Lpagtr Roman Glebsky • 2 months ago

dulfy, this guide needs some editing, see above. i have been trying to get this achievement for ever, and knowing i could just have escorted some quaggans would have saved me a lot of time


Ztepam • a year ago

There is another Hidden Achievement, it's called Perfect Execution and it says that: "Rescue villagers set by White Mantle to burn at the stake or escort quaggans near Saidra's Haven"


Ztepam Ztepam • a year ago

Apparently, Execute the Executioner Has changed to this one, it doesn't need to fail the event anymore


Wolf Ztepam • 10 months ago

Confirmed, also escort of the quaggans does not depend whether Saidra's Haven defend event wins of fails. Unfortunately we did not find the timer of the event, but for us Quaggan Event started between 10:35 ~ 10:40 CET (it could be possible that event spawns every hour as we waited at least 40mins)


Source: http://dulfy.net/2017/02/10/gw2-head-of-the-snake-achievements-guide/


So, if I remember this correctly, you can do one or the other to get the achievement now. But it's been a minute since I've done this one. Might want to check the Patch Note pages to be 100% sure, but the comments above and at the source seem to confirm it.

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I have already done the achiev thankfully, and no map drama was required in the achieving.. but sadly there are many out there that believe it's their god given right to own maps and events cos they say so, no matter what others are doing or wanting to do.

Now if it had been brought up in map chat before the events even started then sure due consideration could be levied but to appear 2/3 the way through then try to undo the work others had already put in just because they feel it's their right well that stinks.. add to that the chatwars starts to unfold and the event is upscaled while they stand there doing nothing just so it has a higher chance of failing.. nah the design is seriously flawed and open to continual abuse, but hey as I said I thought ANET had stopped with this dumb design, but maybe they see it as fun.


So maybe those anti-fail groups need to reunite once more if that is what ANET is wanting out of such awful event design.

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Um . . . did you not read anything I posted? The design has been addressed and fixed. The reason why the other players were upset is because the route you and your group went is no longer required. Let me clear on that point: it doesn't need to fail.


I hope you're now seeing the irony of your above post.

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I know the design has been addressed.. it has 2 paths to completion.. try educating those that are clueless to that and just feel its better to throw out map chat abuse and vulgar name calling.. as Inculpatus said... knowledge is power... however for some ignorance is bliss though.


Reporting does nothing you know that Inculp.. better to not ever place achievements behind fail mechanics even when they place alternatives.. so yes it is ANET that creates the environment for toxicity by its very design.

Unfortunately some people use that as an excuse to pump their ego's, practice their new vulgar words and generally attempt to stifle others fun.


As I said tho karma was exacted.. twice they have now failed the achiev after failing the first event... maybe now they will rethink their strategy and actually go read up on it instead :)

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You missed the point Inculp.. they didn't even bother to even though there were some saying the quaggan event is the alternative .. but nope they just wanted to kill the event for those of us that were already 3/4 the way through.. the commander of that grp however... never listened, was clueless to what the achievement entailed, just carried on regardless.. I guess we could of spent the next 5mins reporting all the offenders but we know that will amount to nothing.


In a perfect world could all count the butterflies together.. but this is of course the interweeb and the nature of the achievement (no matter what band aids anet put in place) is flawed when it creates the environment for toxicity to rule map chat... even if players don't respond to it, which actually we didn't except to for a few "please don't tell me what I can or cant do with my game time I have available", which I see as a very fair response.

Defend ANET all you like, as experience has always shown you of course will, but fail event design is bad for the game, attracts toxicity like a supermagnet which in turn has shown us it leads to organised mapwars with anti fail grps jumping to reverse engineer the issue just like before.

If your cool with that then all power to you, but I would prefer not to have to log in have to drop map chat, spend an age reporting idiots and generally loosing the fun for the game because of it.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> You missed the point Inculp.. they didn't even bother to even though there were some saying the quaggan event is the alternative .. but nope they just wanted to kill the event for those of us that were already 3/4 the way through.. the commander of that grp however... never listened, was clueless to what the achievement entailed, just carried on regardless.. I guess we could of spent the next 5mins reporting all the offenders but we know that will amount to nothing.



Actually, that's what you should have done, report then and let ArenaNet deal with it, as they have stated on numerous occasions they don't have to tell the reporting player(s) any actions taken against those that were reported on...so all those people that bitch about nothing happening to someone that was reported have no clue whether or not Anet took action against that person or not...and don't believe everything you read either, once people are upset nothing happens they DO NOT notice if something is really done the the offender.


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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Excuse me. He's not defending ANet. He's saying this situation didn't need to happen for the reasons discussed. There's no need to personally attack anyone.


Errmm nope that wasn't an attack.. I've know Inculp long enough on this forum to not need to attack. As for defending ANET's design flaw yes I do disagree with the response but I equally know from experience that wont change Inculp's opinion.

Don't try derailing the thread because you want to read something that isn't there.


If I wanted to attack anyone it would be a heck of a lot more nasty than anything I have written here, so please stop trying to read into something that is neither their or in anyway intended.

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I guess you must have missed the point, as well. Why didn't _you_ go do the Quaggan event, and leave the other players to complete or fail the event they were 'abusive' about. Would have made you look the better person, and solved the issue.


And, I'm not defending ArenaNet; I'm marveling at why some players would rather get upset than take advantage of the solutions to problems. /shrug

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I think the OP has misunderstood the situation. I'm really sorry they encountered rude people in game, but that's no excuse to get the facts wrong.

* Achievements were never specifically tied to event failure; they were tied to retaking events. It was a mistake for the designers because they didn't anticipate it would make some people prefer events to fail.

* ANet spent a lot of time adjusting events and achievements to fix those issues. And they have asked people to document any other situations in which the rewards for event failure are better or preferred to success, so they can fix those too.

* ANet has never intended for people to behave rudely; they just haven't always thought things all the way through.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I guess you must have missed the point, as well. Why didn't _you_ go do the Quaggan event, and leave the other players to complete or fail the event they were 'abusive' about. Would have made you look the better person, and solved the issue.


> And, I'm not defending ArenaNet; I'm marveling at why some players would rather get upset than take advantage of the solutions to problems. /shrug


Agreed, yet somehow ANet is to blame . . . despite adding the alternate route. The kicker part is, as I recall, the Quaggan event is a thousand times easier to do instead. At least, that's how I got the achievement.


> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:


> Don't try derailing the thread because you want to read something that isn't there.


> If I wanted to attack anyone it would be a heck of a lot more nasty than anything I have written here, so please stop trying to read into something that is neither their or in anyway intended.


Sorry you feel that way. Hope the original — and correct — information I posted helped. And best of luck with your future Guild Wars 2 endeavors.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I guess you must have missed the point, as well. Why didn't _you_ go do the Quaggan event, and leave the other players to complete or fail the event they were 'abusive' about. Would have made you look the better person, and solved the issue.


> And, I'm not defending ArenaNet; I'm marveling at why some players would rather get upset than take advantage of the solutions to problems. /shrug


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I guess you must have missed the point, as well. Why didn't _you_ go do the Quaggan event, and leave the other players to complete or fail the event they were 'abusive' about. Would have made you look the better person, and solved the issue.


> And, I'm not defending ArenaNet; I'm marveling at why some players would rather get upset than take advantage of the solutions to problems. /shrug


Not really sure who your aiming that at Inculpatus.. but for me and those running the event at the time.. we weren't trying to fail we were just happily completing an event we happened across.. Openworld maps tend to invite that and we were doing pretty well until the failtards turned up 3/4 through and instantly presumed ownership of anything they felt entitled to, even when they were given an alternative to getting their achiev.. but they were clueless and so tried to defend their claim, mimicking something they saw happen before so must be right... though sitting on the roof watching them fail the refugee event after killing our fun was just total karma, twice in fact :)


Yes I too marvelled as to why they ignored the quaggan event in favour of melting chat with their full on abuse, name calling and generally distasteful, self righteous attitudes.. thankfully my kid wasn't in group playing at the time.. small mercies I guess.

But that is the exact thing that happens when ANET place achievs around event failures.. proven time and time again in GW2.


Anyhow back in game again for an evenings fun so this thread can be filed in the appropriate trashcan now

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I think the OP has misunderstood the situation. I'm really sorry they encountered rude people in game, but that's no excuse to get the facts wrong.

> * Achievements were never specifically tied to event failure; they were tied to retaking events. It was a mistake for the designers because they didn't anticipate it would make some people prefer events to fail.

> * ANet spent a lot of time adjusting events and achievements to fix those issues. And they have asked people to document any other situations in which the rewards for event failure are better or preferred to success, so they can fix those too.

> * ANet has never intended for people to behave rudely; they just haven't always thought things all the way through.


Hmm the hidden achiev was tied to event failure.. originally before the quaggan fix was in.. The event had to fail in order to spawn the rescue event.

IIRC there was also a White Mantle moral area event after the failure /dolyak event and then the rescue event.. can't be sure of the exact order or if they were all tied in but certainly the main event had to fail first. Some of course just prefer to use the fail event to create the toxicity this thread was originally all about.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Um . . . did you not read anything I posted? The design has been addressed and fixed. The reason why the other players were upset is because the route you and your group went is no longer required. Let me clear on that point: it doesn't need to fail.


> I hope you're now seeing the irony of your above post.


Sorry Arden.. missed this post of yours.. but maybe you need to read my post again.. Me or the others working on the main event were not trying to fail it we were just completing random events across the map... the failtards showed up and immediately commenced with their abusive remarks, name calling etc in order to try and railroad our progress in order to fail it purposely because they had no clue what they were doing only that they were convinced theirs was the only way and nothing was going to stop them not even the alternative option.


Hope that cleared that up for ya.

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I'm not seeing the point of this thread. The fault here lies with the players not ANet. ANet's already given an alternate route that doesn't require an event to fail for the achievement.


Here's what you do:


1. Tell the players nicely about the alternate event

2. Report and block those who break the rules - continuing to try to make the even fail after being told not to, being rude in map chat, etc.


Let ANet sort out the ones who crossed the line with the rules and what punishment they deserve.


ANet can't punish the players who break the rules if we don't report them. While they may not be actioned for just one offense, if they get a lot of reports from different instances in a relatively short amount of time, they may find themselves banned.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I think the OP has misunderstood the situation. I'm really sorry they encountered rude people in game, but that's no excuse to get the facts wrong.

> > * Achievements were never specifically tied to event failure; they were tied to retaking events. It was a mistake for the designers because they didn't anticipate it would make some people prefer events to fail.

> > * ANet spent a lot of time adjusting events and achievements to fix those issues. And they have asked people to document any other situations in which the rewards for event failure are better or preferred to success, so they can fix those too.

> > * ANet has never intended for people to behave rudely; they just haven't always thought things all the way through.


> Hmm the hidden achiev was tied to event failure.. originally before the quaggan fix was in.. The event had to fail in order to spawn the rescue event.

> IIRC there was also a White Mantle moral area event after the failure /dolyak event and then the rescue event.. can't be sure of the exact order or if they were all tied in but certainly the main event had to fail first. Some of course just prefer to use the fail event to create the toxicity this thread was originally all about.


Yes, exactly: the trigger was the _rescue_, not the failure. It's just that the event designers didn't follow through on what that meant. In retrospect, it's obvious that a rescue requires a previously-failed event. That doesn't mean that ANet intended to create a conflict between folks who wanted the event to succeed and those who wanted to get on with the rescue event. (Besides, as it turns out, you get both situations if you're patient. I just waited for someone in /map to announce the rescue, which happened eventually, though not my first or even third time out.)


There's no question that it's bad for the game if the rewards for failing event are preferred over succeeding. But there's similarly no question that ANet is willing to take time to adjust mechanics and/or rewards to prevent that.


The advice remains the same:

* Block people who are rude to the point of distraction.

* If you have time, report any in-game threats or other suspected ToS violations.

* Let ANet know if there's a problem with achievements that depend too-heavily on event failure (or if alternative requirements are insufficiently clear).

* And move on.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> OP's failure to communicate with other players is in no way Anet's fault :)


Great fail at reading Khel... maybe read the thread through before jumping to silly conclusions.. they were told how to get it.. they just chose to ignore and take the abusive route... even my 8yr old could understand that's not a failure to communicate it's very much a failure to read what's posted either in map chat or .. on the forums it seems. (I will give you the benefit of the doubt tho.. as it's late)


ANET you can close the thread now if you like, I think we have flogged it to death enough :)

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> @"Reanne.5462" said:


> so OP was trying to do an event, along comes a group that intentionally makes that event fail. I'd be upset too.


Sure, I'd be upset too. But the OP didn't just say, "I had a bad experience, here's a suggestion for preventing anyone else from suffering." Instead, the very title is claiming that ANet's has chosen to generate that behavior. Near as I can tell, all the responses since are taking issue with that spurious claim.


Had the OP left that out, the thread would have generated more sympathy and probably some more interesting suggestions beyond, "get gud at reading."

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