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What Is The Dumbest Thing You've Done......

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that you needed ANET intervention to fix?


So today after a 60+ workweek I am playing around in WvW and doing some PvE and I have a revelation that "I'll jump on my necro and change the stats on my ascended armor. I have an idea to survive better while getting the most damage...blah...blah...blah..


Sounds good right? So I pop over to the laurel vendor and buy some extraction tools to get my socketed items back. Good choice right? So after "unsocketing" 3 pieces: Head, Shoulder, Chest I am like...why am I getting my runes back. OH....that's because I am so tired I bought instead salvage tools...sigh... and the laurel vendor has NEVER sold extraction tools....Ug!


So I logged off character so everything is left as is and head on over to support and created my ticket..... ANET has always been great in helping and I am sure everything will get straightened out but frustrating that I pulled such a foolish act. You think after 5+ years playing this game I would know what I am doing lol....


Your stories are welcomed. Do not feel ashamed.

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To get the Tales of Recitation you actually needed the physical copies of the tales. This was unlike every other collection at the launch of PoF, and unfortunately I found this out after I had deleted the Tale of Judgement. I had to get Anet to fix this.


That's the worst of it. In general, if I end up making a stupid mistake, I just accept the losses and move on. To quote Captain Ron in a PG friendly manner, "Crap happens, cough it up."

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Deciding Immobulus would be my final scepter and ultimate goal to craft, back when it was worth 2000 gold.


Stack thousands of silver and gold ingots looking forward for a price increase in HoT... and then at PoF... still waiting.


Acquired many stacks of refined T6 leather in hopes for a price increase after HoT. It did rise! But I sold it right away for a rather small profit compared to what I could have gotten later. Talking about hundreds of gold, if not a thousand.


Bought a variety of black lion weapon skins over time and held on to them, since it seemed to work for easy money. Their prices never increased, in fact they dropped.


I'm sure I'm missing a lot more.




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I've accidentally sent crafting materials to the wrong people a few account. I type out the first two letters of my wife's account, and most times it puts her name in. However, if someone is near with those two, first letters in their name. . . .


Luckily, everyone save one person always sent them back.


As far as ANet's help? I've deleted a required quest item for Audrey 2. They replaced it. Sadly, I got to the bloodstone brick part and never got any further. I really hate crafting.

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Before the wardrobe system existed properly I bought the ginger tabby kitten mini from the gem store, and then deleted the character who had it in her inventory! Luckily the Anet team had my purchase history and sent it back to me.

Oh I thought of another! I also sold my Desert Rose back skin for a couple of silver when it was first released, mainly because it didn't fit any of my characters. It shot up in price a few months later... that one hurt a little bit.

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I don’t know if iv done that dumb before but. Before i got ascended weapons. My exotic weapons I would switch during different occasions got salvaged quite a bit. I salvaged a sword, a dagger, an axe, a pistol. That was fun.


Another is buying ascended recipes in lions arch and realizing you already have the recipe. So after 2 weeks I still have a chance to get another ascended recipe because I have not used it yet. And I can’t decide what to get because all the recipe insignias I need are in tarir. So far iv spent an extra 5 laurels. 3 gold. And like extra 41000 karma from getting the same ascended weapon recipe I thought I didn’t have. Yea guys only buy things when you are awake and not tired or lazy to see if you already have stuff.

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I've needed Support for a few things, and they've always been helpful, but none of them have been due to my errors.


I mean, I did badly goof last month some time when I decided to check that site that shows the most profitable things to craft, and spent resources getting parts for one of them only to realize that getting the recipe itself would cost more than my profit. But I didn't ask Support to undo it (nor would they or should they have). And Support did grant me a BL Key when I did a key farm on one alt, then a couple days later a higher level PS on another alt that should have granted a key but did not; that was a bug, however, not my goof. And back when the Wardrobe system came out, there had been a month of sales beforehand in which I'd bought two more quiver skins only to have them become superfluous with the huge system change -- they refunded those gems.


Still, I've never deleted anything super important (yay for being a pack rat?) or done other Support-fixable mistakes. Which is not to say I never goof up, lol. Just that it's generally not in a way that Support should correct.

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other day join a pug raid for river of souls, however my pc decided to potato and not load in anything but the basic character models. being pressured to ready up i did and proceeded to do the raid encounter unable to see anything. SOMEHOW i ended up doing better then some people in the pug being unable to see anything.


surprised i wasnt kicked for my load times, the commander seemed quite elitist (when i pug i barely encounter elitists)

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Didn't quite need intervention, but I bought the Ultimate PoF pack, sent a panicked ticket asking "were my gemz?!?!" three days later because I had to buy those shared inventory slots on sale, only to be told I never activated/redeemed the expansion on my account. I did not deserve to take advantage of that sale :)

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Throwing the precursor for H.O.P.E. into the mystic forge to change the stats lol. I wouldn't have been able to craft that precursor again even if I wanted to with the way the new legendary crafting is set up, and you can't buy it on the TP, so if someone from anet hadn't stepped in and helped me get it back I would have been royally screwed lol.

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