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Any plans of new musical instruments? What would you like to see?


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I was wondering why we got nothing new like that for a while after the release one after another, even for Wintersday last year a new Bell. The question for me is: why aren't there any new ones lately? I really like to see some new ones to have more options in playing different songs.

For example a saxophone to get into the Jazz directions or a violin to expand the classical ones. For the violin there is even a in-game refference that it exist because Valette Wi is known as a very talented violinist.

What kind of instruments would you like to hear? Do you like racial themed instrument like the Charr Bass that has a more unique sound?

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Racial-themed instruments would be cool. You could go with some sort of weird Asuran synthesizer thing, for the silvari maybe some sort of pan pipes or ocarina, a big, deep horn for the Norn and steel drums for Charr. Noble humans ought to be able to whip out a harpsichord. We can instantly summon our mounts and ranger pets, why can't we pull a big ol' keyboard and piano bench from our pocket?

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Somethign ive suggested in the past like several times already and I agree, its realyl sad to see, thast anet hasn't continued with this for a long time, after that in my opinion terrible bass guitar, which sounds liek still a broken car motor and not like a real Bass Guitar - I guess that money makign from them broke in, as a reason why no new ones were made anymore after that... but thats imo not a reason why not to continue with them.. only because the bass guitar was a fail, doesn't mean, that other instruments must fail too ..the flute, bells, drum, harp and trumpet were all fine..


I'd love to see so much Violins, Tambourines, Rattles, Triangles, Ocarinas/Panflutes, Bagpipe (Dudelsack), Harmonica, Banjo/ normal Guitar..


god, how i'd love to play this ingame ^^

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Racial-themed instruments would be cool. You could go with some sort of weird Asuran synthesizer thing, for the silvari maybe some sort of pan pipes or ocarina, a big, deep horn for the Norn and steel drums for Charr. Noble humans ought to be able to whip out a harpsichord. We can instantly summon our mounts and ranger pets, why can't we pull a big ol' keyboard and piano bench from our pocket?


I like that Idea of an Asuran themed synthesizer :)

How about a Piano mount, we can drive it while we play some music haha

I was thinking about somthing like a keyboard which you hang over your shoulders/neck so you can walk and play.


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> I want a Bass Guitar, please.


> I said Bass Guitar. Not a metallic electric piano that you call a Bass Guitar.


I know the issue here, first i thought that a Bass would be great when they annouced it but the way they did it was kind of unsatisfying.


> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> GIve me any good sounding instrument that is chromatic, can play chords. and at least 3 octaves. Let me bind the keys so i don't have to octave switch. I will pay 6000 gems for it.


And yes, totally agree with the 3 octaves because thats what i need when i'm playing and i guess that shouldn't be an issue.

I don't know how keybinding would cause any issues but it would make it easier to play heavy octave switching songs.


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Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Violin, Ukulele, and a Piano (or extend the Harp's octaves, being the most-used and most flexible instrument in-game), **but most of all** when it comes to instruments, the removal of repeating notes when held down on the Lute and the Harp during 'rests', and the removal of 'global' cooldown on instrument notes going on cooldown across all octaves. Currently, each note does _not_ have its own cooldown like players in the GW2 musician community initially thought.


Heck, if Anet is so concerned about other players being 'annoyed' by instruments, especially if we were given more octaves and 'global' cooldown on notes is done away with, then put a Sound slider beneath the feet of musician's in-game that appears when any instrument is equipped, that or set every players' Player Instrument Volume down to 2% by default if octaves are increased for instruments, and if 'global' cooldown on notes is done away with.


Solutions for making instruments more playable _are_ available, yet Anet does _not_ want to listen to the GW2 musician community. If they listened to us, their instrument sales would be better, and they would have been better to begin with had they not limited our instrument playing capabilities.

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> @"Embered.5089" said:

> Actually I was wondering why the Marriner's Horn forces you to hold the notes. There should be an option to push or push and hold so we aren't forced to hold it for the full duration of the sound.


If the Mariner's Horn's notes were not made that way, then what would happen is the duration of each note would be held automatically, and that limits 'control' over the instrument.


With that being said, what really ticks me off upon holding notes on OTHER instruments is when holding a long note on the Harp or Lute, it replays the same note(s) for you TWICE, and that should _not_ be happening. That never was a thing before until a year and a half ago, and Anet refuses to fix the issue to this day.


It is very clear at this point Anet simply does _not_ care whatsoever about the instruments anymore, and any chances of improvement, or any chances of new instruments are dead. It has been roughly 3 years since they have touched instruments.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"Embered.5089" said:

> > Actually I was wondering why the Marriner's Horn forces you to hold the notes. There should be an option to push or push and hold so we aren't forced to hold it for the full duration of the sound.


> If the Mariner's Horn's notes were not made that way, then what would happen is the duration of each note would be held automatically, and that limits 'control' over the instrument.

I don't get why they need to be long notes at all? If someone gave you a horn in real life, you have the option of blowing once loudly into it vs. only being able to take in deep breaths and breathe slowly into it.



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