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Raid Achievements repeatable


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Challenge mote achievements and other Raid achievements, like slippery slubling, and last cannon, should give an extra reward on subsequent completion. The CM big reward should be one-time only because it's way too good of a reward, but on repetition, they should all give at least some kind of reward so there is an incentive to re-run those. We'll reach a point where most Raiders will have their achievements and it will become harder and harder to find teams to go for those achievements.


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My raid group is thinking about doing some of those achievements this week. This is because there hasn't been a new raid wing in a while and people are getting a little bored with doing the same stuff all the time. If you want the achieves do the following:

1) As with all raid things, find a static group of people you enjoy being around.

2) Ask them to help you do slip slub or whatever achieve you want.


People are nice and will want to help you if you get along with them and they aren't working on anything in particular at the time.

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I think they could do a similar thing to how they had Dungeon Frequenter, but instead Raid Frequenter and Challenge Mode Raid Frequenter. How it could work is normal raid boss say you do VG twice and Sam once, you will have two bosses towards the repeatable achievement since even though you killed VG twice it is 1 unique boss, similar to how doing the same dungeon twice doesn't give credit of 2 dungeons since it clicks it off the list. Do the same thing with challenge mode since future raids will have challenge modes most likely. But say you haven't done any raids yet and you do MO challenge and beat it, it could check off MO in both achievements since it is a raid boss and because of it being challenge mode. Rewards could be something like 5 gold and chest of inscriptions for regular 10 gold chest of inscriptions and chest of materials that randomly gives 1-3 of T7 mats like Elonian leather, Damask, Deldrimor, spiritwood for challenge mode.

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