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Top builds for solo PvE/Exploration

Sam K.1358

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So I've been gone from the game for a while (a year or so), and now that I come back I see there's a new expansion and new builds and no doubt everything has changed... things have a way to do that, you know? When I played last, scrappers were considered really good tanks, so yeah...


Anyway, thinking about getting back into it just to see the new expansion and what was left of HoT that I never got to see before drifting away from this. So, I'm obviously wondering what are the top classes to do that.


Now, I know someone will say "play what you like", so what I like to play is a character where I don't constantly feel like I can't compete, that I am stuck waiting for random people to come along to help me progress in open world stuff, or that I'm missing out on the storyline because I need a group and I don't have one. If that means I play an omgwtf OP build that's fine (not hurting anyone since I mostly play solo), but I'm not looking for a free win. I just wanna be able to explore the expansion at my own rate, without getting frustrated. I get enough of that at work :)


Any advice welcome. Because I don't raid/do fractals whatever, builds that are OP with top notch gear probably isn't for me, though. I got some pink gear from crafting and laurels though, guess I could re-stat it if needed.


Thanks in advance!

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I'd probably have to go with thief. They are very fast, have stealth, high bursty damage, lots of stun breaks, etc. You could stealth past or run away from anything you can't handle (which would mostly be stuff that most people would struggle with on their own, regardless of profession, anyways).

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i also say thief, note that i main ranger, but with open world and general content i feel much safer on my daredevil thief, it might have the lowest hp tier, but if you know how to use your evades and dodges (wich is mandatory for any DD) even as a full berserker you are practically the hardest proffesion to get downed in open world

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> @"Sam K.1358" said:

>What kind of gear should you go for on a P/P thief?

Berserker or assassin both works but assassin is cheaper.


> @"Sam K.1358" said:

>And is there any build that "everyone" knows about that I can get started with?

[Try this](

"Try this"), alternatively use daredevil over deadeye for more mobility / better dodges.



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Zerk Core warrior is always freelo by their high damage and already high base HP


Zerk Guardian/Dragonhunter for their aegis and overall high damage and damage mitigation skills


Daredevil is a good one.


Power Soulbeast is fun. If you craft at all you could make Zerk/Marauder gear and then once you get Soulbeast you can equip bear, absorb it, and become beefy, while also doing high damage. If you don't craft you can do Zerk/Soldier or Zerk/Valk. And if you are confident or just like pure raw and high numbers, you can simply go full Berserkers.


I could start explaining the more complicated classes, but people usually don't touch those when they first come back into the game until later. Warrior, Guardian, Ranger, and Thief are very newbie/vet returning/kid friendly classes to pick up for ease and mechanics sake.

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The Pet really helps with the Open World fights, and allows you to handle groups of mobs with ease. I'd suggest not going too much glass, but power builds are still king in Open World, just mix some vitality , like Vipers/Zerker.


Long Bow, is a must.. due to Knock back and high DPS. After that.. pick whatever melee weapons you want.


Bloodlust is a must have Signal. Anything else is up to you.


Pets should be, 1: DPS (Wolf, or some such) 1: Tank (IE; Bear, or some such) find what works for you on this.


Runes.. you can have a lot of fun with runes, in that front.. check out what looks good.. but I'd advise with a power based rune.


You should not need to worry about meta builds with this.. just roll with what works.

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My top picks:


Necro (any spec) - great for soloing, has a regenerating second health bar and has good mob control. Whenever you're in a pinch, you can just summon a bunch of minions that can tank up to and including 5 man instanced content. Necro's also have the unique ability to swap between power and condi by swapping traits rather than armours with little drawbacks.


Revenant (Herald) - Glint gives lazy mightstacks, and with the recent changes to Revenant, maintaining 25 might is as easy as simply turning on the fury facet and... that's it! For the most part, Herald relies on powerful active defenses. While it somewhat lacks in terms of DPS, fights are engaging, fun, and you seldom die. Revenant Staff also has MASSIVE breakbar damage on staff 5, making some champs easily soloable.


Thief (Daredevil) - Staff thief does pretty much all of its damage on autoattack, and has MASSIVE cleave, strong dps and 3 dodges. If you take Dash, you'll also never fear enemy CC again.


Guardian (Any Spec) - Guardian has a lot of DPS potential, and is effective against both adds and bosses alike.

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Any Minion Necromancer build (any spec). Blood Fiend is basically an unlimited source of healing.


Invigorating precision Daredevil (critical strikes). Slightly harder to learn but watch yourself out sustain almost anything. Recommended to use with Bound + Staff.


Bearbow ranger (any spec works). Low DPS or aoe but your tanky pets let you safely kite at range and eventually kill.




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Whenever I want to take one of my characters somewhere it would be a real pain to get back to if I died- Necro (w/ minions) every time.


Runners-up: Warrior and Thief as Daredevil.


I've always had a Ranger/Hunter type as one of my mains (I never have just one main, lol), but I'm just not enamored of Ranger in this game. Feels lackluster damage-wise and kind of boring. I'm referring to Longbow/GS Ranger as I've not played it any other way.

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Engie with flamethrower (Mobs clearing and event tagging), streamlined kits (permaswiftness), and rifle (Burst damage, precise jump skill for tricky puzzles and great CC skill for breaking bars). Everything else is optional: Holo if you want cannon glass things, Scrapper if you need long and easy stealth, nades if you want more burst, rocket boots for extra mobility, etc...

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> @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> Necro is crazy. Scourge, reaper, vanilla... Half talents wrong, wrong gear, doesn't matter.


> Mirage is also pretty crazy but a bit spammy. Endurance runes also can be even more crazy.

> Granted Chrono/base mesmer are usually terrible at solo.


I'll second mirage as it's my fav of the moment. Superior damage and damage avoidance. It's a fun and effective class for open world.


Here's a video of my mirage taking down the Champion Commander Razorwing hero challenge in Auric Basin using a full glass build. I question my own strategy here, because it would almost certainly have gone easier if I had cleared the veterans first! But where's the fun in that?


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their is no such Top builds for solo PvE/Exploration at all !!! despite what other posters might tell you . it is pve not too hung up on things like that like the raids and pvp and wvw are all hung up on . making them elitism :# :# :# it is pve you just put something together that works for you and enjoy the open pve world .

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Do like me, play a little of each and switch it up every few days!

I can't tell you what is best or not, but I _can_ tell you what I am currently enjoying:


* pre-POF I was rather underwelmed with playing ranger, but after Soulbeast was released I have been playing it a fair bit. Check this [example build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNIQJATRnE8K4lKWUsYHvOexkFJLw1irFL5BW+7t+2fZOYFsg3SAoAs2SR4zblHA-jxBBABEt/Qe6aOTJYlq/EwTKALlfAcJFIFQELjA-e")


* Deadeye has had a lukewarm reception, but I find it to my liking. Check this [example build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZIQNAU8ansMBFPhFOBOOBUGjldCjPWeLDmeThtwVYLAUbOQA-jhBBABAcRAqU9n80Ng1+jyvAeCAnpEEA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vZIQNAU8ansMBFPhFOBOOBUGjldCjPWeLDmeThtwVYLAUbOQA-jhBBABAcRAqU9n80Ng1+jyvAeCAnpEEA-e")


* The most recent character I leveled and outfitted was a Herald, and I have found it to be pretty solid in map exploration and solo play, while also being helpful in meta-events and WvW. Check this [example build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlIQNAscin3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFqdABoBsjZNxxugJshA-jhBBABnpEMgnAAW7PK/A4UAUp6P5pPIAwBAVf91Xf91Xf91XPA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vlIQNAscin3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFqdABoBsjZNxxugJshA-jhBBABnpEMgnAAW7PK/A4UAUp6P5pPIAwBAVf91Xf91Xf91XPA-e")



Other builds that I personally enjoy:


* Hammer Berserker (lighter damage, but eats break-bars for breakfast)

* Core Guardian (good self-sustain)

* Core Engineer (jack-of-all-trades, has a tool for every situation.)

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