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PvE dailies

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I like PvP and WvW dailies, they can easily be done by just playing the game. For example, if you like WvW and play it for an hour, you would most likely capture 2 camps and one tower, kill 5 mobs and 3 players etc. So, you just do whatever you like to do in the game, and your dailies are done.

However, it's not the same with PvE dailies. If you just want to do fractals, or kill Tequatl, or do events in Crystal Desert, you might not get even a single daily achievement.


I liked the old daily system, where you could just do ANY jumping puzzle, or do 4 events on any map, or gather stuff anywhere. And now you have to teleport to a specific map (where you wouldn't play otherwise), search for events there and spend a lot of time doing them, then move to some other map, do daily gatherer there, then move to a third map and do a jumping puzzle (that you probably hate), or view a vista, or wait for a world boss. And then FINALLY you can do what you like to do.


I just find this system boring and annoying. It would be great to make the achievements more general, e.g. just any world boss instead of daily Shatterer (that might not even spawn when you are playing), or any N events instead of events in Sparkfly Fen.


What do you think?

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I like the current system as it makes me do specific activities. in specific maps. It ensures I don't get into a rut of always visiting the same maps or doing the same WBs. Would I ever do Jungle Wurm if it wasn't a daily? Probably not. Would I do events in Snowdon Drifts? Probably not. Do I enjoy them when I turn up? Yes!


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after the changes now some times i do daily's if i like them but most of the time these days i hardly bother with daily's at all!! more so if they have any thing at all to do with pvp wvw or raids or jumping puzzles !!! then i just never do them at all and only do my normal pve content only .

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> @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> after the changes now some times i do daily's if i like them but most of the time these days i hardly bother with daily's at all!! more so if they have any thing at all to do with pvp wvw or raids or jumping puzzles !!! then i just never do them at all and only do my normal pve content only .


Just curious if you've ever tried the WvW dailies? There are usually one or more that are basically PVE content. And very quick to complete. Kill an enemy dolyak, kill an enemy sentry and claim the flag, claim a monument, kill some guards, kill a veteran creature.

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The PvE dailies are fine, pve is full of people, unless u log in odd times.

The PVP dailies (sPVP and WvW) is trying to solve 2 problems. PvP rewards are lesser than PVE and get people to try any of the PVP modes. May not be enought, may create other problems.., but its a good try, actually got me interested better in wvw.

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> I like the current system as it makes me do specific activities. in specific maps. It ensures I don't get into a rut of always visiting the same maps or doing the same WBs. Would I ever do Jungle Wurm if it wasn't a daily? Probably not. Would I do events in Snowdon Drifts? Probably not. Do I enjoy them when I turn up? Yes!



And what if you have only an hour to play, and Jungle Wurm spawns in 2 hours?

Or you have a lot of undiscovered regions in other maps, but the daily forces you to go to Caledon Forest, where you have spent hours leveling up your sylvari?

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > I like the current system as it makes me do specific activities. in specific maps. It ensures I don't get into a rut of always visiting the same maps or doing the same WBs. Would I ever do Jungle Wurm if it wasn't a daily? Probably not. Would I do events in Snowdon Drifts? Probably not. Do I enjoy them when I turn up? Yes!

> >


> And what if you have only an hour to play, and Jungle Wurm spawns in 2 hours?

> Or you have a lot of undiscovered regions in other maps, but the daily forces you to go to Caledon Forest, where you have spent hours leveling up your sylvari?


If I am in a hurry, then I just pick the quickest 3 across the game modes. e.g. I keep potions of PVP reward hanging round for emergencies. I have alts in various different maps ready to do some harvesting. I know where all the WvW veteran creatures hang out :)

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> > after the changes now some times i do daily's if i like them but most of the time these days i hardly bother with daily's at all!! more so if they have any thing at all to do with pvp wvw or raids or jumping puzzles !!! then i just never do them at all and only do my normal pve content only .


> Just curious if you've ever tried the WvW dailies? There are usually one or more that are basically PVE content. And very quick to complete. Kill an enemy dolyak, kill an enemy sentry and claim the flag, claim a monument, kill some guards, kill a veteran creature.


thank you no thank you not interested at all in any way shape or form of wvw !!! even if you put lipstick and a big pink bow on it . never will do wvw thank you but no thank you i will stick to my pve stuff. :# :# :# bad enough getting map chats flooded with the spam for it their even .

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An important effect that the current daily PVE system does is bring heavy traffic to areas (daily event completer), jumping puzzles, dungeons, mini-dungeons, and so on that could otherwise stay abandoned and difficult for new players to get group event achievements completed.


For example, I am waiting for the next time the Not So Secret jumping puzzle becomes a daily so I can get help completing both it and the diving goggles that are there. If you change the Jumping Puzzle daily so that completing any jumping puzzle will count, then only the easiest jumping puzzle would ever be done, much the same as everyone only ever does the easiest Vistas, and I would never be able to get those diving goggles or that JP puzzle completion.


If you tell me I should "git gud" and figure out how to do those jumping puzzles by myself or figure out how to gather large groups for group events in areas and dungeons that nobody goes to by myself, that's when you're saying "break the game for new players" and I can never get behind that idea, because that would mean no more new players, and you know where that leads.

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I disagree. I prefer them to be more specific. Because this has players gather in maps where they may never be in, or not as often. When there is dungeon X up I can be sure to find people doing that dungeon, and all the paths. Like, Arah. Nowadays it can be very hard to find people doing it under normal circumstances, but when it's a daily it's not as hard. Dailies should be an incentive to do things people otherwise wouldn't, to mix up things. If the dailies are super general people will do them just wherever they please, wherever they have always been in. They will do the easiest/fastest JPs, gather node farms that they are probably doing each day anyway, do the simplest route of the easiest dungeon. The dailies wouldn't fulfill what they are meant to do then. Thus they need to be more specific.


If you cannot do all PvE dailies, or don't want to, then go PvP or WvW. The dailies are meant to give incentives. I might have never tried PvP, WvW or fractals without the dailies. I prefer PvE too, but come on, don't be so frightened to try new things. MMOs aren't about following a singular road. Branch out a bit, it won't hurt. The PvP and WvW maps look pretty good, there are dailies there that are just as easy to do as the PvE ones, and if you're afraid of toxicity just disable the chats there.

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> @"evilsofa.7296" said:

> An important effect that the current daily PVE system does is bring heavy traffic to areas (daily event completer), jumping puzzles, dungeons, mini-dungeons, and so on that could otherwise stay abandoned and difficult for new players to get group event achievements completed.


> For example, I am waiting for the next time the Not So Secret jumping puzzle becomes a daily so I can get help completing both it and the diving goggles that are there. If you change the Jumping Puzzle daily so that completing any jumping puzzle will count, then only the easiest jumping puzzle would ever be done, much the same as everyone only ever does the easiest Vistas, and I would never be able to get those diving goggles or that JP puzzle completion.


> If you tell me I should "git gud" and figure out how to do those jumping puzzles by myself or figure out how to gather large groups for group events in areas and dungeons that nobody goes to by myself, that's when you're saying "break the game for new players" and I can never get behind that idea, because that would mean no more new players, and you know where that leads.


Good point, I didn't think of it. Though I don't think I had these problems even before the megaserver.

But now everyone does the easier vistas anyway, just in different regions. And gathers stuff that is the closest to waypoints. Why can't these dailies, that do not require a group, be less specific?

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> > after the changes now some times i do daily's if i like them but most of the time these days i hardly bother with daily's at all!! more so if they have any thing at all to do with pvp wvw or raids or jumping puzzles !!! then i just never do them at all and only do my normal pve content only .


> Just curious if you've ever tried the WvW dailies? There are usually one or more that are basically PVE content. And very quick to complete. Kill an enemy dolyak, kill an enemy sentry and claim the flag, claim a monument, kill some guards, kill a veteran creature.


I get mercilessly ganked every time I start wandering around a WvW map trying to figure out what's going on and where to go. I'm guessing that experienced WvW players know what WvW solo newbies will try to do for a WvW daily and lie in wait for easy kills.

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> @"Enoah.1956" said:

> I prefer them to be more specific. Because this has players gather in maps where they may never be in, or not as often. When there is dungeon X up I can be sure to find people doing that dungeon, and all the paths. Like, Arah. Nowadays it can be very hard to find people doing it under normal circumstances, but when it's a daily it's not as hard. Dailies should be an incentive to do things people otherwise wouldn't, to mix up things. If the dailies are super general people will do them just wherever they please, wherever they have always been in. They will do the easiest/fastest JPs, gather node farms that they are probably doing each day anyway. The dailies wouldn't fulfill what they are meant to do then. Thus they need to be more specific.


Well, then WvW dailies can also be like "capture Anza" and not just "capture a tower".

But what's wrong with people doing what they want wherever they please? This way they enjoy the game more. That's exactly what I love about the game, there are so many different things to do. Why would you force a player, who wants to kill Tequatl, do events on other maps instead?

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I agree with you! I really do. But on the other hand the new system has its merits.

It brings back people to old maps and old contents, opening avenues for people to finally get stuff done on those maps.

For example, i usually wait for "xxx bounties" to get stuff for elite spec weapons, and other achievs.

Would i rather have the old "pick your own daily" stuff? Yes, especially since i had already narrowed down the fastest places for each one. Like LA JPs + rookery for the 3 JP daily. Or the mini-meta chain on the pirate island thing for the events daily, etc.


Would i want to relinquish the incentives to go back to specific contents? NO...

Is there a compromise? Yes. They can easily add the old PvE dailes with some improvements to reduce the "cheesiness" i demonstrated earlier.


And they could have more targeted and more effective ways to get people back to certain contents.

For example:

Have a daily bonus for specific maps (with a special alert on the world map) that change daily:

- Double/tripe map rewards for map events;

- Increased exp/Karma/magic find/drop rates on a certain map

- For HoT maps, a chance of getting an amalgamated gemstone, or a Black diamond, freshwater pearl, etc From each event on a certain map. Or increased currency rewards for certain maps + "keys".

- For PoF, increased Elegy drops and elegy drops from champion bounties. Improved contract drops from events, etc.

- 100% exotic drop from specific world bosses.

- etc.

These rewards would be way more enticing and, well, rewarding than current daily achievements.

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > @"Enoah.1956" said:

> > I prefer them to be more specific. Because this has players gather in maps where they may never be in, or not as often. When there is dungeon X up I can be sure to find people doing that dungeon, and all the paths. Like, Arah. Nowadays it can be very hard to find people doing it under normal circumstances, but when it's a daily it's not as hard. Dailies should be an incentive to do things people otherwise wouldn't, to mix up things. If the dailies are super general people will do them just wherever they please, wherever they have always been in. They will do the easiest/fastest JPs, gather node farms that they are probably doing each day anyway. The dailies wouldn't fulfill what they are meant to do then. Thus they need to be more specific.


> Well, then WvW dailies can also be like "capture Anza" and not just "capture a tower".

> But what's wrong with people doing what they want wherever they please? This way they enjoy the game more. That's exactly what I love about the game, there are so many different things to do. Why would you force a player, who wants to kill Tequatl, do events on other maps instead?

Well the WvW and PvP dailies perhaps are better left general, to lure in people trying those modes. I guess more players play this game PvE than PvP. If dailies are meant to bring in people into modes they rarely play it makes sense t keep related dailies general. Not sure if I had tried my first WvW when I did if the dailies there were super specific. On the other hand PvE is something that everyone is doing anyway. People do events all the time somewhere. There isn't much to gain for the community as a whole if just any events in any map would count towards that specific daily.


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> @"evilsofa.7296" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > > @"Gabbynot.2654" said:

> > > after the changes now some times i do daily's if i like them but most of the time these days i hardly bother with daily's at all!! more so if they have any thing at all to do with pvp wvw or raids or jumping puzzles !!! then i just never do them at all and only do my normal pve content only .

> >

> > Just curious if you've ever tried the WvW dailies? There are usually one or more that are basically PVE content. And very quick to complete. Kill an enemy dolyak, kill an enemy sentry and claim the flag, claim a monument, kill some guards, kill a veteran creature.


> I get mercilessly ganked every time I start wandering around a WvW map trying to figure out what's going on and where to go. I'm guessing that experienced WvW players know what WvW solo newbies will try to do for a WvW daily and lie in wait for easy kills.


It happens from time to time. Less so if you stick to your home borderlands. But you just res back at your keep and go again. Or join a friendly zerg and flip some objectives. Before you know it you'll be ganking enemy roamers :)

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I have my gripes with a few, but the worst ones are "specific boss killer" and "specific zone event completion".

The Boss Killer require waiting, sometimes 2-3 hours, to get the boss for the day. That's not acceptable for something that's supposed to be pick-up-and-play.

Zone Event Completion puts players at odds with trying to spam skills before everything on the screen up and dies to the first raptor to sweep into the area. Also, some of the areas just suck for events spawning. It'd be better off as "Regional Event Completion" like it used to be and how gathering is now.


PS: **"Activity Participation" should be in PvP, not PvE. **

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> But what's wrong with people doing what they want wherever they please? This way they enjoy the game more. That's exactly what I love about the game, there are so many different things to do. Why would you force a player, who wants to kill Tequatl, do events on other maps instead?

No one is forcing anyone to do dailies. You do them because they are fun or you want the reward. Same as any other content.


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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> I like PvP and WvW dailies, they can easily be done by just playing the game. For example, if you like WvW and play it for an hour, you would most likely capture 2 camps and one tower, kill 5 mobs and 3 players etc. So, you just do whatever you like to do in the game, and your dailies are done.

> However, it's not the same with PvE dailies. If you just want to do fractals, or kill Tequatl, or do events in Crystal Desert, you might not get even a single daily achievement.


> I liked the old daily system, where you could just do ANY jumping puzzle, or do 4 events on any map, or gather stuff anywhere. And now you have to teleport to a specific map (where you wouldn't play otherwise), search for events there and spend a lot of time doing them, then move to some other map, do daily gatherer there, then move to a third map and do a jumping puzzle (that you probably hate), or view a vista, or wait for a world boss. And then FINALLY you can do what you like to do.


> I just find this system boring and annoying. It would be great to make the achievements more general, e.g. just any world boss instead of daily Shatterer (that might not even spawn when you are playing), or any N events instead of events in Sparkfly Fen.


> What do you think?


Yeah, I usually completely ignore PvE dailies, even though I am mainly a PvE player. I jump in for a round of unranked to get dailies done, if I have time I do some WvW dailies.

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> @"Enoah.1956" said:

> > Well, then WvW dailies can also be like "capture Anza" and not just "capture a tower".

> > But what's wrong with people doing what they want wherever they please? This way they enjoy the game more. That's exactly what I love about the game, there are so many different things to do. Why would you force a player, who wants to kill Tequatl, do events on other maps instead?

> Well the WvW and PvP dailies perhaps are better left general, to lure in people trying those modes. I guess more players play this game PvE than PvP. If dailies are meant to bring in people into modes they rarely play it makes sense t keep related dailies general. Not sure if I had tried my first WvW when I did if the dailies there were super specific. On the other hand PvE is something that everyone is doing anyway. People do events all the time somewhere. There isn't much to gain for the community as a whole if just any events in any map would count towards that specific daily.



Right, people do events anyway, so why can't they do them wherever they like? It wouldn't make maps empty, I see a lot of people doing events, even when it's not required for the daily. They are exploring new maps, leveling up their characters (let's forget for a second about 100+ stacks of tomes of knowledge that everyone has), etc.

A lot of people do world bosses too, even when it's not for the daily.

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> > @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > But what's wrong with people doing what they want wherever they please? This way they enjoy the game more. That's exactly what I love about the game, there are so many different things to do. Why would you force a player, who wants to kill Tequatl, do events on other maps instead?

> No one is forcing anyone to do dailies. You do them because they are fun or you want the reward. Same as any other content.



No, it's not the same. In WvW and PvP you get the reward just by playing and doing things that are actually fun. PvE dailies are neither fun, nor as easy to do as WvW and PvP dailies.

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > > @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > > But what's wrong with people doing what they want wherever they please? This way they enjoy the game more. That's exactly what I love about the game, there are so many different things to do. Why would you force a player, who wants to kill Tequatl, do events on other maps instead?

> > No one is forcing anyone to do dailies. You do them because they are fun or you want the reward. Same as any other content.

> >


> No, it's not the same. In WvW and PvP you get the reward just by playing and doing things that are actually fun. PvE dailies are neither fun, nor as easy to do as WvW and PvP dailies.


So ... mix and match. Today's dailies include Maguuma Jungle mining (which I can do in my home instance = 2 minutes) and an Orr Vista (another 2 minutes). If I don't want to do events or a bounty, I can pop into WvW and do Master of Monuments next to my home keep (another 2 minutes).

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> So ... mix and match. Today's dailies include Maguuma Jungle mining (which I can do in my home instance = 2 minutes) and an Orr Vista (another 2 minutes). If I don't want to do events or a bounty, I can pop into WvW and do Master of Monuments next to my home keep (another 2 minutes).


Okay, why would specific dailies be better then? If you are doing them in your home instance anyway and then move to the easiest Orr Vista. Is it more fun because you do your daily gatherer not in the same home instance every time, but in one out of 4?

The problem is not that it's hard to get 3 dailies. The problem is that PvE dailies are just annoying and not fun.

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> @"Vault Girl.6792" said:

> > @"costepj.5120" said:

> > So ... mix and match. Today's dailies include Maguuma Jungle mining (which I can do in my home instance = 2 minutes) and an Orr Vista (another 2 minutes). If I don't want to do events or a bounty, I can pop into WvW and do Master of Monuments next to my home keep (another 2 minutes).


> Okay, why would specific dailies be better then? If you are doing them in your home instance anyway and then move to the easiest Orr Vista. Is it more fun because you do your daily gatherer not in the same home instance every time, but in one out of 4?

> The problem is not that it's hard to get 3 dailies. The problem is that PvE dailies are just annoying and not fun.


I was just responding to your assertion that dailies should be easy. They can be if that's what you want. I enjoy doing the dailies. I usually do about 6 - 9 of them, so I will be completing events and bounties when I login later. I hit the 15K AP cap a long time ago and there are more efficient ways of earning 2G, so for me it's all about variety of content.

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