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sugg: can we plz have the ability to not receive bloodstone dusts and the likes?

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sugg: can we plz have the ability to not receive bloodstone dusts and the likes empyreal dragonite etc?

Or at least make them vendor-able so i can sell them as junk and not have to double click to destroy them


getting really tired of having to destroy zillion stacks of them. as someone who plays every day, i get 2000 of them really fast like 1 or 2 days even the 2000 storage thing is not working for me... and having to destroy them is a nuisance and really mundane

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> and please dont say use "gleam of sentience" i destroyed that thing cuz i dont like clicking things daily... it's mundane


herta blah blah etc etc nobody got time to use those, i come on gw2 to kill stuff, not to play click wars 2 or inventory management wars

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i don't mind getting tons of items, as long as they're sell-able even 1c would make it seem worthwhile... but when u get items like bloodstone dust that does completely nothing and just waste my time, it's really annoying.


items that you have to type out to delete are even worse! e.g. mystic forge stone, trophies etc... why do we hav eto type to delete these... i'm 100.1% certain i want to delete them. it's not like they're worth anything....

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> i don't mind getting tons of items, as long as they're sell-able even 1c would make it seem worthwhile... but when u get items like bloodstone dust that does completely nothing and just waste my time, it's really annoying.


> items that you have to type out to delete are even worse! e.g. mystic forge stone, trophies etc... why do we hav eto type to delete these... i'm 100.1% certain i want to delete them. it's not like they're worth anything....


You’re deleting mystic forge stones. O.o


I guess you don’t need mystic salvage kits or use them in the mystic forge with exotics, but most people do need them and would prefer not to accidentally delete the mystic forge stones.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> You’re deleting mystic forge stones. O.o


> I guess you don’t need mystic salvage kits or use them in the mystic forge with exotics, but most people do need them and would prefer not to accidentally delete the mystic forge stones.


I don't use mystic forge unless it's part of the process to making a legendary item. I don't really care about making profits/gold... i'm here to play the game. and while i like getting items, they have to serve a purpose to make the game fun. bloodstone dusts and co don't serve any purpose for me.


> @"pholtos.9751" said:

> Why not just give them a place in your wallet instead? That way they wouldn't take up heaps of space and still be accessible.


anet can't do that cuz it's a craftable item.

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**Here is a solution for such easily-obtainable ascended materials I mentioned back in Dec. 2017 of last year:**


Make the default storage space for Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, _and_ Pieces of Candy Corn 2,500 (10 stacks worth), and for players wanting more space than that, they can purchase the Material Storage Expander item from the Gem Store.


**However**, the Material Storage Expander text would need to be changed to: Double-click to increase the maximum stack size of all stored materials by 250. Easily acquired materials like Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn have their stack sizes increased by 2,500.


**Furthermore**, players whose accounts already _have_ the maximum number of Material Storage Expanders would be granted the new increased storage space to Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn (as they should be to make it fair).


And players whose accounts do _not_ have the maximum number of Material Storage Expanders would have the default space for Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn increased to the default stack size of 2,500 instead of a default stack size of 250.


The number 2,500 works perfect because 8 Material Storage Expanders bought from the Gem Store = a 20,000 stack size for Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn just like for all other materials = a 2,000 stack size (when buying 8 Material Storage Expanders).


**If Anet implemented the above solution**, then collecting Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, and Pieces of Candy Corn would be less burdensome on our Bank space and our Inventory space.


**NOTE:** I understand Pieces of Candy Corn are _not_ considered an ascended material, yet with the release of the Candy Corn Gobbler, it would be nice to hold much more Pieces of Candy Corn at a time.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > You’re deleting mystic forge stones. O.o

> >

> > I guess you don’t need mystic salvage kits or use them in the mystic forge with exotics, but most people do need them and would prefer not to accidentally delete the mystic forge stones.


> I don't use mystic forge unless it's part of the process to making a legendary item. I don't really care about making profits/gold... i'm here to play the game. and while i like getting items, they have to serve a purpose to make the game fun. bloodstone dusts and co don't serve any purpose for me.



Even if you don’t care about making gold, others do and since mystic forge stones are both rare enough and valuable enough because they’re needed to make mystic salvage kits to salvage rare items and to use in the mystic forge it would be a bad idea to make them easily deletable. People should consider what is best over all when making suggestions that would affect others and not suggest changes that would cause problems for other people.




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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> >

> Even if you don’t care about making gold, others do and since mystic forge stones are both rare enough and valuable enough because they’re needed to make mystic salvage kits to salvage rare items and to use in the mystic forge. It would be a bad idea to make them easily deletable. People should consider what is best over all when making suggestions that would affect others and not suggest changes that would cause problems for other people.





the best thing in this case would be to not have to type something unless it's legendary item level. who cares if someone acc delete a mystic forge stone? its not even that important.

i accidentally deleted a lot of things, not gonna cry over them since they can be obtained back. and if it's that important to somebody then that somebody should think twice before clicking yes to something

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Open all those Champion Bags on a mid-level character. You won't received any Ascended Mats.


> Good luck.


ok i appreciate ppl giving alternative solutions... but am aware of all of them including turning them into bricks... if i were happy wiht alternatives i wouldn't be making a suggestion thread...

am clearly not happy... and ppl have no idea how much i play per day so...



anet you guys have a clear idea of how much i play per week, and if u don think my sugg is reasonable then so be it... keep flooding my inv with unnecessary stuff.

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> @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > >

> > Even if you don’t care about making gold, others do and since mystic forge stones are both rare enough and valuable enough because they’re needed to make mystic salvage kits to salvage rare items and to use in the mystic forge. It would be a bad idea to make them easily deletable. People should consider what is best over all when making suggestions that would affect others and not suggest changes that would cause problems for other people.

> >

> >

> >


> the best thing in this case would be to not have to type something unless it's legendary item level. who cares if someone acc delete a mystic forge stone? its not even that important.

> i accidentally deleted a lot of things, not gonna cry over them since they can be obtained back. and if it's that important to somebody then that somebody should think twice before clicking yes to something


People who salvage lots of rares can easily run out of them and once you do you can’t easily get more unless you buy from the gemstore or get them from Achievement chests. So again, just because it’s not important to you doesn’t mean it’s not useful or important to others and easy deletion is not something that should be added to the game.

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I usually use a mix of


* Stack them and convert into ingots, stars, etc when i reach the cap ( but i do have a maxed storage so the situation could be pretty different ).

* Convert them with the LS4 converter ( 3 way to purchase with ascended materials, but still the same item bag type which can stacks ), and stack bags forever.



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I don't think the Devs will remove a set of items because a few players would appreciate it. Especially, since they have offered other means of dealing with said items. You do realize it would not just be a matter of removing the items, but changing all the recipes that use those items, and dealing with the feedback from all those players that use those items to gain loot, yes?


The Devs _may_, however, deem it viable to assign the ability to vendor those items for a very nominal return. Who knows?


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Open all those Champion Bags on a mid-level character. You won't received any Ascended Mats.


> Good luck.


Piles of Bloodstone Dust do _not_ come from Champion Bags alone. They come from Mining Bloodstone Crystals nodes in Bloodstone Fen (mind you, an area _not_ suited for mid-level characters), along with a slew of other sources Piles of Bloodstone Dust come from listed here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Bloodstone_Dust


And Piles of Bloodstone Dust are _not_ the only ascended material that is easy to acquire. Dragonite Ore and Empyreal Fragments fall in the same category of easily-acquired materials.


All Anet needs to do is increase the storage cap of easily acquired ascended materials like Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments,(as explained in my other comment in this thread), for the simple fact ascended materials like Pile of Bloodstone Dust are a lot easier to acquire 250 of **vs.** other materials we store in our Material Storage that take more time to acquire 250 of. Therefore, instead of the default cap for Bloodstone Dust being 250 like other materials, the cap should be 2,500, and if you buy Material Storage Expanders, that cap increases in 2,500 increments.


The solution is _not_ to make Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, or Empyreal Fragments 'destroyable'. The solution is _not_ to decrease their drop rate. The solution is _not_ to rely on feeders alone to combat the easy accumulation issue, since they are only good for a few uses per day, and the solution is _not_ to open certain Bags on mid-level characters to ensure no ascended items are given, since that is a tiny annoying thorn in the neck over time, having to log to the character screen to do that each time. **To cram it in a nutshell**, the solution is _none_ of the solutions mentioned thus far.


**The apropos solution is** in the aforementioned as I explained it two bodies of texts ago, that way we have a 'tidy' amount of those materials beyond the 250/2000 stack cap (depending on how many Material Storage Expanders are bought) to do whatever we want with them **all at once** at that point. And that is the thing; you have to keep condensing and/or use feeders for each 250 Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and Empyreal Fragments you receive to prevent your Inventory or your Bank from becoming too filled with them. You simply _cannot_ store them all at once beyond a 250/2500 stack cap and do whatever you want with them all at once for a later time.


Arguing, "Well what do you need 2,500+ Piles of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, or Empyreal Fragments for?" is beside the point. The point is they are too easy to acquire from too many sources. Yes, we can convert those materials to condense them, or have them consumed by feeders, yet that is _not_ enough, because we too many times accumulate those materials beyond the 250/2000 stack size, and feeders are only good for a few uses per day.


I knew when I made my thread about this very issue back in Dec of 2017 that I was not the only one, so I totally understand where the OP is coming from, unlike other players here who do not seem to understand such a simple gripe.

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I don't agree with your request OP sorry. Your personal opinion is not a global statement valid for all.


@Inculpatus cedo.9234, I believe that you are probably wrong talking about a "few" players: You forget something important: Ascended armors. They require vision crystals, that are crafted using bloodstone dust, dragonite and empyreal. All players doing WvW, Fractals and Raids need ascended armors. I therefore tend to believe that saying about a "few" players does probably not reflect a reality.


Personally, I use bloodstone dust a lot. On an - almost - daily basis, I consume them with the different gift eaters (Herta for bloodstone dust for example) and have good use of the drops I get that way. Since I do WvW, fractals and raid, I need them to craft ascended armors too. So, for me, an option to have them destroyed directly if the player do not want them is OK, but I do not agree on a reduction of the drop rate.

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There are very few people who have just the right amount of ascended mats. If you don't do much of the relevant crafting, then you accumulate it really quickly. If you do, you can run out really fast. If you use the 'eaters' regularly, you can consume most of it, _unless_ you do any sort of farming (in which case, you get a lot of at least one type, but not always all three).


If ANet were to reduce the amounts, more people would run out more often. The alternative proposed by the OP, to be able to toggle off the sinks, that seems vaguely reasonable. Except... how hard is it really to just delete the stuff? I just deposit and sometimes store in bank. When I have more than I can handle via eaters, I delete. It's not worth all that much after eating, so I don't feel it's a horrid loss to get rid of it.

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It's not a reduction of a drop rate or getting rid of the item.


It's an OPTION to not receive it. you can turn it off or on... sort of like server clock, u can turn it off or on the display. If u turn it on u receive it as usual. idc if u want millions of them... i dont want it... i have 18 characters all have ascended already, + 2 extra sets.

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i don't know how "ability to not receive it" translates to reducing drop rate or getting rid of item :/


also theres another suggestion: vendor-able.... why do ppl completely ignore everything in the OP and just try as hard as possible to be the devil's advocate or something

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