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[BUG] LFG & Contacts Bugged after 1/9/18 Patch

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crashed for me to. Says cant connect to game server then just goes to black screen. Cursor is still in control but there is nothing to click on. I have to minimize and then exit out of app from my home screen task bar. This is very irritating. I can log in and sometimes play 1 to 2 hours but then it will crash. Sometimes every 20 minutes. My internet is working fine when it crashes. I exit out and sure enough have full connection. Hope this gets fixed soon

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We made another try at a fix last evening about 8:00 PM Pacific Time. I am assuming that sorting is still non-functional, based on Moi's post at 8:45 AM Pacific Time today. But are others still having issues? If so, have you checked since the build last night? And what is the issue you're noting?



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I wasn't entirely sure if it is actually working or not but upon testing more it's not.... Upon logging in just now, it was not working. After clicking name twice and then sorting (I tried just sorting and it did not work the first time), it appears to be working (except it isn't and I'll explain after) after closing and reopening friends list. However, closing gw2 and reopening it starts this all over again, have to click sort twice. Why can't we just have the functionality we had before? Geeze how did this get so broken in the first place.


As pointed out just above, adding someone to contacts puts them at the very bottom of the list instead of how it worked before. Removing someone (or moving from contacts to blocked) makes the last name in the list appear in that spot.


Additionally, it isn't working properly still because it is NOT showing everyone that is online every time after sorting. In fact, I'd say it's behaving worse in some respects because yesterday clicking name twice, sometimes location, then sort again seemed to show everyone that was online. Now, nothing seems to force it to show the people that are actually online at the top consistently, it may work for a while but won't keep doing so especially after restarting gw2. It does tend to show a few at the top after sorting, with the rest scattered throughout the list.

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> @"Thinking of Gary Jocks.1852" said:

> My guild mate who looked into the issue (the screenshot is in the previous post before this one) but here is it in typed form (I retyped it for this post):


> **Sir Tacoman Said, "Basically when you are hitting to set nickname it's crashing because it's looking below its location. Seems like it's some sort of addition error because 1 goes to 5, 2 goes to 9 and 3 goes to 15..."**


> From what he is telling me, some contacts on the list will, because of the "addition error" as he called it, will try to go to a contact name that does not exist:

> **Sir Tacoman Said, "like this means 20 would go to like 100"**


> My contact list is not (yet) that long...


That does make sense why the contacts on the bottom would cause the crash then. Well it seems now it no longer crashes. All the info everyone submitted helped Anet I guess. Thanks all!


Yes it seems the latest patch finally fixed it. Not perfectly at first but now looks sorted properly and no more crashes. I just tested what was causing the crashes every time and finally not crashing. Thanks Anet. Post if you still having any crashing issues.

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I have repaired the client just now but the game is still crashing for me. I went to raid with ARCdps on, crashed, removed ARCdps & files and crashed 3 minutes in raids. Not sure what's going on, I run no other programs and my internet is working fine.




Restarted my pc and currently playing for about 30 minutes with no crashes!

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With the patch that just went out, upon first opening friends list every time you launch gw2, especially if you have a lot of listings (smaller list seems to work ok?), it still does not sort properly. Closing the contacts window and reopening then seems to finally fully sort them until closing gw2.


Adding a contact still puts them at the bottom. If you immediately sort they do not show up with the online accounts until you close and reopen. Removing them still puts the last entry in place of where they were.


It's obviously apparent these are all just bandaid fixes on top of whatever originally broke the friends list in the first place. It's functional now but it's still not 'fixed'.


edit: Spoke a bit too soon. It appears that upon opening the friends list, those that have gone offline or come online since you last opened do not sort, you have to close it and reopen it again...

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I am still having issues. I crash even when i dont look at LFG panel. I have talked to other players with similiar issue. Its not my internet. Why is guild wars 2 being so difficult? I just paid for both expansions. Was not expecting to not even be able to play the game consistently for an hour without crashing. Please help. I have filed a support ticket and no one has gotten back to me really tired of not being able to play properly even though i was able to play fine for a month with no issue with same internet. Now i have issues. Please fix


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How do i do that? I submitted a support ticket with error code and description of whats going on i also submitted the test that was sent via an article. The only thing i did not submit was the arenanet.log file because i couldnt find it. I did this via email. Have not heard back from anyone since.

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In Anet's infinite wisdom, ArenaNet.log was moved to what is arguably a harder location for some users to find. Unless it puts it in different locations on different systems, it should be in

"c:\Users\*windows account*\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2\"


And the contacts issue is still not resolved properly. It often can, especially on large contact lists, not properly sort even if you open and close the contacts list, click multiple times, etc.

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I still crash everytime I try to open the LFG tool. Everything looks frozen, I can move the mouse around but I can't do anything else.

I can't submit the crash report because it doesn't appear. Everything gets stuck and I have to shut down the game from the task manager.

I started having this problem after the first hotfix on 09/01/2018.

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yea still bugged on the followers list, have to scroll down alot, then close and reopen followers and only then does it look like i have a full list of online followers then. btw its nice that the name are A-Z which is a nice bonus i guess. (unless its always been like that then nevermind)

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It hasn't always been that way, and honestly I preferred it before, as it primarily showed in order added. It had it's uses. Definitely has it's benefits to find a name being A-Z, just would have preferred it as an option (should have always been an option really) than a required.


Block and followers are presenting a number of issues, follower takes less work to get to sort. If this is how it's going to be left, would like an explanation of why contacts was messed with in the first place, and why it can't work how it did before.


Adding a friend puts them at the bottom of the list.

Removing a friend puts the last entry in that spot instead of shifting it up as you'd expect. This behavior has occurred ever since Contacts was messed with

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