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Black Lion chest rewards

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So there's nothing more annoying than useless stuff from a black lion chest, wasting a key. Granted some people find things useless that others would want, but today, spending 5 keys, I got two 'rare' skins unlocked that I cannot use and are naturally, account bound. I think that skins rewards should not be racial or should not be account bound so they can be sold to someone who can use them. I now have those two skins in my wardrobe and I cannot even see them, much less use them. Unless you purchase extra character slots and make one of every race in every armor weight, there are going to be skins you cannot use. That's not a reward, that's trying to force us to spend money to play something that we weren't interested in playing, or we would have that class/armor weight already. Makes you think twice about wasting gold or money on keys if your chance of something useful is dropped even lower because you choose not to play all races.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> It’s a box with random stuff. Random means that maybe it’s good or maybe it isn’t. If the chance of not good bothers you, then don’t buy it.


> But part of what makes good stuff seem good is because it’s juxtaposed against the bad stuff that you didn’t get.


I didn't 'buy' them, they were from key farming/map completion, and my point was that makes it less likely that I would buy them which from a business standpoint is something for them to think about. That's all I was saying. If they make things worth something, even if you don't want it (i.e. via sale), then more people are likely to spend for it.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> The guaranteed unlocks are fool's gold as far as I'm concerned. The concept of it sounds really nice, but in practice, I've never used any skin I got from them.


It's basically the same as the Black Lion Chests - there's a small chance you might get something useful/fun and that (allegedly) makes it exciting. In reality the majority of people will mostly/entirely get stuff they don't want.


The only differences are you can't sell or trade any of what you get from the wardrobe unlocks, but you're also guaranteed to get something you don't have each time.

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