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PvP is dead but what are you guys doing to fix it?


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The situation is far worse than it appears to be. There used to be much more people playing PvP everyday when hotjoin was a thing. I'm not gonna deny that diversity didn't exist back in 2012 but it was better than what we have now. Since the trait revamp the PvP scenario has been seeing a huge decrease in numbers of active players. Then came HoT specs and everything went from bad to worse. Why do you guys still insist on promotting this sick meta? Shouldn't a profession be able to deal damage just like any other? Why certain professions do better than other in specific roles? - The pace which balance patches are delivered is very low, but when it hits, BAM, another meta. Always the same thing. And old people that once played PvP are not coming back because of this meta promotion. It's not healthy for the game and everyone knows it. But I don't see devs creating threads regarding this subject on the professions' forums. Where's the communication? (**If they once created this sort of discussion, please, let me know**).

I'm not holding my hopes high for the next week, but I sincerely wait for a more fair and deeper approach to the existing specializations, including the core ones.

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see for yourself: where competitive competition, healthy gameplay, healthy environment mattered including the players



We Don't Matter To Anet, Our Concerns Are Non-Existent To Them, They Don't Value Us,

Guild Wars 2 Was Never For Us Really.


History Is Written All Over The Wall. Let Us Accept, Embrace PVP Deaths


With Open Arms, No More Painful Memories, No More Repeatable Lessons


Leave Pvp In The Grave Where It Belongs


Engrave In Writing- '6 Years Fail To Deliver Quality, Healthy, Competitive Product To Customers'






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The real question is what trinity you want in the next expansion


Necro : is a low mobility , heavy aoe capture point destroyer

Enginner : A meele assasin

Thief : A ranged assasin

Mesmer : A condition assasin

Guardian : A support

Ele : A support with more cc and damage than a Guardian

Warrior : A ''balanced'' - egoist character

Rev : A wanna-be-Time Warp 100% quickness-team buffer


Some claases will get your role or archetype , in the next expack .

If they are too many HoT and Pof + Orf assasin that are beeing used ...some will get nerfed , in order the next meta spots to occupy 3-4 assasins that are leat problematic to play against .

If most ppl whine about node fighters and assasin atm , then the next expanion pack will have more specs like Revs + Rangers ,or have the same burst as Thiefs but with more visible animation


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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> The real question is what trinity you want in the next expansion


> Necro : is a low mobility , heavy aoe capture point destroyer

> Enginner : A meele assasin

> Thief : A ranged assasin

> Mesmer : A condition assasin

> Guardian : A support

> Ele : A support with more cc and damage than a Guardian

> Warrior : A ''balanced'' - egoist character

> Rev : A wanna-be-Time Warp 100% quickness-team buffer


> Some claases will get your role or archetype , in the next expack .

> If they are too many HoT and Pof + Orf assasin that are beeing used ...some will get nerfed , in order the next meta spots to occupy 3-4 assasins that are leat problematic to play against .

> If most ppl whine about node fighters and assasin atm , then the next expanion pack will have more specs like Revs + Rangers ,or have the same burst as Thiefs but with more visible animation



This is the problem. Every profession should have equal opportunities. Every profession should have their trinity and not a single profession exceeding in a specific role. Of course all professions must maintain their uniqueness but there shouldn't be a trinity outside between professions.

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> There will equal opprotunities in the next expansion :P

> I will be w8ing for some no cd Unload for my enginner that will drain my endurance instead .

> A a Dev that wont delete the 50% crit proc Swiftness minor trait , messing with my perma vigor + Adrenal Implant combo , in order not to get back in HoT ''selfish'' builds :(


I wouldn't hold my hopes that high you know ;)

I miss those old days where you could distribute your trait points freely between traitlines :(

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:



> I can log on any time, day or night and get constant games.

> I don't run into the same players very often.


We must be playing pretty different games then.

> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> no, PvP is not dead, it's unbalanced (specially at gold tiers and bellow, where most of the PvP population lies at), and game quality may be an issue for people that rather QQ at their teams before taking a look at themselves, but it is far from dead. In fact the active PvP playerbase in Gw2 surpasses the one other mmorgs with more or similar population have, by a huge margin I must add.


> Of course if you exclude people only playing to complete their dailies or season marks it may be a different story... and sure, balance patches are dropped too... "untimely" to say the least and that affects numbers in more ways I can recall, but then again it is far from dead.


> **it lacks promotion, ANET doesn't seem to care about marketing their game or doesn't have the resources to do so... but that, sadly, is a different issue.**


Data please? This is not something I see. Between 2012 ~2015 the pvp population was big, and there were many matches going on. Every time I log in, may it be day or night, it's dead. It's not just the same people playing. Ranked is not what it used to be. "Hotjoin doesn't exist anymore" - everything is stagnant. No growth.

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> im freaking tired of Anet not investing on marketing. We could have so many more players but no... they dont spend a cent on promoting their own game


Promote a fake product, no way. They'd have to change many aspects of their "advertisement". For most players in the MMO industry Guild Wars 2 is known for the "Manifesto" - thus people have in mind that "there's no trinity" or anything like that in this game, which they will find out to be false when they play other areas of the game, like PvP.

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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> >

> >

> > I can log on any time, day or night and get constant games.

> > I don't run into the same players very often.


> We must be playing pretty different games then.

> > @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > no, PvP is not dead, it's unbalanced (specially at gold tiers and bellow, where most of the PvP population lies at), and game quality may be an issue for people that rather QQ at their teams before taking a look at themselves, but it is far from dead. In fact the active PvP playerbase in Gw2 surpasses the one other mmorgs with more or similar population have, by a huge margin I must add.

> >

> > Of course if you exclude people only playing to complete their dailies or season marks it may be a different story... and sure, balance patches are dropped too... "untimely" to say the least and that affects numbers in more ways I can recall, but then again it is far from dead.

> >

> > **it lacks promotion, ANET doesn't seem to care about marketing their game or doesn't have the resources to do so... but that, sadly, is a different issue.**


> Data please? This is not something I see. Between 2012 ~2015 the pvp population was big, and there were many matches going on. Every time I log in, may it be day or night, it's dead. It's not just the same people playing. Ranked is not what it used to be. "Hotjoin doesn't exist anymore" - everything is stagnant. No growth.


Or maybe you exaggerate.


It's an mmo. They don't die.

Last I looked DAOC still has a pretty active playerbase.


Show me a better game? No? Then Idc to hear your rant.

Nothing is changing for the better. I'm just taking the good with the bad, it's all I can do.




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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> im freaking tired of Anet not investing on marketing. We could have so many more players but no... they dont spend a cent on promoting their own game


True and common, sadly.


Even b2p +sub games, I've seen them do this. They just don't put anything into it.


EQ and WoW seemed to be the only 2 games that continued to push their game.


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The problem isn't that certain classes do better than others at specific roles, it's that there's really only one game mode which means there's onyl ever one set of roles that need to be filled in a game where we have teams of 5 but 9 classes.


Having more classes than party slots is always going to cause problems unless you have a hard trinity where it's about balancing dps classes against each other, not the entire class roster.

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Been in the same state maps of dancing in and around little circles while teefs just run around and decap since launch.


Issues: balance and lack of competitive maps.


I still say the downward spiral started when the glory vendors were taken out and the pve rewards farm started. But the 2 main issues are balance and boring non competitive circle dancing.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > >

> > >

> > > I can log on any time, day or night and get constant games.

> > > I don't run into the same players very often.

> >

> > We must be playing pretty different games then.

> > > @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > > no, PvP is not dead, it's unbalanced (specially at gold tiers and bellow, where most of the PvP population lies at), and game quality may be an issue for people that rather QQ at their teams before taking a look at themselves, but it is far from dead. In fact the active PvP playerbase in Gw2 surpasses the one other mmorgs with more or similar population have, by a huge margin I must add.

> > >

> > > Of course if you exclude people only playing to complete their dailies or season marks it may be a different story... and sure, balance patches are dropped too... "untimely" to say the least and that affects numbers in more ways I can recall, but then again it is far from dead.

> > >

> > > **it lacks promotion, ANET doesn't seem to care about marketing their game or doesn't have the resources to do so... but that, sadly, is a different issue.**

> >

> > Data please? This is not something I see. Between 2012 ~2015 the pvp population was big, and there were many matches going on. Every time I log in, may it be day or night, it's dead. It's not just the same people playing. Ranked is not what it used to be. "Hotjoin doesn't exist anymore" - everything is stagnant. No growth.


> Or maybe you exaggerate.


> It's an mmo. They don't die.

> Last I looked DAOC still has a pretty active playerbase.


> Show me a better game? No? Then Idc to hear your rant.

> Nothing is changing for the better. I'm just taking the good with the bad, it's all I can do.





Or maybe you're too much bias to even compare this game's health to others'. Let's see: Is WoW better than DAoC? Is it better than EQ? TESO? FF?

> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> There are so many things wrong. I think we're beyond the point of no return.


I agree. It's a long way down to find out where everything started.


> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Been in the same state maps of dancing in and around little circles while teefs just run around and decap since launch.


> Issues: balance and lack of competitive maps.


> **I still say the downward spiral started when the glory vendors were taken out and the pve rewards farm started.** But the 2 main issues are balance and boring non competitive circle dancing.


I feel ya! But the gw2's community is kinda strange. People ask for new maps, we get Spirit Watch and Skyhammer and then people goes complaining. Not that those maps are terrible, they are interesting to play. Maybe we need more diversified game modes like Capture Flag, ~~MOBA Stronghold~~ etc etc etc.

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PvP was dead on arrival when they decided to format the game in a way that refused to force balance where it was _**Fair**_ 2v2-3v3 regardless of class, revolving around enemy player deaths as a win condition. This was important for a MMO's PvP to succeeded unless you make the game a strait MOBA.


They tried the team game thing but with no jousts or any form of _proper_ push and pull.

They tried the conquest thing where rotations, and picking and choosing engagements was important.

They tried to make this game an e-sport despite how hard it is to watch, when the vast majority can't distinguish what is going on; and those already invested struggle find it interesting.


But it was doomed.


The proof of this claim was shown time and again from a few examples like: petting zoo, the exodus of pro players, and the end to ESL, among many others.

The meta shifts, but it's always dominated by the same type of thing, regardless of what face or class you put it on simply because of the nature of the game.


For all the years this game has been out, there has been no direct address to the formula except an attempt at stronghold.

Fact is even is balance is better, even if the game is more fun to play at times; the game and it's type are still bad.


It's the smallest population in game, it's probably the least profitable, and it's the hardest to justify sinking money into; especially when a-net is already needing to push a revenue stream. Majority of the players remaining are the tiny minority who actually enjoy conquest, players who just want to kill players when WvW is a poorly accommodating environment that also requires investment for a proper build, and PvE/WvW players who come looking for rewards.


Dead in the traditional sense? No, probably not. Maybe even their numbers grow. But PvP is irrelevant to the point where it might as well be dead.


I optimistically think it could make a come back, and maybe even be e-sport level... But the core issues need to be fixed.

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The competitive scene is dead and gone. Most good players left. The few remaining are getting more bitter everytime. The fact that i got plat now 2 seasons in a row does not feel like an accomplishment, more like everyone above me just left. Getting gud is irrelevant, so where is the point in PvP then?

It feels like Anet wishes that sPvP and WvW would not exist at all any more, so they would not have to consider those modes even a bit in there game design. The obsidian weapons show that. It is just depressing. I feel like i am not wanted as a player who likes competition.


I am glad that still some ppl enjoy it for very casual PvP, but that's not enough for a healthy and enjoyable PvP community imho.


I also kinda feel bad for the guys working in the pvp team in anets side. They must feel abandoned too, since they are so limited in there possibilities.

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> @"Guizao.4167" said:

> The situation is far worse than it appears to be. There used to be much more people playing PvP everyday when hotjoin was a thing. I'm not gonna deny that diversity didn't exist back in 2012 but it was better than what we have now. Since the trait revamp the PvP scenario has been seeing a huge decrease in numbers of active players. Then came HoT specs and everything went from bad to worse. Why do you guys still insist on promotting this sick meta? Shouldn't a profession be able to deal damage just like any other? Why certain professions do better than other in specific roles? - The pace which balance patches are delivered is very low, but when it hits, BAM, another meta. Always the same thing. And old people that once played PvP are not coming back because of this meta promotion. It's not healthy for the game and everyone knows it. But I don't see devs creating threads regarding this subject on the professions' forums. Where's the communication? (**If they once created this sort of discussion, please, let me know**).

> I'm not holding my hopes high for the next week, but I sincerely wait for a more fair and deeper approach to the existing specializations, including the core ones.


They already stated that they won't do anything about trash balance in next patch.

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> @"dragonkain.3984" said:

> > @"Guizao.4167" said:

> > The situation is far worse than it appears to be. There used to be much more people playing PvP everyday when hotjoin was a thing. I'm not gonna deny that diversity didn't exist back in 2012 but it was better than what we have now. Since the trait revamp the PvP scenario has been seeing a huge decrease in numbers of active players. Then came HoT specs and everything went from bad to worse. Why do you guys still insist on promotting this sick meta? Shouldn't a profession be able to deal damage just like any other? Why certain professions do better than other in specific roles? - The pace which balance patches are delivered is very low, but when it hits, BAM, another meta. Always the same thing. And old people that once played PvP are not coming back because of this meta promotion. It's not healthy for the game and everyone knows it. But I don't see devs creating threads regarding this subject on the professions' forums. Where's the communication? (**If they once created this sort of discussion, please, let me know**).

> > I'm not holding my hopes high for the next week, but I sincerely wait for a more fair and deeper approach to the existing specializations, including the core ones.


> They already stated that they won't do anything about trash balance in next patch.


Have you a link please ?

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