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Piken & Gandara... WvW like they did


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Omg drakkar lake 3rd in next mu too. "Help!! doubleteam!! Outrageous, ban them all!!" Kappa.


If I were DL id just drop a few tiers to fight servers like SFR and augury rock to match the skill level.


Gonna be interesting if DL loses this Mu tho because we can get 3 International servers in t1. DL dont do open field, they do "tactics".

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > Haha T1. Piken DL and gankdara are 3 massive servers that, despite having hundreds of active players aren't capable of fielding a single organised group worth fighting.

> > >

> > > Even if you get #1, every german that can play the game knows kodash and RS >> DL.

> >

> > DL though worked hard, they were at the bottom of the food chain before.

> >

> > > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > > got told to share this

> > >

> > > "my zerg rarely died"

> >

> > My zerg rarely did die. 50 vs 15 so proud. big and strong. :P


> That does look like 15 players inside that tower. 2 on the AC and 13 salt bags. Clearly :)

> Also DL is still bottom of the food chain. Just like piken and gankdara.


youre the most reet person ive met on forums in a long time, you sound like someone who plays warrior or scourge, cuz ye, lack of brain

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Today I watched the Green (Gandara) zerg defend Osprey's Palace... which was a Red (Desolation) Keep.


To give more Details, our zerg (Blue) breached outer and inner walls on the Southern side, but got wiped on the lord as more and more Red defenders arrived. No matter, we regroup and attack again (outer walls were still breached, inner walls 50%, zero supplies in Keep). We notice that the Green zerg is inside the outer ring too, doing only some minor skirmishing with the Red zerg (that is inside the inner ring). Seeing us Green pulls back. Ok, we figure, they will probably try to wipe us after we fight with the Red zerg, with the goal of mopping up the survivors and then taking the Keep. But, hey burning down a hostile Keep from fully built up to wood is fine, even if we risk not being the one to capture it, and we might have a slight number advantage, so we attack Red... for Green to attack us from behind.


Ok, so maybe they figured they can take us and the Red zerg, no problem, now that they wiped us they will breach the inner walls and attack, right?


Nope, I watched them for 5(!) minutes (I lay dead on top of a pillar and giving our commander info on enemy zerg position until the forced respawn) run back and forth killing our tricklebacks (and yes, true, the occasional random Red player too, I must be honest), but did they throw or build any siege? Nope. They only ran around before the inner walls of the Red Keep, without even trying to breach them - essentially defending the Red Keep against us. All the tactics (including EWP) had already been actived before, the Keep was at 0 supplies, Red had less defenders inside than the Green Zerg that ran around before the inner walls, AND THEY DID NOT ATTACK.


That, is not "tactical play". That is not "let's you and him fight". That is not letting your opponents weaken themselves against each other, for your own gain.

THAT is simply collaboration of two zergs from diffent servers against the third server. If Green had attacked the Keep after wiping us, I would have understood. But defending a hostile Keep? That is just cheap.

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> @"Cyczer.7834" said:

> > @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

> > This thread is a great example of how NA T1 can deal with its issues.


> U mean intentionally tanking to dodge blackgate?


Nope, I mean purposefully ignore/avoid fights with the problem server and focus on fighting each other. Leave one out until they make changes :)

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Dear DL whining with these posts over and over.... first of all, there is no double teaming going on. Deso/WSR wants fights. If we fight gandara you run from swords and cap T3, easy points i guess. If we fight you its the same with Gandara. That being said.... If you are to be double teamed rest of the week its your own fault. 50 man morning blob doing golem rush on all T3 stuff. Is this a fun way to win? I mean, i know its the only way you can get points, but no more whining threads pls. Whatever is comming, you brought it upon yourselfs.

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> @"Eleison.2918" said:

> Hey,

> I am from Drakkar Lake and since yesterday Piken and Gandara are both pushing against us.


> Ok, its WvW, but hey, is "this" Tier 1 WvW? Drakkar was a Tier 5 server month ago, we never want to rule WvW and now Piken and Gandra cant fight like real men? Are they soooooooo bad? Is this WvW? Two server pushing together against one server?


> Both server united, side by side. This is not WvW like it should be.


Kek, Drakkar talking about fighting like real men. I haven't seen you folks doing anything but run, hide behind your acs and ppt undefended objectives. Specifically on that reset you ran away from *every single fight* in EBG.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Eleison.2918" said:

> > Hey,

> > I am from Drakkar Lake and since yesterday Piken and Gandara are both pushing against us.

> >

> > Ok, its WvW, but hey, is "this" Tier 1 WvW? Drakkar was a Tier 5 server month ago, we never want to rule WvW and now Piken and Gandra cant fight like real men? Are they soooooooo bad? Is this WvW? Two server pushing together against one server?

> >

> > Both server united, side by side. This is not WvW like it should be.


> Kek, Drakkar talking about fighting like real men. I haven't seen you folks doing anything but run, hide behind your acs and ppt undefended objectives. Specifically on that reset you ran away from *every single fight* in EBG.


I am quite sure DL had a K/D of 2.something on EBG last friday. On all BL bad of course, but ebg was over 2.

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**The quality of your server and how to improve**


I am getting a bit sick of all the people whining so much about eachother. Let me try and clear the air.


We have some drama on Gandara now at the moment which all servers suffer from. We have a really large PPT community with many scouts and PPT commanders. Last week we were doing raids on the borderland as a guild and you are just getting flamed for that whilst you haven't done a single fight yet. Servers need to be in healthy condition and for that you need people that PPT, scout, roam and fight. The GvG guilds work for the fighting whilst the more softer guilds work for PPT. This is in good balance. The balance of Drakkar Lake and many other national servers is a bit messed up. This because there is just too many PPT guilds or people that care about PPT. There aren't a lot of GvG/WvW fighting guilds which downgrades the quality of your zergs a lot.


We have the same on Gandara but on a less bigger scale. Now if you want to work on getting more and better fights and to make it "fair". Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Train your people, recruit fighting guilds and make sure your own server is in a healthy state. Fights will then get more fair and you won't have the feeling that you are getting double teamed. Because let's be honest. Everyone just wants easy lootbags, so they fight the weaker server.


Another tip is to get a bit more away from your objectives and actually fight. What I noticed is that most commanders hug towers and keeps to use their siege to an advantage. In this way you never learn how to fight either and you will just get slaughtered on our objective or open field. I hope this information works well for you guys and that the whining on the forums can be reduced. Everyone wants to spend there time in game and not on forums.


Good luck and have fun of what is left over of this match up, hopefully you get back stronger.




Blue, a.k.a. Get on Teamspeak <3

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> @"Malfrador.3615" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Eleison.2918" said:

> > > Hey,

> > > I am from Drakkar Lake and since yesterday Piken and Gandara are both pushing against us.

> > >

> > > Ok, its WvW, but hey, is "this" Tier 1 WvW? Drakkar was a Tier 5 server month ago, we never want to rule WvW and now Piken and Gandra cant fight like real men? Are they soooooooo bad? Is this WvW? Two server pushing together against one server?

> > >

> > > Both server united, side by side. This is not WvW like it should be.

> >

> > Kek, Drakkar talking about fighting like real men. I haven't seen you folks doing anything but run, hide behind your acs and ppt undefended objectives. Specifically on that reset you ran away from *every single fight* in EBG.


> I am quite sure DL had a K/D of 2.something on EBG last friday. On all BL bad of course, but ebg was over 2.


That's not the reset I'm talking about. This was "DL - Deso - Gandara", I'm talking specifically about "DL - Piken - Gandara" one.

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> > @"Malfrador.3615" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Eleison.2918" said:

> > > > Hey,

> > > > I am from Drakkar Lake and since yesterday Piken and Gandara are both pushing against us.

> > > >

> > > > Ok, its WvW, but hey, is "this" Tier 1 WvW? Drakkar was a Tier 5 server month ago, we never want to rule WvW and now Piken and Gandra cant fight like real men? Are they soooooooo bad? Is this WvW? Two server pushing together against one server?

> > > >

> > > > Both server united, side by side. This is not WvW like it should be.

> > >

> > > Kek, Drakkar talking about fighting like real men. I haven't seen you folks doing anything but run, hide behind your acs and ppt undefended objectives. Specifically on that reset you ran away from *every single fight* in EBG.

> >

> > I am quite sure DL had a K/D of 2.something on EBG last friday. On all BL bad of course, but ebg was over 2.


EB on reset is a joke everyone is avoiding EB because all the none TS and pve'rs go there So offcourse you'll have a "Good" KD there. It surprises me that it was only 2 that is pretty bad considering of all the bad players there ;p

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> @"CharonXeno.4869" said:

> Today I watched the Green (Gandara) zerg defend Osprey's Palace... which was a Red (Desolation) Keep.


> To give more Details, our zerg (Blue) breached outer and inner walls on the Southern side, but got wiped on the lord as more and more Red defenders arrived. No matter, we regroup and attack again (outer walls were still breached, inner walls 50%, zero supplies in Keep). We notice that the Green zerg is inside the outer ring too, doing only some minor skirmishing with the Red zerg (that is inside the inner ring). Seeing us Green pulls back. Ok, we figure, they will probably try to wipe us after we fight with the Red zerg, with the goal of mopping up the survivors and then taking the Keep. But, hey burning down a hostile Keep from fully built up to wood is fine, even if we risk not being the one to capture it, and we might have a slight number advantage, so we attack Red... for Green to attack us from behind.


> Ok, so maybe they figured they can take us and the Red zerg, no problem, now that they wiped us they will breach the inner walls and attack, right?


> Nope, I watched them for 5(!) minutes (I lay dead on top of a pillar and giving our commander info on enemy zerg position until the forced respawn) run back and forth killing our tricklebacks (and yes, true, the occasional random Red player too, I must be honest), but did they throw or build any siege? Nope. They only ran around before the inner walls of the Red Keep, without even trying to breach them - essentially defending the Red Keep against us. All the tactics (including EWP) had already been actived before, the Keep was at 0 supplies, Red had less defenders inside than the Green Zerg that ran around before the inner walls, AND THEY DID NOT ATTACK.


> That, is not "tactical play". That is not "let's you and him fight". That is not letting your opponents weaken themselves against each other, for your own gain.

> THAT is simply collaboration of two zergs from diffent servers against the third server. If Green had attacked the Keep after wiping us, I would have understood. But defending a hostile Keep? That is just cheap.


Or... and hear me out here, this might sound crazy to you... we care more about fighting players than capturing objectives. Sure, it can be seen the way you described it when its within the confines of a keep, but even the commander says things like "lets wait for them to run back, so we can fight them again". All a matter of perspective.

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> @"CharonXeno.4869" said:


> That, is not "tactical play". That is not "let's you and him fight". That is not letting your opponents weaken themselves against each other, for your own gain.

> THAT is simply collaboration of two zergs from diffent servers against the third server. If Green had attacked the Keep after wiping us, I would have understood. But defending a hostile Keep? That is just cheap.


The reason why people do this isnt collaboration, it's the fact that only fights we can get against DL is if DL attacks our objectives. In any other situation, your server would just run away and waypoint instantly. There's no way to bring your blob on the map since each of your objectives has 10+ siege and 5+ players defending, which isnt attractive to any server.


If you attack us in our keep, we see a loot bag farm opportunity and I'm pretty sure Gandara saw that too. They didnt come to help us, they came to fight you, and the reason why they didnt take our keep is because their spawn is very far from air and they didnt have any interest in taking keep.

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