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How do you get credit for new current events?

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Some guildies and I did the event later in the evening. One guildie got the mail after changing maps and the other one didn't. I think it may be bugged.


Edit: It is indeed bugged. See this [thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/351688#Comment_351688 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/351688#Comment_351688")

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Yes. Just did an event in Plains of Ashford and two of us got credit for achieves in Zone Defense and the infinite one and two who did it for the first time got credit for Zone Defense but nothing for Awakening Threat which triggers the email etc. All they show is Zone Defense and nothing else in Current Events.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Wasn't fixed for me after the patch. :(



Oh no :(


It was working for me even pre-patch, but I made sure to go on high-aoe characters. My method, successful every time, has been to be in the map before the invasion begins, and combo wp/mount to get to the nearest red swords asap. Drop a springer engage on a cluster, then just keep up all my aoe (first map I used Holosmith so as to get my invasion device faster, thereafter it's been shout/GS Reaper). The moment the local event ends, scan for the next red x cluster and rinse/repeat. Hit at least three events before the invasion ends. I don't think I'm taking away from others by doing this because I am far from one-shotting, and each little event takes a couple of minutes to complete.


If that doesn't work, I fear you may be bugged.

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I just thought I would put this out there. There have been times where got no credit and other times when I did.


The first thing I will say, I got credit when I only participated killing one group. There was only 3 of us so it took the entire time. So killing multiple groups is not the key.


This is purely anecdotal, but I seem to have better luck when using a 2 handed weapon vs a 1 handed. Probably means nothing but there it is.

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