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Crash Issues after January 9th Update [MERGED]

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After I press "play" on the game client, it enlarges the screen and that's where it gets stuck. It freezes my whole system, except the cursor. But thanks to


> Next time it happens for you, if you have Windows 10. Press Ctrl+Windows+D. It will create a new desktop. You can launch task manager there (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and terminate GW2.exe. To switch desktops or delete a desktop press Win+Tab. That way you don't have to reboot the computer.


I don't need to reboot it again.

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I'm having the same problem. random crashing and reboot(blue screen) I have a AMD GPU with 17.7 drivers installed because I learned new adrenalin drivers having problems with directX 9 games which totaly unacceptable. I even created a thread here , so sorry I did not see this thread before


my thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29214/computer-crash-blue-screen-since-2018-windows-10-amd-gpu

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> @"SaskiaElite.8132" said:

> I'm having the same problem. random crashing and reboot(blue screen) I have a AMD GPU with 17.7 drivers installed because I learned new adrenalin drivers having problems with directX 9 games which totaly unacceptable. I even created a thread here , so sorry I did not see this thread before


> my thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29214/computer-crash-blue-screen-since-2018-windows-10-amd-gpu


Make sure to check your ArenaNet logs. Most of us have been getting the same error. However, the recent patches has fixed it for me at least.


> Hold down the Windows button on the keyboard and hit the R key.

> Paste in the following line: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2

> Click “Ok.”

> Locate the "Arenanet.log" (If present) and attach it to your reply.


This is the error most of us was getting.

**Memory at address ffffffff`ffffffff could not be read**

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> @"Xruptor.3965" said:

> > @"SaskiaElite.8132" said:

> > I'm having the same problem. random crashing and reboot(blue screen) I have a AMD GPU with 17.7 drivers installed because I learned new adrenalin drivers having problems with directX 9 games which totaly unacceptable. I even created a thread here , so sorry I did not see this thread before

> >

> > my thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29214/computer-crash-blue-screen-since-2018-windows-10-amd-gpu


> Make sure to check your ArenaNet logs. Most of us have been getting the same error. However, the recent patches has fixed it for me at least.


> > Hold down the Windows button on the keyboard and hit the R key.

> > Paste in the following line: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2

> > Click “Ok.”

> > Locate the "Arenanet.log" (If present) and attach it to your reply.


> This is the error most of us was getting.

> **Memory at address ffffffff`ffffffff could not be read**


well I do not have any arenanet.log file in that folder. I removed the game afterwards to redownload in a future date, maybe thats why? I don't think installers delete such files located in appdata folder. There's only "local.dat" "GFXSettings.Gw2-64.exe" and a empty folder named "Coherent Dumps", nothing else. I played some other games recently like ReCore from windows 10 store and SWTOR, did not get any crashes. so I guess its a problem with GW2 because as I mentioned in my thread there is really nothing is absurd with my computer. plus I recently formatted everything

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I was getting this error after several hours of play until I set CPU affinity to 4 cores. I have not crashed at all in the two weeks since I did that.


You can set CPU affinity for GW2 on any version of Windows by using a shortcut. See Bumblebee's post in this thread, and my reply with the method for the shortcut:

[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/386880](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/386880 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/386880")

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> @"evilsofa.7296" said:

> I was getting this error after several hours of play until I set CPU affinity to 4 cores. I have not crashed at all in the two weeks since I did that.


> You can set CPU affinity for GW2 on any version of Windows by using a shortcut. See Bumblebee's post in this thread, and my reply with the method for the shortcut:

> [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/386880](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/386880 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/386880")


So many computers nowadays run more than four cores. It would be affecting a lot more people if this was the primary issue. Especially since most gamer's use really high end PC's. I just can't picture this being a fix for this particular game for everyone with more than four cores. There has to be another explanation for it. I will admit though I do find the idea and method to fix it ingenious. I never ever thought about setting affinity for a game. I'm glad it solved your problem though.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I posted this elsewhere, but it bears repeating:


> If you're experiencing crashes:


> 1. Are you noticing an increase in crashes in recent days?

> 2. Can you estimate when the increase happened?

> 3. Are you using any third-party programs, particularly ArcDPS? Please name any third-party programs you're using in your crash log/report. (We are looking at the crash issue, not the programs you're using, so please feel free to be candid.)

> 4. If you already have submitted a game report through the crash log, you might consider triggering a new crash so that you can send a report log with the third-party program info in it.


1. Can't say if it is a crash because sometimes the game just stops responding, like I'm having massive lag or something but without showing high ping (maybe the game can't even update ping value). After a while I get DCed or the game just starts responding again with everything moving really fast (like in old comedy movies) like it's trying to synchronize with everyone. It's like everything that happened has gone into a buffer or something, including my actions, and when the game is back everything happens very fast...it would be funny if it wasn't so annoying.


2. Start after last Halloween update and it happens from time to time. Sometimes it doesn't happen for weeks...sometimes it's every day.


3. Nope, removed even MSI Afterburner.


4. No third-party software.

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Since I found out you had started a new thread for the freezes and crashes, which I only noticed after posting in the old thread, I'll repost my message here:


Unfortunately, since a couple of days, the freeze issue is back for me. Actually, it coincides with the introduction of the new Istani Isles Mount Skins on the Black Lion store - whereas the last time we had these screen freezes were when the previous batch of new mount skins were introduced (Mount Adoption License ones on the Black Lion store) - where we finally nailed the freezing issue down to coming from one of the new Jackal skins (which was fixed by Anet in a patch some month or so later, which was the "Fixed a crash in the graphics engine that involved complex material definitions." one).


Which leads me to believe that these New freezes turning up after the latest batch of new mount skins (Istani Isles ones, introduced on March 27th) also comes from one or several of the new mount skins, since it pretty much always happens (like last time) in areas where a lot of people mount up/dismount - like at Tequatl. The issue is so similar, that this time I'll bet my fortune of fancy furniture coins on the new Istani mount skins, which now has had the days needed to trickle out into the wild (aka players using them). Last time I had to stay away from encounters demanding more than a few people for more than a month, I'd rather not like to be forced to do that in a MMO this time. Anet?

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