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Should the ap system be removed from the game ?


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I get that when new players see players with 30k+ AP they can feel discouraged and feel that they will never reach that point. Another way to see this would be to be impressed at how much the game has offered for those players to actually stick to the game and play for so long/much. While it is true that you may never catch up to those players, due to dailies that you just can't catch up, you may reach that level at some point. Maybe not today, nor tomorrow but at some point if you play long enough. I'm a casual player and I've been playing for 3 years now and got almost 10k without trying. You get AP quite steadily if you just play the game.


The 60k is not an impossible bar that players can't reach. It's just Anet thinking ahead and providing players something to work towards. If they had stopped at 30k, the top achievement hunters now would be dwindling their thumbs and possibly even quick the game.


AP does not stop you from enjoying the game by any means. It is pretty much the perfect example of a bonus content. You don't need it for anything. Unless you want the skins that they offer which is well tough. But that can just be something for you to work towards.


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Absolutely NO


Only because we haven't skyrocketed Anet 60k AP reward cap yet does't mean in any kind of way that the system is broken , poorly designed and not very well thought out to thr end - yes maybe, but surely not broken just because it doesn reflect back your personal expectations OP of how much AP players should have by now.


The issue is not the amount of AP, we can have so far, the issue is more the lack luster designed reward system behind the achievement point, which feels absolutely underwhelming and not worth the time investment...


Getting 2 Gold for getting 500 AP feels ridiculous compared to the fact, that you can get daily 2 Gold already for like 30 minutes or lesser time investment of doing 3 daily achievements, while it takes a player alot more time to get 500 AP together.

The Reward System for AP needs to get improved retroactively. The AP rewards need to reflect more the three game modes in my opinion based on your own choice of which one you prefer.

Lets take WvW for example.. yes we get blueprints from the chest, but instead of rewardign us for WvW with something more meaningful, so higher the tier of the reward chest gets, so much anet just increases only the amount of blueprints and badges, when there could be just more meaningful rewards for WvW, than just only more badges and more blueprints


I could write down here now an example of how it could look like, but i think its more important that Anet realizes it for themself how they need to make their Ap rewards more appropriate for the effort it takes to get the amount of Ap required to get the chests

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> It shouldn't be removed but it should be changed/improved!

> 1. AP should be hidden from other players. I have been playing since beta but I only have 13k AP simply because I'm not an achievement hunter in MMOs. I don't want people to judge me by my AP.

> 2. Rewards should be reworked and increased. Why can't we unlock the whole Hellfire/Radiant armor sets before 10k? The AP requirements for these items are unrealistic and most people will never fully unlock them.


I have less AP than you and I have never once been judged for it - this is nonsense.

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> @"DakotaCoty.5721" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > It shouldn't be removed but it should be changed/improved!

> > 1. AP should be hidden from other players. I have been playing since beta but I only have 13k AP simply because I'm not an achievement hunter in MMOs. I don't want people to judge me by my AP.

> > 2. Rewards should be reworked and increased. Why can't we unlock the whole Hellfire/Radiant armor sets before 10k? The AP requirements for these items are unrealistic and most people will never fully unlock them.


> I have less AP than you and I have never once been judged for it - this is nonsense.


Some people in Fractals/Dungeons used to request a minimum AP to join the party. It is not done as much now because it is now mostly understood that AP doesn't equal skill. So in fairness to @"Mea.5491" , it used to be done. It may not be explicit, but people would basically be like: "You don't have enough AP so you can't join". We know that they were probably thinking: " You don't have enough AP, so you're awful".


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I don't see it as "obviously broken." The whole AP thing is kind of ho-hum for me. I rarely chase achievements unless it something I want to do anyway or the reward is so absolutely phenomenal that I just can't pass it up (only once or twice so far). I am not really devoted to the daily AP thing. Sometimes I do it...sometimes not. I don't pay much attention to the AP numbers for others and, on any given day, don't know exactly how many I have (I can usually guesstimate within about 1K). I could understand if there was some crucial game-related rewards or content locked behind AP. But as far as I can tell, it's only the skins that you get and those are not that great.


In terms of discrimination in PUGs...I have to admit that I don't do PUGs so I can't speak to that. But in open world events and metas, I've never once had anyone mention my AP level or the AP level of anyone else, at least in any chat that I could see.


Bottom line for me personally, I don't see the problem.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> Absolutely NO


> Only because we haven't skyrocketed Anet 60k AP reward cap yet does't mean in any kind of way that the system is broken , poorly designed and not very well thought out to thr end - yes maybe, but surely not broken just because it doesn reflect back your personal expectations OP of how much AP players should have by now.


> The issue is not the amount of AP, we can have so far, the issue is more the lack luster designed reward system behind the achievement point, which feels absolutely underwhelming and not worth the time investment...


> Getting 2 Gold for getting 500 AP feels ridiculous compared to the fact, that you can get daily 2 Gold already for like 30 minutes or lesser time investment of doing 3 daily achievements, while it takes a player alot more time to get 500 AP together.

> The Reward System for AP needs to get improved retroactively. The AP rewards need to reflect more the three game modes in my opinion based on your own choice of which one you prefer.

> Lets take WvW for example.. yes we get blueprints from the chest, but instead of rewardign us for WvW with something more meaningful, so higher the tier of the reward chest gets, so much anet just increases only the amount of blueprints and badges, when there could be just more meaningful rewards for WvW, than just only more badges and more blueprints


> I could write down here now an example of how it could look like, but i think its more important that Anet realizes it for themself how they need to make their Ap rewards more appropriate for the effort it takes to get the amount of Ap required to get the chests


It used to be better, but then they gutted it.

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AP system should simply changes.

Currently it allows players to get:


* Achievement Chests

* Titles

* Weapon Skins

* Armor Skins


Through time gate ( since 15k AP in 1500 days are definitely absurds ) obviously.


It should be instead something which gives players extra rewards, but that can be obtained through the game.

So, it should be limited to achievement chests only, and why not in terms of total AP leaderboards ( as currently is ).


Titles, Weapons and Armors should be avaible to all players through


* Crafting

* Mystic Forge

* A specific Achievement

* A specific Chain Achievement


Daily Cap could be removed ( so if you want to pursue achievement chests through also dailies you should be able to do this ), and new players won't need a buff or more APs because these will only be related to chests ( and a 1% extra luck/karma/gold ).



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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> It shouldn't be removed but it should be changed/improved!

> 1. AP should be hidden from other players. I have been playing since beta but I only have 13k AP simply because I'm not an achievement hunter in MMOs. I don't want people to judge me by my AP.

> 2. Rewards should be reworked and increased. Why can't we unlock the whole Hellfire/Radiant armor sets before 10k? The AP requirements for these items are unrealistic and most people will never fully unlock them.


AP's don't in any way judge you on skill or experience and therefore your argument is moot

Some things in MMO's are made to be just a little more challenging or require more effort or need more time and activity to achiev.. that way not everyone in game gets to run around looking the same, it might motivate some to put that little bit more into the game because they want it and in doing so keep the concurrent logins data looking good. As we all know the, the more time we spend in game the more likely we are to spend real money or perhaps reduce our currency that much more in game so we might spend real money somewhere down the line.

A business needs hooks and limited or harder to obtain items are just one of those hooks.

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Higher base AP, lower Daily AP, and rework the system to accomodate, The daily AP increase the overall requirement for the rewards. It also makes it harder and harder for new players to ever reach the higer rewards, the longer you don't play the less you will be able to get from those rewards, they are basically time based.

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This poll has nothing to do with any vocal majority or minority wantying AP's removed..

Previous poll by OP outlined wanting to buy AP's for money.. yes wanted to buy them. Now after an unfavourable response to that poll, a new poll putting removal of AP's out there.. hmm I smell envy and grudges, nothing more.


Nothing wrong with AP system that a few minor tweaks might resolve.

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Absolutely not. It needs to be fixed in some way but not removed because many people [including me] use them as goals so if it wasn't for AP, people would lose sense of accomplishment in a way as there is nothing else in GW that you can have that sticks out as Anet pretty much doesn't let players be different from each other skin-wise, meaning I have 35k ap, I unlocked Season 1 skins and instead of them being just for those players so they can have something special that says "hey i've been there", people can now just buy them for laurels. So really besides AP, vets have no ways of showing they've been in the game longer than someone who came year or so ago.


Edit: Plus on top of it all, I've worked for my AP since day 1. There are only 21 days in total that I didn't login over 5+ years, so for them to remove AP would make me furious.

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I don't know if the system if poorly designed or not. All I know is people is continuously whining about APs in forums and even in chat. I never see anything positive in regard to APs. I would love for it to just disappear. I'm sorry but I really don't see any value on the system.

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The only thing wrong with the Ap system, is the AWFUL amount of AP that is inaccessible to new players (or even old ones that, like me, didn't want to play that content).

There's hundreds of AP points on retired achievements from LS1 and Monthly achievements (although the later are tied to the daily cap), also there's like 500 points tied to playing gw1. I agree with the HoM rewards, not the achievement points.

Another thing, is that, because of lot of the stuff i mentioned was added before they had the "achievement reward tracks" old achievements award **a lot** more points than current similar stuff. Which just makes it that more impossible to catch up with the top players.


So yeah, some revision on those standards might be worthwhile, but otherwise, it's a well put system.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I don't know if the system if poorly designed or not. All I know is people is continuously whining about APs in forums and even in chat. I never see anything positive in regard to APs. I would love for it to just disappear. I'm sorry but I really don't see any value on the system.


Strange I cant remember seeing either of that in game or out.. as to value.. they are goals, not things you can flick through and obtain in a heart beat.

Some are easy, some require effort, some require time and patience.. some require all three elements.

Different horses for different courses. If your not motivated to do them then don't, you don't need them they are just an assortment of things to do, especially in between content updates.


Casual players to hard core players and everyone in between can travel the AP system at whatever speed they like - doesn't mean its broken or if anything indeed needs tweaking.. its worked for many of us since launch. New players just have to make the same choice us vet players had to take when we started down the AP highway.. do I want it or not.. its a simple decision.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> The only thing wrong with the Ap system, is the AWFUL amount of AP that is inaccessible to new players (or even old ones that, like me, didn't want to play that content).

> There's hundreds of AP points on retired achievements from LS1 and Monthly achievements (although the later are tied to the daily cap), also there's like 500 points tied to playing gw1. I agree with the HoM rewards, not the achievement points.

> Another thing, is that, because of lot of the stuff i mentioned was added before they had the "achievement reward tracks" old achievements award **a lot** more points than current similar stuff. Which just makes it that more impossible to catch up with the top players.


> So yeah, some revision on those standards might be worthwhile, but otherwise, it's a well put system.


This I can get behind.. maybe some level of tweaking to either make up the shortfall of retired AP's for new players or some form of scav hunt for players who joined after a certain date to provide an appreciation of things like LS1 Scarlets War etc..


Games do move on and late joiners sometimes just have to grin and bear it... thankfully lost AP's don't detriment their game in any way.

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