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Unlimited VOLATILE Tools

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We know that you are going to come out with these. Since we have to pay so many gems, could you please release them soon. I get that you want us to spend karma and you want it to look like the population is great while we keep redoing hearts but I'd really like to get the most out of these tools since I will be spending real money. I think anyone farming for the gems would also appreciate it but I can't speak for them.


Please and thank you. cheers:)

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Oh I get that. That's why I bring this up. LS3, we didn't even know if they were going to be a thing so we were all ok with them coming out when they did. This time around, it's not a surprise. They already have a routine for this stuff so now we know they are just holding out like they did in LS3. I'm asking that they don't because I don't believe it's good practice. The second they decided to come out with a new currency for LS4, they should have had the unlimited tools ready. Holding out only is most likely due to the reasons I mentioned above and little need for gem store items with all the things they have had since PoF.


I know that I probably won't change their mind but I figured I'd at least try. I mean, if I have to do the heart/karma routine for the next 3-4 months I may even be so loaded with Volatile magic or fed up with it that I'll save my money on the tools:)

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> I find that my unbound magic items aren't as valuable to me now than they were before. By delaying the release of the volatile magic tools, they may be reducing the value of them.


Or increasing the value of the things we buy with volatile magic.

(If things are too-easily obtained, we tend to under-appreciate them.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> (If things are too-easily obtained, we tend to under-appreciate them.)


That's true but I don't see that as an issue here since its the specific map currencies that draw the real interest. I always felt that for the most part those were balanced fairly well in LS3 and so far in LS4. As long as those are kept reasonably achievable and still something we desire, they will continue to draw most of our interest. On top of that, when I bought the unlimited unbound tools, I was super excited to go out and collect Unbound magic from everything and I still have that excitement when I use them now. I continue to love seeing that extra loot. I don't see that changing for the Volatile tools.


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> @"Earlywood.7438" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > (If things are too-easily obtained, we tend to under-appreciate them.)


> That's true but I don't see that as an issue here since its the specific map currencies that draw the real interest.

It's a combination. When LS3 started, people often asked, "how do I obtain unbound magic quickly". Now, people don't much ask for that. The limiting factor is the specific map currency, because people farm berries or use unlimited tools. It's also trivial to convert unbound into gold.


It's not necessarily bad, but neither is it necessarily good to make things easier to obtain. We humans are a fickle lot and there's a very narrow window between "it's too easy" and "it's too hard", especially when it comes to in-game rewards (whether random drops, currency purchases, or collection/scavenger hunt activities).


In other words, you might not see _this_ as an issue, but ANet (looking at the bigger picture) does. I don't always agree with the details of how they try to protect us from ourselves, but I support the principle: making things easier doesn't always make things more fun.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> In other words, you might not see _this_ as an issue, but ANet (looking at the bigger picture) does. I don't always agree with the details of how they try to protect us from ourselves, but I support the principle: making things easier doesn't always make things more fun.


There is always a bigger picture. We can only hope that ANeT can see it since they have all the data points that we don't see. Unfortunately, they have shown time and time again that they are not perfect and this is completely reasonable. Our part in this is not to sit back and say they got this handled. This is the whole point of the forums. We stress our concerns and give ANet even more data that they can either disregard or maybe, just maybe use it to take a lot at some of their data points that they may have overlooked. In this case, I'm hoping that they consider player satisfaction towards in game bought items may be more important than the potential depreciation of Volatile magic from releasing them earlier in LS4 then they did in LS3.


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> @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

> The question is, what does Volatile Magic give us that Unbound Magic doesn't, and is that enough value to drop another 2-3k gems on another set of unbreakable harvesting tools? I'll admit, I haven't farmed up enough VM to buy my the first home node yet, but...are there going to be long term benefits for VM over UM?


This is a good question. My hope is that volatile magic doesn't become Unbound Magic 2. I hope it gets used for different purposes.

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