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[Question] 500 Jewelry


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So I know I'm not the first nor am I going to be the last to ask this question.


Why is it we can't make ascended Jewellery?


I mean buying it from a vendor is cool and all but I would like to have the option of crafting the pieces instead of having to come on once a day and farm season 3 areas just to get one single piece of gear. It would be great to have the option much like the weapon and armor crafters to have the ability to craft the ascended trinkets. So people would have the option to either go do fractals, pvp, wvw, grind season 3, or craft them. Even if its expensive to craft the items I don't think the community would mind just having that option available to them.


I know I cant be the only one feeling a little burned out with the constant need for the status items that cant be crafted.


I would like to hear from other members of the community regarding this topic.


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Mostly because there are so many other sources already, ANet would have to revisit an entire list of acquisition methods. For example, although rings aren't all that valuable any more, they are part of the fractal reward system. Making them craftable would change that. I don't mean it's necessarily all that earth-shattering, just that it isn't something they can do at the drop of the hat.


So "ascended trinket acquisition" falls into that business-decision black hole known as "if ain't broke, don't craft it."

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"Samnang.1879" said:

> > technically incorrect since we can make aurora now


> Isn't it technically legendary, though?


Was not talking about the Legendary trinkets. I'm referring to crafting ascended trinkets, ring and amulets. Not to mention not everyone has the time to devote to making legendary.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Mostly because there are so many other sources already, ANet would have to revisit an entire list of acquisition methods. For example, although rings aren't all that valuable any more, they are part of the fractal reward system. Making them craftable would change that. I don't mean it's necessarily all that earth-shattering, just that it isn't something they can do at the drop of the hat.


> So "ascended trinket acquisition" falls into that business-decision black hole known as "if ain't broke, don't craft it."


I do agree but some of it but having the option there for people to be able to craft it would make some of the more tedious status related items less of a hassle to acquire.

Right now its either farm fractals, farm pvp, or farm wvw . The system is set up right now that its a small wall to get the weapons and armor and a huge wall to get the trinkets.


I would add guild missions into the argument but that also can only get some of the less useful trinkets.

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> @"Deamon.5843" said:

> a huge wall to get the trinkets.


Um, it takes far less effort to get enough LS3 map currency to get HoT/Core trinkets than to make HoT/Core weapons. PoF trinkets have fewer options, but then again, there's less need for PoF trinkets too, plus we just started LS4, so I expect we'll see some alternatives showing up in future maps.


Again, I would love to see ascended trinket crafting. I just can't imagine it's worth ANet's time.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Deamon.5843" said:

> > a huge wall to get the trinkets.


> Um, it takes far less effort to get enough LS3 map currency to get HoT/Core trinkets than to make HoT/Core weapons. PoF trinkets have fewer options, but then again, there's less need for PoF trinkets too, plus we just started LS4, so I expect we'll see some alternatives showing up in future maps.


> Again, I would love to see ascended trinket crafting. I just can't imagine it's worth ANet's time.



But if you have the extra materials which some people (including myself) have why not have the option to craft it at the same time you are farming. For me at the very least its just a matter of convenience and at the same time giving a long neglected crafting profession a little deserved love.


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It does, but there's also plenty of people who don't or can't get on daily reliably, or want to farm daily on 5 different characters to get those trinkets, and also have a stockpile of ascended daily cooldowns they could make use of. Or even a collection or other method of gaining ascended trinkets that can have hots and pof stats on them. At the moment, if you want hots stats on a trinket, it's fractals, LS3, or pvp. And generally if your getting it to advance in fractals, you won't be able to generate pristine relics at anything approaching a decent rate.

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